Wingham Times, 1892-04-29, Page 11' I OL. XXI --NO 18 WI II !I, ONT FRIDAY, APRIL 29,1892. The quality of our Carpets has been ;growing with the quantity. The newest designs Are here ready for your inspec- tion and your buying. They come to ue. in direct importations from, abroad and from the makers at home. Carpets can be ordered now and held until want; ,ed ; cut and matched to your order, The Lace Curtains, CurtainNetts end .Art Mullins are going rapidly. and are .diving Satisfaction to the moat exacting. Gloves tomatch h enY cwst at e tha t,s ' the burden of our messnge.to you today *-in Kid, Fish or Silk. Everybody wears Hose. We have got full range, every size, ribbed and plain and we want to tell you that we will guarantee every pair fest black, and if it is not .so, we will return your money.. That means a great deal. We do not forget you, men. We've, got everything you want, Our Gent's Furnishings were never so complete and our ordered department is rushing. • Groceries, fresh and oitmplete as ever, Shop early. Secure -prompt ,delivery, This store clews at seven. ORR & HISCOCIIS, • Direct Importers. The Bean,April 21,1892. LOCAL NEWS. f -The welcome sh wer ofrain =Wed-,nesday night will d a great deal of good. Cash for good butter and eggs at R A Gra m's, Market Grocery. —A. large stoc of new books has beer& purchased and p coed in the Mechanics' Instptrto library Itis expect d that the new Bank of Hamilton buil ng will be ready for oe- oupation in ab ut two months. —One Horse Wagon wanted. Apply to -120, Wingharn P. O. • —The clouds of dust on 'Wednesday . were very diel) reoable, and many were , tis fiquiries f r the watering cart. —A numbs of Ocldfellows of town joined their rethren in Lueknow, last ' Sunday,and attended divine service in that town. -For first•cla'as tailoring and cheap gents', ,furnishiugs, try Webster & Co, ltem.ember the place, only two doors north Of' the old stand and between Ross' book - 'store and Halsted & Scott's bank. '' � Dr Horsey, of wen Sound, son-in-law of Dr Macdon d, of this town, gave a gold medal to a awarded for oratory at ,the Owen So nd Collegiate I titate• Theiere e ght .contestants, ech#Aof whom' deliver d two orations, AP, Robertson, .. Maryborough td* ,, i ' Wellington c unty, being awarded: �x'-'` 4. -Maitland Lodge, Nb 119, I 0 0 F al celebrate the 'ard anniversary of tee fr etitution of On fellowship iu America, 11S attending' 'vi tion tiztd: Ich b , m.• The s Watso,iitF,'� o the Order wii `Meet at the lodge roorn at 2.30 p na., --G T It trains for Toronto feud east leave, Wingham at 6,30,a, tn and 11.10 a m vitt'W G cot 13 Division, and at '0.45 a m and 8.45 :p ne, ' via Clinton and Guelph. Gro connections by all trains. Messrs Van: one Bros, of .Kincardine, aye purchase the Winghaiu Marble 'Works front M' r T Watson, and have ',•' kten pooeession These gentlemen are practical wort: n t�rxd have had lopg ' experience in ria r tee, and know all its requireniettt r ` ' wish them suc- cess. Mt T T W, will remain with th as traveller doe service in the Congrega. Sunday, May 1st, at 3 p will be preached by Rev e pastor. The members •--`.1'he follow n officers were elected at the rogula:Y ni sting of Anchor of of hope lodgo,I 0 T, held an Wednes- day evening; Wm iioncl, C T; Minnie Hunter, ' T; i i Lloyd, S ,I 'I; R .7 13 Biliott, F S; Lot :or; Ed Sherman, in, .Marshal; Sarah McGuire, Sentinelr take place neo meeting. Twelve ue v members wor initiated, one re.insti ;.sand a number OIL of propositions elan ittnll. The lodge �]aow numbers t13 me ,+ tit, th of whom, Awe ad►nitle'.l Burin the pest six rmoxttba. M'e0lyuiont, l;. S; do Watcher, Trees Chaplain; ;3 ++ Troves, Guard; Se •'I e installation w —Rev It McQoeh, to Orly of this town, has removed to Chat wm,, to assume the oliarge lately tlki.ed BC,/ l 11 Martie. --Baby oarriaee8 just to. baud, 10 per cent off for shot oaa11, a.t S GlaAoaria. -4::1110113104 Court +aa held in, the town hell, on R'ednesdwy. last; Mudge Doyle itreaiding, Q.eite a number of cases were 4110o1)e4 of, —The Mitchell 3eoorder was bought: b Dr, Hurlkltrt, of Mitohell, at the eheriif's sale, last. 'eek, for the Liberals of the town and x. ltyity, —Good o d brick imitate rent iu the nUrth. end of the town. ; Apply to Pram, DEANS, —Ur 3obn Warr', who left for Victoria, I3 0, a few weeks ,go, has arrived there and be writes he lime the country well, and has a good sit' ation. —Mr Wm 13on I, an employee of the Union furniture f.Ytory, bad the mister. tune to have.three:fingers of his right Floud badly lacerated by -a saw, on Wednesday morning last, complete assortment of garden and vegetable seecis,bv the ounce, pound or parcel, at Chisholm's Corner Drug Store, —Mr. D. D. Wilset, of Seaforth, com- menced buying egg by weight, on Mon- day last, Mr Richardson, of Walkerton, and Mr Moore, oil St. Marys, are also buying in this way —A. meeting of t Winghanr Temper held oil Wednesda empowering the 1, by way of loan o MISS VII 'A. SCATHING Miss L M P� tarso, lectured the Temperan evening in the Pel hall was crowded god u good audience gr though• being in en they did not app chestra gave sone Music, Mr Stall entitled, ":folly fd?'PS! LFO PURE,, VOSI rtA OP Tut'.. L1iiJOIi T1tAonc, elute of frit Catbarines, Ou'• tore on Monday evenid in Iiall,`and on Tudsday tshyterian church. The n Monday and a very Nei her on Tnesday. ttt�. larger h sir m - ar rip litany. The or - very ;geed seleetious of mors: Alguew sang a solo Facts Tars are we." The M'fieses: Wateodgavo au instrumental deet and sang'fj,asboard Watch." The various. 'clergy men we' 'e on the platform and as- sisted in the opening exercises, Rev Mr Sellers occup_�ing the chair on Tnesday "eveniug. The auspices of the flouts taken were met. On Monday eve to prove three everything is set suasion is a gran enough. 3, Tha must be settled needless to say With the claw a great era Welty, with fir y across me e. Qharebolders of the Whey be who use:nh all Oompauy was England'eorown ell sick and died, mes- last, .when 'a bylaw sages of coetdolenc. were wired from all irecto're to borrow 1$400 parts of the world. nett there was rail. the property was con• reading and its w• udrous feats, through Armed. f the efforts' of a George Stephenson and a Jas Watt. Cotlnp, 'e this age with previous niza its greatness be, its. ttutioue.., The moving of and the• :light. Political W T YATF.S, lecturer Came under the C T Uuioa. The collec- iberal and the expenses ng, Miss Phelps offered rapesitions, 1. That ed by law. 2. Moral and. good thing, bat not these moral questions at the ballot box. It ie, they were clearly proved. of the 10 1i century came wondrous progress. .Ela is power of flashing sympa. sand connecting continents. as their presumptive to —I have the largest and best selected stook of Dinner,, Tea and Toilet Sets ages and we res that has evor been shown -en town; away democratic ins down in price. Call and see them. the masses t advances have been the milestouea of the —The celebrated lion Oarliele's.the.1,ra Wilson, of Seaforth; Windham during Swartz's hotel on eachweek. --Conductor Su run, between Tor Monday last. H to Toronto short! Wiugham and v* him from the t The China House, andard, bred stale r . of ,.M ._ t r Robert y R gill make a stand e season, being at ng 'ednesday night of. der assumed his new uto and Stratford, on twill remove his family �. His many friends in inity will be sorry to lose 1n, Plants (Flowers and Vegetables) -.Early Jersey Cabbage, earliest Dwarf Erfurt Cauliflower - . owdril;t and new Collosal Stocks. uffant's Pcoopy Flowered White and C: mine Asters are now ready for sale. .d: few:house plants for sale. Orders a be left at Ur John Galbraith's store. T C GRAHAM, Lower Wingham. r n chat -v Messrs sRe 1 Fb , 11 devote the month yham,21.'lie services will be held uuder ' a.e atitepices of the `Presbyterian, Metho.ist, Congregational and 13aptist denomi latiotrs of the town.' hey will commence their labors on Sun. y next, May 1st. M i) —Mr Geo-oI an formerly of this town, but now of •C nnipeg, has been in town tor' a day or se shaking: hands with old friends. He is engaged in the cattle business, and is dc- n here 'buying fat sheep for the' western market. Ile is delighted with Ma itoba, and Says that a man has ten chces there to One he has here to make oney. =Tho celebrated ev1 Bunter and Crossley,w of May to work in Wits --W I' Bracken ire has a lot of Oil Paintings; also,a few 13eautiful.Artotypee, which he is aelling. very cheap, I have a large stook of ,Moulding ot1 hand, and I am making Picture Frames to order. rho- tography in all its branches from militia. tures to life size. Call and see what I have when in town, W F linocstzxsaxnn, Beaver Block, �Vingham. 14'lasT QoNGukGATIONAL O$t ucil, WeenorAwr.---W. 11. Watson Faster. Ser- vices each Sunday at 11 a. tn: and 7 p, in, Sabbath School and Bible class at 12.30. Prayer I'deeting every Wednesday at 7.30 p. ni. Seats free. Strangers wel- come, Sunday, May- 1st, Communion after morning service There will be no ;service in Lower WI igharn nest Sab- bath. Servioo to Odbfcllows at 3 p tn. , Wiles t co an. '- Will you It d the war w ? • • no signal perhaps of the urc ap:roach of that more 'orrible disease 'en lnption. Ask your kelves if you can i,: ord for, the sake of s vng 300;, to rt . t risk and do nothing it, We k w fr n experience that tl itch's Cu. will cu your cough. It e ar fails ages I the t rd In le y s e ay were governments by the soverei, autoey'atrecand despotic. • In the to day goy rimed' by the people, for the people. S. has it been tending from th days o y u f G sees and Rome on to the present. As .f a nation, so of the individual. Civil life baa gathered up these advances . d embodied tbem in Tawe; Upon the :e civil questions Britain's history bas bee built. Such is this ques- tion of prohibit on and the destruction of the liquor traffi , We are brought to face this question a common manhood, worldwide. It is not a queltion of one nation, neither of i dividuality,bnt of state and national suo ess or of decay. That which destroys on nation effects mankind at large. A contr at was made between fifty years ago a. i now and the immense progress made t ward this corporate aa,, tion shown. Ev' euce of leading physicians issue on such men as Drs on.. and others. Civil law is and thus makes eduea,. he lecturer said she was nd prove the evils of e agreed on them. nd where we may , She laid d down oral issues, moral. lines. 2. With the es, civil Iaw gathers ents. Anglo-Saxons g:tbe means whereby me entrenched and gth lies. The founda• iltee act passed in the IIt tieing the first legal - rink iu England. 'Those cute law have the power s the people, throth that made it, and. heir repre eutativet wits an attempts to" crease the revenue s never so costly,,' is. Remember Ldl` "Luxury, my Lor ;. e suppressed, let the wilt." England has "oft a s curse ton her fatt7er vvenu w vv u s u sum traffic, „It sur will is over, G. p wirework of 22 year this law is on :Tier Wliilttier said, "14'riel voted (town, but granted licenses f took nlillious of lives to pay for United Sottas, theloss iu tnoq- and lives to ()uteric during these years The man who makes a compromise wt sooner eir later be . swamped. Daniel ' ebeter was suck a man. The political p rty that does so will yet be swamped, Tie' e is a party grow- ing now, backed by th Women's Christian Temperauce Union a d by the worneu of the land that will ye break existing par- ties. If the saloon- in this town of Wing. ham are doing as m ' oh good as the churches they would not n: ed public protection, If a church is built near your property, tlpat property is in,reased fn value, If a saloon is rented near you, your property falls in value, so along the lines of political economy the salon is a nuisance. This is a moral question, yet ,x iorat suasion is insufficient! The eat living heart of humanity went to wo and 220.000 wear- ing the blue ribbon sero ' hard to persuades but the saloons did not r ie—they prosper. ed. They,were legalize • and did more harm than we could o good as moral suasion lives. We believ= in moral suasion lines for the drunkard, b tin legal suasion for the drunkard maker You never beard a single salooq keeper ! eland his business on moral lines. "If I don't sell, some one else will," and so he makes a martyr of himself to save his cense austairreci mud twenty shillings, It Ilars and thoueaudee of the compromise of the 4 and who cap estimate WH LE NO. 10 to us, Then Lad English lady. can: and I said, "It has were, both one love `God and hone an cppeecratign of w had helped thi Tees, Richard gathers up all t tioual progress. not there to stand this habit. All we The question for us differ is "the remed two principles, 1. 1u. forces, along moral advance of moral 188 up moral achieve have been stud tine saloon has wherein their st tiou of it lay i reir;u 'of Edward ising the •sale of who made that li to repeal it. It their representativ the people through can unmake it. 11 regulate morals and i by one act, There w 'habit for natious as t Chesterfield's word s is to be taxed, but v the cost be what i brought a blight a through her infame is to her shame that statute books to legal other rnau, Like the considerate °rocodrl of'the Gauges, •who wept as he swallow d the little pig. Let us have fair discus:'on on these points : 1. What is the saloon? v iustitutiou legalized 300 years ago, with proviso to diseoive its right by public o . inion, It is time to do this now. The se, .ou has pamperized man in In s.home and 'u his citizenship. Has been weighed and f uud wanting. The same power that made au destroy. It is simply a public' notice ` .o quit. 2, What is society ? The organ' g of a contract be.• tween people. Iu ti a garden of Eden Adam knew uo such hiug as society until Bve appeared. S'acjety'ivaiv "made by wo'. man—why not worst u purify it? He who, lives in society . ow s a debt 10 it. We t i re o aborti r a no rn 11G o u lie e . We h ve ] should bear one sh re in its labors and sac- rifces, If the liqu r traffic is doing this, thou let it stand. f not, put it down, This is a society right, Last year iu Canada, liquor orst more than all Cauada's•bread, schaols,cburches aud'min- isters put together. Theta are men toil- ing away down in tlen pits to get coal for our fires to warm us. There are men cutting timber in th forests to build us homes. There are armers sowing and gathering grain to fed us, so every trade is doing this but th liquor saloons. A Mr Ford (then ember for Queen's County) said in lifer, while lamenting the untimely ath of a young man through drink, at there was a fearful responsibility . id upon this deadly traf- fic. Ono of t eir members for Halifax, who was a b ewer, in answer, said his business wa: a respectable one 'and he objected to tl a honorable member. Said Mr Ford: I a. a carriage builder and when I see one f my carriages go roll -r ing down the s' set, with ,pride . I say, there goes my •ork," can you say that of your work wh:n one of your manu- facture goes reeli.g down the street ? One says, "I can d ink or let it alone, If a man goes far, let him suffer for it. I believe in odera tion ' But wo- uffer for it too. Would have been in exist- runkard suffered ? 1t od's economy that no self. We. all live to up - One says, "What have I g►testion ? My son, my --The sttbserib ,other are all free from member of the re is 'snore for you to do aivsx bo returned has given you a vote. furtl st. watching the stoning e was included among A number of u when you refused to c e 1od o I 0 op ble mob cast the hal- ''Lucknow olid Tu nee. The day istom- men and children the W C T Uni Somerset, a cultu forward and s eome." There , on one platform f native land." manhood and th concentration aga'nst the saloons. A Father Cleary, f the Roman Cath chrlroh, came for and to pronounce I.b benediction, find uch a prayer of•pow . r fora 'le blessing on work, have 'z� to see the bday ben the truth of words is being powerfully reveals. "Peace on earth, r ood will to men." Th day is corning vheti memberssent Ottawa ,shall go , ere to place the Go eminent on His shoulders, whose go. ernmont is peace Let us have a fres dedication of ever tbiug to this tad, Thr lecturer wound up a•muiniticent adcire- by reciting part o e the battle hymn o the Republic, "Mi e eyes have seen th glory of the coati of the Lord." lecture delivered o ill appear next week A report of the Tnesday evening Speci Special services in the church of '. services. re annouuced'to he bel le Sacred Heart ((lathe lie) here on next Sunday,May lat, At 10:8 a m, the Sacrific, of the Mass will be of fared up by Rev C B McGee, P 1', S Augustine. Th. subject of the mnorning sermon will be' The parable of tine good shepherd." Th music will be furnished by the chair of of Augustine, and will consist of the-1'liowing: ] yrte, Gloria. Credo, gametes rud Agnes Del by Peter. Offertory hym , Regina Cali Alleluia. Communion h urn ILcoe Pannis. The evening service ill commence at 7 o cloak,. end will be as f ,!lows : Grand Vespers;' Dixir Domivas, eatas Vei, laaudate Pueri and L'andate Oml es according to. the Gre goriau chant. H mu Hoc l)ies,Maguitieat, by Peter. Serra• t subject, “The , Seven : Dolours of Mary. Benediction. O Sala- taries. Hymn, T tam E •go andLandatA. Omnes. A silver c.11ectifO_4 �'- till: '•be taken up at both service l•v free and all welcome. �, lyiiasion Bart concert. Thea fission Band f tike Congrega- tion* 'urch gave an entertainment on Tktu'fsclaj evening, �.^ -,p 1121st;. on China. The audience was la'�ge nd. appreciative, The young peoile anstiered their ques io swell and 'avd ' ch inform ' t n "fie atron Concerning the Celestes .'Empire. Reci- 'tatione and singing' wer 3 both rendered ' heartily. `The Missies `ratson. contribu- ted much to the evening 's entertaiurnent. There were four essays on "Thee First ' Missionaries", "Char apteristics of the• 'Chinese", "Medical M the Chinese need Chris on "`The Opium Tref l John Ritchie, jr, winch with facts and was web duction. All the e ssions", and "why tianity"r A paper, " was , read by was just crowded' worthy of repro-• ays. were good, During an intermissio , a sale of•kinder�.. garten goods made by the Band, took place. The proceeds, bout $155.00,t,'o to missionary work. R Mr McGregor` . and the Pastor gave a few • closing' re-- marks. Mr Thomas De ns occupied the chair. Hunter anti (r'ossley.,, Ilev Mr Hunter wil r each in the'.1 eth . Ip 7 0• �, dist church, on Sunday morning next. and Rev Mr Crossley, in. tine Presbyterian church. • The eveuiug •.ervice will be an-. nounoe of Suuday mo -Ding. A. Pitmen] Sense Of'health'•aud atten.,tunwed and of lire of Syrup t1 nature tt when c°bottles ease told comfort MA of Figs, 9,s it aCts costive or bilious. Fe by all leading druggis r begs leave •to remind stitute that all books o Saturday next at the W. LITHOow. sclay ttight last 'and anized lodge there a he W CT TT inn len govern rue their fighting meet this problem paid the newly or ur day and leave the fraternal visit. oently asked "Do you . —The social. t iestioa settled ?" I my businesa." When of the 4averliic orld's Conference of postponed until th onement de —The firemen their arrange= be givet by the members tend of May, the many ring the present text month lave about c ts for the ttier the poet, a verument has kil e wroug doing to who is e.t the helm ? St1011 ail extent, Let al give, vou two bits the S 0 wo er of history, one in tem ow t Canada and oue • thee forget liv112 the States. In 1705, the republic was in a dilemma ; they ha to vote ou license tuul on the slave quo ion. They voted They voted slavery been. se they must lieve cotton and could et get cotton arguments. In 1703 cam in Niagara, Ontario, the same questio 81avery Was holp poor crushed I years ago, Lloy ' loss of friends bet I glory of accomplish wish you had a ham day. 'The world is our convention welt God spoke to her It is allover." .Ir Birthday celebrat on which is to d, does thee forget . in Lown under th r uuspioes. It is So we say now to and to ail, "Does pedal that the pi granitue will consist the holm ?" God, of Toot ball 'Leitrim tent forlocal amateur hes, foot racer, ob- ien'e coupling race, <anomie concert will humanity. iPorty now he lives in the PmPtog, ozo. P victory. ou will be given rin during the day, and in the work some the proeoedin vs will 'be brought to rotting better. At a °lose by a grand two women speak. hall at night, for w ored roman born foreign Wait is bei n, went 4ia watAt women. pereon holding th spoke trance to the k oncert in the town ' the beet local an.1 presmted to the toky tioket for en-