HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1972-01-13, Page 1AV t•Tui; .
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A brief glimpse, of Austra-
lia was given to the members of
the Seaforth .Hospital Auxiliary
when they met for. their January
meeting on Tuesday evening.
Dr. Stanley J. Alkemade,
presently evith ^the Seaforth Vet-
erinary Clinic, showed pictures
of his' native city of Melbourne
and presented a commentary on
the pictures and life in Australia.
He was introduced by Mrs.
Johe lairnbull and thanked 'by
,Looks For
Winner ,
• Whole No. 5418
Reeve Of Stanley Elected Huron Warden
Elmer Hayter, the `53year
old Reeire of Stanley Township,
was elected Warden of Huron
Cpunty in a two-way contest
which left challenger Roy Patti-
son, East Irawanosh Reeve, trail-
ing by 24 votes:
After members of county
council had voted, the tally show-
ed a score of 32 votes for Reeve
Hayter and eight for Reeve pat-
tison, an over-whelming victory
for the Stanley reeve whO lost out
to Jack Alexander last year when
Goderich Reeve Paul Carroll
broke a tie by casting a deciding
Reeve Hayter was nominated
by Everett McIllwale for 'the post
after nine years onCounty council
• and service on many committees.
Reeve Pattison's nominator was
Bob Lyons,. 'reeve of West Waw-
' Present in the large audience
on hand for the election was the
Warden's wife Norene; his three
:sons, Allan, .Gerald and Robert
and their wives; his eldest dau-
ghter, Donna iVisBeath and per
husband; and ,his youngest dau-,
'ghter , Anne.
addressing count the
War en said that he hop at
sign is at railroad crossings
would become a concern of coun-
cil. Warden Hayter noted that
four level crossings already have
Signals but said there are 10 more
to be equipped.
The new Warden also-suggest-
,ed a managed maintenance study
for the road department of Huron
County. He said -wages and ad,- ,
ministration costs are rising but
allotments from the government
are not.
Discussing the official county
' plan, Warden Hayter said there
is need to keep the plan flexible
and "not create hardships for
those who made this county what
it is today."
He brought a chuckle from the
audience when he explained that
the property committee of county
council would. likely ' have a
.-"largestone house for rent this
year." was describing the
jail, which, he said, could
becOrne an, historic site - in this
county. •
The oath of office, was admin-
istered byjudge Robert S. Heth-
erfrigton and Rev. G.L.Royal of-
ficiated for the brief dedication,
Mayor Harry*Worsell brought
greetings froM the Town of God-
erich and Tom Consitt, a coun-
cillor from- Stanley Township,1
spoke on behalf of the new Ws'-
den's municipality.
' After thanking those who had
worked, with him in the past year
and noting the improvement in the
weather in Huron ghee he took
office, Jack Alexander retired
'from the Warden's chair.
The Striking Committee con- •
sisted of Reeves .Ioe Hoffman, -
Harold -Robinson, Anson-McKin-
ley, Eugene Frayne and Allan •
Hears About
. •.-
Stanley TpwnshipReeve Elmer, Hayter, was elected Warden
of Huron when Comity' Council held, it's inaugural session fn
Goderich op. Tuesday afternoon. He defeated Reeve Roy V.
Grey Rejects Bid For
Second Tax Bill
Reeves; chief Marching Mother,-.
Mrs.,Maurice Ciugston:
' Mrs. Harold Malone-•andMrs.
Lester Leonhart represent the
C.W.L.; Mrs. Ken Smith, Mrs. Served Here -pointed as member for a two,year
term to fill the. balance of term-
of the late Alex Pearsoo.
- That. Clifford R. Dunbar
be 'appointed as representative • to the Seaforth Community
- That the Salvation Army be
given a grant in the amount of
$50.00 and St: John AmbUlance
be given a -grant In the amount
of $15.00. •
- Thit membershipAee in
the amount of $15,00 be paid to
the Ontario Good ,RoadsAssoc- Car iation. •
Dental Centrebe giien a grant in
amount of $150.0
Accounts approved included:
0 General',955.7 7 and Roads and
Bridges $1,686.33 for a total of
$6,642.10. -1/
the 0.
Pattison of East Wawanosh to gain the, honor. Here Reeve
Elgin Thompson, T,uckersmith, Deputy Reeve. Wilmer Cuthill
and Reeve John F. Flannery of Seaforth extend congratulations.
(Signal-Star Photo)'
Ability Fund
ghat Brussels,, Me is
Mrs. W. Harry Brown.,
Plans were finalized for the
• Auxiliary 'Dance to be held in
the Legion hall on February 26.
The convener of , the dance is
Miss Dorothy Parke: The Penny
Sale will be held 11 26 to
May 6 -with the dra7iv for prizes
for January 21 from 6 to 7 p.m. the final - night. Mrs. w,C,Ben-
according to Mrs. William Grum- netteu reportedp on shealbehfofh hadte ia pAruexsielntredy
melt who heades the"sponsorink a
to the first .baby of the year
involved In this born at the hospital, on January"
year's canvass are: C.W.L. of 6. Tammy Lynn Nott, a wee
St. James Church; L.O.B,A., daughter for „Mr. and Mrs. Bev-
O.E.S. and Rebekah Lodges.
Mrs. Grummett has been
mer21.7estyerNyoptt, rizRe R..w4as, Cwioinntboyn. .mTrhse.
named general chairman; Mrs. Frank Phillips.
• Everitt • Smith, publicity; supply,
chairman, /Ars, Mae Habklrk;
finance chairman, Mrs. Helen
Orville Storey and ,Mrs. Liz
Brown the. LOBA; Mrs. ...Alin
Forbes, Mrs. 1.../Grumpriett; the
OES; and Mrs. C. Reeves and '
Mrs. May Rabkirk and Mrs. E.
Smith, the Rebekah Lodge:
Each of the four organizations
has been asked to secure two or
three 'capialns. • • •
The captains will be respans-
able for securing canvassers
The fourteenth weekly Winner •
of $25 in the preliminary draws
in connection with the Liens Car
Chili 'is Gordon Hulley, Seaforth.
The Ability Fun& (March of
Dimes) Blitz in Seaforth is set
Set Plans'
For Blitz
A former member of theSea-
forth ,O.P,P detachment; tali-
: Sgt. J,W.' McDowell, in char e of
. the Vt)bodstock detachment of the
Ontario Provincial Police has
been -promoted to sergeant-major
and transferred to Burlington
district headquarters, effective
4an 17. , ,
He was promoted to staff-ser-
geant from sergeant in June,1968
.while at Sebringville and trans-
ferred to Woodstock. , •
He was promoted to' sergeant
in. December, 1965, , while -at
Mount Forest after earlier post-
ings at Wingham, Walkerton
(where he was promotedrto cot',
poral in July, 1960), Seaforth,
Kitchener; and Mount Forest,
where he started in 1948.
Sgt. Mayor
Seaterth's New 'Year baby is Tammy '1,yrih Nott, the 9 lb. 9oz. daughter of Mr. and Mrs.'
Beverly A. Nott, R.R. 4, Clinton. Tammy Lynn was-born at 8.29 p.m. in Seaforth Community •
Hospital on Thursday, January 6 and is the second child in the family. Mrs. Nott is the forrrier
Linda East. As the first arrival in 1972 inSeaforth Community Hospital, Tammy Lynn becomes
eligible for a wide variety of gifts, 'offered by the following Seaforth merchants: Mainstreet
Variety, Hildebrand -Paint and Paper; Wilkinson's I. G. A., Gingertch Sales and Service; Canadian
Tire; Geo. A. Sills 8/ S ons; MacLea.ns Flowers; Read's Shoes and Luggage; KeatTrigriPharmacy;
Don Keaat Quality Footwear; Box Furniture; Aristett Jewellers; "Stedman Dealer, and Stewart
Bros. . (Staff Photo)
Judgement Provides For Awards
H.F.A. Townships Will Meet -
To Coniider Proposal
• .
• Genesco ref Canada recognized 44 years of service on Friday when hire. Julia Aicheson was
presented with a silver tray and plaque by plant superintendent, Robert Walters. MrS. Aichesori
began her association with the shoe industry when she joined the staff of the W. J. Duncan firm '
which later was purchased by the Johnston organization and now Mains part of the Genesco.
Comparty.1 #or a neMber,of, years Mrs. Aicheson,was in charge Of the fitting department and more
reach* has been handling samples And training. (Staff Photo)
-last year. The reeve receives
$600 and -each councillor $500.
Resolutions passed included;.
-.That By-Law No. '1 of 1972
be finally passed authorizing the
Reeve and Treasurer to borrow
$225,000. from the Canadian Im-
perial Bank of Commerce, Brus-
sels.„.,,Oritario, for the year 19,72
until, the taxes are collected.
-That'the Reeve.andTreaaarer
be • atithoriZed to .apply for the
balanee Orthe '1971 road subsidy
from -the Department of Trans-
portation and Communications.
-Thai. Chester •Earl and Cecil
Rayrierd be appointed ".as
members of the Mount Pleasant
Cemetery Board for a three year
term and Ronald Cardiff be ap•
Trade Here,-
Buys IGA
Announcement of the sale of
Wilkinson's "IGA to Bruce Hoel-
.scher of Georgetown was made
• this week by J. J. Wilkinson.
Mr. Hoelscher takes posses-
sion on Monday.
Mr. Wilkinson purchased the
former Cleary IGA nine years
ago and in the -interval carried
out several, extensions to the
property making possible a sub-
stantial increase in volume.
During his years here he has
taken on active part in the com-
munity serving on a number of ,
Chamber of Commerce commit-
Mr. Hoelscher, a native of
Seaforth, is the son of Mr. and
., Mrs. John Hoelscher," George
St. East. After graduating from
Seaforth "'District High School he
began his business career as a
member of the staff of Cleary'S
• IGA , in the same IGA gore he
has no. purchased. After several
years here he went to Markdale
as manager of an IGA store and
later to Petrona in a similar
position. For the past four years
he has been a resident of George-
town where he has been a senior
salesman for DaVid Biscuits. His
wife is the former Carol Carter
of Hullett.
Mr, and Mrs. Wilkinson ex-
pect to remain in town for sev-
eral weeks and then are retiring
to Whitby, his native town.
The Wilkinsens were guests
at a dinner at 'the.-Commercial
Hotel Tuesday evening' when
members of their staff and their
wives entertained them. About
30 attended the event.
Don. Bodie was chairman for-
"Short program and Miss Shirley
Nolan read an address to Mr.
and Mrs. Wilkinson extending
best wishes. on -behalf of ..the
Staff David De VAies presented
a them with a gold and. silver
chain lamp.
. Mr. Wilkinson expressed his
appreciation and that of Mrs. Wil-
kinson for the kindness and co„
' operation 'Shown by' . the- 'stiff
during •their association With.,
them. ' •
Committee -.
Has Meeting,
a The Van Egmond Restoriticiri
Committee, met Friday evening
in the -town hall to further plans
for the Van Egmond property
• in Egmondville. Those attending
despite inclement weather Were
James Doig, Mrs. Edith Baker,
Rev. C. -Britton, John Begeren,
• Arnold Stienigien and Dr. R.
Earl Dick,aCOmmittee mem-
ber is in Seaforth Community
Hospital Anti the meeting expres-
sed the wish for a speedy recov-
Prfty ,Town$hip council in a
recorded vote at' its January''
meeting rejected a %move to
provide for twice a, year tax
payments in the township.
A motion by' councillors
George Wesenberg and Clifford'
W. Bray to provide for the collec-
tion of taxes, in June and
December commencing this fear
was defeated When the three re-
maining members of council
Reeve Charles Thomas and coun-
icillors Roy Williamson and
Donald J. Martin voted, against
the motion.
Council approved a bylaw conr,-_,
firming remuneration of township
officials at the same level, as
Dr. C. E. Toll, who .leads
Seaforth's Junior Brass Band,
is looking fez' somebody who
holds a ,ticket with the number
264 or 160.
The Band sponsored a draw
before Christmas but„,no one
has appeared to claim the prize.
If the numbers are correct, Dr.
Toll . ;says the prize may be
claimed at , his Main Street .
Lions Hear
Of Success
There are certain ingredients
ne ssary to success Del Martin
of D e-Caimegie and_t.ssociates
told Seaforth' Lions Monday night-.
and they can be develoPed if
people are concerned enough.
Listing the essentials as
-desire, attitude, reaction, com-
munication, enthusiasm and con.,
fidence , Mr ... Martin 'illustrated
the contribution each could make
to success.
The meeting was arranged by,
Marten' Vincent who introdilbed
Mr. Martin. Appreciation was
expressed by Harold Turnbull.
preSident Bill Pinder, who
presided, reminded Lions of the
Optimist Winter Carnival and that
assistance by Lions would be
appreciated. He said the Lions
Valentine dance scheduled bar --
relifiary 12 was in the hands of
a committee headed ,by Leo.
Teatero. J. M, Scott is head of
a committee making arrange-
Monts for the district rally- and
Ab Whitney is in charge of rural
relations night on March 17.
The club recognizbd birthdays
Which J.. Spittal and J, A..
Stewart Were, celebrating. The.
special draw Prim, was won by
G. A. Whitney.
An Ontario Supreme court
judge has awarded the fathers. of
• two "Exeter school girls lost in a
swim m ing-- accident nearly t'wo -
years ago, $2,800. each in dam-
The 14 page judgement of a
civil suit, he heard at Goderich
last September was given by Mr.
Justice L.T.pennell.
The girls, both rel and Grad?
9 students atSouthliuron District
High. School in Exeter drowned
May: 14, 19'70,"• 'during a 2 1/2-day
school campout at ap Aasable
River Conservation. Authority
area east of. the Parkhill Dam.
Mr. Justice Pennell said: ';It
was 'delicately argued that the of-,
forts of Geraldine Moddejonge
constituted a rash and futile ges-
ture; that reasonableness did not
attach to her response."
"Upon this, the rescue of San-
dra Thompson is sufficient
Is Slight,
Huron farmers will have an
opportunity to discuss a proposal
that would result in policy par
ticiPation tit Federation of Agri-
culture adivities being related
to 'farming involvement.
Huron Federation of Agricul-
ture has asked that the proposal
be discussed at 16 township feder-
ation meetings across Huron
during January.
. The OFA proposal suggests
that "only farmers with a sig-
nificant portion of their income'
affected, by the implementation
.of a policy should have the right
to express an opinion larding
the development of e, said
policy." •
The county federation will
take a stand on this proposal
after learning the opinions of
the township federations.
"The idea IS mainly a way to
get the people I producing the
products having the say and not
somebody else," said ,education
committee chairman Mer—
vin Smith, R.R.1, *anon.
"It doesn't seem fair -when
a man who has only two hogs hati
as much say on a, question as a
man with 1,000 hogs."
With the decision to allow
the township a say in this ques-
tion, said county federation
president Masan Bailey, "I think,,,,,
you are on the path of democracy-t
with everyone having a gay."
In other business, a petition
originating in Lamhton County,
asking the province to establish"
arcore marketing board will alas?,
be circulated among the town-
ships. -
Allan Turnbull, Grand Bend,
was elected to fill a vacancy in
the executive. , Appointed to the finance corn- '
mittee were: .1iia5en- Bailey,
Blyth; Mervin -Smith, R.R. lx .
Walton; Doug. Fortune, Mit, 'I,
Wingharn; ' and Mrs. Faye
Pear, Clinton.
,APpOinte" -committee chair-
Mn wereri obn Stafford, Rata,
Wro;ieter (0 tertainment); !vier-
vin Smith (education); Adrian,
vosrtlyth (property); bring.
Fortune, '(Insurance); and VinCe -
Austin, Dungannon (OM* a '
speCial committee),
Seaforth firemen had two runs
over the weekend but in neither
case was damage serious.
An electrical short in a garage
at the farm of R'obt. J. Robinson,
R.R.. 4, Walton about 5:30 p.m.
Saturday treated some snit& but
little -damage, Fire Chief John Fa
Scott said.
On Sunday afternoon' fireman
answered a call to the residence
of- Wen. Payne North Main when
.a fuse blew out and resulted in a
volume of,smoke.
answer." •
• Evidence quoted by Mr-Jus-
tice Pepnell showed,the Modde-
.jonge girl had first reacifedSin-
dra Thompson of Grand Bend
from4the man-made lake, then
swam,. back to aid the Guenther
girl. She drowned while attempt-
ing the rescue.
, "One • must ,not approach the
problem, wjth the Wisdom that
comes fter the event: Justice '4
is not to be -Measured in such
scales," -the judgement contin-.
"To Geraldine Moddejonge,
duty did not hug the shore of safe-
'(Continued On page 8)