HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1972-01-06, Page 1212-,,,THE- HURON eXPOSITOR,
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Twilight Social ServicQs Committee
Circle Has Considers Needs of Huron.
(Continued from last week) .
Mrs. Marray Tyndall has
raspberries In October.
Ontario election.
Mr. and MrS. Gordon,.Blan-
chard, 4, Walton, mere named
the foster parents of the year.
NOVEM3ER 4, 1971.
Principal Plqthateel of Sea-
forth, -tidies up after thieves
ransacked hisa office at the High
School. •
Rev. Leslie McSpadden of
Cayuga, was guest speaker for
Festival Fair at First Pres-
byterian Church was a success.
Mr, and Mrs. Russel Dallas
observe 50th wedding anniver-
David Ring, receives' the
Whitney writing desk ctn having
achieved the highest marks in
the s c hocir.a, •
NDVEM 3ER 18, 1971
Mrs. Joan Chesney receives
her Rev. N. degree.
Mrs. W. C. Bennett and Gor-
don McKenzie look over some
of the new eqaipm ant recently
purchased -With funds from the
auxiliary. .,
St. James C.W.L. members
. mark 50th anniversary of
Hullett • council, winding .up
business for 1971 at a meeting
in Londesboro Community Hall,
expressed concern about policing
in the Londesboro area.
Council by resolution instruc-
ted Clerk Clair Vincent to inform
the Ontario Provincial Police at
Goderich that in council's opinion
the area is under policed and
that the speed limit is not being.
enforced in, the village 'of Lon-
• In. other business business,
- Granted Wilding permits to
Gordon Shobbrook for a house;
Len Radford, for roof'over man-
ger feedlot; Vtlyn. Reese for addi-
tion to barn and milk-house,
subject to Township BY-14awa.
- Advised Huron Board of Edu-
cation that in 1972 there he two
dates for payment of rates -
namift June 30th, and Decem-
ber 15th.
-- Consented to the severance
of..„.Lot 30, Con. 6, of Hullett
from Mennt Martin to the Agri-
cultural Rehabilitation. Develop-,
NOVEMBER 25, 1971.
St. James C. W. L. raise
$600.00 at bazaar and tea.
C. N. R. establishes new Express Depot.
Miss Marjorie Papple,
Seafurth was weekly winner in
Lion-s Car Club.
Du.:CEMBER 9, 1971, Alexander Boyat, passed
away in Seaforth C cm munity Hos-
pital in his 68th yearl'•
Mrs. Karl Campbell, of
Goderich, has been awarded the
degree of Master of Arts
by the Senate of Dalhousie
University. She was the former
Jane Rock of Brolhagen.
DECEMAER 16, 1971.
Five area residents lose lives
in separate traffic accidents.
Dr. C. E. Toll entertainedhls
band, ef Junior boys and girls.
Members of the Junior Choir
of First Presbyterian Church
assist at'Women's Hospital Aux-
iliary meeting.
ment Directorate.
- passed a By-Law to authorize
Hullett to enter into agreements
with owners of lands located in
Hullett fo r the purpose of re-
foresting, portions of the lands.
- Agreed to pay 1972 Membership
Fee $15.00tto Good Roads Asso-
- Engaged Burn's Ross and Asso-
ciates, Engineers, if the Depart-
ment of HighWays gives subsidy
approval, to prepare plans for
the construction of a new bridge
-between Lots 30 and 31, Con. 7.
-. Agreed that CounCil Members
receive $50.00 , Expense Allow-
ance for attending Special Meet-
ings during 19'71.
- InStructed the Clerk to-issue
debentares—to• the amount of
$8,0007 00 and prepare a By-law
ta,impase a special annual drain-
age rate against lands-affected.
Accounts approved included;
Admin.. and Gen:, $3,533.36;
County, $57,303; "'Education,
$43,002; Drainage, $20,396.94;
Roads, " $5,140.78; Total,
Supper, Bowls
The December meeting of the
Egmoadville Twilight Circle was
held in the form of a Christmas
party. A pot luck supper was
held first in the basement of the
church with the usband.s and Rev.
and Mrs. Hanc ck present.
Following, the meal a short
meeting w eld in the vestry
of the church at which time Rev.
Hancock installed new officers
for 1972 - president, Peggy
Ayers, Vice President, Wanda
Dietz, Secretary and Press Re-
porter, Marjorie Papple, Treas-
urer, Doris Carnochan.
Following the- installation of
officer's, all preceded to the bowl-
ing alley and enjoyed 3 games of
The next meeting is to be
held•January 17th at the home of
Doreen Strong.
News of
McKillo.p .
Mrs. Ed. Regele
Mrs. Thelma Mills of Familf
Paradise Park was in Blenheim,
over the weekend attending the
funeral of her cousin.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Regele
spent New Years Day with Mr.
and Mrs. liaribld McCallum, .
Mr. Frank Mott of Blenheim
and friend of Windsor spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. wit-
liam Witt and family.
Mr. and Mrs. William Mc-
Clure and Cbrinie of Winthrop
had as their New Years "Day
-.guests, Mr. -and Mrs. Orville
Beuerman, Betty, Neil and_Glea
of RR 4, Walton, Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Taylor and Kerrie and Mr.
and Mrs. Mike Musselman and
son, of Stratford and Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Stephenson of Clinton.
Mrs. Harold McCallum is a
patient in 'Seaforth Community
Hospital. - •
Mrs. William ,,Smith and
daughter have returned home
from Seaforth Hospital.
(Continued from Page 1) •
at Clinton.
A borrowing by-law for
$250,000 was passed for current
expenditures .in 1972 in the town-
ship. •
Council was notified that re-
quests for land severance had •
'been granted to Mr„ and 'Mrs.
The Huvon County Social Ser-
vices Committee, an ad hoc group
formed to research the needs of
people of all ages in the county,
held its meeting at the town hall
last WedneSday afternoon. This
was the first time the group met
here. Formerly the meetings
have been held in Goderich.
Mayor DeWitt Miller attended
the early part of the meeting and
welcomed the cortimitteet0,ing-
ham, making reference to s me
of the services now active in
the town.
Opening the meeting, chair-
man Basil Hall who is chairinan
of social welfare at Goderich
Psychiatric HosPItal, said one of
the reasons it was held in Wing-
ham was to take look at the
services presently available in
'the town and determine what
extension of these might be con-
sidered advantageous.
A subcommittee report on
the uae of drugs was submitted
by Mrs. D. McAvoy of the Ad-
diction and Drug Research Foun-
dation, with stress laid on the
growing.use within some schools.
She said that rumors have been
circulated about schools in
Huron, but rather than accept
them, the sub-committee should
try and find out-the real situation.
Rev. Carl Russell, Goderich
Ministerial Association, said he
was surprised at the lack of
action and interest of responsible
' Guests at John, Foran's for
Christmas included Mr. and M rs.
George Harry and baby, Nova
Scotia, Miss Ann Foran, R.N.,
London, Frank Foran, Guelph
University and con Foran,
Miss Betty Devereaux spent
Christmas holidays at the home
of her parents, My. and Mrs.
Giis Devereaux.-
Guests at Cyril Boyle's for
Christmas were-Mr. and Mrs.
Lyle Mulhurron and Rita of Chat-
John Cooper, Kippen and Mr.
George Clifton, Kippen.
No' action was taken at the
meeting on accepting the official
plan for Huron County.. Reeve
Thomason -said he was unhappy
wit(' parts of it and especially
was concerned at the difficulty
a ratepayer has in getting per-
mission'for land severance.,
bodies and asked to what extent
drop in centres might help.
Jack Kopas,„F.E.Madill Gut&
ance Department, commented
that locally 'drop-in centres had
not been encouraged by council
and the police. The main reason
for this attitude about having
places for • young people to
meet was that such might attract
riffraff and develop an undesir-
able situation.
Mr. 'Russell agreed in part
with the latter statement by Mr.
Kopas. • "At Goderich the young
people do not want adult super-
vision and operating by them-
selves, have no continuing pro-
gram," he said.
Nick Hill of the county plan-
ning board paid that one pi•ob-
lem is the large population,
pointing out that the normal
county population is 50,000 with
an additional 20,000 of seasonal
people. "Most of us feel help-
less ' about counselling young
people where drugs are involved .
for they do not hesitate to affirm
their desire to control their own
Mr. kopas added that carry-
ing drugs is much more conven-
ient than booze and much harder
to detect.
Mrs. McAvoy felt that the
purpose of the subcommittee
Should be to find out what young-
sters are doing. She. said the
real value of any work done
would be in providing alterna-
tives. 1,
The chairman summed up
this portion of the discussion by
suggesting that all county ser-
vices provide one person for
one day to help establish a guid-
ance type of operation.
An outline of the local em-
ployment incentive program 'was
given by B. A. Appel of the
Goderich office of Manpower,
who said $2 million had been--
allocated to provide for payment
of wages up to $100 per week
and suggested that interested
bodies should plan 'programs of
work to make use'of those now
Marvin Stretch of Social
and Familia Services wanted to
know if family counsellors could
be included in this plan. He was
assured they could , but only until
May 31 when'the federal depart-
ment will withdraw financial aid.
He added that there was reluc-
tance of municipal bodies to use
the program, probably because
of its short term plus the re-
quirement that the municipality
would have to provide materials
for which they had not budgeted.,
Bert Corbett of the Children's
Aid Society said it would be more'
practical to research -for_ the
future, look at long-range pro-
jects and be ready if a similar
federal aid program is instigated
next year.
The group also decided that a
committee be formed to survey
Huron County and determine what
social services are considered
necessary, and where. Rev.Rue-
sell, BaSis Hall, Marvin Stretch
and John Carter were named as
the committee.
(From The Wingham Advance
• Organizes
(Continued from Page 1)'
OWlit that it was considering
replacing all dual sanitary storm
sewers, in its plans ,for• a town-
wide service. '
Clerk"Williands was asked to
arrange 'a' meeting with OWRC .
officials to discuss' the proposal.
Council will seek informatlOn
as to .regulation established is
other areas to control dumps be-
fore arranging a meeting to dis-
dus dump facilities in the •Sea-
forth area. At'Presedt,Tddlter-
smith uses the Seaforth dump
and pays .$.600 a year. • . •
SEAFORTH, ONT., JAN. 6, 1972
1971 in Review
OCTOBER 28, 1971.
Gerry Holland of
passed away. NOUM 3ER 11, 1971.
Chas. McNaughtpn increases. _approximately 700 persons majority in record vote at the— attended Walton fowl supper.
Cavan Church anniversary.
MacKay family 100 year
Tuckersm 4 th farm is sold.
Laverne Hugill's barn was
Wind topples radio tower at
Seaforth Community Hospital.
Hullett Is Concerned
About Area Policing
Tuckersmith Considers
News of AubOrn
St. Colum'oan.
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Staple-
ton and farriily spent Christmas
with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Staple ,"
ton and Mr. and Mrs. Ferg Kelly,
Sr. of Dublin.
Mr. and Mrs.
Gus Redmond
were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Hastings, Staffa.
A Christmas party was held
in St. Augustine Pitash hall
Tuesday evening. - •
Mr. Bob Hickey is going to
Barrie to continue working with
FOrmosa Brewery; which has
moved from Formosa. •
, Miss Lucy 'Thompson frOm
Oakville spent Christmas holi-
days with Donald riCEMPs_QII,
ham, Miss l3ernadette Bbyle
oflondbn and Mrs. Mary Phelan
of Blyth." ...
Mr. Dave MacAllister, who is
ninety, had three Christmas•din-
ners, one at Mr. and Mrs. Mur-
ray Wilson's, a second at Mr.
and Mrs. Ted Robinson's and a
third with Donald and Lucy Thom-
. pson. -
Mr. and 'Mrs. Bill Kinahan Counci l and family spent Christmas with.
Mr., and Mrs. Donald Moyla,n-1