HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1972-01-06, Page 9eel (Photo by Phillips) PHILLIPS DIEGEL REGPTER NOW THE CONESTOGA COLLEGE -OF APPLIED ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY The HURON 'CENTRE invites immediate registration for the,courses list6d below. Courses will begin JANUARY 11, 1972 at CentrargUron Secondary' School, CLINTON. • 4rp.m. to 10 p.m. The equivalent of grades 7 and 8. Studies include basic- English, - • mathematics, and science, 'The equivalent of grades 9 and 1(r: Studies include intermediate B.T.S.D. 11 'The English, mathematics, and science. COMMERCIAL CLERICAL Studies include commercial English, Mathematics, bookkeeping, and typing. Applicants must have Grade 8.- -- 'COMMERCIA L REFRESHER 00, Studies include commercial English, typing and shorthand. Applicants must have Commercial experience. COMMERCIAL STENOGRAPI711C. Studies include office machines, typing, office practice, shorthand, and bookkeeping. Applicapts,Must have Grade 10. FOR REGISTRATION -OR FuRTH'ER INFORMATION -ON FULL-TIME OR PART-TIME STUDY CALL 527-1090 . B.T.S.D 1. I ti oTHE. CON—EST9GA COLLEGE APPLIED ARTS .AND TECHNOLOGYI THE HURON CENTRE announces the following dates a times for registration and first classes'; 'FULL-TIME COURSES (4 - 10 p.M., 5 Days Per Week) The' equivalent of grades 7 and S.. Studies include basic English, B.T.S D. 11'' mathematics, and science. • TUESDAY, JANUARY 11 4:00 P.M. . B.T.S e D. II The equivalent of gfades 9 and 10. Studies include intermediate' English, mathematics, and science( TUESDAY, JANUARY 11 — 4:00 P.M. PART ,,TIME COURSES '1 ° P.m-. 1 Night Per Week Per Subject) ENTGLISH, (Grades 7 and 8) TUESDAY, JANUARY 11 -=...7-:00 P.M. MATHEMATICS(Grades 7 and 8)—TUESDAY, JANUARY-. 11 — 7:00 P.M. ENGLISH (Grades 9 and 10) WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12 — 7:00 P.M. MATHEMATICS Grades 9 and 10)4 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12 — 7:00 P.M. ENGLISH (Grades , 11 and 12) WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12 7:00 P.M. MATHEMATICS (Grades 11 and 12)- WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12 — 7:00 P.M .' Registration will' be held at the Central Huron Secondary School, Clinton,. at the indicated times. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION OR TELEPHONE REGISTRATION 'CALL 1- 527%1090 TFig nu OM EXIP9SITOR, sEAFORTK, oNT Swine Farmers Sh St. Peter's Liielieran Church, Brodhagen, was the setting for, the marriage of Gloria Jean Diegel and Robin Thomas Phillips which took place on December 16, 19', 1, at 7 P.M. with Rev. Harold Brill officiating at the double- elog ceremony. Mrs. pearl Miller was the organist. The Church was decorated with candelabra, carnations and poinsettias. Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Diegel. Bornholm, are the parents of the bride, . The groom is the son of Frank Phillips, Seaforth, Ontario. The bride, blessed by 'her father and mother. chose' a gown of magic crepe with sweet heart neckline and lily-point sleeves. The bodice was 'on princess lines with lowered waistline, bouffant skirt with in- verted pleat for a. train effect. Venetian lace trimm-ed the bot- tom of her gown 'and a spray on panel in front. She carried a semi-crescent bouquet of red •"*Forever Yours" roses; min- iature carnations trimmed with baby's breath and 'variegated holly. Miss Blanche Dalton Win-. ttirop, Wag the iiialit•of'honer and the bridesmaids- were Miss Ruth • Ann Diegel, Mitchell 'and Mrs.' •Bill Siemon, Walton. They were dressed alike in ruby red velvet em-)ire waisted gowns with puffed sleeves and.. silver . trim around the •bodice. Edeh wore a pearl necklada gift from the bride. Their flowers were similar to those of the 'bride and accented '7-- NOW TTAFFIC VW; WITHOUT A' 44:4006: R(CIDENT '17,, 1 , • by silver chenille stems. .Serena Wilson was the Hewer ctrl wearing a gown similar to As we all know, the .Ladies' Auxiliary have looked after the needs of all the patients in West- minster Hospital from this area for many years by sending parcels of gifts regularly. The Social Services Co-or- dinator, Miss Agnes Lizmore retired last September after twenty-five years 'service with the hospital. She was no ordin- ary co-qrdlnator. She was a warm and devoted (lady who lived to make the patients happy. She has been described as an angel of mercy. end she will be missed by all Who knew her. . • In appreciation of her service, 'the Ladies Auxiliary Branch 156 gave her a'set of coffee spoons with the Legion crest and the Branch number stamped thereon. Just before Christmas Mrs. Barbara Scott received a letter and card from Mrs. Lizmore which reads as f011owS: "MY'dear Comrade Barbara and Comrades of the Ladies' Auxiliary, Royal Canadian Legion Branch- 156, Seaforth, Ontario. Many, many thanks for the very beautiful coffee spoons.received Correspondent ' Mts. Ken MCKellar The annual meeting of ,the Marian Ritchie Evening Auxil- iary of Cromarty church was held at the home of Mrs. Frank Hamilton:, Mrs: 'Gerald Carey opened the m e ing with . a eeading. The r` Opt - heery of the -iirepiterdse---was-e-givere_bar_exes. , Robert "L;aing. Mrs, Duncan Scott - gave a Christmas reading from the Glad Tidings. '" During the 'regular busin"ees period it Was decided to give --a donation to the Womens' Mis • sionaty Society an memory of 'the founder of the' Auxiliary, the late Mrs. Marian Ritchie whose death occurred in Coiling- wood on.December 6th,1971: During the -annual business meeting reports were given by the various secretaries.The slate of • officers for 197 -was pre sented by Mrs: John Miller as' follows: Honorary. presidents, ,Mrs. Thomas Scott, Mrs. Calder IirKaig; past president, .Mrs., `Gerald Carey; president, Mrs. Larry Gardiner; vice-presidents Mrs. tleverley Taylor, Mrs, John eTempleirian; secretary, Mrs., Frank Hamilton; assistant, Mrs. Carter Kerslake; treasurer, Mrs: Lorne' Elliott, assistant, Mrs. Eldon Allen; pianist, Mrs. Ivan Norris; assistant, Mrs. Duncan Scott; Work Committee; Mrs. Garden Scott, Mrs, Carter Kerslake, Mrs.-Harold Parsons, • Mrs. Lorne Elliott; Card Com- mittee, Mrs. Norman Harburn, Mrs. Ivan Norris, Mrs. Carter Kerslake, Mrs. Eldon Allen, Mrs. Larry Gardiner.-- .................. Christmas family gatherings were held at many homes in the ' Community, among them being Mr. and Mrs. Calder McKarlg:• Mr. re-Alec Scott . went on a skiling trip to Collingwood on the weekend. Mr. Lloyd Miller, Ron and Dianne of Staffa, Mrs. ,Grace Scott were New -Year's visitors with Mr. and Mrs. William Mil ler. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Laing and family, Mrs. Bruce Cleland and family, Listowel and Mrs. .1. R. JeMrson were guests of Mr. ,and Mrs. Robert Laing and family on New Year's Day. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Scott, - Mr. and. Mrs. 'Hugh Scott, M. Alec Scott visited on New Years 4 Day with Mr. and Mrs. T. Gil- lespie of London. Mrs. Shirley Elliott and family of Essex spent New Years weekend with her parents, Mr.,- and Mrs. John Wallace. ifcar. and. Mrs, William Ram. sey and Tracey of Kitchener called on his mother, Mrs. Alex Ramsey after Visiting with his 'father Mr. Alex Ramsey who is a patient in Westminster Hospital in London, Mr. and-Mrs. Otto walker, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Scott, and Mr. and Mrs/Gordon Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Splane • and Beverly and Miss France's' Scott, London and Mr. and Mrs. . Douglas Eyre and .Richard of Shedden spent a few days with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.Gor- don Scott. , Miss_. A3i•Ye Speare spent, Ghrislinas with her sister Mrs. CorreSPOnclent Mrs. Robt. Hulley Recent tpliday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Storey,Ray and Bonnie were Mr. and Mrs. Lorne pale, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Dale and Mr. George Mann, Clin- ton. Mr. and Mrs. TonYWolicatrip, Ronnie Harris, Mitchell and Miss Kathy Seath, Siaforth visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harris and Vickie. Vickie is visiting this past week with Mr. and Mrs. Tony Wolfcarep, Mitchell. Mrs. Tony Wolfcamo(the former Shir- ley Harris) was one of the win- ners in the Irish Sweepstakes. Shirley won $1,100.00. Good luck, Shirley! Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hulley; Bobby, Sandy, David, Debbie and Danny visited with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker. Visiting in the same home were Mr. and Mrs. liu,gh Currie, Linda and Joanne Dor- chester, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mc- Ghee, Jacky , Judy and Ray, Lon- don, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Garden- er, Lisa and Steen. Otto Walker returned home from Exeter hos- pital Christmas Day and enjoyed Christmas with his family. • The "Silver Strings" played for a dance at "Family Pate- dise" sponsored by their parents. There was a very good attend- ance. Mr. Mervin Godkin had the misfortune to break his ankle in a skidoo accident and after being in Seaforth Community hospital is visiting comfortably at home. The sympathy of the comm- unity is extended to the family of the late Mrs. Thomas Pryce. .Mr. Kenneth Walker, London, visited recently with Mr. and' Mys. Robert Hulley and family. f Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gene S. Louis were Mr. and Mrs. Bothoset, Windsor, also their daughter and son Sheila and Tim St. Louis both of Windsor. Mr. 86b Harris is a patient • in Clinton Public Hospital an-operation. .• Mrs. Williarie Dodds has the misfortune to fall and break her 'arm and is a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. ROtiert Harris,. Vicky, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Wolf- camp, Mitchell spent New Years Day with Mr. and Mrs. Steve Argyle, Beyfield and attended the Hayfield Winter Carnival. • ' Mr. and Mrs. William Dodds. spent New Years with Mr.. and MrS.7 BobWatson, Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. ,Don Dddcle vis- ited with Fir. and Mts. Sim Roo- bol, Hensall. Installed The Ladies Aid of piirst _ metTuesday in the church hell. Mrs. Ed. Andrews was ln the. chair and the officers for the year were installed by Rev. T. G. Mulholland. Mts. Wilfred Coleman read a poem on New Years. 'Miss Ethel Mackay read the scripture lesson and Mr's. J. W. Thompson led in prayer.' Mrs. Reg. Kerslake read the minutes and cards of apPrecia- tion were read by Mes. R. F. McFarlane. The annual meeting will be held on Monday, January • 17th. Rev. T. C. Mulholland gave' an inspiring address on Thoughts for the New Year. Mes. Kerslake gave the courtesy remarks. How does, a pork producer survive financially in these days of low eiriCes-And ' '-etras? Louis Longo, a „well know4 COO:- neeticut dairy 'farmer speaking 'at the recent Ontario-Silage Con- ference, says "Farmers must work smarter not-harder" under todays conditions. Planning, cost control and quality improvement are 'more important now than ever before particularly since more 'operatioes are paying off new barns, feed Storages and equipment and other fixed over- head items. ' These factors have been taken into account in planning a two-day short course for swine farmers.. Offered by the Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture and Food, the • course will be held on Wednes- day, January 19th and Thursday, January 20th, 1972 at Centralia College of Agricultural Technol-• ogy, Huron Park, Ontario. Ses- sions begin at 9:30 a.m. and end by 4e30 p.m; --each day. A. partial list of the' topics to be discussed include: The pork industry - what makes it ticke What's happening in the market place? Swine reproduction A.I. for swine Remember! It takes but a moment to place an Exposior Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, .just Dial Seaforth 527-0240. • • • • • a. • • WITH THESE READY-TO. GO USED CAR BARGAINS 4:s.19.11:tga96t6i899011FFrGo.mnt.icac. Parisiennes, Z ee 4 Dr._ 1-1969 Ford Country Squire, 10 pas- 1- 1970 Chet,. Kingswood, 10passenger 2- 1968 GeIVI.C. 960 Series, Cab and at senger Station Wagon Chstom Equipment, V8 automatic H.T's. STATI ON WAGONS oWrackgccmustom 500, 10 passenger TRUCKS 1/2 ton pickups with • 1_ 1C9h6a: sGism, .3c6,61E ton ni npei.c lc u p . • 2- 1968 Ferd 'F600 Cab and Chassis : Long wheel base. . ' • • • ,. • , • • *,. ,• ••• L • .i R U.SS E L $ MOTORS i • - V BRUSSELS ONTARIO , •• • • PHONE 8874173 • "'The Home of Better Used Cars" '• OPEN EVERY EVENUIG • • ,. •s • from yeti last week. I had never seen the "Legion'• spoons and was so surprised to see the Branch number stameed en them I love them !!! How very kind of you 'to send me a retirement gift. „..1.t is you wonderful girls who have • added so much pleasure to my work through the years and I deeply apprec- iated your tremendous co-oper- ation to brighten the lives of so many of our patients. Will write again after, the holiday season, but in the mean - time do have -a grand holiday. Special thank's to you fororour lovely letter Comrade Barbara. Gratefully, Agnes L. We of the Legion are proud of our Ladies' Auxiliary and appreciate all the Wonderful work that you accomplish. We know that you will keep up the good work and thanks again from all of us. There was a large attendance at the, New. Year's Eve dance, The New Year was heralded in in the traditional. manner. The Ladles' Auxiliary served chickei legs and cabbage rolls. COMING EVENTS Jan. 6, 1972 - Executive Meeting Jan. 7, 1972 - • Bingo at the Legion Hall , 77e1-1/a -2'*OPP PIFTK 8016 LOST On No. 8 'Highway between Seaforth and Dublin on Jan. 4, '72 Truck Wheel and Tire —REWARD- -Phone Atwood 356-2622 collect NEWS OF CROMARTY By John D. Baker Public Relations' Officer Branch 156 LADIES' AUXILIARY RECEIVE LETTER OF APPRECIATION McDonald in Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs, K. McKellar spent Christmas and. Boxing Day .with Mr-and Mrs. W. N. Binn- ing and family Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ramsey Visited Christmas day with 'Mr., and Mrs. Bill Ramsey and Tracey at Kitchener. Clag piew. who. had the ), nil'sfortinie fkler'rni break her arm': at herehuirree -is staying- with ' her daughter and son-id-law, Mr, ficers and Mrs. Harvey Dow: Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gardiner visited en Thursday with' Mr. and Mrs. Murray\Eggert Of Res- tock. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Filsin- ger and Kathryn of Sebringville, Mr. and 'Mrs. Harvey •Felsieger of Stratford and Mr. and Mrs: Ken Kraemer, R.R. 5, Stratford. visited with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gardiner. Mr. and Mrs. Robert-Laing and family, Mr. 'and Mrs, Gordon Lain and f amily,..Mrs. John Jef- ferson were guests onChristmas day with Mr..and Mrs. Norman Jefferson and family, Fullerton. • 'Mr. andMrs. William Laidlaw 'and John of London visited Sunday with Mrs. J. R. Jefferson. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gardiner spent Christmas with Mr.' and MTS. Earl Eggert and family of Restock. setting up ,4,1)reOfPR Prg, grgP ,Evaluating ventilation, min, bre hagdltpg. and ,teed handling s,yri.teitio and a Panel• DISCW$1Q11 f;rit Team approach to health Problems. 'Some ' of the speakers are, Eric Alderson, McLeod Hybrid Swipe and president of the Canadian Swine Council; Bill Bilcierback, Putnam; tan McAllister. Zurich; , Jim . WestOrn OreOets,•.W001- Stink' penrifss no Spec-- Torpntk, warren. • gtetiv...'. Woodstock; *°. .440.'Niierwooq„ aetitt444.:C(41.0g0;:igAti$PYWX 41)- 4414,. Agr a Ralph Winfield, 1)04riti totINe:. "Toronto andPeterPr Qiiv.qt; 'Health $t1q 0141,41,P0.101)•• Registration in the Cotirge 'is • limited to 'the first 50 Appli- cants and interested farpors.are advised to file their application • immediately with their county agricultural representative. , ' OUTA 'SIGHT. THE WAY WANT ADS. Get Things Moving ARNOLD STINNIS SEN Life — Health and Accident — Registered Retirement Pensions — Income Tax Deductable Registered Retirement Annuities Represenling Sun Life AssuKance Company of Canada • TELEPHONE' 527-041W 117 GODERICH-6T, EAST — SEAPORT-11 •- '10A-mrootagantatagMassraStait s,k.,.....,a0M,OnisM;:*,,,Z,,%.,. 'travelled to New York City and • , 1- 1971 Pontiac LeMans, 2dr.H.T. on their retur n will, reside at : 17 Railway Street, Seaforth. a -• -r• 3_ 1971 Ford Galaxie '500, 4 dr.H.T.'s. London, Guests K iwtheeeen'er presentGonde r iferho, 1- 197.1 Valiant, 4 dr. Sedan m , al . 3- 1971 Pontiac Tempest, 4 dr.Sedan • Woodstock and ListoWel., • 1- 1971,Mustang, 2 dr. H.T. Prior 0 erJ w e with d d showers ing, the ' • 4- 1971 Chevrolet Impala H.T.'s. 14rfdewa tol 0 si , t red :I, 2a1971 Buick Skylark Custoree 2dr.1-1,T. ' 4 - by Ruth Ann Diegel for the bride's 1 1070 Plymouth Fury 3 r .latives. Another shower Was • 1- 1970 Valiant V8, AT. P.S. ea/en by Blanche Dalton and Mrs. • 3- 193f)._Chevelmpalas, 2 & 4br.H.T's. ' the'b id 's • In Siemon for r a , 2- 1970 Ford Galaxie 500's,'2 Diale.T's. friends and neighbours. ,ee e. • • ' 1- 1970 Pontiac Catalina, 4 dr.H.T. _. ' • 2- 1970 Pontiac Parislerine; 4dr.H.T. • • ' 1- 1969 Chev. Belaire Sedan .... '•... • t:'. 1968 Plymeuth 4 dr. Sedan • 2- 1968 Chev. IMpalas e 4 dr.H.T's. • • 1- 1968 Pontiac Parisimmes,2 dr,H.T's • 1- 1968 Meteor Mentcalm ,fully powered • air conditioned.. ---- • tre &it that of the bride with puffed • sleeves trimmed with white and :e red lace. • Brian Phillips, Seaforth, was • the groomsman and the guests '.41: were ushered by Donald Diegel, Jim Dlegel, Carl Diegel, all of • Bornholm and Gary -Phillips, • • Seafqrth. Kieth Wilson was the • , ringbearer. • A reception was held at the • Brolhagee Community Centre. • For 'their wedding trip they • • CARS U Ca ' 3- 1967 Chev. Step Vans, 19 ft. NUMBER OF CHEV. AND ECONpLINE VANS, BOTH STANDARD,AND AUTO- MATIC TRANSMISSIONS. 1965- 1969. • • • • 6 • • • • • • . • • • • , • ' • • • , • • • News of Winthrop