HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1972-01-06, Page 6PARENTS NIGHTS •• ' GRADES 10 . . and 11 We'd. Feb. ,2 There will be an opportunity on each. "of the 'evenings for parents of pupils presently attending Seaforth District 'High School to discuss the progress of the pupils with members of the staff. g..••••••••,14w. SEE THE" FULLPROGRAM IN NEXT WEEK'S ISSUE EVENTS TAKING. PLACE AT THE Seaforth Community Centre Seaforth Legion Hall Seaforth Fair GroOnds AND EXPLANATION OF THE CREDIT SYSTEM' ••••""' ••• Which will be in •effect in all Secondary Schools Commenc- ing September • 1972:' PARENTS OF PUPILS presently , in the grades hereunder indicated are invited to be present on the-dates indicat- 1 ed to discuss with' members of the staff the new credit system and how it Will effect theft: • soils and daughters. Parents ,of Pupils PresentIS). Attending GRADE 8 Wed. Jan.'19 Parents of Pupils Presently Attending -GRADE 9 Wed. Jan. 26 'Parents of Pupils '"""--" Presently Attending each Meeting Will Commence at 8:00 p.m". YOUTH . RALLY . Stratford Tabernacle Trio Evangelist David . Tapley FRIDAY,: „JAN.* . 7th 8:00 P.M. SEAFORTH PENTECOSTAL CHURCH EVERYONE VVELCOME • 6,1.4THE HURON. SEAFORTH, ONT., JAN. 6, 1972. Ph. 527-0240: 'Expositor Action Ads Saturday January 8; 1972 - Brucefield Centennial School 8:00 p.m. FILM "3" Life ,like it is on the Mod- ern University Campus. 1,•••••••=•••••••••••=. Tuckersrcith, Mr. and Mrs. Rap- ton Mitchell, and Mrs. Agnes' Strilpson were New year's dinner guests of Mrs. Edna Leenting, Mitchell. Miss Mary Walker and Mrs. Grace Cameron have returned to Toronto after spending the past six months at their horns 'ere. Miss' Walker has recov- ered following an accident in which 'she fractured her arm. Mrs. Lillian Grummett has returned from a two-week d Christmas, yaca ion in Florida. Mr. and Mr Peter Rowat, Stephen and Dav , Mr. James Rowat, Dr. June Rowat Mac- Master, Geoffrey and Loren, all.,.. 'of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam A. Rowat and „Jason of Kit- , • RECEPTION AND DANCE for Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Beuermonn at Family Paradise Hall FRI., JAN 7th Music by "The Silver Strings" Ladies please bring lunch RECEIT10 N, for Mr. and Mrs. Jim Scarrow (nee Agnes Dohnagej SAT°* JAN 15 LONDESBORO HALL — Scott's Orchestra Dancing from 9:30 to 12:30 r -Friday,,,tan. 14 8:00 p.m. "I-- TALENT CONTEST & CONCERT POLAR DAIZE QUEEN 'CONTEST litt..Brussels Public School Auditorium—Admission by ter Button 10:30 p.m, — TORCHLIGHT PARADE, CHRISTMAS. TREE BONFIRE - and LUNCH — At Brussels Fair Grounds . Saturday, Jan, 15 9:30 a.m. POLAR DIP at LIONS PARK 411 10:00 a.m. -- WORLD THUNDER MUG CHAMPIONSHIP RACES . —Entry •Fee $1.00 1:00 p.m. -- POLAR DAIZE PARADE • — SKI RACES — SNO-SHOE RACES ' —AiBrussels Park — Admission by Booster Button 2:00 p.m. — HOCKEY TOURNAMENT — Admission by Booster Button -- At Brussels Arena 9:00 p.m. — POLAR DAIZE MOCCASIN DANCE with EARL EINWEISTER POLKA BAND ' • — At Brussels Arena — Admission $2.00 per couple 9:00- p.m. — TEEN DANCE — WESCHESTEIt UNION — Brussels Public School Auditorium — Admission $1.00 ea. 2:00 p.m. •••••• ",„ • 4 Don't Miss the 2nd. Annval BRUSSELS POLAR bAIZE VIlednesday, Friday, . Saturday, Sunday JANUARY 12 -14 -15 -16 Wednesday, Jan. 12' CURLING BONSPIEL -- BRUSSELS ARENr —Sunday, Jan. 1 2:00 p.m. -- SNOMOBILE RACES • Admission by Boost& Button 3:00 p.m. — BEEF BARBEQUE — Tickets, each $2.50— Children under 12, each $1.25 — At Brussels Fair Grounds • Polar baize is a, O 0russe1s*Lnt Club propfbtiOn - • Tow is situated, 2 miles West of Clinton on Bayfield Read SKI TOW and TOBOGGAN. HILL — open — SATURDAY' and SUNDAY, 1 :30 — 4 :30 SATURDAY NIGHT, g P40,1°10:30 p.m,' Any other night by appisintnuiiit Snowicrolsiling by the day — $2.00 Ken Tyndall 482-7460 CLINTON ANNUAL MEETING of the Seaforth Agricultural' Society / Will ha,huid in the- eaforth District High School on WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 19th 'at 8:30 p.m. Election of Directors — Refreshments EARL DICK • Presideivt • JAMES KEYS Sec.-Treas. chener, and Mr. 'and Mrs. Paul Murray and Jour of St. Culum- ban, were-441day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd A. Rowat. Mrs. Geo, A. Love of Goderich was a holiday guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. F. Scott, Ann St. Mr. and Nrrs. Gerald wli- liamson, Stephen and Steahanie o: Weston spent New years with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Mer- Nott. ,New year 'weekend visfrors with itlirs. Evelyn Shera and son Warren, Seaforth were Mrs. J. R. Cross and Mrs. J. R. Cross, aA., 'Nig:London; Mr. arid Mrs. Spense Irwin, tucknow, Mrs. Ida Jackson and son, Donald, Hen- ssaailil. land Mr. Mark Russell, Hen- sail. Janice Cleary and Miss Linda Hutchisbn of St. Catharines spent the.„Citristmas holidays withJan- ice's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cleary, Seaforth. Word has been received by Mrs. Cecil pullm in of the pass- ing of Clyde Rankin of Kentucky. A native of Seaforth he was the sgn of the late Mr. and Mrs, James Rankin. Mr. and mrS. Allan .hns of Vancouver are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne.4awson. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Mc- Kee. Margaret and Jim Hallman spent New Years with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lawson.- Miss Eva Kellaugh of Tor- onto was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kelly. Mr. and Mrs.'4 K. B. Brown, of Toronto were weekend guests of Mrs. Mee Dorrance. Mr. and Mrs. Welby Stone of Seaforth returned home on, New years after two week's va- cation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stone of Barlow, Flor- ida. W.I. Notes The regular meeting of Sea- forth W.I. wilL,be held Tuesday, January 11 at -8:15 at the home 'of Mrs. Graham Kerr. Guest speaker, Mrs. Wilma McLean, will demonstrate floral arrange- ments. Roll call, "Sornothing that interested me In the Home and 'Country"., will be taken. Lunch will .be convened by Mts. Frank Hunt. STAG EUCHRE WED., JAN. 12 Seaforth Legion 8:30 p.m. Admission $1.00 4.10•10....1.•••••••••, SHOWER for Me, and Mrs. Robin Phillips (nee Gloria Diegel) • FRI., JAN. 14th Brodhagen Community Centre Satchell's Orchestra Refreshments, available • Ladies pleat* bring lunch WOMEN'S HOSPiy AL AUXILIARY Dr. Stanley Alkem ade-will be 0 ELM HAVEN MOTOR HOTEL PLAYING — NOW "THE LANDLORDS Each Saturdiii afternoon enjoy matinee eritertainnienr from 4 .to 6 p.m. at the Elm Haven. Beginning on .1anuary 10 for a one-week engagement • The STAGE COACH THIS WEEK AT THE ROYAL HOTEL MITCHELL Thursday:— Lou and Pearl Friday and Saturday Wayne Riehl •••mnovs.4.• CANDELITE RESTAURANT and TAVERN ENTERTAINMENT —1 FRIDAY and SATURDAY "CAVALIERS" Bayfield Road in Goderich — Phone 524-7711 •4444,44~#####WINNP#41444~1~041•1 1 ************-******** CABARET C--- DANCE --- I F Ladies please bring' lunch • EVERYONE---WELCOME ::,.... •••••••••••••••••=1..1 - • Jr. and Sean. Mrs. J. H. Grant of Waterloo was a New Years guest of Mrs. Pat Troutbeck. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Parke of London spent New Years with' Miss Dorothy Parke. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Steele, BRODHAGEN BREWERS'_ • — presents -- , CABARET DANCE JANUARY 15th BRODHAGEN*COMMUNITY CENTRE Musk' by RON JASPER $2.00 per couple ...... _.,. • SEAFORTH . . . .ADAMS" 3rd. —• JAN. $th MATINEE « . SATURDAY . ,-... * "TERRY JAN. • NEXT WEEK:— , • liBLUNDERBUST" • In the Huron Lounge • • Jhu.15 Fri. FORGET EVERYTHING YOU'VE EVER DREAMED- ABOUT LOVE. FORGET EVERYTH YOU'VE EVER HEARD ABOUT HEROES. iraili-dissvarssoursos SEAN COMM, CLAUDACMIONALE ." Sun, The story of a ' I , 044a4ZWIMMOMPRVakkMMIAa94t . t p di K i PlffiV ,,,A1.0.42,40 i ; - / F M . GO HDERIC 7 so.8 ' Twin EVIE 10 i ING t, . , !, - Fox presents JOANNA Tureh4n 1*(1.12 "hnows Production Attitist',,, SAT. MAT. 19 - nifilleCNICOUTIff Till 'MRS AS 11111011:HIS U. Da Carrdilil memo G WIWAMS 0"",1 WW.044gwom*54 a hobby. i %HMOS in of a4 luelete04 Immo $eng.k.le only • tow BUREN Weal)" ...... IWO, MI ROW NOZVAld'aa0M5,XSW4*M imam - ,....,......,,.....,-,22FIL.-..,,.........- MROTNPUGER [PEIMEINOI, .-- /X4ZritOkiitAlQ.802sviNg4610it4Ur4WIVAY4OXVigi,. 9 Mon.1 0 Tu.. 11 married man with 205 Century RICHARD BENJAMIN A Lawrence Turman The Marriage ' Young Stockbroker EWAN OM MIMI, Velma, t mom* . ..., amni II "Illst (tor .1111 the guest speaker when the Hos- pital Auxiliary meWlers• hold their January meeting `on Tuesz day.evening at the hospital. Any- one rnterested in Auxiliary Work is welcome to attend the meet- ing. News of Egniondville • Correspondent Mrs. Charles -Geddes Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Teatero were Mr. and Mrs. Rick Kelley of London, Miss Gaye Kirby and Mr. Gerry Harpwood of St. Catharines, Ont., and Mr. and Mrs., Murray Serilos ' of Hamilton. Visitors over the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Miilliga“ were their daughter and sori-in-law, Mr. •and Mrs. T. O'Connor and family from Oakville Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ron Brady were Mr. and Mrs. George Mulholland and fam - ily of Stratford Mr. and Mrs. Bedford Dungey and Bonnie of Sarnia spent the New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Geddes and family. They also -visited with Mr. Ernie Toll on the week-end. • Miss Sheila Geddes and Miss pam Geddes spent the Christmas holidays with their grandparents, Mr. and mrS. James CamerOn of, Sarnia. Mr. and Mr'S. Charles Geddes and boys were in Forest an Thursday attending a Novice hockey game , the Silver Stick tournament, held yearly. Every week more and more people discover what mighty jobs are accomplished by low cost Expositor Want Ads. Dial 527- 0240. STAG FOR JIM SILLS Seaforth Memorial Centre SATURDAY, JANUARY 8th, 19'72 - $1.00 CASH BINGO Legion Hall, Seaforth Friday, Jan. 7th 8:15 p.m. IS Regular Games for $10 THREE *$25 GAMES $75.00 Jackpot To 'Go TWO DOOR PRIZES • ' .ADMISSION $1.00 Extra Cards 25e or" 7 foi $1.00 (CBILDREN UNDER 16 NOT ' PERMITTED) ;—Proceeds for Welfare Work— Royal Canadian Legion Auspices Seaforth Branch 156 In the ('rown Room. Dining room open on Sundays from 12 noon • 2 p.m and p.m. to 8 p.m. in the evening. , 11111111111111111111111111111111111 Plan to 'Wend the SEAFORTH OPTIMISTS 5th ANNUAL WINTER CARNIVAL FRIDAY -- SATURDAY -- SUNDAY JANUARY 21, 22, 23 LOCAL IEFS- • Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mar- tin spent a few days at Christ- mas with their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. -Fred Martin of Richmond UHL Mr. and Mrs. D'urlean Sills spent the weekend in Timmins with Mr. and Mrs. Dotig Fry, BRODNAGEN COMMUNITY CENTRE Saturday, January 8th MUSIC. BY WILBEE'S ORCHESTRA .. a own 0