HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1972-01-06, Page 4-14 *OP* EXPOSITOR SRAFORTH: ONT., .IAN. 0, 1972 , .
.1 I
Hibbert Makes Appointments
News of Brodhagell -Li
Entertain Holiday Visitors
3.45 ',OFF:
Of Men's Felts, Strap Rtibbers for Men,
Boy's and Children
..T110wiPsoiws •
Men's good shoes property fitted and repairs
month at 8 p.m. the months of
April to Novemaer-inclusive• arid
at 1 p.m. the balance of the
Road • and general accounts
were approved. Due to other com-
mitments of council, the February
meeting will be held on February
Miss Judy Friend has gone.
to InUvik, N,W.T. as a mid-wife
and public health nurse.
Misi"Lirida „Friend is spend-
ing two weeks in the Barbados,.
• Miss Susan Friend is spending
a few days in-Peterborough with
Miss Melba Jean Friend has
returned to Toronto to resume
her nurses training.
Mrs, Frank Evans spent
Christmas week in WiaairWalls
with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Evans
and family, returning to Tor-
onto where she stayed with Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Cleary.
Mr. and Mrs... Elmer Keller
spent Christmas with mr: and_
News of Staff a
20% off
An Cosmetic Gift Sets
20% off
All Shaving .Gift ,Sets,
,Rant moNymENT woRitt-
All Types Of '
Inquiries are invited — Telephone Numbers:
' EXETER 235-0620- CLINTON 482-9421
SEAFORTH: Contact Willis Oundas
Or Bill Pinder 527-1382 — Bus. 527.1750
In Huron County
1969 GALAXIE 500 4-door hardtop, fully
equipped including factory air. K34562
1969 FORD GALAXIE 500 2-door hardtop,
V-8, automatic, power steering and brakes,
1969 FAIRLANE 500 4-door, V-8,
automatic, one owner, J32660
automatic, sport console, power top, one
owner, actual 38,000 miles, K43106
1967 T-B1RD LANDEAU 4-door,
completely equipped with all the T-Bird
goodies, K32136
1967 FORD. 4-door, 6 cylinder, standard,
1967 FORD CUSTOM 500 4-door, V-8,
automatic,,one owner, 50,000 actual miles,
1970 FORD LTD 4-door hardtop, V-8,
automatic, . power brakes and steering,
1969 FORD CUSTOM 500 Ranchwagon, 1,1995
V-8, automatic, roof rack, power brakes and ,
steering; X17283
1959 VOLKSWAGEN DELUXE, one owner,
1968 CAMARO rally ,iport equipped, one
owner, 22,000 actual miles, K30838
1969 FORD STYLESIDE pickup, 6
cylinder, custom cab, heavy duty
suspension, C88100
T965 MERCURY F350 chassis and cab, V-8,
four-speed, 684858
Rentenzber.,, It's Sense To See Snider's
Huron County's Largest Ford Dealer
Snider Motors
EXETER 235.1640 LONDON 2214191
Open weekdays Until 0:00 Saturdays Until 6:00
Mrs. Bob Cronin
- Firsintegular meeting of 1972
and of, the second term of office
of Hibbert township council was
held January 3rd and all mem-
bers were present with Reeve
Ross McPhail presiding.
Salaries were set for the
year and appointments made as
follows: Ken Stapleton for a three
year term to the Mttchell and
District Planning Board; Earl
R. Dick to the Ausable River
• -Conservation Authority; Darwin
Lannin to Perth County Safety
Council and Ed Chappel, Trench
Inspector for the township.
Seventy-fiv,e dollars was
granted to Salvation Army and
$25 to the Mitchell Branch of
St. John'g Ambulance.
By-law was passed for
the borrowing of $130,000 (if.
`needed) to meet current expend-
. itures until taxes are collected
in 1972.
Regular council meetings will
he held the first 'Mbinday of each
,' Mrs. John Templeman
Mr. H. Willard, Colborne is
visiting with Mr-and Mrs, John
Miller and family.
Misses Edna arid Janet Miller,
London were home with theirpar-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Miller.
Tuesday 'evening visitors' ith
Mr, and Mrs. John Templeman
and family were Mr. and Mrs.
Seafor‘th Non-Nibbleis,:had a
Oiott turnoill /for their ft t(St. Leet-
ing of 1972 when they made plans
for a belated New Years party
and reunion of friends, graduates
and ex-members, onnext Monday
evening. There will be a pot hick.
diet-lunch and a $1.00 gift ex..
change. The club anticipates
interesting guest speakers and
pleasant evenings "Ibr all weight
conscious ladies in 1972. 1.
Mrs. Harry Arthur and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Butters
and family, Hespeler and Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Butters, Tdrontd
were visiting with Mr. Tom But-
ters over New Years.
Mr. and Mrs. Clare Oldham
and Bradley, London" spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Cronin and family. _
Win Over
Grand Bend
publid boy's hockey team
played Grand 'Bend boys in Zur-
ich on TueSday, January 4th with
Dublin winning '7 -4. -
Goals score by Feeney, 2;
Van Bakel, Ry n, ,McCreight,
Cronin, o'Reil y, each one goal.
Assists went t Flannigan, Ryan,
McIver, Bruxer, Feeney.
Last week Dublin tied Sea-
forth 4-4. This Saturday at -4
p.m. Dublin boys play in Sea-
forth against Mitchell.
Mrs.Ken Elligsen
Mrs.Lena Bennewles,Kilbar-
chan Nursing Home, Seaforth,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert French,
Mr. and Mrs. George Rock and
Warren, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rock,
McKillop Township, Mr. and Mrs.
Dave Davis, Marilyn and -Ken,
Fullarton, Mr. and Mrs. Rob
Tarn and Michael, Mitchell, Mr.
and Mrs. Jim Lloyd, Toronto,
Mrs. George Sherron, Kitchener
were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
William Bonnewies and Eric of
Kitchener, Christmas Day.
Mr. Dalton Hinz accompanied
Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Hinz to
their home in St. Catherines to
spend a few days.
Mr.• and Mrs. James Cake-
bread, Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs.
William Gibb, Kathryn and Jamie,
stratford and Mr. and Mr's. Ralph
Wietersen and David, Bornholm,
spent Christmas with their
parents, and. Mrs. Les
mr, and Mrs. wm. Brown
spent the Christmas holidays with
'Mr. and Mrs. Allan Brown, Mel-
bourne and Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Kettlewell , and family at
Strathroy. Mr. and Mrs. Brown
just retubned froth a trip to
North Carolina.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hoegy
had as their guests for Christ-'
mai", Mr. and Mrs, Randy Smith-_
ers, .Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. '-
Maynard Hoegy and Chris, Mit-
chell, Bonnie Hoegy, London, Mr.
and Mrs. Aif Beuermann and
Susan, Mrs. Ella Hoegy, Sea-
forth, 'and Edgar Hillebrecht.
Mrs. Mae Culford and family,
Dublin, sit Christmas with Mr.
and Mrs. wm. Pegg. and family.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Fred A. Kist- ,
,her accompanied Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Ki'stner and boys to spend
Christmas with Mr. and Mrs.
Don Jackson fand girls,Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Miller
and Lynda and. Mr. Louis Ben-
newles spent Christm is day with
Mr. and Mrs. John Moore, Connie
and Mark, Hibbert Twp.
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Ballard
and family spent Christmas with
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wheeler at
Mr.and Mrs,Lenard Burgess,
Christine and Joanne, Crystal
Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Buuck
and David, Milverton, Mr, and
Mrs. Carl Buuck and Danny, Mit-
chell visited witir-their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Bueck,
Christmas Day.
• . Mr. and Mrs, Mervyn Leon-
hardt and family_ and Mr. and
Mrs.' Alvin Leonhardi and family
spent Christmas Day in Seaforth
with-their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Chris. Leonhardt.
Mrs. Lavina.Beuermann spent
Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Beuermann,"' R.R.#3, Mit-
-Marlin' Rock and Diane and Mr.
Christmas with Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. Mary Dlttmer spent
- .• - -----
and Mrs. Frank Vanhevel and
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Rock
had . as -their guests Christmas
Day, M. and Mrs. Walter Rode
• and Carolyn, Palmerston, Mr.
and Mrs. Boyd Driscoll and
family, Glenn Dolmage, Karen
Dolm age, 'London,. L6uis Siem on,
McKillop Township.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Beuer-
mann and fani ly, Roy Beuermann
and family, Goderich and Ethel
Barker, St. Catharines, spent
Christmas with Mr. and Mrs.
Manuel. Beuerrnann.
r. and Mrs. Norman Ben-
newi s
maS 'ay with Mr. aad-kMrs.
and Cheryl, spent Christ-
Willard Bennewles -and' fafnily.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert weftzel,
Mitchell, spent Christmas with
Mr.,and Mrs. Harold Mogk. •
Mr. - and Mrs. Doug. Aitch-
ison and far/illy,: Niagara Falls,
Mr. and MTS. Boris Bruder, Kit-
chener, Dr. and Mrs. Karl
Campbell, GoderiCh, Mr. and
Mrs. Edwin ROck and Norman
Rock spent Christmas Day with
Mr. and Mrs.. William Broughton
and family, at Atwood. Mr. and
Mrs. Rock-had their faintly here
also during the holidays. '
With Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
Ahrens for Christmas were Mr.
and Mrs, Ed. Ahrens, Phyllis
Ahrens, Newmarket Robert
Brady, Delhi, Barbara Smith,
Mitchell, Mrs. Bud Lockridge and
peter, Mrs. Kathy A. Quinn,
Sandra and Melissa, Mrs. Mar-
jorie Anderson, Theiesa and
Gregory, Watford.
• • Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe
spent Christmas in St. Thomas
with Officer and Mrs. Dick Wat-
son and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Elligson„
Terry and Warren, Mrs. Mabel
Ifiggerson and, Harry Proctor,
R.R. 3, Mitchell spent Christmas
Day with Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Elligsen, Don and David and Mrs.
Louise Hoppenrath.
Miss Phyllis Ahrens receivied
word that she has passed the
Canadian RegistrationExa.minat-
ion and is new a Credited Record
Technician at the York County
Hospital at New market.
• Guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Herman Leonhardt on Christmas
Day were Mr. and Mrs, Henry
Leonhardt, Dale, Colleen and
'Lisa ,.Thamesford, Mr. and MrS.
Richard Leonhardt and •Jeffrey,
Strathrop,• Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Meyer, and Gary,-Kitchener,
Diane Meyer. Logan Township
and Mr, and Mrs. Maurice Stef-
fler and family, Midland.
With Mr. and Mrs. Henry -
Kleber, Christmas Day 'were Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Muegge and
Marion, Mr. • and Mrs. Edwin
Bach and faintly, Rev. nd Mrs.
Harold Brill and Heath- , Con-
stoga, Mr. and Mrs. obert
Gilbert, Douglas and Col
Christmas Eve, Mrs. Laviaa
Beuermann had as her "guests,
. Mr.. and Mrs. Kenneth Beuer-
mann, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Beu-
ermarin and family, Mr.,and Mrs.
Ronald Beuermann and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Beuerrnann
and girls, Mr.. and Mrs. Roy
Beuermann and farnily,..,mr... and
Mrs. Donald • Beuerm ann_ and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hille-•
brecht and 'family, Mr. and Mrs.
Ken Siemon and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Kistner,-
Ingersoll, spent Christmas with
Mr. and M rs. Fred W. Klstner.
• Miss Shirley Trentowsky,
Mississauga .4.13rit the • -holiday
-Season With her' mother, Mrs.
Adolph Trentolisky. •
'Mr. and Mrs. August Scher-
berth- spent Christmas Day-,_ in
Kitchener with Rev. and "Mrs.
Calvin Glick and girls.
Mrs. , Ford Dickison'and:'
Glenda had as their guests -for--
Christmas, Mr. and Mrs.Robert
Gibb and Lynn, Glencoe and
Sherry Gibb', Vancouver, B.C.
and, Mr. and Mrs. 'darold Smyth.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles-Scher-
berth and faintly spent Christmas
with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jackson.
in Stratford. •
Mrs-. Harold ..Riack has been
hired as :caretaker tof the Brod-
hagen Chamber of ‘Commerce.
Mrs. Caroline Elligsen, spent
Christmas 'Day with Mr. and
Mrs. Alvin Elligteil and family,
•McKillop. Twp. Mr. _and Mrs.
Carl ,.Elligsen, Windscir, visited
earlier In the 'week with Mrs.
Elligsen and other relatives in
the community.
' Mr. and mrs. Wirfred hreni
spent Christmas in Burt ligton
with Mr, and M rs.0 layton AlikenS
and other relatives.
vision. This plan calls for the
employment of unemployed per-
sons or people on welfare.
The board will look into 'se.-
cpring further allotment of money
to carry out painting in the var-
ious schools under Its Jurisdict-
John Vintar was appointed
official hiringragent for the board.
Ch QO Trus-
Robert Mauer and Brian, Thames
Road and Mr. Lloyd Miller,
Dianne and Ron.
Mr. and Mrs. Norrrian D,ow
and boys were fiew Years guests,
of Mr. and Mrs. Ross McPhail
and family, • „,
• With Mr. and IVIrs..16hn Miller
and family for' New Years were
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Willard,
Mr. and Mrs.- John ^Temple-
man and family vis itedNew Years
night 'with Mr. and Mrs. Russ 1,
Ische. and family, Sebringv' le.
Mrs. Sam Norris and . and
-Mrs. Bob Norris and amity
visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.-
Jack Burleigh and family, God-
Miss JoameiVerden has re-
tuild I hef a hing duties in
Ottawa after spending the bell-
days with her father, Alvin War..
den. M.
Mr. and Mrs. John Temple-
than -and Darlene visited Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Eaton
and family, Crane. Darlene has '
accepted a position with, the
rehabilitation centre • at Edgar
for the coming four months.
s 995
(Continued from Page 1)
The following standing corp.-.
mittees were' elected with first
named chairman: Finance and
Insurance, F. .1. (Mi(teY) Vere,
Stratford; Michael Connolly,
Kippeii; and Prancisnick-
-ande arid -personnel Committee
meetings and Vice ChairmanMe-
Cann Would attend Property arid
Transportation Corn mittee rnaet-
The Metlibert of the ad 'hot
Tuckersmith Council held its first. meeting of 19/2 Tuesday evening in Centennial School;
Brtkefleld. Shown in this picture taken following' the inaugural meeting a year ago are; (Front)
Deputy Reeve Ale's McGregor, Reeve Elgin Thompson arka Clerk-Treasurer J. I, McIntosh.
(Rear) Road 'Superintendent Allan nicholson, Councillors Ervin Sillery, Bert Branderhorst and
cleave Coombs. .1
Meeting in the Township. Hall, Winthrop, 'On Monday members of McKillop Council held their
first meeting of the New Year.,,,,Sliown in this picture, taken a year ago at' the beginning of councils
two year term are: Mrs. MarionMcClure,Clerk-Treasurer, Reeve Allan Campbell, RoadSuperin-
tendent and Welfare Officer Ken Stewart (rear) Councillors A-rthur Anderson, Haiwey Craig,
Ralph M'dNichol and- wm, .1. Leemtna. • (Staff Photo)
• (Photo by Phillips)
Mary's SchoOl in Ilesson. The
Initial allotment to the board will
amount to $2,500 for labour
(which is 100% of labour costs)
and will pay 25 pee cent of the
colt of materials- and of super-
PLAY . ,The chifdre n of the Sunday
SchoOl of ,St. Peter's Lutheran
'Church presented a Christmas
Play on christmas Eve. Mrs.
Lorne Mueller led the yoilth
choir. Rev. Kalbfleisch, Zurich,
• led in Devotions.
At eleven o'clock a Candle-
light Sertdce was held for the
- On Monday eirening the
regular Congregational meeting
was held at St, Peter's Lutheran
Church, Rev. Kalbfleisch con-
ducted the meeting. Various re-
ports were given from each
orgard ration.M•rs.R obert F retie h
was re-employed as janitoress
and Robert French as caretaker.
The new counsillors were elected
being, Ronald Beuermann, John -nifciore and Ken Elligsen.
A report was given by- Lloyd
Gloor on the Ritz Lptheran Villa
„nell, R,R.5, Seafotth; personnel committee for the Purchase of
and Salary ' Negotiating, Ted property for Holy Name School students'. Geoffrey, R,R, 2, Zurich; David in St. Marys were re-appointed
appointed rs
In other business
or the board Teahen, Stratford; and Michael . to complete the final detail's of its ic _
Connolly; Property and Build- the, purchase ,,which was Invide
legal firm of Donnelly and Murphy ing Committee, Vincent Young, last year forl,the enlargement of Ooderieh.
To make appointment'S for re-, Goderich; pat Carty, Stratford; the school grounds.
Joseph Looby, Dublin; arid Mr. Vintar reported that the
such as the Li
presentatives to
oard, boards, Howard Shantz, Stratford; Trans- application to the Department of p a
portation, Arthur Raid, R.& 4, Municipal Affairs for the board
nominating •
J. •Vere, chairman; coram1ttee was Listowel ; •Osdar Kieffer, R.R.I, to pro eed with the Proviticial- d: F.
Oscar Kieffer, Arthur Haid, Bluevale; and Chris Walraven, • municipal Incentive Employment
- '
St. guys. . , plan had been- granted for the - Approval was given for -theMichael Connolly and Chris Wets
hairman James. Morris in- installation of a teachers' room yearly dues to be paid to the raven. dicated he would attend the Fin- and resource centre it St. Ontario Separate S
tees 1
Association which amount to $3,012A0 for-this-year, com-
pared to $2,392.95 last year. Mr.
itintar said the fee Is based on
a 70 cent per pupil basis whith is
increased from 50 dents in MI.
Huron-Perth RC Boon! Elects ChairmaR