HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1972-01-06, Page 1• ' Whale -No. 5417 113th Year SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 6, 1972 - 12 PAGES vo•-i C4Ples 24 ;edit $8.00 Yeariet Mewl" Council Organizes For '72 :Sees Heavy Program Ahead Theree is a continuing con- flict between people without governMent and - government withput controls Rev. E. W. Reuber told. Seafoeth council, at— he invoked divine blessing on council's deliberations for the coming year at a meeting Mon- day morning. There is no easy solution he ' said recalling the action taken duringe•the rece FLQ crisis in Quebec. Politics is the art of achiev- ing the possible, he said and added that if politics was re- garded as dirty, it was because dirty people have made it so. Mayor F. Ce,„J.- Sills •wel- comed guests at the"meeting and paid tribute to the contribution which^inembers of the staff had Made to the town. • Committee chairmen re4 viewed activities through the year and the report of the striking committee was presented by Councillors MacDonald and Ford. Committees establiehed are as follqws with first named chair- Planning Board - Flannery, Istemeer. Recreation Committee • - Hildebrand, Cardno, Fo , Sills. MODA - Ford, Card o C . Seaford; 'Community °spite! - Rev. H. Laragh. Maitland Corieervation - Carl Dalton. , • Aux Sauble Conservation - Fratik Sills. ' Meeting in the evening council was concerned at adVicefrOm the (Continued on Page 12) Tuckersmit Consi▪ ders New Bridge completi n of it, as well as the employees received a 20 cent an hour increase bringing their wage Road expenditures for the Huron B of E Re—elects R.M. Elliott • Briltania Installs New Master ksimeth * R. M. Elliott of R.R.3, Clinton, was re-elected by aeclam ation as chairman of the Heron County board of education at the 1972 inaugural meeting in Clinton Monday night. In nominating him trustee Molly Minder of Seaforth thanked Mr. Elliott for his efforts in 1971. Mr. Elliott, following his re- election, thanked the board for the • Teck.eksinith cdieticil is con- sidering the replacemeet of . Silver Creek e, 'bridge on • concession 2 and 3 HRS adjacent Seaforth Golf Course. At RS-14re*, meeting 3n 3-972 . - held Tuesday night etetrucefield. road , superintendent Allan. Nicholson • was instructed to obtain, prelimlnary engineers "report on the work. In hie report to councileMr. Nicholson saideheenew eurnewael, installed in December for. O. 2 Well in EgmOndville.and the whole . Water 'system was working eatise. factorily at present. Mr. NichOlson had his salary increased to $7,200 from $6,500 and other township road A meeting is to be held soon. with the Ontario Water Resources Commission to , dis- Cues' problems in Egmondville and future requirements at the former Canadian Forces Base (Continued on page 12) Mayor Reviews Past Year finishing of the force main line, on BrantfordStreet and the in stallation of a new di ping station in the area directly east of the U.D.P.d: This is a• must in order that new trunk line's can be added to our :town ,sewer system. During the past year the public works department has purchased a new truck and the Police Committee a new Police ,cruiser. Our staffs in both instances are working etell and combining their- efforts with those of the P.U.C. to give us a very laudable group of dedicated in- dividuals. Along with them it is fitting • that we point out the very capable efforts of our Town • Cleric,- Mr. Williams, and his deputy;"--Mrs. Robert Campbell. Mr. Williams has also served,'" in the capacity' of Treasurer and it is' largely due to his efforts denier) section, but they showed (Continued on Page 3) • apply for the balance Of the 1971 rate to $2.50 an hour."e -me e Clerk Japes McIntosh will Board El ects , Chairman Rev. Father H. J. Laragh of St. James Church, .Seaforth, opened the meeting with an address to the' board members urging them to remember- when carrying out „their duties as board members that they were "doing it' for the children, mettle trustees. Too, he"urged 'them to remember the teaChers and other members of the staff and to efave concern . for them: "Going to mass is not some- thing you take lightly", Father Laragh stated andeirged the board to hire teachers' who go to mass. He -suggested that pastors be asked for .** their evaluation of prospective teachers before they are hired. - - John Vintai, Superintendent of Education, who presided for the "election of the chairmen, spoke of the co-operation he had received- and said that for 1972 to be a rewarding year a spirit , of mutual - trust was necessary 'that we can best sere's( our (Continued on page 4) -,... .. , . Caldwell, Clinton, "Seelorth, Monday night succeed- was installed as worshipful mac- ing Orville G. Oke., to 011ritteela 'Cadge, No. 170, Other officers are: Ross Smele, Staffa, senior warden; Jack Eisler, Seaforth, junior warden; Robert Caldwell, Clin- ton, senior deacon; Robert Newh- 'Printing, he was employed at e,,confidence Its members placed in ham, Seaforth; junior deacon; the Beacon Herald as a Com- him. Ross Scott, arucefield, chaplain;. positor before puichasing the -John Broadfoot, of If l. • Kirk, ., llarpurhey, trees- .: Brussels ' Post from the late J. BrUcefield, was re-eleeted as urer; Gordon Wright, Seaforth; L. Kerr Estate, almost 40 years vice-chairman. He defeated secretary; Joseph Buell, Bar. age.,His brother, Hugh, now of CaY,1eY 11111, of Ooderich, in •it piithey, master of ceremonies; Toronto, was associated with him secret ballot. The tally was Peter Kling, Seaforth, senior . for a short time. ' not announced. ateWard; Eldon Hulley, Seaforth; Mr. Kennedy has taken an Mr. Broadfoot ,represents the junior steward; Jack Butson active part in the community townships 'of Tuckerareith and Staffs, Inner guard and bavid serving on the public schoOkboard Stanley, the town of Seaforth and 14aeLitait, Egmondville, outer' for a ellieber of peers. He is the village of Hayfield, ward. , leaf& r aMember of tirtissela eon: .. . Serving with Mr., ElliOtt On • -- a- second period. previously the striking committee will be 'Willleiti talrYhipIe of Sea- serving continuously for Otears, ' Clarence McDonald of Eiteter) :forth Wali in charge at the instal- he now is comniencing, his 4th -John Taylor of it.R.1;41-eigraVe Winn derenienittg. yearl .. „ and 1)r. J. A. Addison of Clinton. man: Finance, Industrial - Cardno, Fen!, Hildebrand, and Pinder. Public Works and Sanitation - MacDonald, Flannery, Cuthill and Ford. Protection to Persons - Pinder, 'Flannery, MacDonald, Tremeer. Arena - Tremeer, Hildebrant, Cardno, other appeintments included: Fire Area Beard - Pinder, Flannery. , Projecting increasing activity in' the prevision Of services iii' Seaforth, including -a 21 unit senior citizens home eMayor F.C. J. Sills toldcouncil atits inaugur- al session Monday much`had been Recce-elished during the pasts year. In his inaugural address he said: . . • Once more we are, embarking on a New Year, and it would seem fitting to recall some accom:- plishments 'of the past year and) also lOOk ahead to, what might be • undertaken in the year 19'72. We may not necessarily, get every- ' thing done, but,' at the same time, it would seem to be, com- mon sense -that we haVe an • orderly plan of major projects. . During , the past year you members of Council and the town staffs have accomplished a great deal with a maximum effort•and an expenditure that seems to be inside our budget. I wish to congratulate you., May I enumerate-A few of your efforts. Tvio projects were of a major physical,. type and the reference `There is to the completion of • Seaforth Drainage Works No. 1 and the sewer project on Market Street up to the, Public School. The former noject should 'al- levia.e the flocIlimg. conditions of the North East section of town • `and now make it possible for that, area to be opened up. It was an expensive project for the in- dividuanand owners of that ,par- James , Morris, 34 Palmer Square, Stratford, was elected chairman of the Huron Perth County' Roman Catholic Separate School Hoard at the first Meeting for the year when it met in Sea- forth Monday night. He succeeds Howard Shantz of Stratford. *, Mr. Morris won On the first ballot with eight votes over the only other candidate for the post= Lion, Joseph Looby Ofbehlin, who received six votes. John McCann, R.R. 3, Ansa Craig, with eight votes- won over Francis Hicknell of R.R. 5, Seaforth, WhO received six votes,, for the position of Niece chairman foe 1972. Brussels Post Sold A pubIfeliing eareer Of nearly forty years was concluded at the year end when Roy W. •Kennedy sold the Brussels Post to McLean Bros, Publishers Limi- ted of Seaforth. Announcement of the impending sale was made by Mr. Kennedy a few days before Christmas. While mrt. Kennedy has dis- posed Of the post, he is con- tinuing to carry on "his come mercial printing business. It will operate under the name of the, Post Publishing House. Mrs. Kennedy, who has been associated with her • husband in the "'p'u'blication of the Post, will continue as editor under the new , dwneri. Mr. Kennedy. is the eldest son of the late A. R. *Kennedy, a former well known editor of the Stratford Beacon and,, prior to his death, of the Peterborough ' Ex-a-Miner. Following graduation from Beal Technical School of Seaforth coup can its 1972 deliberations at 'meetings on. Monday. Fo owing the, inaugural meeting .at eleven o'clock that morning, member's of council, P.U.C. and town officials 'and representatives of the press were guests of the town and P.U.C. at a luncheon in the Commercial Hotel. in the evening 'council met again and dealt with regular business. ,.,„„Members of council - are shown here as they Schedules • • its first meeting for' the year in McKillop Township Council at Winthrop Monday reviewed the salary schedule and made sev- eral increases. Clerk treasurer, Mrs. Ken- heth McClure will receive $4, -e00 . up from $3, 900. A car -allowance of4e00. will agairk_be.-- paid for the year.. . , Road superintendent, Kenneth Stewart, will receive a 25 cent bringnd his the pwearg e h otou r$ 21.n6c0r spaire 4rn g 'and .grader operator's salary will be $4.00"per hour, up,,,,15 dents per hour. The drain, trench and tile inspector will receive $5.25 per •hour up from $2.00 and he will _receive a car allowance of 10 cents per mile. Reeve Allan Campbell's stip- end was increased to $600 from $525, and each councillor will now get $500 up from $425. Any member of the township. board • attending a meeting Outside of the township• but , concerning township affairs will receive $8.00 per meeting, the registration fee and mileage of 10 cents a mile. Council passed a' borrowing Car Club : by-law for $140,000 for current expeedituies for the year-and approved A by-law to authorize Winner participation in the Ontario Mun- icipal Eniployees Retirement System. Passed for payment were road accbunts amounting $2,097.59• e and general aceounts of $216.87.. R.O.,SILLS Named C "ekefee--- Well known area lawyers were ehelieee(i,on_New Years when they . were Maned tiadetioe aceinsels. They are. Donald Ian. Stewart of Seeforth, and Ronald Sills of Kitehener,, a son of Mrs. C. P. Sills, Seafortb. Mr, . Stewart graduated from Osgoode Hall in 1956 when he bedame associated with the firm Of McCoimef and. leays.. Subse- quently on the retirement of Judge Hays he joined In partnership with- Mr McConnell, Active in, theeeonirnunity he has served as 'president of the Huron T.B.Association and as president • Of the Seaforth Corn- mmete Hospital Board. He is married to the fornier Jean .McM aster. ' Ronald Charles Sills graduated 'in 195'7 and since then has practised in Kitchenek wheie he has played en active role. He was -named citizen of the year in .-1969. Born in Seeforth, where he attended school, :he le the'eon of Mrs. C. P. Sills and the late Mr, Sills,: His wife is the former Patricia Reynolds. A statement from Attorney- General Allan Lawrence accom- panying the list said the appoint- ments are made, On the basis not only of experience in the courts, but on "general capa- bility, character and service to the community at lerge." The honor allows lawyers to use the letters QC after their names, the, use of silk as op- posed to a cotton gown in court, .and certain other recognitions . . among lawyers. • - 9 Optimists Winner The first. .qUarter winner in the Seaforth Optimists Million- aire Stag draw was announced TUesday. He is Murray Cardiff, 'Iteltli Ethel, evireereceived $25, road subsidy, • year totalled $141,477. Reeve Elgin. .Thompson, Deputy Reeve Alex . McGregor, CeuncillOr Cleave Coombs, and -, the Road Superintendent , son indicated they plan to attend the Good -Roads Convention in Toronto beginning February 21. Mr. Nicholson said that 18,000 cu. yards of gravel will be re- Mrired on the township roads this summer. He said the dead tree removal along .township roads under" the Provincial Municipal,, E mployment Incentive program" was progressingsatisfactorily. A third, allotment of this money pro- vided by the government may be alienable and an application for $2000 from it will be .made by • the -clerk.' The government had set aside $35,000,000 to provide -the unemployed or those on wel- fare the opportunity .to seeere winter work through the program. Passed for payment wererbad accounts Welling $3,564.39. end general accounts of $1e,,626.61. ' Council accepted a petition from the owners of lots 9 and 10, on the eighth concession for. an' extension to the. Alexander Drain. An engineer's report will be made and the Ausable • eCeentervation Authority notified. Seaforth can anticipate an in- -crease in the cost of the power it purchases from the H.E.P.C. Dr. Roger Whitman, a member of the P.U.C., told' • coencil at its inaugural meeting MOndaYmora- ing. Dr. Whitman said the com- Mission had been .advised the increase would been the Order of 8%. Reporting on P.U.C. activity duripg the year he told council -that iievi three phaseleolesnes and e ttensfermers had been'in- „stalled on Market Street from Jarvis Street to the Public . moved from corners of various streets and the commission would .continue to build rear distribution lines. It was hoped the town would consider purchase of the' street, light system. .• Referring wat The thirteenth' weekly Winner of $25 in the preliminary draws in connection with the' Lions Car club is Roy McGonigle,Seaforth. appeared at the e beginning of their• two year term include (front) Reeve J. F. Flannery, Maier F. C, J. Sills, Clerk E. ve. Williams, . Deputy. Reeve Wilmer .Cuthill. (Rear) Conncello L. F. Ford, MacDonald, Betty Cerdno, Ge . ldebr rid, Dave Teerneer and wo. Pinder. (Staff photo) system. Dr. Whitman said a new 6. inch water main had been' installed on George Street and . Isabella, Street to Brantford - Street replacing 3/4 inch water line a 'total of 1,758 feet 6 inch 2 main was involved. • On Market street new le Inch water main had replaced a'6 inch ' main. from Main Stet to Public School, 2500 feet of Main wee, • involved. A new '6 ineh • stub across Goderich Street,to Cole- man Street would, .serve for a future' loop to Crombie Street re- placing a 3/4 inch line. • During the year 'the P:U.C. spent $65,530.46 in the water- works department, $16,157;00' remained to 'be paid in 1972. Looking ahead Dr. Whitman said the P.U.C. was considering a new well and reservoir and the replacement of feeder lineS with new larger mains as.-well as tieing in dead end main for a complete loop system. ., * , Replacement of mains had reduced Water consumption since leaks had been- eliminated. Con- surnption In 1969'was 96,902;900 gallons, in 1970 72,49911M. :gallons and in 1971 the total was 77,455,100'gallons. ” 'and Who, has had no ,electrical accideete was given . a 24 year award.„ He hold a. journeyman power lineman certificate. Torn, Phillips started with the • • P.U.C; in 1966 'and has had no electrical accident. He has Celli,- pleted his training course at Orangeirille and • will receive his journeyman power linerhan cee- Public Utility dommission employees who hadeestablished safety, records, and, gained • re- cognition -4n- their trades were honored by the P.U.C. last week and presented with awards by iifiCate this seeing. He received a 5 year award. Doug. Ste wartbegari work with the Seaforth P.iJ C. in 1969 and also haphieh accident free during his present apdprevious employ- ment with Galt P,U:C. Doug holds a journeyman power liee- man certificate' and received a 20 year award, , ;Jack Muir started here, in 1968 and has had* no accident during las employment with the Utility. 'He has completed his first year lineman's' course and is at' present with the Water- Department and Hydro Departe ment as "required. He received a 3 year award. their communitNiait with their total co-operation, and I would publicly like to think them. The sewer installation of a trunk line- ob Market Street also makes possible the likelihood of new homes in that area by providing a very necessary ser- vice that can be coupled into the lagoon facilities when..they are completed. The Jagoon construction has been In the planning stage, for several years and got underway in Never. By next springand M early su mer we should see the. cKillop p Power 'Co st'Increase Looms sp..- Reviews pay PU a C Yer End Report Indicates Sehool. In addition three 100 K. . , 1 V. A. transformers had been , . . . " • for new sewer lift pumps to serve. the new sewage lagoon. - Commission ecognizes. P.U.C. also would like Town . . Council to .consider purchase of - Se ff ' 1 street light system, Looking to the future, he said , ta , a ell/ Record' , a new sub-station was beingeon- sidered. poles would be re- , . • placed ready to supply power P.U.C. chairman, D'OrleanSills. works work with the A.U.C. in 194'7 Charles-Reeves, who started The Public Utility :Commission at it gathering last Woe CRMiriiiSSioner tor. Heger Whitman; tending) jgdk honored members; of its staff who had establiShed' • afiletY Muir, ii„H‘t, 'dommisaion manager prank,g1ligo tom pittliips records. Shown following the naromony are seated 1140 and Chitiin'a rtetavAin :bongla8 'who also receAVO4 Manager Waller genii, P.U.C. Chairman DrOiletiri 8016 arid Ward, trdn absnnt tor.the pfoitird4 440(0'