HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Bayfield Bulletin, 1964-09-17, Page 2More Newcomers Added To List The well-known mat is out again this week for subscribers who have joined the lengthen- ing list for the first time or re- newed their subscriptions, thus helping The Bulletin to carry on as year 'round publication. Thanks and a doff of the cap to: Mrs. B. Menerey Bayfield 3-65 Harold E. Prim 20285 Westbrook Ave. 10-65 Detroit, Mich. 48219 John Elliott 67 Harber Ave. 10-65 Kitchener, Ont. Albert Wood Bayfield 1-65 Mrs. A. S. Morton Box. 92, Bayfield 10-65 Mrs. Lewis McLeod Bayfield 10-65 Stan Prevett 80 Corlborne St. Goderich, Oat. John Berry Clerk-Treasurer County of Huron Bldgs. Goderich, Ont. O Bayfield Personals Mrs. M. Toms, Mrs. Harold King and Mr. Ed. Reid spent the weekend in Toronto. On their return they were accomp- anied by Mrs. Clayton Guest who is spending some time with her sister, Mrs. M. Toms. Brigadier and Mrs. J. N. Kerr, S.A. (retired), returned to their home at Fenelon Falls, this weekend after having been the guests of his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. R. Kerr for the past ten days. Mr. and Mrs. Basil Hender- son, Coniston, called on his aunt, Mrs. Russel Kerr last Thursday. It is understood the members of Pioneer Park Association have forwarded a petition to Stanley Township council re- questing the imposition of a ten miles per hour speel limit on motor vehicles within, and in the vicinity of Pioneer Park, Bayfield. The group committee, 1st Hayfield Boy Scouts of Canada are pleased to announce that Cpl. J. V. MacVicar, RCAF, has agreed to be registered as Cubmaster of the Hayfield Pack. Private Chris Gallant and' Miss Diane Boulanger of Camp Borden were guests of his par- ents, Cpl. and Mrs. J. H. Gal- lant this weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stewart and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Erickson and family spent Sunday together. siz FOR ALL NEEDS Call For FREE ESTIMATE .;: • ff GET EXPERT INSTALLATION FROM SPECIALISTS B. R. ROBINSON FLOORING CONTRACTOR 61 Hamilton St., Goderich Phone 524-8831 • AMBULANCE 4 STILES FUNERAL HOME Goderich 524-8142 524-8504 !It A .Y4 .• INCREASE YOUR ESTATE UP TO $2,000.00 LIFE INSURANCE At no cost to you, no medical required. To find out how much you can have See Clinton Community Credit Union Ltd. 482-3467 Huronview Home Nearing Capacity (Continued from Page One) man); Reeve Frank Walkom, Goderich; Reeve J. Roy Adair, Wingham; Reeve Glenn Fisher, Exeter, and Reeve Nelson C. Cardno, Seaforth. The com- mittee will be appointed an- nually by the striking commit- tee of council, at the January session. Alexander and Chapman GENERAL INSURANCE REAL ESTATE Property Manageemnt Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Building Goderich Dial 524-9662 R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST Goderich The Square 524-7661 Later, the following consul- tative committee for secondary schools was named: Reeve Glenn Webb, Stephen (chair- man); Reeve A. D. Smith, Reeve Grant. Stirling, Goderich Township; School Inspector Kincaid and "a person appoint- ed by the Minister of Educa- tion". G. B. CLANCY, O.D. — OPTOMETRIST — For Appointment Phone 524-7251 GODERICH • s "WHAT A WAY TO GO" In Color THE SQUARE—GODERICH AT PARK PARK Showtimes 7:30 & 9:30 p.m. Now Playing — Six Days — Sept. 17 to Sept. 23 (Adult Entertainment) SHIRLEY MacLAINE with Robert Mitchum, Gene Kelly, Paul Newman, ' Robt. Cummings, Dean Martin and Dick Van Dyke Canada's contribution to screen merriment in her newest and best comedy hit Saturday Matinee Only—Sept. 19 Elvis Presley in "FLAMING STAR" THURS., FRI., SAT. — September 24-25-26 Sandra Scott, John Drainie and Emile Genest A Siamese cat, a Labrador retriever and an old bull terrier traverse the Canadian wilderness in "THE INCREDIBLE JOURNEY" In Color Coming—"PALM SPRINGS WEEKEND" with Julie Adams 40•111Ma. BAYFIELD-CLINTON GOLF COURSE 1y2 Miles North of Bayfield on Highway 21 Beautiful 9-Hole Course 11) Driving Range • Fully Equipped Pro Shop Daily Fee $1 25 — Sat., Sun., Holidays $1.50 Snack Bar Coming To The PARK THEATRE GODERICH TOM JONES The year's most controversial and amusing picture, at no adavnce in regular prices. The Beatles in "Allard Day's Night" • I. ONE-STOP SERVICE <4, c WESTLAKE'S GARAGE JACK MERNER, Proprietor Highway 21 BAYFIELD 50-R-2 Bagfirth Tgultrtitt Published Every Thursday at Bayfield, Ontario by ART ELLIOTT Editor and Publisher AUDREY BELLCHAMBER Social Editor Subscription Rates: Canada U.S.A. $4.00 per Annum $5.00 per Annum Advertising Rates on Request P.O. Box 94 Phone 96 Page 2—Bayfield Bulletin—Thursday, Sept. 17, 1964 EDITORIAL By ART ELLIOTT A Service At Your Service The benefits of having a local weekly paper for Bayfield and district are many, if the paper is properly utilized as a forum for local news, discussion and pro- motion of business. The fact that these possibilities have not been fully exploited to date is largely that of the publisher, of course. Size of the paper is inexorably dictated by the amount of advertising available to it. This governs the amount of news and the number of pictures which can be used. Within these limitations, The Bulletin has done what it could to render the services men- tioned. However, it does not seem to be fully understood that The Bulletin, with a one-man staff, assisted by Mrs. Audrey Bellchamber, cannot be expected to can- vass every business or news source every week. It is physically impossible. As a result much valuable pub- licity which could be given local affairs which need it, is simply not available. By its very nature, The Bulletin must be a com- munity paper in which the merchants and residents volunteer advertising and information. It's something like a public swimming pool. You go to it. It can't be brought to you. How About You ? By Audrey Bellchamber Most of us have never seen a rabid animal and it is to be hoped that we never will. On Saturday last, one of the young men of the village encountered, near our northern boundaries, a racoon which was obviously distressed, appeared to be frothing at the mouth, and which refused to move when approached. He consulted with the as- sistant game warden and the Ontario Provincial Police and on their advice destroyed and buried it. We occasionally wonder how anyone can let household pets run loose in the face of contamination by such a deadly disease. Your trustees have pub- lished warnings. Your pets may have had anti- rabies innoculations; have YOU??