HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Bayfield Bulletin, 1964-10-15, Page 8Page 8—Bayfield Bulletin—Thursday, October 15, 1964
1 Gal.—reg. $8.90 Special $7.95
Ontario Department Lands and Forests 1
season on the Rainbow Trout.
Those who feel they would en-
joy the cold, wet autumn wea-
ther fishing for these Rainbows
should try their luck around
Owen Sound, Meaford, Thorn-
bury, and Craigleith. These
waters tin the past have pro-
duced very good fall fishing
for Rainbow 'trout. Also around
Meaford the Perch fishing is at
its best.
Some people who anticipate
fishing for Rainbow seem to
think the best bait is spawn.
It should be noted that the
old-fashioned dew-worm still
produces some of the best cat-
ches. Trolling also produces
good results in the fall using
flat fish.
If you plan 'to go fishing
this fall for Rainbow, try your
luck along Georgian Bay. If you
are not sure of the areas hav-
ing this extended season on
Rainbows, you can get in touch
with the Department of Lands
and Forests' office in Hespeler,
or contact your local Conserva-
tion Officer.
This rolling stone has gath-
ered no moss alt all, but has
seen some gathered.
The Cree Indians, those who
are lucky enough to be still
living "wild" are gathering
moss like nobody's business, and
what they do with it is no less
than astonishing.
I was camped or,, the Wilson
River with Torn Aldous one
Fall when we saw two squaws,
one young, one old, paddling
by with a canoe load of spagh-
num moss plus a few dry logs
of firewood. We waved them
toward our tent, and it was
only reluctantly they came in,
and most probably because we
were known to Chief Black-
smith, to whose tribe these wo-
men belonged.
Tom and I were about to
the end of the prospecting sea-
son. We had a lot of odds and
ends of grub left over, land it
seemed like a shame to throw
them away, knowing how they
would be welcomed by some In-
dian families in the area, of no
further use to us.
It was a mother and da:ugh-
ter or mother4n-law and daugh-
ter-in-law combination that
visited our camp. They spoke
not a word of English, but
smiled their thanks for the half
cans and jars of this and that
for which we had no further
use. To tell the truth, we felt
sheepish about the deal. After
all, it was something like
crumbs from the rich man's
table, so far as they were con-
cerned. However, we knew
that every scrap would be put
to good use, and that the chil-
dren would get first whack at
what would seem like delica-
What started me wondering
was, what are they going to do
with all that moss they've been
gathering all morning. I found
out later that they used it for
filling mattresses, pillows,
chinking log tent frames and
cabins, as toilet paper and also
as diapers for the papooses.
Later on I was to, be taught
how to use moss to good ad-
vantage 'in making a comfort-
able bed on the ground. Chunks
of moss, roots and all, made an
excellent base for a spruce twig
bed, as taught to me by Alex
Mathias, my Indian partner for
the following summer and
That thick spaghnum moss,
so desired by dew worm sales-
men and Southern Ontario
gardeners, is generally soft and
green. In drought conditions in
the North I've seen it so brittle
it cracked like broken glass,
and fOotsteps through it in the
hot blazing sun left marks like
footsteps in snow.
It was not until I arrived
in Goderich about two years
ago, fresh from the bush, and
while in the Unemployment. In-
surance Office was passing the
time of day with one of the
staff that I learned an aston-
ishing fact. The tall blonde
girl who had helped with my
job application was interested
in my conversation about the
North and I had been talking
about 'the moss, and how it
Woodcock Hunters
To insure the future of good
Woodcock hunting, the Cana-
dian Wildlife Service is gather-
ing information on woodcock
production. The method which
enables them to obtain repro-
ductive success is by determin-
ing the ratio of young to adults
among birds killed by hunters
during the shooting season. It
is possible 'to determine age and
sex by examining feathers in a
woodcock's Wing.
It would be appreciated if
Canadian hunters would co-op-
erate in the collecting of wood-
cock wings during the 1964
hunting season in Ontario.
Wing-collection envelopes may
be obtained at the Hespeler
District Office or from your
local Conservation Officer.
A donation of woodcock
wings by hunters makes infor-
mation available which cannot
be collected in any other prac-
tical way. We hope that hunt-
ers will continue their excellent
co-operation which made past
collections so successful.
Pluck With Paraffin
If you're planning on bagging
some ducks this fall, there's
a new dimension in the clean-
ing job ahead.
Pull a switch from last sea-
son when 'there were feathers
floating all over the house and
everyone was commanderddwd
everyone was commandeered to
help get the ducks ready for
the freezer) — just follow this
quick and easy method:
Get a bucket big enough to
immerse a duck in it and fill
it with boiling water. Throw
in a block of paraffin which
will melt and float on top of
the water. Now take your duck
was used for mattresses, pil-
lows and papooses' diapers.
"This figures," she said. "I
was just reading the other day
where the talcum powder which
is made especially for sprink-
ling on the rashy bottoms of
chafed babies is made in part
from ground-up spaghnum
moss." Evidently there is some
soothing property in It.
The Crees may seeut dumb,
but 'they are only about a
thousand years ahead of us on
the diaper problem!
and remove the wings at the
first joint (this eliminates those
two small bones which haste
little meat, anyway. Pull out
the tail feathers and ruffle or
strip off a few handfuls along
the body to loosen them up so
the paraffin will .penetrate to
the skin. Grab the duck 'by the
feet or the head and dunk it
into the paraffin a couple of
times. Then put it under a
cold water tap or into a bucket
of cold water until the paraf-
fin sets and becomes hard. If
you husk the paraffin as you'd
husk an ear of corn the paraf-
fin, feathers and all, will come
off right down to the skin.
To dress the duck, just cut
off the head and feet and then
split the back with a pair of
shears. Pull out the entrails,
clip off the tail section with
the oil gland, and your duck
is ready for eating or freezing.
You can re-use the paraffin
by putting it back into the
boiling water and straining out
the feathers from the previous
Of course, if you want to
save the feathers, this paraffin
method can't be used. If you
don't need the feathers though,
give it a try—you won't mind
the thought of cleaning those
birds you hope to bag this
For Rainbows
The fishing season is coming
to a close, and those fishermen
who 'dislike the idea of hang-
ing up the rod and reel should
stop and think about all the
enjoyable hours spent fishing
in the past few months.
• In some areas of Lake Hur-
on District we have extended
Bayfield Briefs
F/S and Mrs. J. Mayman
and Jeffery returned to Glen-
cairn on Monday after having
spent the weekend with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L.
With Mr. 'and Mrs. Reg.
Francis and family on the
Thanksgiving clay were her
brothers and their wives, Mr.
and Mrs. L. McMillan and Jim-,
mie and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kerr
and Lynda, St. Marys.
Attending a retirement din-
ner in Clinton Legion Hall on
Saturday, in honour of Mrs.
Mary Jordan, were her sister,
Mrs. Fred Fras:er and Mr. and
Mrs. R. R. Fitzsimons, accomp-
anied by Mrs. Malcolm Toms.
It helps to say you saw it in
The Bayfield Bulletin.
Why not try some tasty, fresh-caught
whitefish or perch for a refreshing change.
Caught fresh daily. Sold pan-ready!
Yes, We Want A Local Permanent Paper!
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ART ELLIOTT, Editor and Publisher