HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Bayfield Bulletin, 1964-10-15, Page 2Credit Union Message From Prime Minister CANADA PRIME MINISTER — PREMIER MINISTRE For well over three million Canadians, and almost sixteen million other people around the world, the third Thursday in October has a special significance. It is In- ternational Credit Union Day. I send my greetings to Canadian credit union members on this day, in recognition of the important contribution their self-help activities make to Canada's economic life. Credit unions encourage their members to save regularly and to borrow wisely for productive purposes; they pro- vide useful counselling in money handling. All this helps to build a better economic life for members, and so the country benefits. Through the Credit Union National Association, Cana- dian credit unions also contribute significantly to the de- veloping nations of Africa, Asia, Central and South America by helping people there to organize and operate their own credit unions. Not only does such organization help these people to raise their standard of living; often it provides their first introduction to democratic institutions. To all credit union people in Canada, my good wishes on International Credit Union Day, October 15th. Ottawa (Signed) 19 6 4 LESTER B. PEARSON ONE-STOP SERVICE w =-‘-511NOC WESTLAKE'S GARAGE JACK MERNER, Proprietor Highway 21 BAYFIELD 50-R-2 • iTE PARK THE SQUARE—GODERICH Showtimes 7:30 & 9:30 p.m. NOW PLAYING — 6 NIGHTS — OCTOBER 12-17 ELVIS PRESLEY and ANNE MARGARET in "VIVA LAS VEGAS" MON. TUES., WED. — October 19-20-21 FRANK SINATRA, DEAN MARTIN and ANITA EKBERG "FOUR FOR TEXAS" ( Adult Entertainment) Coming—"ADVANCE TO THE REAR" With GLENN FORD and STELLA STEVENS • New Subscribers Still Coming In The Bulletin is delighted to welcome some more new sub- scribers this week and also make some changes of address for those who have had to leave their happy homes in Bayfield for the winter: H. L. Kennedy 100 Oriole Parkway Toronto 7, Ont. G. M. Gaibraith 47 David St. Dundas Ont. W. A. Tillman 1042 William St. London, Ont. Arthur Ford 315 Regent St. London, Ont. 1-65 J. W. Brown 18022 Wildemere Detroit, Mich., U.S.A. Huron County WI Hensall Meeting HENSALL — District presi- dent Mrs. James Drummond of Kippen, presided over opening ceremonies of the Huron Coun- ty Women's Institute Rally in the United Church here last Tuesday. More than 125 delegates reg- istered and were welcomed by Hensel] president Mrs. Beverly Beaten. Reports were submit- ted and a sing song was led by Mrs. Land Mickle, accompan- ied by Miss Greta Lammie. Miss Patricia Damude, Home Economist for Huron County. presented a scholarship to Miss Mary Andrew of Lucknow who is now attending the University of Western Ontario. G. B. CLANCY, O.D. — OPTOMETRIST — For Appointment Phone 524-7251 GODERICH 9-65 INSURANCE K. W. COLQUHOUN INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE Phones: Office 482-9747 Residence 482-7804 JOHN WISE, Salesman Phone 482-7265 Jack Tillman 348 Dundas St. London, Ont. Jessie Metcalf 88 Edison Ave. Detroit, Mich., U.S.A. Dr. A. Chapman 406 W. Frisco Rd. Pensacola, Fla., U.S.A. Arnold Chapman 193 Cheapside London. Ont. Eric Earl 1019 Waterloo St. London, Ont. 10-65 Robt. Hartman RR 1, Bayfield 10-65 Classified Ads. Bring Results B-I-N-G-0 Every Saturday Night Branch 109 Can. Legion Goderich, Ont. 14 Games for $1.00 SUBSTANTIAL JACKPOT Alexander and Chapman GENERAL INSURANCE REAL ESTATE Property Manageemnt Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Building Goderich Dial 524-9662 A. S. Charlton 23 Viola Court Stratford, Ont. Mrs. Leon Duggan 200 Cambria Stratford, Ont. Phyllis Adams 669 Lorne Ave. London, Ont. Miss R. Kruke 570 Fort Dearborn Ave. Dearborn, Mich., U.S.A. Warren Cook 125 Wortley Rd. London, Oat Mrs. J. W. Carson 689 Colborne St Lotxtrin, Ont. Edward Pongrave 91 Kercheval Ave. Grosse Point, Mich., U.S.A. Miss M. Watson 1604 Goyeau St. Windsor, Ont. Frank Peter 12 Ontario St. Stratford, Ont. R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST Goderich The Square 524-7661 • AMBULANCE STILES FUNERAL HOME Goderich 524-8142 524-8504 age 2—Boyfield Bulletin—Thursday, October 15, 1964 EDITORIAL By ART ELLIOTT PENNY ON THE DRUM During World War II in RAF circles there was a very amusing little ditty entitled: "Please Throw a Penny on The Drum" or "Sister Anna, You'll Carry The Bannah". Those who know the words may smirk a little as they recall the lewd verses. Those who don't may consider themselves fortunate. Of course the ditty poked some fun at th Salvation Army, which actually is held in the highest possible regard by most ex-ser- vicemen and women. After all, didn't your Editor and Publisher sleep in a wing of The British Museum (where Karl Marx used to hang out) under the auspices of the Salvation Army, and get breakfast too, all for one miserly shilling? With all due apologies to the faithful workers in the Salvation Army (bless their hearts) we have to make the point that if you don't throw a penny on the drum they do not have the wherewithall to carry on the soul-saving process. We have yet to see a veteran refuse a donation to the Salvation Army. We are not in the soul saving business, but the principle is similar. If you don't throw a buck into the mail and renew your subscription, The Bulletin will be unable to arrive at your home via Her Maj- esty's Royal Mail and bring you that weekly ray of sunshine. Pretty sad prospect, eh? HEARING AT LAST It is with a keen sense of relief that we note a date has finally been set for the public hearing by the Ontario Municipal Board of Bayfield's claims for re- incorporation, as reported on the front page of this issue of The Bulletin. We believe we speak for most Bayfield people when we say we hope the hearing will be just a matter of going through the motions, because most people in Bayfield, or those having summer homes or property here, are sold on the incorporation idea. Talking to Brigadier Frederick Clift recently, The Bulletin found that more than 88 percent of the summer residents are in favor of incorporation of the village, and more than 96 percent of the village resi- dents are all for it. The Bayfield Ratepayers Association, under the capable leadership of Brig. Clift has done an excellent job of marshalling the facts and support for this hear- ing. Some painstaking research on the part of H. H. Ormond has come up with some interesting data on what has been happeing to the northern borders of the village at the hands of Goderich Township. We feel certain the handwriting is on the wall so plainly that the Board cannot fail to see it. We cannot think of any adequate reason why Brig. Frederick A. Clift should not be our first rep- resentative in Huron County Council. He is certainly deserving of the honor, whether he wants it or not. Who knows, he might stand for a second term, after the reeves and deputy reeves teach him the history of the Kings and Queens via the euchre deck? EDITORIAL BREVITIES Bayfield can be proud of its position attained this week, of one of the finest places to hngle for trout. The Department of Lands and Forests is touting Mea- ford and Georgian Bay as the happy fishing land for late season fishing. Evidently they just haven't had the word yet. Twelve pounds is a lot of trout in any- body's language. * * * Why drive to Clinton or Goderich for cornraeship with fellow veterans? How about a branch of The Royal Canadian Legion right here? Anyone seriously interested in this idea should drop a line to The Bulle- tin, P.O. Box 94. * * * As Bill Alley used to say in The Port Hope Guide: "We're for Home and Mother and agin Sin." * * * Bayfield Businessmen are very much on the bit. Watch The Bulletin for details. Tip ?Wirth Vultrtin Published Every Thursday at Bayfield, Ontario by ART ELLIOTT Editor and Publisher AUDREY BELLCHAMBER Social Editor Subscription Rates: Canada U.S.A. $4.00 per Annum $5.00 per Annum Advertising Rates on Request P.O. Box 94 Phone 96