HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Bayfield Bulletin, 1964-10-29, Page 2AMBULANCE STILES FUNERAL HOME Goderich 524-8142 524-8504 1 EVERYONE READS AND USES WANT ADS EDITORIAL By ART ELLIOTT Prompt Service THE ONTARIO Department of Highways has been prompt to accede to the request of The Bay- field Businessmen's Association in connection with the provision of signs indicating the business section of the village. Within a week of the request being made by Ken Mackie, chairman of the businessmen's group, three spanking new "finger" signs were erected by the Department at Highway 21 at the two entrances to the park. This is the first of a number of projects under- taken by the fledgling organization, and through the co-operation of the Department, the improvement has been made at no direct expense to the businessmen or the community. The Department is to be commended for the alacrity with which it fulfilled this request. The As- sociation is to be commended for finally taking the bull by the horns, so to speak, and asking for the signs. Actually, they are years overdue, but finally something positive is being undertaken. There are a number of other interesting projects under way, and reports of success in these other fields will be published from time to time in The Bulletin. We are inclined to keep the mind open to the idea that when you want something from the De- partment of Highways, it is nice to have the Hon. Tharles MacNaughton, Minister of Highways for On- tario, in our constituency. Popular Legislation AS MAY be noted from the news story on Page One, the Centennial grants offered jointly by the Provincial and Federal governments have proven very popular with Huron municipalities. It appears likely, judging by the applications now received, and those known to be in preparation, that every eligible municip4lity in Huron will qualify under this legislation. pml:t has been estimated unofficially that about . NN, a half a million dollars will be spent in Huron on ction and renovation projects of various kinds. It is good to think that the towns and villages and townships will be improved to this extent, with projects suitable to marking Centennial year. It is also good to know that this kind of money will go into payrolls for Huron men and women. It has been pointed out that November 9 is the final date for reception of applications under the leg- islation. It is a reminder to municipal officials to act promptly and get their municipalities represented in the Centennial list. Open Deer Season THE ANNOUNCEMENT by the Ontario Depart- ment of Lands and Forests elsewhere in this issue of The Bayfield Bulletin of deer seasons in Bruce will quicken the hearts of local nimrods. Those with a taste for venison will be oiling their rifles and digging out the old bush boots for the trek north. There are also those who care not so much for the meat as for the enjoyment to be gained from the long quiet days in the woods and swamp, where the cool breezes and even the cool rains of Autumn have a soothing effect on the troubled soul. To those who languish for the meat, and those who sigh for the calm of the Autumn bush, we wish best of luck and good hunting. El El COMMUNIST CHINA has exploded a nuclear device, described as "crude" by U.S.A. propaganda, and now seeks a "summit talk" to ban nuclear armament. Can it be supposed that The United States will finally admit that these hundreds of Chinese now actually exist and are a powerful political entity? I ONE-STOP SERVICE LU SUNOCO WESTLAKE'S GARAGE JACK MERNER, Proprietor Highway 21 BAYFIELD 50-R-2 4 MON., TUES., WED. — November 2-3-4 GEO. HAMILTON, RONY SCHNEIDER GEO. PEPPARD in "THE VICTORS" (Adult Entertainment) Coming—November 5 to 7 "MOON PILOT" "WATER BIRDS" with Tom Tyron A Special and Danny Saul Walt Disney Subject AT MARI, THE SQUARE—GODERICH THE Showtimes 7:30 & 9:30 p.m. NOW PLAYING—Thur., Fri., Sat.—Oct, 29-30-11 RICHARD WIDMARK and SIDNEY POITIER in "THE LONG SHIPS" Do You Finance Your New Car "The Easy Convenient Way" Compare Interest Rates and Charges With Your Clinton Community Credit Union E. Scott Coffin, 480 Oriole Pkwy., Toronto 7, Ont. B-I-N-G-0 Every Saturday Night Branch 109 Con. Legion Goderich, Ont. 14 Games for $1.00 'UBSTANTIAL JACKPOT Page 2—Bayfield Bulletin—Thursday, October 29, 1964 011r igagfirth Igultrtitt Published Every Thursday at Bayfield, Ontario by ART ELLIOTT PUBLISHING LTD. ART ELLIOTT AUDREY BELLCHAMBER Editor and Publisher Social Editor Subscription Rates: Canada U.S.A. $4.00 per Annum $5.00 per Annum Advertising Rates on Request P.O. Box 94 Phone 96 Bishop Confirms Six Candidates At Middleton 4-65 Rt. Rev. H. F. G. Appleyard, Anglican Bishop of Georgian Bay, conducted a service of confirmation last Sunday at St. James Churdh, Middleton. The class of six candidates were presented to the Bishop by the rector, the Rev. E. J. B. Harrison. Those confirmed were: John Alfred Hudel, Douglas Walter Smith, William Ackert Stirling, Nancy Ann Melinda Stirling, Linda Elizabeth Stirling and Arlene Lillian Dutot. Terry Fitzsimons of Trinity Church, Bayfield, acted as the. Bishop's chaplain and carried the pectoral cross. Bishop Appleyard also preached the sermon. The church was decorated with large baskets of seasonal flowers and Mrs. Joseph Storey played the organ. G. B. CLANCY, O.D. — OPTOMETRIST — For Appointment Phone 524-7251 CODER ICH League Standing Bluewater Bowling Ladies high single, Madeline McIllwain, 202; men's high single, Reg. Francis, 241; high triple, ladies, Elsie Reader, 506; men, Walter Turner, 609; high average for night, ladies, Elsie Reader, 168; men, Walter Tur- ner, 203. INSURANCE K. W. COLQUHOUN INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE Phones: Office 482-9747 Residence 482-7804 JOHN WISE, Salesman Phone 482-7265 R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST Goderich The Square 524-7661 The Bulletin Still Adding New Subscribers The Hayfield Bulletin is pleased to welcome new sub- scribers and renewals to the mailing list as set out below: Harold W. Donahue, 204 Base Line Rd., London, Ont. 10-65 WATCHING A popular children's program on Channel 13, we had occasion to notice that out of a dozen children asked, only one would want to be an Indian in a game of "Cowboys and Indians". We can add to this from personal experience that in the same game, even the Indian kids wants to be cowboys. After all, there's not much future in being an Indian, now, is there? Alexander and Chapman GENERAL INSURANCE REAL ESTATE Property Manageemnt Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Building Goderich Dial 524-9662 Jack Tillman, 579 Regent St., London, Ont. • 4-65 Dr. C. G. Stogdill, 39 Lowther Ave., Toronto, Ont. 10-65 Mrs. Robt. McKee, Lakeshore Rd., R.R. 4, Kelowna, B.C. 10-65 Ellwood Epps, Sports Shop, Clinton, Out. (c) Lorne Brown Motors, Clinton ,Ont. (c) Mrs. Stan Bryant, 419 Wonderland Rd. London, Ont. 1-65 Clinton Comm. Credit Union Clinton ,Ont. (c) Adam Flowers, Bayfield, Chit. (c) Joe Carey, Clinton Auction Sales, Clinton, Ont. 4-65 Cubs And Scouts Collect $50.63 The Brucefield and Kippen cubs and scouts raised $50.63 last Saturday during their Ap- ple Day. The cub pack held its first meeting of the year on Monday night with 20 boys in attend- ance. Leaders Mrs. Louci Ari- an°, Mrs. Stewart Broadfoot and Mrs. Danny Aiken of Brucefield said any boys be- tween the ages of eight and 11 would be welcome at the meet- ings, and should contact one of the leaders. The Scouts will hold their first meeting this Friday night under the leadership of Stew- art Broadfoot, Tom Munroe and Bob Pitman. Boys inter- ested in participating should contact the leaders.