The Bayfield Bulletin, 1964-11-05, Page 1A Cubmaster's Swan Song District Scout Commissioner Jack Gallant of Bayfield attended his last cub- meeting in the capacity of cubmaster this week. For the past several years he has acted as both cubmaster and D.C., but with a new cubmaster to replace him in Bayfield, he now is free to give full time to his duties as D.C. In the above photo he presents badges to cubs Brian Makins and Wally Pierson. (Bulletin. Photo By Audrey Bel!chamber) Executive Urges Members Attend Reports On Interim Activities Following is a statement issued by the Execu- tive of The Bayfield Ratepayers' Association in connection with the hearing on re-incorporation of the village to be held here November 19th. It urges that as many members as possible attend and give weight to the arguments of the Association: ONTARIO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD IN THE MATTER OF Section 10 of The Municipal Act (R.S.O. 1960, c. 249) —and— IN THE MATTER OF an Application by Fred P. Arkell and others for the incorporation of the inhabitants of the Police Village of Bayfield and of certain adjoining lands, in the County of Huron, as a Village to be known as The Corporation of the Village of Bayfield. APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD hereby appoints Thursday, the 19th day of November, 1964 at the hour of eleven o'clock in the forenoon, at the Village Hall (at Bayfield), for the hearing of the application of Fred P. Arkell and others for the incorporation of the inhabitants of the Police Village of ield and of certain adjoining lands as a village municipality to known as The Corporation of the Village of Bayfield. Any person desiring to inspect a map showing the area pro- posed for incorporation may do so at any time during office hours, prior to the date of the hearing, at the Office of the sec- retary of trustees, Police Village of Bayfield. Let all persons interested in support of or in opposition to such application then and there attend. DATED at Toronto this 15th day of October, 1964. B. VICKERS, SECRETARY. 45-6b c. Y 388 Item Stl 130% Vallfirth Butirtitt 10e COPY This Space FOR RENT Apply The Bulletin BAYFIELD, ONTARIO THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1964 CLINTON TAXI 482-3436 10e COPY VOL. 1 — No. 22 ASSOCIATION URGES ATTENDANCE IM mi LIONS HALLOWE'EN PARTY Every year on Hallowe'en night, Bayfield Lions give a party for the area children of all ages. This year's event was held in the Town Hall and opened by Lions president, Adam Flowers, who welcomed the children and introduced the master of cere- monies, Lion Charles Dungey. Judges for the evening were Mrs. F. H. Paull, Mrs. R. Blair and Mrs. R. Robinson. Winners were: Youngest child in cos- tume, Michel Fraser (five months), Jeffery Merner (nine months); pre-school girls fancy costume, Faith Renner, Shan- non Pounder, Donna McLeod; pre-school boys fancy costume, Peter Payne, Charlie (Chuck) Dungey, Marvin Merner; pre- school girls comic costume, Vicki and Elaine Merner, D. Greer; Pre-school boys comic cos- tume, Steven Grainger, Keith Settlbe, Dennis Merner; 6-8 year old girls fancy costume, Karen McRae, Shirley McFad- den, Karen Brandon; 6-8 year old boys fancy costume, John- ny MacVicar, Paul Payne, Dan- ny McLeod; 6-8 year old girls, comic costume. Catherine Grainger. Kathy Logan, Veron- ica Huffman; 6-8 year old boys, comic cos- —The date for the Public Hearing by the Ontario Muni- cipal Board on our application for Reincorporation is to be held Thursday, November 19, at 11 a.m. In the Village Hall in Bayfield. It is of the utgiost importance that this meeting be well attended. We assume that the Hearing will be com- pleted by Thursday evening, with the major presentation be- Hallowe'en Dance At Little Inn A jolly party was enjoyed by members and friends of the Beta Sigma Phi Sorrority at The Little Inn in Bayfield Fri- day, October 30th when a Hallowe'en masquerade party was enjoyed, with dancing in the main dinir,rroorn of The Inn. The hall was appropriately decorated with streamers and seasonal displays of fruits, pumpkins and the like, and an enjoyable time was obviously had by all in attendance. Winner of the prize for the most original costume was Mrs. John Sturdy; for the best couple, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Dunn; balloon dance, Pat Simpson. In the course of the evening a smorgasbord supper was enjoyed. Convener of the event was Mies Agnes Lang. More than 30 attended the affair. ing made after lunch. We urge you to attend if you possibly can. Please make every effort. "The Annual Meeting, held in the Bayfeild Arena on Aug- ust 7, was attended by 125 members. The following busi- ness was transacted: (a) Minutes of the inaugural meeting, membership and financial reports were read and adopted; (b) Reports on Executive acti- vities were presented. Three meetings had been held and the Executive represented the Association at Council Meetings of Stanley and Goclerich Townships and the Bayfield Board of Tru.stees: (c) A progress report on Rein- corporation was presented along with the present con- cept on proposed boundar- ies; (d) A constitution was adopt- ed for the Association. (e) The Executive was re-elec- ted for the next year, with the exception of Ken Mac- kie. Pressure of business prevented his holding of- fice and George Bellcham- ber was elected Secretary; (f) The meeting unanimously approved t h e suggested boundaries for Reincorpora- tion and directed that the major effort of the Execu- tive should be toward Re- incorporation. "On August 11 a delegation of four members of the Execu- tive along with the Chairman of the Board of Trustees met with the Minister of Municipal Affairs at his office in Toron- to. It was a most satisfactory interview. "As of October 31 the total paid membership was 504 and the financial standing of the Association was as follows: Receipts (Memlbership, $284; Expenses (stationery, postage, telephone, etc.), $155.83; Bal- ance on hand and in bank, $128.17. The accounts are be- ing audited by Mr. Roy Fitz- simons and a statement will be posted on the 'Town Crier' this week. "When our application for Reincorporation was forwarded to the Ontario Municipal Board last May we sent petitions in favour, signed by 545 residents, followed by an additional 55 names from the tear slips of our second letter (April 15). During the summer we contac- ted as many summer residents as possible and obtained anoth- (Continued on p;i ,..fe 8). COMING EVENTS Notices on the front page under this heading are avail- minimum charge 75 cents paid able at five cents per word, In advance, or $L00 charged. tune, Harry Talbot, Blair close of the party the Lions Brandon, Larry Heard; 9-12 year old girls, fancy costume, Brenda Makins, Dayle Scotch- mer, Janice Middleton; 9-12 year old boys, fancy costume, Richard Peterson, John Camp- bell, Peter LeBeau; 9-12 year old girls, comic costume, Mary McFadden, Wendy Greer, San- dra Telford; 9-12 year old boys, comic costume, Brian Makin, Mark Hartman; Over 12, girls, fancy costume, Marlene Scotchmer, Greta Mac- Vicar; over 12, boys fancy cos- tume, Paul Moss, Fletcher Mc- Laughlin, Ken Knight; over 12, girls comic costume, Phylis Grainger, Mrs. J. Merner; over 12, boys comic costume, John MacVicar; Best couple in cos- tume, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Knights; 19 years and over, best lady in costume, Mrs. Mac- Vicar and Mrs. J. Merner. During the evening marching music was played by Mrs. J. B Higgins at the piano. At the distributed ',treats" to all chil- dren present.