HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-04-15, Page 8n Robt. Orr's stook of D RY GOODS, ST ,J J 001 ,,a . r...-.1.11) �Q '. 321_,..,4 u1 old stand lately occupied byE. C. Clarke., Tailor, with a Hi ..17-1. JD S Cnsisting of GROCERIES, BOOTS and SHOES, READY MADE C: OT�HCIN `ar, CARPETS, &c., ' O .. I131:Z.AaN 131:Z..JJ -isiE Not a dollar's worth of old goods in the House. It contains a number of lines bought at a clearing price, and will be offered at special . rices. An inspection of the stock respec:tfully solicited.. Yours truly, M. 11. McINDoO. Boys' Clothing, and such clothing. If ou take your boys to the best tailor you would not get better clothes, better ?styles, better made than the good cloth- ing of M. H. McIndoo. See, then, how rally far in advance we are of any other !concern of boys' clothing. t Something very special in Ladies' and Children's Hose and Gloves. DaEss GooDs.—Such extraordinary active interest has been manifested to - !,"wards our enormous stock of new,Goods, that we will devote most of our time to `it• More Alligator Cretons opened up, the leading style of the fashionable world. SILKS. - This season's choicest novel- ties. The opportunity iu silk possessions o which we call your attention, embraces the very latest and newest novelties in black and light shades. You can't come too early. The best ,styles and qualities fare always picked out first, because in eMrs we are at the head. Housekeepers,: you will find ' we are ready with our Carpets and Lace Cur - 'tains. We are showing a much greater ariety than ever at such low prices that will interest economical buyers. CLOAK . DEPARTMENT.—Full line of. spring novelties in ready made Mantles. Exceptional value for this week. Men's Scarfs in all the latest styles. It is seldom you can buy a fine black suit or a light Scotch tweed at an away down price. Rare is an opportunity. You won't regret the looking at them, let alone the buying. There are splendid offerings, at M. H. WINDOWS. Bible sod isrMeeting. 1he annual ,nee •"ng of the %Vingliam Branch of the Brit sh and Foreign Bible Society was held iu he basement of the Presbyterian chur , on Friday evening, April Sal, Peter isher, Esq, in the chair° The Chairman called upon Rev Mr cQuarrie to lead the devotional part of the services, -who as assisted iu this by Rev Mr dcGrege , After a few intro- ductory remarks frotn the chairman, iu which ho regretted th a larger number were not present and emphasized the im• portance of the Word b.iug circulated, he called upon Rev Mr H bes, the speaker of the evening, who» a most happy way, gave an address reple e with good things. It `has listened to att Lively and if ap.. plause had been decoro would have met with many interruption:. The great pity was that more were no privileged to hear it, though the audieu.e was a fairly repre•• sentative one. By curious omission, there was no vote of th ks, but we feel- certain eelcertain the rev gentlema will receive the thanks of all .who wer• present for his timely and scholar, remarks, After hearing from the ecutive, election of officers and routine •usiness, the meeting was brought to a el se in due form, R v S Sellery phonouncin,:, he beuedietiou. T e followi ng are the offics for 1802 3 ; res. ident, Peter Fisher; Secretary, John Ritchie, jr; Treasur. , Dr W 13 Towler; Board of Directors : aptist, A McGregor, Alex I{elly ; Episco •`alien, 1: 0 Clarke, A E Smith ; Presbyte , GilbertlMclntyre, Alex Ross; Congregati. nal, Robt Currie,sr, Michas, Robertson Auditors, .f J Ho - ninth and Alex Ross. t (3oar. {� C`'K` The proprietor of uVbe f tnabarn C hotel, Clinton, rues FRIDAY, APRIL 16, .892, LOC AL NEWS. —To-day being Go.. Friday, nearly all places of business wil heelosed. --Bro Whitely, the Clinton News Record, has joined t t ranks of the total ' .abstainers, —Dr Nlabdonald a rived home from Ot telae on '1'hursda , and will spend the. f Easter holidays WI hie family. --Applications h e been made for 40 hotel and 2 shop li. • rases, in West Union for the license year 1,92 3. --On Illonday, Ch of Billiard had dames rfirerekridge before t t Mayor for being 4drunk and disorder ou Sunday evening. JQe waft fined $10 . aX costs. ;yelm Me. Leod was also bolo the Mayor, at the same time, at the in Nice of the Chief, for being drunk and di- •rderly on Saturday night. Fitted $a an. costs. A tramp, tinpl'his name as C • as Fraser, who was WienderIng around to n en Saturday night, k lodgings in the ` `elate at the favi. of the Chief. . a 14tonday morning, gar sea tenee. fro to Godericli jail 1. days, and he was taken there! on ,try by Che B • 1 rd, and the proprietor o hotel, of the saute t and coats for cont liquor Act. ° the Cowntercial, recently' fined $24' the Grand Union n, was fined $40 ventious of the WINGUAM MARKETS. Wn 0,t'. i, April 14, 1892 Corrected by P. Deans, Produce Dealer. Flour per 100 lbs, • $ 2 40 to 2.40 Fall Wheat per bushel, . 80 to 80 Spring'" 80 to 80 Oats, • - 27 to 25 Barley s 30 to 40 Leas, 66 to 67 Butter, tub 16 to 10 de Rolls, 16 to 16 Egg's per dozen - 0 to 10 Wood per cord, 1 60 to 1 75 thy per toe, 0 00 10 00 Potatoes, • 20 to Dessed hogs, per ewt - • 5 25 to 6 60 NOTICE, A special goneral meeting of the Shareholders of The Wingham Temperance Hall Company, Limited, for consnlerhtg and sanrtfoning ByLaw No ,29 !passed by the directors. 14th -April, 1802,) for authorizing the Company to borrow fent hundred dollars on a most ge of the real estate of said Com. pane, and oth nainess, will he held at the Corn• patsy Hall i the Town of Wingham, on Wedne day', the 27th day of April instant, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon. BY rdet P:.0. 01.A1148, Secretary. FOIA SALE, CIHEAP. Twenty.ilvs strong micelles el wen bred Italian Beee,'in fir class ;novstec frame hives and en new straight 6 It comb, Alt saust he Bold this eerier se,1 can attend to them, W.J.1rtOL, 11. 13r PhIladre1 VIM r t Ap, y at Apiary, Lot 10, 2nd l,,sma, atorha, NOTICE TOtDEB 1RS- As ;hiss ,Murphy will shrtly ienve- town, she wishes all who owe her to l;i dly call en settle their accounts before the 20th E .,ril, to cast or gond on. dorsad notes, as after that ate all ace ;,nts will be placed in other hands for collection. E. Wingham, April 5th, 180 . PROF. SCOTT O. E. ARK WANTED. uarn1° 1500 Cords Hemiook MUSICAL LEADER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH gives Private Lessons in Vo'tnl Training, both in Staff and Tonic•Sol•Fa Notation, Open Inc e,neagements for Concerts or Church meetings. Terms moderate. Apply at 61BS.1L•MOItitOw'S, 24 Shuter St, Wingham. TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE. The undersigned wishes to dispose of his property, consisting of half an acre of ground, being lots 45,, and 46, Catherine Street East, on which is erected a good frame house and stable. There are also a line lot of bearing fruit trees and the land is excellent for gardening purposes. For particulars as to price apply to the owner on the premises. JAiIES LEYELL. Winghatn,.March'30, 1802. • HOLSTEIN BULLS FOR SALE. Bark Wanted at the Wingham Tannery. $5.00 PER CORD Will be paid on delivery. Parties peeling 15 cords or over, an deliver half in summer and balance in winter, if desired, and same price will be paid. WINCHAM TANNING CO. Wingham, April 5th, 1892, NEW JEWELRY STORE The undersigned has for safe on Lot 10, Con 4; ing f from 9, four 1thmonths 010 ed Holstein bulls rang ; ' ■ . R. p w U ^ , ^ HAW ` a inti from 0 to 18 mouths ofd. The above mentioned .Vi ��i �V `a./ H W a nimals are all well marked and registered in the Canadiah Iierd Bonk. They will be sold cheap and on easy terms to suit purchasers. JAS ELLIOT, " Breeder of Holstein Cattle, Begs to fthtimate to the people of Wingham Bluevaie, Ont, and ;eueral public that he has opened out a large stock of PROPERTY FOR SALE. For sale, in the Town Plot of Winghmn, two Park Lots, Nos 40 and 41, en Alice Street, north of the Railway; goon Ian d and gond water close by, and a small stream runs all the year across a small corner of the property ; with apples, cherries and small. fruits. house fairly good. Apply at the "•TIDIES" OFFICE Wingham, ont. WATCHES, °LOGICS, JEWELRY; SILVERWARE, ikc. in the» §tore lately occupied by Mr;' ' d. slay, and invites all t5 call and see s and get prizes. - a epairing promptly attended to 4uc' faetion guarenteed. I s J. R. MUNSHAW, Ingham, IV eh 23, 1892. S IILOWS CONSUMPTION C U M is suecess of this Great. Ott li# Cure is t a parallel in the history of rrtedieinc. ruggists are authorized to sell it on a pos. narantlfe, a test that no other Cure din suo. ly stand. That it inay become known, roprietors, sit an enormous expense; are ng a Sample Bottle Free into every home e united States end Canada., It , r,have ugh, Sore Throat, or tronchitit, Wit, for 11 cure you. If your child has the Croup, coping Cough, use it promptly, and reiiet e. If you dread that inshaseOS disease susn i�5tion, est: it. Ask your Druggist for LOH'S CURE, Pliers to ats.,o as. and Lu . If your are ,5 a or Back lame, ' 'loh'ls'Pnrous tor. Priem 2,5 at, JAS. I12TTE, LI'AY & CO•. WINGHAM FOUNDRY, Manufacturers of and dealers in GRAIN DRILLS aaa SEEDERS, PLOWS, GANG PLOWS, WIND MILLS, ROLLE 1(S, MOWERS, &e., CUTAWAY and DRADER SPADE HARROWS, General Foundry Work, Repairs, &c. Tire Platforms and Tire. Upsetters for Blacksmiths. - JAS MURRAY cl CO. E. H, DEV R, Undertaker and Embalmer, Has opened out a first class UNIIMITAEING opposite Chisholm's Dreg Store, And is prepared to take charge of anything in that line that may be entrusted to him, having put in a stock equal to anything outside of the city, both in taste and quality. • PRICES VERY MOi7ERATE, FIRST CLASS HEARSE in attendance. E. H. DEVER. Whighatn, April Oth,1802. flrinoiafro rif D hl A., L, C. P. S 0., M d P, S. M., SPE C.A.DZsT, TORONTO. Jonathan Bushart, •Listowel, says':— "After spending all lay money and prop- erty to no purpose on medical men, for what they termed a hopeless case of con- .sureption, Dr. Sinclair cured mel" Mrs. Mary Fur1onr,Woodhouse says: " Whenall others failed, Dr. Sinclair cured tris of fits," W. McDonald, Lakefield, says :—"Dr. Sinclair cured me of Catarrh." Geo. Rowed,Blyth, says :-•-.•"Dr. Sin• °lair cured me of heart disease and drop. sy when all others failed," Diseases of private nature brought on by folly Dr. Sinclair certainly cures. CONSULTATION FREE. DR, SINCLAIR will be0 the QUEEN'S HOTEL, Wz logia !E AY, MAY 10th, Mt • At