HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-04-15, Page 71. 4 sense in raraerapits, Woman's Love, Man's fondness for sharing his mis. A, healthy man with a long face Rob t G Ingersoll pays the following fortunes ie equalled only by his tribute to woman's love. ness to exhibit his good luck, sin is The one thing in this world that ie constant, the one peak that rises above hearts all clouds, the one window in which light forever burns, the one star that darkness cannot qtmech is woman's love, It arises to the greatest heights, it sinks to the lowest depths, it forgives the most cruel injuries. It is peren- nial of life, and grows in every clime; neither coldness nor neglect, harshness nor cruelty can extinguish it. A leve is the perfume of the heart. This is the real love that subdues the earth; the love that has wrought all miracles in art, that lives music all the way from the cradle to the grand symphony that bears the soul away on wings of fire. A love,that is greater than power, sweeter than life and strouger than death. -slanders God. The bad thing about a little .that- it won't stay little. People generally set their ,most on what they need least. The devil feels proud of the linen .who.join the churchto maks money. That religion that makes no change a moires thoughts makes no change lin him. The devil has to work extra hard to •get hold of the uhildren whohave good smothers. It it; hard for people to enjoy reli- gion very much who keep both. bands in their ,pockets, Reople who can patieutly hear their 'teidls will never break down under their great ones. To talk about charity beginning at home is only another way • of letting ,people know we are stingy. Woriying about things we . can't iheip is as foolish as to throw stones at .the sun when its shining doesn't suit To. The man who simply wants to be Mrs. Jaee Vansickle, Albertan. Out.,was cured of liver complaint, after years of suffering, by using five bottles of B. B. B, She recommends it. How to 'Sleep. According to the best writer e on the subject, it has been ascertained that, in beginning to sleep the senses do not .good enough to get to heaven is unitedly fall into a state of slumber, but not drop off one after the other. The sight the man the devil wastes any power ceases, in consequence of the protection of the eyelids, to receive impressions first, while all the other senses preserve their sensibility entire. The sense of taste is the next which loses its susceptibility to impressions, and then the sense of smelling. The hearing is next in order, and ladt of all comes the sense. of touch. Furthermore, the senses are thought to sleep with differ- ent degrees of profoundness. The sense of teueh sleeps the most lightly and is the most easily awakened ; the next is the sight, and the taste and the smelling awake last. Another remarkable circumstauce. deserves notice — oertaln muscles and parts of the body begin to sleep before others. Sleep commences at the extremities, be- ginning with the feet and legs, and creep. ing toward the cenbre of the nervous action. The necessity for keepiug the feet warm and perfectly still as a preliminary of on. Nothing creates more disease,discomfort And distress than constipation of the .bowels, in B. B. ti. we have a remedy euro to remove and cure it. To fissure tho Supply of Pure Ifillk. A bill is before the local house just :now which is of interest to patrons of .cheese and butter factories. The bill aimi et the enforcement of a pure supply ot tuilk end provides that in the absence of other evidence on which to found a conviction it shall be suf- ficient to slww that the milk sent Is substantially inferior in quality to pure milk, provided the test is made by means of a lactometer or cream guage or some other prcper and ' ade- quate test, and .is made by' a, compe- tent person; and nn person shall es- . sleep is wail known. .cape the penalty provided for the vio- 11nexPoeted. letion of this Act (in case the milk is Cainphe'l, the poet, with great good proved to have been deteriorated or humor, used to relate the foliowing inferior to pure milli) by showing that anecdote 'of hiniselffifiaving pur- be had no personal knowledge of the chased a volume at a;• bookstall in inferier quality or deterioration of said London, he requested it might be sent home, and handed . the bookseller his card. On looking at the name; the Was troubled with continual headache and lose of appetite but before 1 had bookseller, much excited, exclaimed -- taken many doses of B. B. B. appetite and health returned. May I enquire, sir 2—but are you, sir 0 S. B. Tuatirsos, Bethesda, Out, _are you the great Mr Campbell ? .... Odd,Church Notices '1111e poet, who was then in the zenith The following bit of pastoral humor, of his fame, with true Scotch caution evidently welled up from the deepest asked him who he considered the great depths of its perpetrator's soul. We Mr Campbell ---with pardonable vanity quote from the general notices in.the expecting and Moiling to hear himself calendar of a Sotneville church: Come named. The answer was—Oh 1 Mr early to,nielit so as to get a ba3k seat. John Campbell, the missionary and Keep as far away from the speaker as author of Travels in South America to you can, and let there be a lot of va- cant pews in front of him. It is such an inspiration to speak to rows of The Streetsville Review says: John quartered oak boards. We can match this with the following quotation from Cameron's paper at the annual meet - 1 ing of the Chinadian Press .Association an English church paper : The service in, on Sunday morning is at 11 a. Was the most practical paper of the e re. sion, and it gives' the following concise The imposition that it is ten minutes summary of conchisions : (1) News.- past is a mistake. -Young men are not excluded from the week -night service. papers should be smaller than they tire; , (2)subscription prices should. no be too The seats in the front portion of the low—there shouldbe more dependence inined. They are quite sound, and lecture hall have been carefully ex - placed upon subscriptions and less it n ay be trusted not to give way. , upon advertising receipts; (3) tt,er alt is should be no insane competition among quite legitimate to join in singing the anthem. The object of the choir to the weeklies ; (4) is one dollar for 12 is months the high water mark ? (5) uni- enotuage, not to disdourage, the con - fortuity in advertising rates the only gregation.—Coneregationalist. • , just plan ; (Q) alternating advertising lteals with news items condemned ; Bad blood breeds divers distressing diteirees, Burdock Blood Bitters bauishes CO a fair sized type should be used— boils and botches, with every other symp• small type an abomination i' (8) news tom arising from bad blood. paper recriminations are absurd; and — , flow many women who fondly (9) no newspaper should be an individ. level 1 othlan the golden symbol of their wedding cal - .- . 1 be sure 1—and whose works' were then in great demand. vi PISO'S CURE FOR 0 E ALL LS . Best °ugh rayrup, Tastes Goolf Use In time. Sold by aro gists. prone. el • .10N BUSINESS CHANGE. FOR THE BEST VALUE •••••,,,,,,, ORD13.RED CLOTHING, MISSES M. & M. KELLY, HATS, (or GUELPH) Beg to inform the ladies of Wingliam and vicinity that they have purchased the business lately carried ou by Miss E Murphy, and have opened out with a large stook of MILLINERY GOODS, consisting ot reatherp, Flowers, Ribbons, Laces, Chiffrons, Colored Crapes, Irish Guipure Laces, Black and Colored Laces, jet Trimmings, jet Flowers owl Hat Or- naineuts. Plain, Spot and Fish Net Veil- inga, Pongee and Beugaliue Silks. The latest styles in Hata and Bonuets. DRESSES AND MANTLES Cut and main to order iu the latest styles. The patronage of the ladies of Wingbam aud vicinity is respectfully solicited, and we will do our best to please. Stand—Opposite the Queen's Hotel. M. & M. KELLY. Maroli 15th, 1892. ony My Ma See ier stock or ,eilem and desirable B 0 ()ITS all,d4 S HO ES Ove,hoes, !lubber% &c., For old and oung, at pric s which defy competitio Great Variety, Great Bargains, Great Opportunity. Having purchased the business lately owned by Mr D IdeCot 'nick, next to the Bask of Hamilton, and added to the already large stook, 1 Moil to Inform the people of Wingham and surrounding country that lam in a position to furnish them with anything in the Boot and Shoe line at astonishingly low prices ,ORDERED WORK A SPECIALTY. Tour patronage kindly solicited. Don't forget the stand—Two doors north of the Postoffice JOHN MARTIN. ZETLAND SAW MILL GEORGE THOMSON, Proprietor. Lumber of all kinds, First-class Shingles, and Cedar Car Load Orders a Specialty. —GO TO -- CAPS,. SHIRTS, COLLARS, CUFF, Cheap for KASH, • AT— __ S T E.41 I ' S HOOSIER STEEL FRAME CRAIN DRIL OV-er 25,000 Hoosier Drills and Seeders with our Positive Force Feed in Use in Canada. 5. 1.f *UV GUARANTEED THE BEST IN THE WORLD, and the only drill that can be instantly regulated to run the desired depth In hard and soft ground while moving. THE HOOSIER IS TEE ONLY DRILL that sows all kinds of grain and seeds evenly, and at the depth desired in all kinds of e'en. TUE HOOSIER IS TEM ONLY DRILL that can mences to sr& the instant the horse moves. THE HOOSIER IS THE ONLY POSITIVE FORCE FEED, and is the °only Mill that deposits the grain evenly just the depth yen want it in hard or soft soil. Rim 0511111IL THE HOOSIER COMBINED DRILL with eultividdr teeth Is the best cultivator made, and is the cnly lima made with teeth 011 independent dmw bars that can beset for hard and soft land while the team is in motion. Tile Roost Eli 18 lighter on the horse. than any other drill made. The points ot excellence In the ROOMER that, other drills do not here are worth more to the farmer than any drill in the world. THE COMBINED HOOSIER can be chatiod from drill to seeder or seeder to drill in less time than any drill made. Send for our new illustrated catalogue and testimonial sheet. Beware of purchasing drills that infringe our patents. NOXON BROS. MFG. 00. (LTD.), INGERSOLL, ONr. , Tho financial storming or this Company is first-class, they being rated at SP.45,000. No combine here. 8 Posts. WOOD delivered to any pdrt ot ilar Orders brmail promptly attended to: OLORGE THOMSON, wingbarn P. 0. JOHN CAMPBELL, Agent, WHITEOMI 1.10H, ONT. Also, dealer iu all kinds of Agrioultnral Implements, Organs, Sewing Machines, &c., all from the best makers in Canada. t ves toves, 01.11.01. $ amar....•••••••••• tov-es All intending purchasers of stoves for this inter will save money by buying from D. SUTHERLAND. vow know why the wear it on the Early lambs for the spring market third finger of the left handl That need extra care and feed. Not only should the datas he well fed, given ?articular digit was chosen because it comfortable quarters, and rich,though was believed by the Egyptians to be I not heating food, but the lambs may ilireotly connected by a slender nerve 1 early be taught "to eat a little chop With tl'e heart itself. And these' feed mixed with ground oil cake, and thpalehflesh tie they gneient worshippers of Isis Bold thisnsut o.n. tr. more' 1 Ffrow in tom J.t is the plump, thick Anger sacred to Apollo and the sun, 1 fleshed lambs that command the top and therefore gold wee` the metal prices. Big framed thin lambs ate chosen for the ring. 1, not wanted. Having bought a very large variety of HEATING AND COOK - - - Nr -170:1 - S to choose from Every stove guaranteed against breakage and o give complete satisfaction. D. SIJTHEIILAIID. Wingliato, Octobee eths 1801, 111 Jta—