HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Bayfield Bulletin, 1964-12-03, Page 2Goderich Summer School was designated as Huron Presby- tery's Centennial Project; it. Will be officially dedicated and named Centenary Hall in 1967. The greater part of the cost is to' be raised by an extra ap- peal to all the pastoral charges at a suggested allocation of $1.00 per family. Speakers heard at the meet- ing included: Rev. G. A. Wish- art, B.A., of Windsor, Ont., the President of London Confer- ence; Mr. Neil Campbell, the Bursar of Westminster College in London, Ont.; Mr. Everett Smith, Director of Broadcast- ing for London and Hamilton Conferences. Panel Discussion A highlight of the meeting was a panel discusSion on the subject of The New Curric- ulum; papers were delivered on Literalism, Inspiration, and Textual Criticism as related to the understanding of the Bible. One veteran member of Pres- bytery commented: "This was the finest thing done in a meet- ing of Presbytery for as long as I can remember." AMBULANCE STILES FUNERAL HOME Goderich 524-8142 524-8504 c er E BAYFIELD and VARNA Phone 353W4 Hensall P.C.V. Class C.F.H. F.S. .tfn For delicious Meals stop at . THE CLUB GRILL Kingston St — Goderich We Specialize in Steaks, Southern Fried Chicken and Take Out Orders Phone 524-8168 G. B. CLANCY, O.D. — OPTOMETRIST — For Appointment Phone 524-7251 GODERICH INSURANCE K. W. COLQUHOUN INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE Phones: Office 482-9747 Residence 482-7804 JOHN WISE, Salesman Phone 482-7265 Keep Your House Clean with FILTER QUEEN For Healthier Living! ROBERT K. PECK VARNA PHONE HENSALL 352-W-2 R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST Goderich The Square 524-7661 Alexander and Chapman GENERAL INSURANCE REAL ESTATE --- Property Manageemnt Canadian Imperial Bank of commerce Building Goderich Dial 524-9662 CHRISTMAS Si ECIAL! Gift Subscriptions To The Bayfield rdulletin Are Available Until Ju. 1, 1965, at the following reduced rates: I YEAR (reg. $4.00) 6 MONTHS (reg. $2.00) 3 MONTHS (reg. $1.00) ONLY $3.00 ONLY S1.50 ONLY .150 (A Suitable Card Will Accompany First Issue, Signed With Name of Donor if Desired) NAME Street City or Town Province or State Name of Donor Include Postal Zone If Any) GODERICH FRENCH DRY CLEANERS CLEANERS — PRESSERS — STORAGE Phone 524-8452 35 West Street • Page 2—Bayfield Bulletin—Thursday, December 3, 1964 EDITORIAL By ART ELLIOTT Many Candidates THERE'S NO dearth of candidates for the posi- taions of school trustee in Stanley and there will be a wide selection come election day on Monday. Un- fortunately it has not been possible for this newspaper to get statements of individual platforms in respect to the school problems of the Township and Bayfield especially. This makes it difficult for the majority to know exactly what they are voting for, in respect to any candidate. It is to be hoped The Bulletin will be able to do a roundup of platforms prior to the next election and render one of the most valuable services to the electorate. It was not possible this year, owing to a number of circumstances. If you really want to know how your candidates stand, phone them and ask them, and see what kind of satisfaction you get. EI Joining The Club THE BAYFIELD Bulletin last Friday night was welcomed to the Huron County Weekly Publishers' Association as "the youngest weekly in Huron" at the annual meeting of that body in Zurich. It was a distinct pleasure to "join the club" so to speak, although as the youngest and possibly smal- lest Huron weekly, The Bulletin cannot be said to be out of the diaper stage yet. Guest speaker was His Worship Glenn C. Hays, Goderich, formerly Crown Attorney and now well- known to the police courts of this and other counties. His talk was of special interest to the newspaper- men, dealing as it did with what to print, and what not to print, as laid down by Canadian law. News- papermen, generally, know the legal score and try to do what is right and fair, but being human, their errors creep in and in addition to the irate readers, the courts too, will clamp down. As His Worship pointed out, citing examples, any restrictions imposed by the courts are generally good common sense, and in the best interests of justice and the public generally. fE 1=1 What Others Say To take a chip off the wife's shoulder, try put- ting a hat on her head.—Empire-Courier, Craig, Col. CI A book becomes a classic when people who haven't read it start pretending they have.—Times, Davenport, Iowa. 0 0 There is one period when a man is udisputed master of his household—from the day of his birth to about his third birthday.—Observer, Braintree, Mass. D Stepping on a cat tries one's poise.—Independent- Record, Wildwood, 0 1=1 Passes made at girls who wear glesses depend a good deal on frames.—Telegram, Willston, Ohio. Electors of Stanley Township: I solicit your vote on Monday, December 7th, 1964, for Stanley Township School Trustee. George Cantelon 49p Bapita Bulletin Published Every Thursday at Bayfield, Ontario by ART ELLIOTT PUBLISHING LTD. ART ELLIOTT AUDREY BELLCHAMBER Editor and Publisher Social Editor Subscription Rates: Canada U.S.A. $4.00 per Annum $5.00 per Annum Advertising Rates on Request P.O. Box 94 Phone 96 Exeter Man Received As Candidate For Ministry In The United Church By Rev. A. Johnston Peter Lewis, son of Rev. and Mrs. S. E. Lewis of Exeter, was officially received by the Pres- bytery as a candidate for the ministry; he is attending Em- manuel College in Toronto. An- other candidate for the min- istry, Mr. Mervin Penfound of Londesboro, spoke to the court of his experiences on a summer mission field north of Sault Ste. Marie where he drove 175 miles each Sunday. Rev. Maurice Boyd, Superin- tendent of Home Missions for South-Western Ontario, report- ed that General Council ap- proved a raise in ' minister's salary of $150.00 and a raise of $100.00 in the travel allowance. Examin Plan The proposed plan of union with the Anglican Church, as suggested by a joint committee of the two churches, will be ex- amined in detail at the next meeting of the Presbytery. Presbytery gave its approval for the building of a new Burial Chapel fo rthe United Church owned cemetery in Brussels; the cost will be about $6,000.00. The new Dining Hall at the Letters To Editor Mr. Elliott, Editor, The Bayfield Bulletin, Bayfield, Ont. Dear Sir, I am very sorry that I sent a further $4 for a year's sub- scription to your paper. I did this only for one purpose, to boost a local venture, also was responsible for some of my friends subscribing to it. I have not received a copy since Octo- ber 29 and before that, some Ed. Note: weeks rnis,sed an issue. Not good enough! Nov. 24, 1964. Yours truly, Mary G. Aberhart. SUBSTANTIAL JACKPOT Branch 109 Can. Legion Every Saturday Night 14 Games for $1.00 Goderich, Ont. B-I-N-G-O Wondering why so many brickbats and few bouquets, we investigated the situation in depth and discovered that some of the galley lists were missed entirely by the, printer when making up the mailing 'lists,. and game of the names pub- lished week by week were THROWN OUT by a new prin- ter unfamiliar with the pro- cedure. It shouldn't happen to anybody! Subscribers handled so har- shly may have their subscrp- tions extended by an appropri- ate number of weeks, if they let us know. Since apologies. Dear Mr. Art Elliott, The Bayfield Bulletin. I think that the Bayfield re- sidents should be very 'grate- ful for what Brig. F. Clift and Mr. H. H. Ormond are trying to db for Bayfield. More power to them—too long Bayfield has been back-sliding. They could do a lot with their own tax money. (They get enough of it.) I say let those who are grumbling either shut up or move out. I am not suggesting you print this, you can be the judge of that. Just pass the word along to the Brig. that there are ones, he doesn't even know who are on his side. I aim now living at RR 1, Brucefield. Margaret Fawcett RR 1, Brucefield, Dec. 1, 1964. Aluminum Products For Air-Master Aluminum DOORS and WINDOWS and Rockwell Power Tools JERVIS SALES R.L. Jervis-68 Albert St. Clinton — 482-9390