HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Bayfield Bulletin, 1964-12-10, Page 110e 10e
When It's Your Move
Agents United Van Lines
Clinton 482-9779
VOL I — No. 27
35 Years Of Service
Group Captain K. R. Greenaway and Flying Officer W. S. Edgson (left)
thank (from the left) Mr. Scotchmer, Mr. Gunning and Mr. Green for their
services to the RCAF which between them has been 35 years in duration.
(RCAF Photo)
Three Villagers Elected . . .
Bayfield Sways Stanley Vote
31-7,88. p ,aiehyliiem
Vallfirth Built fin
Approval of the Ontario Municipal Board has
been granted for the holding of nominations and,
if required, an election, for the positions of reeve
and four councillors for the newly re-incorporated
Village of Bayfield, it was announced Thursday at
press time.
The decision was given by the Board to Elmer
Bell, Q.C., who has been in charge of preparing
the required documentation of the change, and who
was advised of the decision at Toronto Wednesday.
Bayfield Nominations Are Set
For Village Hall December 21
Bayfield voters swanned to
the polls on Monday to sway
the Stanley Township vote for
area school trustees.
Of the nine candidates for
election, five were from the
Bayfield area; two were from
the Varna area, and there was
one from each of the Zurich
and Clinton areas.
When the votes were tallied,
three Bayfield candidates and
two Varna area candidates had
been elected to the five posi-
Taylor Leads
John Taylor of Varna was
top vote-getter with 365 ballots
cast for him, only four of which
were marked at Bayfield.
Merton Merner of Bayfield
got 334 votes. 215 from resi-
dents of Bayfield, and James
Cleave of RR 3, Bayfield, got
326 votes, 203 from Bayfield.
In the fourth position was
Bruce Keys of Varna with 323
votes, five of which were mark-
ed at Bayfield. Fifth placer was
Jack Sturgeon of Bayfield with
The United Church Women
held their Christmas meeting
in the church last Thursday
evening. Group one was in
charge of devotions with Mrs.
Louis Taylor giving the call to
worship. The scripture lesson
was read by Mrs. Tom Consitt.
Mrs. Wm. McAsh, Mrs. E.
McClinchey, Mrs John McAsh
and Mrs. J. Postill took part in
a candle-lighting service. The
meditation was given by Mrs.
Louis Taylor followed by pray-
er. Mrs. Gordon Hill gave a
reading entitled "Bible Story."
311 votes, 215 from Bayfield
Votes Listed
The other candidates and
their total votes follow:
George Cantelon, RR 5, Clin-
ton, 304; William Coleman,
Bayfield, 268; Leslie Arm-
strong, Bayfield, 253; Russell
Grainger, RR 2, Zurich, 228.
Votes cast in Bayfield for the
four defeated candidates were
as follows: Cantelon, 3; Cole-
man, 4; Armstrong, 17; Graing-
er, 7.
Goderich Township
In the Goderich Township
election for councillors and
school trustees, also held on
Monday, J. C. Hindmarsh was
decisively edged off the coun-
cil slate.
At the township nomination
meeting in Clinton on Nov. 27,
Reeve Grant Stirling and Dep-
uty-reeve Everett McIlwain
were returned to office by ac-
Four men were nominated for
the three positions of council,
and eight were nominated for
Mrs. Fred McClymont read an
article on Stewardship.
The business was conducted
by the president, Mrs. Robert
Taylor. Mrs. Mervin Johnston
read the minutes of the last
meeting and 32 ladies answered
the roll call by handing in a
donation for the Children's Aid
Society. A total of $18.80 will
be sent to the CAS, including
$3.00 from the Explorers' group.
Letters were read from the
Fred Victor Home a n d Five
Oaks. There were 42 calls made
(Continued on Page Three)
the five school trusteeships.
Jenkins Tops Slate
In the council race, William
Jenkins was top vote-getter
with 362; Harry Oakes placed
second with 323, and Wilmer
Riddell got 305.
J. C. Hindmarsh, the fourth
candidate who challenged the
three incumbents, drew 158
Voting for school trustees
was as follows:
William Norman, 250; J. Teb-
butt, 249; E. Wise, 215; A.
Lockhart, 201; R. J. Semple,
197. The following were de-
feated: G. B. Orr, 164; J. West-
brook, 145 and D. Blacker, 116.
Mrs. Bellchamber
Hosts Auxiliary
Of Scouts, Cubs
The Ladies Auxiliary to
Scouts and Cubs met at the
home of Mrs. G. Bellchamber
on Tuesday, Dec. 1, with eight
members present.
The president, Mrs. W. Pier-
son, opened the meeting with
the Scout Mother's Promise,
followed by the secrtary's re-
port read by Mrs. R. MacVean
and treasurer's report given by
Mrs. G. Bellchamber. The busi-
ness meeting was short as the
ladies were to be addressed by
Mrs. Quigley, a provincial Lad-
ies Auxiliary representative,
who was unfortunately unable
to attend. A social hour fol-
lowed during which lunch was
served by the hostess, assisted
by Mrs. W. Pierson.
The next meeting is schedul-
ed for April and will be held
at the home of Mrs. W. Castle.
Set Dates
Nomination for reeve and
councillors will be held at the
Village Hall Monday evening
December 21 from 7:00 p.m. to
8:00 p.m.
An election, if required, will
be held December 28th, with
the poll being held at the Vil-
lage Hall from 9:00 a.m. to
5:00 p.m.
Lloyd Makins has been nam-
ed as acting clerk of the village
and will preside at the nomina-
tion meeting and act as return-
ing officer for the election,
should one be held.
Those Eligible
Eligible to vote will be those
persons whose names are in-
cluded in polling sub-division
No. 8 of the Township of Stan-
ley list of 1964, Persons requir-
ing information as to their elig-
ibility should contact Mr. Mak-
Fire Damages
Dr. Cooper's
Summer Home
A fire of undetermined orig-
in caused extensive damage
Tuesday to the unoccupied
summer home of Dr. Edmund
Cooper in Bayfield.
The volunteer fire depart-
ment was called to the Lake-
shore Road address and manag-
ed to save the building, al-
though the kitchen was dest-
royed and damage from smoke
and water throughout the
house was extensive.
No estimate of damage was
immediately available. Dr.
Cooper lives in Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Parker,
Charlie and Kim, London, spent
the weekend with his parents.
Also visiting Mr, and Mrs. W.
Parker on Sunday were: Mr.
and Mrs. E. Squires and Mr.
and Mrs. J. E. French, all of
Guests on Sunday of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Hulls were the lady's
brothers and sisters and their
children, Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Manley, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
Sparks, Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Sparks, Mrs. Charlie McLeod,
and Mr. and Mrs. W. Schild-
roth, all from the Port Elgin
Miss Joanne Hulls spent the
weekend in Guelph visiting her
sister and family. Mr. and Mrs.
1J. B. Grime, Derek and Barry.
ins at Bayfield. It is under-
stood that a few names omit-
ted from the list will be added
in time for the election. Others
not listed who believe they
should be on the list should
contact Mr. Makins.
Interest Keen
Keen interest has been shown
in all the developments leading
up to this point, and a heavy
turnout of voters is expected.
There are more than 470 per-
sons eligible to cast votes in the
event of and election. It is
thought likely that a good num-.
ber of summer residents will
make a point of coming up
from London and Stratford and
other centres not too far away,
possibly including some from
Brig. Frederick Clift, presi-
dent of The Bayfield Ratepay-
ers Association interviewed by
The Bulletin Thursday declined
to say whether he would be a
candidate for the reeveship.
"No comment", was all he
would say on that score.
Guarantee Slate°
Brig. Clift indicated that a
meeting of the executive of the
Association will likely be called
in the immediate future with
the purpose of guaranteeing
that well qualified persons will
agree to be nominated for the
five posts open, reeve and four
He told The Bulletin that
this is one of the prime objec-
tives of the Association, to see
that the posts are filled by well
qualified persons, and the the
aim is to obtain the consent
of such persons well in advance
of nomination time. He indic-
ated that in some cases in the
past the matter has been left
to chance, with results that,
from his viewpoint, left some-
thing to be desired.
Whether t h e Association
would present a formal slate
and endorse it as an organiza-
tion would be a matter for de-
cision by the executive. In any
event it appears that no posi-
tions will go begging.
Inaugural meeting of the
new council will probably be
held January 4th, when the
new officials will take the oath
of office. The oath may be ad-
ministered by Mr. Makin, the
acting clerk or some other of-
ficial as yet to be designated.
Notices on the front page
under this heading are avail-
able at five cents per word.
minimum charge 75 cents paid
in advance, or $L00 charged.
Varna UCW Elects 1965 Officers
At Annual Christmas Meeting