HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-04-15, Page 6$101mg.patit'i1 D. Y, APRIL 15, 1892. V4DI7.'Uii,IA,14 NO fEl3. ° stared semi -o freiaily .that the ii eieetion for Ietembers of Ow al House of Cumulous will be it) June or Jelly, appears to be Settled, says the vet Free Press, that .[lou Frank h, with has been for ten years tt Miner of the Dominion Cabinet! tent portfolio, is to be the next lrcenaut ,;overuor of Ontario. Sit 'Fender Campbell's term will shc,rt- hpire:. UE annual report of the Depart, t of Railways and Canals does not de the special stattstios which are .pined in a separate "volume, The cher of railways, inclitdiug the erttnleut roads in actual operation bracing under one head all anlal- atecl lines; was fifty-four. The her of miles of railway, completed 14,004 (besides 1,070 nudes of gs.) of which 13,389 miles were 'with steel rails.- There were 13,s miles of railway in actual railway in actual opera. rflte pail -up capital amounted 7s6,4a7,511. The gross eareings 11 these railways Amounted to ;.$480.826 and their working fix- es tp $82.9113,350, leaving,, the nzxt of net earnings $13,980,476 number of passengers cer'ried was 21,262 and 20,787,869 tons of : ht were conveyed over these roads. total number of miles run by s wits 41,849,329. aka n.. reportof the Commissioner of Sp avnLauds shows that there were 9* acres aggregating in value 22sold during this year. The 'i.unt eollected'on account of these: !former sales was $4,046. The !iug clauses of the 'hliningAet have i taken advantage of to a great ex- ,, and in the future leasing is ex. led to bathe favorite ;node of an 'i>igmining lands, The area of. man sobco! lands sold during the was 256, ug gregating $685. The of grapitn.r sclmol lands sold ig.the year was 100, aggregating utile $100 ; 1",739 acres of railwnl s were sold atgf;regating $14,689 ; collections Iver' $16,880 ; the 1 collections of the .department $1,163,818 the.total disburse- s were $310,828, of which $45, - was compensation for tiinber iaes•un account of certain timber is having been declared part of the irtt reserves, and taken by ti e tiltion Government. The tette: otions for the year front wades forests amounted to $1;022.019, li includes 8172.551 on account of ses, leaving the revenue front ei dues, etc, $850;068. It is es- tell that fires Inst year iniured 000,000 feet of pies timber more sg,. „tl{e estimated loss beiug about ,1100, On Crown lands about 0,000.feet were injured, Tbp 1 cost of tate ranging services was 0aa. • is report of the Ontario Deport t. of lmn.igrntion says that in • as compared with 1890, there it. . reale of 1,091, and as compared 188 9, of 5,051, in tyle ;umber of ;grants who settled in the Pro - o f Ontario. There dries not tet be any tpecinf cause ' for this i.er.flecrease beyond those former - ed, viz, the steady Improvement tide in the Lritirh islands, lti;;l, of c:eean fares and the increa„en ,4 in other uotfntrias for eertais of labor, ft may be cpeci kli that, for several Vettrs, titer, t1 a steady decrease in the of families of agrfea turas 'ry moiling it; Canada end mak Eris liretvirioe their home, This is regretted, as the demand f t flare of 1st►,or has been reeetitly (II 'luCre'a<+el. The exposure of tit, pupil frauds has happily put au end to, the vioious systelll of cotleptingI bonuses from the so Galled pupiils.'! Tim immigrants wlio arrived in 1801 here, lea in the previous yefar, strong a )t h'>altby, and required but little aseietltuee. The demand for masons, carpenters, bricklayers, Moulders, blue[ stuiths,carriage-builders and Atm. prat laborers was exceptionally 1iatite+ , while ti.acbers, 'clerks, grocers and shopwen fouud•tnuoh difficulty in pro• • curing eruploynient. The total expen• ditnre on immigration for 1891. was 86,628 94, The nationality of the immigrants in 1891 was: English, 7,140 ; Scotch, 1,368 ; Irish, 1,156; German, 649 ; other countries, 922 , total, 10,335, The value of their effects was eytim.tls'd at $442,117. Daring be year 1800, 315,980 emi- grants left the British Islands,of: which number 2.61 per cent settled in On- tal"io. CONSUMP7CXON CURED: An old physician, retired train practice, hating had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the fGrmnla of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Bron- chitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all Guest and Lung Affections, also a positive acid radical euro for Nervous Debility and all Nom ons Complaints, after hat ing tested lbs wonderful curative powers in thousands of eases, ho has felt it his duty to make is known to his suffering fellows, Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human sulforb,e•, I will send free of charge, tp all who desire it, this recipo, in Gorman, French or Euplish, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, flamiingtide paper. W. .4. Novice 821` Pe woes alook Rochester, N. Y. Religion in Brief { A vacant mind is a standing offer °s °p EAN FJtia21GFRCSi, OAT). to tee devil of free tu.luse.4rooni. LmKSIn4LTZE,I5.'. 7....,;,7,77-"'catz,N.' , .010. )30th the u eihod and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the :Kidneys, Liver and Bowes, cleanses the sys. tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever prow duced, pleasing to the taste and ace ceptable to the stomach, prompt in. its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy andagreeablesubtances, its many excellent qualities cowmen d it to ah and have made it the most popular remedy lmown. Syrup of Figs i3 for sale in 75o bottles byall leading druggists, Any reliable druggist who may not, have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Manufactured onlyby the t,IFORE aA FIG SVCO Don't talk uuich about yourself when you want to be irteresting. Success will never came to your house without, a special invitation. Religious selfishness is no better then any other kind of selfishness. Nothing keeps a stingy mail front stealing but the risk of the thing. Ready money is a good thing to have, but a contented mind is better. if we hinder (rod's work in our hearts we hinder it everywhere. The man who lives only for himself is engaged in very small business. Genius is powerful, but it *idea out- .ancluuut muscle to turn a griuristone. The sinner who helps the devil most is the one who is most respectable. The right kind of a smile never hurts a prayer meeting. If you set up for a growler, you can . Call and see our stool[ of ; WHIPS, BRUSHES, OURRY COBMS, SLEIGH BELL;;, S.e. Horse clothing of ali kinds. HARNESS, double and single, light or heavy, made to order in the Iateet styles and of the host material. Trunks, Valises, Band Bags, &e. in stock and nil be sold as cheap as the cheapest. . Repairing neatly and promptly done on short notice The patronage of the publio solicited, and antis faction in worst and material guaranteed. SHOP—Ono door north of Canadian Express Office M. AMBLE[. tW1NGHAM always be busy.' The way to earnests isltottry to keep all you et'come poor .itl r[0iiiilti LS 1 The only sins, that God cannot for- give are those you desire to keep. There is no mansion in heaven for the man who is mean to his wife. Every time you , look at a sin it seems to become better looking. There isn't a bit of religion iu mak- ing a boy do a loan's work with a dull hoe It is only when a mall gets where lie has notl.ling •left to be proud of that tite'devil leaves hire. People who blow their own horns do not always furnish good music for other people. QUEBnr, XoV, 9th, 1891. DI. L. A,Slime ez r,;o, : GEsmEon o,—Your Atlti•Dandruff should be itsed by all who are troubled with Dan - draft and falling of the hair. I have used it only a few times and it has wrought a woiclerfnlchange. 1 also am fully oauviuo. ed that Auti•Dandruff promotes growth of the hair. 1.11 WHAM r. IIENCIIEv, Heucbey's hotel, Quebec. • • What is the difference between a funny Dutchman and a glass tube i One is a silly Hollander, and the other cthing is ho oldest and best 0ma10 physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists .hroutfhout the world. Prise twenty -flue emits a ,ottle. Ce sire and ask for "Mas. WINFIkO D 'N 0 in,TnO •ND : . .e..t r.i.kr, tin other (find Cadman': Ye.) 110 811r0 tlis,t this ;rdehoar.1 is teal!),alttique 2 I''uruiturtt 7ealer : Yes, my dear sir. 1 know the man that roads, it. is a hollow cylinder. Ant reit TO MSflltiitn.--Are you ttistuebed at night and broke,: of your rest by a sirs: child suiterhig ana cryingwith pain of Cutting Teets,'; If so send at once and got .6 bottle of " Mrs. lVinslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. Its value is incalaul- ,tile. It will relics the poor little sntferor immediately, Depend upon it, mothers; there is h0 mistake about it. It mires Dysentery and Dsarriiena, re,tulatos the Stomach and ;towels, cures Wind Celle, edit -Ns the Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives r1140 and energy to the whole system. " Mrs, IVin• dow's ticothing Syrup" forchildren t0 .,leasatlt to tho taste and is the prescription of one of ti. V. R. TItJa TAB1,,b1. Trains arrive and depart as £oll0ws a WSAvixO ARRiVXNR 5:45 ID...," ,,,.1'Or Tor0Ut0 ,...,.,..:5:511 a, nt. 2'00 p to '{ x.vu p,nt 1100p til 1PerTeeswater....., 2'00 , .10:05 p. nt " 10:05 1 C •R -A. -7;) .IST .> 2'X'' 1 A..0. STRATIiDF,1'1, Au". Wiligi AM. Through tickets to all points in America -North• West Pacifo Coast, eto., vin the shortest` and all popular . routes. Damp chocked through to destination. Lowest freight rates to all points. -«--TIME TABLE, — The undersigned wish to tended their best thanks for tho liberal patronage given to our firm during sovoralyears prior to the• burning of our still by in- cendiarism, During the least season we have re- moddelled the town [hill to the latest approved sys- tem of Hungarian Roller Process mil ling. We be. Bove we can now give better accommodation than ever before. tIVeolfor Prompt Dispatch, • Fair Returns,. QVI LITY S';COND 110 NONE IN THIS "SECTION. And by close personal attention to the business hope to be again favt,red with a trial by all old friends and many new ones. Yours most respectfully, IFiJTTON' & CARR, Winirham Mill, Oct 20, 16180. joss! LOGS! LOGS! • We are prepared to pay the HIGHEST PR1CF.S IN CASH for al kinds of good, sound SAW LOGS delivered at our Mill. ALSO POR Basswood Heading Bolts, • by the cord, A % 'OSITa, an C. G USTO M SAWING done cite:aper thanever and ' satlsfaca tion guaranteed, ToSEPo COWAN, YOAVO wlxetlAs, ARRIVE 41' mmktaast. 0 30 a.na.TOronto,Quelph,Palniorston &o. s;31.pan. 11:10 10:20 " 0:46 pint. " " Clinton, „ 0;46 , Palmerston, nixed,. ... 10:35 a.m; 0; 6 mm London, &o..........11:00 " 3:20 p.m, it 11:10 a,m li;iricardinc, &O .. .... 8:30 a nil 5:40 p.ni ,. 11:10 " 10.10 " 7:10 p.m ALLAN LINE ROYAI, MA1r. STUAMsntrs. REDUCTiON IN RATES. Steamers Ball regularly frena PORTLAND AND HALIFAx 'to LIVER- POOL via Londunctorry, »URINO TIIP. kwINTSa 1O5'(115. Cabin, $40 and upwards. Second Cabin, .26. Steerage at low rates. 11 (o Cattle Carried. STATE) . - SERVICE OF LINE. ^ALLAN LINE a-I nJ• STEAMSHIPS. NEW YO13,K & GLASGOW via Lnndonderry, every Fortnight. Cabin, $40 and upwards. Second Cabin, 825, Steerage at low rates. Apply to II. & A. ALLAN, Montreal, or .13ENRY DAVIS, WINGHABI. Scientific American Agency for , f 'tI';ti P:A9fe'AT$t ; nil 4. TRADE MARKS, '' gl i a i ESICel PATENTS t J OOPYRIC8ITS, etc. For information and free Handbook write to MUNN .01 61 BaR oAnwAY, NEW YOK. Oldest bureau CO.,for securing patents in America. Leery patent taken out by us is brought before the public by a notice given free of charge in the O :1Ltirgest Pirenlntio) of any scientific paper in the world, ,tplendidiy illustrated. No intelligent mita should be without it. Weelcly, 53.00 16 vel, SUUEt3 3 1 Broadw Address Yo rrk. bt CO„ TRADE SALE t To General Merchants and Belot and Shoe Stores. In connection with nay Leather Business I keep u full stock of SHOE DRESSING-, Hathaway Whitmore s, Zanotti, French Dressing, Eclipse, Bixby's, Perfect Kid,.ete, in 10, 1.5 and 250 sizes, by the gross of dozen. Jnequot's French Blacking and Gray's climax waterproof. 1.1 392.,to r in Leather, Horsehide, English Kip, Porpoise, &c. Cotton and Rine, •in all lengths. Button fastoneis and setts, cork soles, &c. SHOE LER THER, Simon Ahna, hal and fel and iliezzonia Kip and Caif ; alsoleso .native kip and upper. Spanish and slaughter Chcxng antEimes •--IS PUBLISHED— ENEIVY FRIDAY IIIQRNING,. ---Ar' VIE— TIMES OFFICE, JOSEPHINE" STREET WINGII,AAI, ONTA.LtIO. Subeoripttonprice, $ l I1{+r year,in advance. ADVERTISING RATES: _ Spate L1 yr. O;no. 13 mo. 1 1 m0.' Tin -0-(:',06,111171 800 00 435 Ola_ i $2000 Set00 Unit 35 00 20 00 1 12 00 5 00 Quarter ., 20 00 12 00 7 00 4 00; One Inch 5 00' 3 00 '2 00 1 00' Legal and of ler casual advertisements, 8e. per line for Hest insertion, and Sr, per lite for each subsequent insertion,. ' Loom notices 100. per line for first insertion, undl 60. par lino for each subsequent insertion.. Flo local; notice will be charged less than 25c, Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, Situations,, and Business Chances Wanted, not exceeding S Knee nonpareil, 41 per month Houses and .Parnas for Salo, not exceeding 8 lines, 41 for first month, 60o. persubsequcnt month h These terms will be strictly adhered to Special Bates for longer advertisements, or lot longor periods. ' Advertisements without specific directions, will hat inserted till forbid and charged accordingly. Tram sitory advertisements must be paid in advance Changes for contract advertisements met bo in the office by Wednesday noon, in orrice to appear that week R, ELLIOTT PaoriIt:TOR AND PUuxosilsR • DR, MACDONALD, AJ i JOSEPHINE STREET, WLZouAhi • Olf'fARIG — ` iT• B. TOWLER, 1I.D.C.AI„ Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario —Coroner for County of Huron— Office Upstairs, next to Mr Morton's Milne, Wing - ham, Ont. Owlets Ifovas.-9 to 12 a. m., 1 to 0 p. m., or at Residence, Diagonal Street. 3 ZFt J, A. 1MLLD1w11i, LJ Honor Graduate of Toronto University, and Aicneber of the College of Physicians awl Surgeons of Ontario. Office and Residence—Corner of Centro and Patrick streets, formerly occupied by Dr. Bethune. WINouAM - . Okr • j • VANSTONE. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc., Eta • Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rates interest. No aommission charged. 'Mortgages, town and farm property bought and sold, OFFICE—Beaver Block 11'toonAnt, Owe • J. A. MORTON BARRISTER Re., li'inghum • Ontario & DICKINSON, H. W. C. MEYER Q, C. 1 E. L. DIOKINSON, B. A BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS, Etc., Etc., SO licitors for Bank of Hamilton, Commissioners for Village property brought and sold. Money (private 1 Monoy invested for priyato porsous, upon the beet . mortgage securities without any expense to the 1 lender, Lands dor sale in Manitoba and the North. taIwestd.ng affidavits for Manitoba. Farm, Town and funds) loaned on mortgage security at 51 per sent, • Ofce—Eont's Biotli, ltltigham. DENTISTRY.— J S. JEROME, Wu totiAn, f,,, Is manufacturing Celluloid Plates, Vuleanito plates of the best material f'is as cheap as they can be got in the Dominion, All work warranted. Painless extraction of teeth by the use of Electric. ityeachor. Vegetable Vapor, TARE NOTION.—I will extract teeth for 26 cents OFFICE• In the Beaver Block, .oppeeite the Brunswick house. Wm. H. Macdonald, L. D. S., HARNESS LEATHER, • - Best brands on hand in oak and hemlock. Special stock for traces in oak. Patronage solicited. Pricosguaranteed. A postal card will secure quotations ora call from my travel- ler. • W: J. CHAP AN, Tanner and Leather Metehant, 5' 1-3cm 0 ceo0 0 I-3 t;al'1 Hud get prices. lengths to ent, tiJtl. McLean St Son. o'_',Il kinds ;til LI:tlttlhr, Shingles, Laths, Ike., kept cInlstantly at) haled. 0 0 P4 to t•Csei. I•a tee CO rn rn 0 m 0 CO 1VrnrtxAal. DENTIST. OFFICE, - - MASON'S BLOCK Opposite the 'queen's Hotel, Wingham. Will visit Corrie lst and 8rcl Mondays of each month. • JOHN 11IlC1IE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT Woo ;AM, CLIMB. 9515 rDiv. (10tihr, Co. IfUno.t, y. 11EIt , A l)(i,TION yli/y1 Tt, q y /, q , y,, Ii l3ULi1 of MAIt0.L1AG! LIC!i1' SE' Conxaixssroxert IN II. C..4., rere. WrauteAut. ONT. ONTARIO F. DEANS, Jo., WesenAlt, ,iL LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF HURON. Sales attended in any part of the Co; Charges' Moderate. JOHN CURRiE, WINOBAltx, ONT,, nIenNSED AUCTxoNEgu FOR THE cOUNTY Ar HURON. All orders left at the Tunis office promptly attend - oil to Tonne eeasotrablb. TAMES RENDERSON, Y LtottusiD AUCTIoonni ion CoUNTiRs }TIMOR AND I3aucs All sales atten.lcd to promptly and on the Shartett Notice. Charges'Moderato and Satisfaction Guaranteed, All necessary arrangements can be made at tete Tines office Wtsan:int ONT. • BOLTON & HAWKINS P. L. & 1i. I: 1 Sunvttrotts Asn turn 15Feis tsps LFSTOWEL ANb WINGII ALi All orders left at the office of the Times will re. calve prompt attention rr i PATEISSON, 11Alll1+1+ 00 Etanrtt DIVieros Conan, I.;arre (15 M4e- ktA4R LtoltNSrsn. WINatI Sf ON'T. TI1E MISSES WATSON. 1 NS*t tJCTION given on Piano, Organ and violin. Also in Harmony. ltcsitleneo on eornor 0 Tosepbiare and Patriot) 0550eta Winghatn.