HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Bayfield Bulletin, 1967-02-16, Page 7Reaelvevaik LET WORK FOR YOU FUNERAL HOME Goderich 524-7345 HELP WANTED THIS WEEK'S USED CAR VALUES 1966 FORD Custom, four-door sedan, six-cylinder, automatic, radio, whitewalls, wheel covers, one owner; 1967 lic. E87054. $2,425 1965 ANGLIA Super, one owner, tops in economy; ideal second car; 19671 ic. E83843. $1,095 1964 FORD Custom four-door sedan, six-cylinder, standard shift, radio, whitewalls; immaculate condition; 1%7 lic. E831139. $1,480 1963 FAIRLANE Sedan, V-8, standard shift; rebuilt engine, freshly painted; 1967 lie. E83842. $1,150 1961 FALCON Sedan, six-cylinder, standard shift, to-tone, per- fect condition. Look it over! ! 1967 lie. E83840. $750 1960 METEOR Two-door, six-cylinder, automatic, radio; A-1 con- dition. Try this one out ! 1967 lic. E83838. $685 SEE THEM ALL AT Goderich Motors Ltd. 35 South St., Just Off The Square Huron County's Ford Headquarters 1111111MMIIMIUMROMMIMIll11111111111111111111M111iMliffillit111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111n11101111111111111111111111111111111111i111111111111111011R11111111111111 The B a Y f ie ld Bu11etin' February 16 , 1967, Page 71 ACTION CLASSIFIEDS Phone 565-2611 for fast, fast, fast results 111111 111 HOT SPOT SPECIALS LAZ-Y-BOY recliner rocker. "It does everythuvg", covered in multkoned heavy textured tweed. Reg. $123.50. Only $89.50. TV snack trays. Set of 4 on stand. Only $7.88. MR. and Mrs. chairs with match- ing ottoman. Only $119.95. SWIVEL rockers, high backs' and foam in seat and back for extra comfort. Sugg. lis $59.95. Only $39.95. MARSHALL lyrite quilt mat- tress or box spring. Suigg. list $79.95. Only $44.95. BEDROOM suit e, includes double dresser, chest, 'bed with open headboard. Priced for quick sale. Only $129.95. We Specialize In Fa ,nous CHINESE FOODS And TAKE-OUT Orders FOR SALE LODGE Total revenue of all governments in Canada amounted to $759 per capita in 1964. G. B. CLANCY, O.D. — OPTbMETRIST — For Appointment Phone 524-7251 GODERICH BRICKER'S JEWELLERY (Formerly Reg. Bell'st CERTIFIELD WATCHMAKER Watches, Diamonds Clocks, Jewellery Gifts "Same Friendly Service" SQUARE GODERICH B. R. ROBINSON FLOORING CONTRACTOR Phone 524-8831 SERVICES DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL For DEAD or DISABLED ANIMALS — Call Collect DARLING & Company Of Canada Limited Phone Clinton 482-7269 Licence 350-C-65 For the Best in TV Service, CALL McADAMS RADIO AND TELEVISION Pay 236- 109 N T I: 236- 1 186 CLASSIFIED ADV. RATES CASH RATE 3c Per Word Minimum 75c 25c Extra will be added to each insertion if not paid within 10 days of the last insertion. Medicines - Toiletries Cosmetic* - Shaving Weds Stationery - Cameras - Rad! Bath Room Scales Hot Water Bottles - Etc. PRESCRIPTIONS REPEAT ADVS. 2c Per Word Minimum 50c Birth, Marriage and Death Notices FREE. DEADLINE 6:00 p.m. Tuesday Dial 565-2611 Phone 482-9911 Clinton, Ontario WeHlreciaii Fin Fampoui And TAKE-OUT Orders ESQUIRE CAFE The Square 524-9941 GODERICH BLACKSTONE FURNITURE West Street ESQUIRE CAFE The Square 524-9941 GODERICH GODERICH FRENCH DRY CLEANERS CLEANERS — PRESSERS — STORAGE Phone 524-8452 35 West Street K. W. COLQUHOUN NSURANCE • REAL ESTATE Phones: Office 482-9747 Residence 482-7804 JOHN WISE, Salesman Phone 482-7285 Sky Harbor Ak Sery ices — Goderich Chartered and Sightseeing Fl ights — Student Training SKY HARBOR — HIGHWA V 21 — PHONE 524-7385 ELM HAVEN MOTOR HOTEL Entertainment Nightly In The TIMBERLANE ROOM Dining Room and Banquet Facilities Open to I a.m. Monday thru Friday-11.30 p.m. Sat. MODERN MOTEL UNITS Fully Alr-Conditioned -Phone 482-3489 HELP WANTED SEWERS WANTED IM- MEDIATELY. Work at home doing simpler sewing. We supply materials and pay shipping both ways Good rate of pay. Piece work. Apply Dept.066,Bo777010 Adelaide Post Of- fice, Toronto,Ont. HONDA SALE!! SHORTAGES FORECAST FOR MOTORCYCLE SEASON We were able to purchase the entire stock of another Honda dealer. These were C B 160's- 67 models, and we were passing the savings on to you. LIST PRICE $669.95 SPECIAL PRICE 8 MACHINES ONLY 62500 THIS OFFER CANNOT BE REPEATED ARGYLE MARINE & SMALL ENGINES Britannia Rd. E. Tel. 524-9201 Home typing work available in Bay- field and area.Full time--part time.For details write Tor- ham Co., P.O.Bo7 88,Station "D", Hamilton, Ont. Name Address *A speculative security in which we act as principal ARE WE READY FOR ANOTHER GOLD STOCK BOOM? It's coming! After nearly 30 years' experience in the stock market business, often you can see an ap- proaching cycle coming. People on our mailing list have made money from advance information. We have just published an ex- tremely interesting booklet of 36 pages on "Gold and the Dollar in Your Pocket". You can have a copy of this FREE and without obligation. Write today. Gordon-Daly Corporation Limited, Established 1937, Suite 1104-62 Richmond St. West, Toronto 1, Ontario. Please send me your interesting FREE booklet on Gold, and send me your stock recommendations from time ,to time, including *Iron Cliff Mines Limited.