Wingham Times, 1892-04-15, Page 5W HIV ST#1YE! If in the efl>rrt has been English language there is a diamond in the rough, it, must certainly be the homely word "STRIVE," Uncouth and unmusical, yet rich in meaning. Our tostrive to do that which is right to our patrons, firmly believing, he who sells that which is best of its kind finds his best advertisement in what be sells. MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT. every' Our Mevoltant Tailoring Department is now 'provided wish the most popular fabrics produced by the leading and most celebrated mills in the country. Our assortmen fin both variety and value excels :that of any other shop to be found elsewhere and which we• are prepared to make up with first-class trimmings in the latest style of the art an at prices that (cannot fail to satW y all parties. GENTLEMEN'S S P R :gym N G. HATS. Our skiing stock of genttlemen's headw'&ar is now complete. Yew will ;find our hat department filled with the latest products of the factories in England and America, want to aeoelrin fashion 0..am and get one or our nobby hats and at prices that 'will astonish you. BOOTS A- TD SI3IOES. BOOTS LAND SHOES. If yo Ixt'thisAlepartment vie.outstrip all competitors. We are now showing the largest stock in this line to be found in t•Ws part of the country, in all styles and widths,s.nd in orde - to make 'room for another Ilarge consignment soon to arrive we have marked down our stook to prices that are bound to cause a ready sale, as our motto is ; `' he ni�ltb.t; sixpenc is better•rthan the slow trilling," Come 'early and often and get first'choice, and bear in mind we are manufacturing to order, and for neat repairing we can't be heat. GENT'S FURNISHINGS, 4 . GENT'S FURNISHINGS. O,nriGent's Furuislsin s will be foaanct complete in.everytlaing that pertains to correct dressing. We think we can suit the most fastidious. TRUNK AND VALISE DEPARTMENT. Olur.1 runk and VVlise Departmeiot .will be found adequate 'toaccommodate those w;1to are .contemplating travelling,. Remember we will not be undersold. ,27 Turnnerry The,Harmonica Bandla ed rmusic�s�wcOt ."9 The ,residence of Mr David Wallace, 'Their toc,iiu notes c play ttle, T B Ile .Lr .�.r . of tile 10th concession, was destroyed Asrd,Lue did grip the polished bones— of fieri on the 2nd fust. It caught Man how he made tnetn'rattle ; A.country woman then came in fire on the roof, it is supposed from a Would iuformatiou borrow sparli,;and the fire had -gained 'such -j?rom the illmaunered station clerk About the train for Morrow. lieadwey before being noticed, that it was impossible to save •the building. It was insured in the Culros's Mutual Fire Insurance Company, Bluevale. Mrs Charles Wamsley, of Bayfield, Ont. is visiting old acquaintances in Bluevaie.-11'he (i 'T dit station is undergoing•etitensive repairs' at pre- sent.—Mr Wm Beattie is at present trying to.organize a camp.ot the Sons Of Scotland.—The temperance lodge Is adding to its membership.—Mumps are plaguing the small bey in Bluevale and vicinity —Mr Robert Winters, of Menisteke,Michigan, is visiting friends in Bluevater--Several of :the drivers in the log drive were .latptised this year. Culross. The neighhorbood at present is over Stocked with annmps. Some of the young folks are pretty .sick i'vith them -=For the kat few days, spring work We,libtened to a comic song. Of ao jolly laughing Paddy, Then sweetly rose the Scottish strain, When ye do gang awe' laddie; A'drunkard in a frenzied row Was knocked headforemost flying, While in an attic dark and cold Ris'daughter lay a.dying. Befsoshments next were paialed around, Moth cakes and pies and sandwich, To nee them heaped on every lap, Would, sir, your very eyes enrich ; Around the well-filled temperance room The boys at heads were ill of . INT While older heads brim full of jokes,BBERPA Were fleeting time beguiling. I But music sweet, attention called, Aeid tickled up our heiring; A. matr•must needs be small of soul, i is the best in the world. Would there fall to revering ; A. hearty song next on the list SVaa rendered sweet and mellow, • About.a mustache, a dollar or two, By as jolly hearted fellow. A few young men, in red coats dressed, Our soldiers representing, They seng while round their lire they lay arid t,e ,eonvinced that Jab a +t��'J t h 111; e Is the finest Wet•1 Finish known. Upon the camp ground tenting ; "God save the Queen," our noble Queen has been at a stand still, DB account Wacsung and -we disbanded, 'of severity .of the weather —FallTr, plod through driving wind and rain, wheat carne through the "Linter in I But safe at home we landed. first-class order and has every appear- encs of being a good crop.—Mr Alexi .� . aoitN. McDonald has al]nved over to the 4th,' and Mr Geo Crowe has taken posses- sion of his own place, which has 'been rented for the last few Altars.' Won't George meed a housekper now 1—Men. "farm hands" at•a very scarce. Farmers are offering big wages for the summer,—Mr Dan Kinnon is engaged with the Messrs Varson, in Kinloss, for the season. Mr Jos Wel wood was confined to th house last week with a relapse of th Grippe.—Mrs Holmes, of Ripley, is the guest at' present, 'of Mrs J Wel�- ' ood.—.11.rs McDonald, who is -very old and frail, is at present very ,un- well, not having got completely over ,the Grippe.—Mr Dan McCormack bas the timber on the ground and is going tb add to his buildings this summer. NETTE5t'IELD -In Lower Wingham,on the t th inst, the wife of Mr James Net- tordteld; a son. Scxnr.L—At Teeswater, on the 30th March, the wife of Mr Jos Schall; a daughter. HowsoN-At Teeswater, on the 2nd inst the wife of Mr A Howson; a son. inst, the Culross, on April 2nd, the wi pof Mr P Grant; a daughter. A.LI:ER—In East Wawanosh, on the -- the 28th ult, the wife of Mr Elisha e W lkerr; a daughter. e VrtriTs — In Turnberry, on the 2nd instant, the wife of Mr John Willits; a daughter. DIED. HAMILTON—At Teeswater, on the 3rd inst, W R Hamilton, aged 60 years and 4 months. Deceased was father of Mrs Walter Coats, of this town. MODougALL—In Luclinow, on March 31st, Duncan MV.cDougall, aged 25 years and 6 mc. iths. Gnn.nNER---In Ashfield, on April 4th, William Gardner, aged 82 years. Ptxcortnl —In Luclinow, on March 31st, Charlotte Pinoombe, Wife of Wm Pincombe, aged 31 years. raA1,rfiD., 14TOKAi--SZRoVD---At the residence of the bride's father, Ashfield, by Itev J Konner, March Oth, Mr Angus McKay, to Miss Ellen Stroud. RATIr---ARctJcR--On the 6th inst, by Rev J Walker Shilton, 13 A, of Clinton, at the residence of the bride's father, 1itr William Rath, of East Wawanosll, to Leila, eldest daughter of Mr Thomas Archer, of Hullett. ROBINSON—RADFORD - On March 30th, by Rev E 13 Robertson, Mr Robert Rob- mson to Elizabeth, second daughter of itr Eben Radford, (formerly of Wawa - nosh, Co Huron), all of Elkwood, Cava - 1' o, I)akottt. O taus. --N Cfrot.----At tho residence of the bride's father, on the 13th inst.,. by I the Rev II McQuarrio, Mr John Holmes Ito Miss Maggie Nichol, both of Turn - berry, The Tentperanoo At Homo. The temperance band did rouse,a scheme. To aid the Temperance Order, So forth they set, with hearts of will, Along the Maitland border. The news soon spread, both near and far;, The temperance force were rising, And how tho forces did appear, Was truly, sir, surprising, . Around their standard might been seen, . Both gallant men and women, They threaten, str, to overthrow, The Alcoholic demon ; The watchword of that gallant baud Is temperance and good order Perchance they yet may overthrow Itum, whiskey and disorder. They bring the sunshine of content To hearts bowed down with sorrow, And homes once rent with scenes of woe, .A. blest and bright to.morrow; Within a brilliantly lighted hall The Order did assemble, • Their harmless mirth and happy looks Dees make intemperance treuiblq\ J. A. CLINE & CO, STONE BLOCK, Wingharn, Sole Agents for above. LADIES. SEND FOR J. J. HO M UT H & SON. SP2CIAL LINES. Ladies; we offer you this week a fine �P Worth $2.50, at $1.76. INS HATS, Illustrated Catalogue of allies' 15 dozen Black Stiff Hats at 75 cents, worth Specialties. $1.50. 10 dozen Black Stiff Hats at $1.00, worth. ADDRESS - THE PARISIAN MEDICAL APPLIANCE Co„ $2.00. 19 QVEEN ST. EAST, TORONTO, ONT. Mention this paper. of pure Cod 4 vor 011 w "h iiypo- phosphltcs of Limo and Socks lo alnloot Co pain able an milk. A MARVELLOUS FLESH PRODUCER It Is indeed. and tho littlelads and 1099108 who take cold e03lly, may bo fortified against a cough that niiatit prove *arlou9y by takinf8 Scott'o Emul&ton after their meek: during the winter 9edeOn. .4Waro of eiab tuitions atiri imiternea%, SCOTT es BOWNliy eilevllle. Too busy to write out an advertise - menet this week. Slr Call and see us. I .. GUARDIANSHIP NOTICE. i Application wilt be aiado to the Sturog:,te Court of the Cotmty of Aurou, niter the expiration of twenty day's frcm the first publication hcrecf, to op. I point Benjamin Willson, of the Town of N'inglitm, 81 the Count, of Muton, Bonk Manager, guardian of Whin Crowell Bray and Ethel Kathleen Bray, of said town, hlf.u.t children of Walton Thomas Bray, late of said town of VVinghaiu, limit: it, neeeaeed. , BENJAMIN WlLI,SON, By J, A. 3tllliTO: ,. e His Attorney. Dec() Whighten, 31st Ultrclt,1802. n T. A. MILLS. FOR SALE, Lot No. 3, and the E. 1., of Lot No. 7, 11th Con. Turnberry--150 acres; 90 acres cleared; well fenced; frame hoose end other buildings; good orchard; cheap, on time. Apply to M. C. CAM.14RON, Or Goderiell, McPlIERSON,. Glentarrow P. O.