HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-04-15, Page 41 WILLIAMS ,FEAusT -AND- DRUGGIST, %G, I��..'W. TELEGRAPH CO. ppn Brunswick House, I 'Diyth- 1 D McKenzie, E Jarvis, T Taylor! W Qolorodo Seed Wheat Con - Callahan, S Greer, W Ellis, E. Ale- demued- Quitlau,A. Anderton, jr,W McDonald, Mos Ezarree,-Di,n11 Sant, -Will you J Patterson, 1)1•fonnedy, J Aruher, ',/ kindly allow me through your ,aper Forster, B Thompson, T Mowbray, S to place before the farming co ane a T Andersen J Webb, G Howe, it of this section and others int,resc•, Clark, , y A Sproat, D Spred, Feneeviews-J ea, such information as 1 have regard - Plunkett, . McCabe, J S►nitlt, 3 Mo- ing the Colorado wheat, nn evident. Lean, W Dunkeld, A Pentland, S duty on my part very much to be re- Smyth, J Thompson, A Cameron, 3 greeted under existing circumstances, Gordon, J B Rutherford, T Saunders. .A resolution was passed at the Donde Poundkeepers -H. Moreland, J W ion Millers' Association meeting,lately Jackman, P McOann, 3 Clark, T field at Toronto, very strongly con - he emmn o ora Mr Jas Watson, of Seaforth, agent for sewing ixiachieee, d.id• eome game ness,lri our town on i toudey.-Mrs R.obt Slater le, we are glad to s+ate, recovering from her severe lit, of sickness,--- Mr Dever, formerly taller of this place,. 1,iow of W ieglliam, was iu town on Wednesday, ---All band ad- mirers held a meeting on Monday evening, The collectors' report stated that they lead already raised $$117, The secretary was authorized to write and get prices of instrume Its. \Ve believe, in the Hear future,we will have a band second to none in Ontario. -Mr Will Powell paid our town a flying visit. Ont. on Monday night.--1lesers Jas Ross 'whams, - - and JO Stewart, both of \Vawanosh, left here on Wednesday for British �Y4 Columbia. We join their many trieeds !" (times in vvisbin� them success. -Mr James Uiigtani ��i a Tierney spent Monday iu London on business -Mr Frank Metoalf was in --- Eiarriston on Tuesday .on business. - On Saturday evening the millinery 11' IDAY, APRIL 15,,1892. 1 DITORIAI, NOTES. indecision or the Government to t the investigationinto the charges against Sir Adolphe Oaroti,shows in its true, light, k Ontario' Teachers' Association tMeet in the Education Depart- s Toronto, on April 19, ltd 21. 'Phis is the first time the ting has been placed during the ger vacation. jtie Conservatives of West Huron et decided to enter a cross -petition Ij st Al 0' Cameron. Quite right ; it Cameron or his agents are ty of bribery, the public oshould lv •it:. • 8,1!\iTOBA is 11 :ring quite an influx i,ipulation this year, Gild as a con fence, Targe quantities of land are mold. For the first three months is year tiro sales reached a total in the church. At the present time ),000 acres. For the first week of there is a lot of kicking done. We month the sales were nearly 20,- think all the members should fall in and work together. -A missionary ser mon was preached by the Rev Dr Robertson on Sunday morning. The rev. gentleman took for his text Mathew 18th chapter, 31st to 33rd verses. The Dr is a very calm and earnest speaker and was liked by everybody. Alexander, W Humphrey, J C,unp 1l, d g O 1 do wheat for milling J Archer. The follnwiug accounts purposes. This resolution was framed were paid : 111 Murphy, charity, $12; by a committee of competent millers J M Smith, gravel, $2.59 ; J Miller, who have had experience in grinding o wire fence, $2.10 ; V Altor, gravel, it, and chiefly from p ints east of $1,80; J Shoultz, charity, $20; Luck' Toronto where it has been largely now Agricultural Society, $20; Mani- grown for the past two or three years, cipal World, $5 ; Taylor Bros, cedar,. It was quite a surprise to Western $2 80; Jas Ferguson, repairing road, millers, myself among others, who 50 cents ; J 1-1 Guy, repairing road, have not had a similar experience, and $3 ; B Lowry, balance: en job in Dun- led to considerable discussion as to gauuon, $5.75. Council will meet as whether "Colorado" wheat as known ' Oanrt of Revision on Saturday, •May east aid west of Toronto was the sante openings took place. The weather be 28111• R. K. 5irr.nulz, Clerx. variety. ing ver disagreeable, the crowd was •Immediately on my return home I Dot as large as other years. •Notweta Morris. sent sampled of our "Colorado" wheat. standingale ais onveniences,the various The council met in the council room,- to different members of the . above milliners showed great skill ,inti taste Morris, March 28, 1892, according to committee, and have recoivecrsamples in respective d'skill adjournment. Members all present, from them. 1 have also received their 5 $ theirGiey, proprietor of the gentle- lr ast Reeve in the chair. Minutes of letters in reply and •regret to say the men's clothing store, spout the g eny e- last meeting read and • passed. A wheats are the same variety. I will Loudon. -Mr Geo Jenkins spent Sun- petition from Thomas ;Maunders and therefore asic you to publish ono of the da at his home in Win !nam. -Miss others, was presented, asking that S letters as a sample of all received,. 1 8 Symonds is at present seriously lots 28 and 30, con 7, and N .- lot 28, trust all interested will accept. the indisposed. -Mr Thomas McElroy has con b,he detached from Union 8 S No information with due . consideration as disposed of his dwelling house in the 11 and annexed to S S No 4 Moved to the aonsequenceslikely to result from south end. of the town to Mr sOe in theew, by 0 A Howe, seconded by Jas Proc- seeding with this wheat and govern for the sum of $750. -Mr Bert Ridh tor, that W J Johnston he arbitrator themselves accordingly, as they [nay dell left here for Manitoba on Thurs. to ,act in accordance with the school deem It wise. 1 regret vary much the day. Bert's many friends will mis's taw in the above matter -Carried• information could not have been ten - hint, We wish him success in the Moved by Jas Proctor, seconded by dered sooner under tete clscumetanses, West. -The 1 0 G T have organized a Geo Kirkby, that the clerk be in- but hope it may not be too late in a glee club in connection with their strutted to draft a code of by-laws, to some cases to substitute other 'e,rain. lodge. We hope it may prove a sue - he printed iu pamphlet form for use of Thanking you for valuable space, cess.-aO,i Thursday night last, the officers and others in the. municipality Yours truly, boys organized a kazoo and mouth -Carried. On motion of Geo Kirkby, T. 0. KEMP.or au band. They promenaded tlie, seconded by Jas Proctor, the fol Seaforth, April 6th, 1892. streets till a late hour, playingthein lowing aecoonts were ordered to be• melodious music. -The managers of paid, namely; A McDonald, gravel, Bowmanville, April 401, 1892. the Presbyterian church have been in - $6.50; Geo Skelton, $2.20 ; Jno Wert 5m, -Your favor of the 2nd, strutted by the session to put an organ Budd, gravel, $1,60 ; A Cameron, and sample to hand: We have ex• ewood to Murphy, $4 ; W H Kerr, mined your sample and ccusider it printing, $7 ; Misses Exford, charity, the same as our "Colorado" and I have $18: 0 Campbell, wood to Exfords,$5; sent you two samples in return. No D Sommerville, wood to Murphy, 1 was grown on light land and No 2 $11.25 ; John Currie, repairs to on heavy clay laud. 1 bannot find Clark's bridge, $7.75. The fullowing any difference between your sample Pethmasters were appointed, namely ; and my No 2, either in appearance or North Boundary -0 Henderson, H gluten by testing in the mouth. It is Bosman, J McCracken, J Gardner, DI the most deceptive Wheat we have ever Patton, Wm Robb, Jas Messer and A • used, both in color. quality and yield. We strongly.:recotumende.n it last year,. and by so doing • einetenths of all we have this year is '•Colorado," and a cosequence 1 have discharged mien and stopped the mill except local trade. The resolution passed by the As- socition weal cause the farmers herb to sow one thousand acres of other kinds in place of "Colorado," so I hope to be iu a better position next year. is think the position taken by some of you Western millers at the Aesncia- tion about "Colorado" was wrong. The resolution only condemned the wheat grown in this section while Westerii mon claimed their "Colorado" was good. T do not think ono of the Western millers who spoke in its favor ever ground enough alone to thorough- ly test it. I believe it is the same wheat, and some of your millers will be sorry next year that the resolution did not cover ait Ontario. Yours truly, J. 0, VANSiit,uNE. acres PSE salary 'attached to the office of rney General of the Province, was used from $5,000 to $7,000 per m, by the Legislature, one day siweek. This is a very fitting re- Aitionof the eminent services of ,T West Wawanosh• en 0 Mowat, who has held that for, se :many years. ilk Ontarin Assessment Act has amended at, that ineotnes under will be exempt altogether, in - 'Ss between $700 and $1,000 taxed The Council met on Satin day, April 2nd, Members all present. Minutes of forager meeting .were read and ape proved. The T'reasurer's statement. for February and .March showed re- ceipts, $222.49 and expenditure, $83,- 69, leaving $184.45 on hand. Michael 1F for excess over $700, and incomes Alurphvi asked aid from the Council to $1 ,000 exempt only up to $400. enable him to buy sped grain, he not ler the previously existing law in. being able to do so. Moved by Mr ba over over $700 were exempt only flowers, seconded by Mr Gibson, that ,:o $400, gild incomes over $1,000 $12 be given to Mr Murphy-Car[ied. trot exempt at all. It was resolved to pay John Miller otr a return brought down t r the $5 10, for 84 rods wire fence at 15c, b granted by resolution of Onnncil Nov inion Parliament, it appears.tbat 9, 1890. Mr Kerr applied for compen petii'tinne with 304,808 signs- satiou for two lambs and one sheep , were received in favor of a killed by dogs, A communication rebitory liquor law, and also eleven was read from the township solicitor re liability of municipalities for the =lions from societies. 13y Provinces payment of sheep killed by dogs, ;11r 1$'eturn shows; Kerr's case was laid over to a following Petitions. Signatures. median.Alessre Caldwell and Mills . ," 101,737 reg 197 17,153 asked ° • attic 1 197 assistance in aid of John iBrunsvvicic.-262 25,559 Shoultz, lately burned out in Mane Miller; • 1st line -Wm• Martin, R Oasemore, 1a Campbell, A Hughes, 11 Robb, W J Johnston and A Forrest ; 2nd line -Win Ishister, J Elston L Jewitt, I+'' Ferrand, Geo Turvey, A Me Allester, Wm Forrest and M Moses ; 3rd line -Wm Wray, Geo Hannan, W .I Geddes, Wan Knox, E Oliver, R South, T Bone and J Mason ; 4th line -V Vanorman. J Corbett, Win Bryans, W 13 Wilkinson, G Wheeler, R Youill, \V .Shedden, \Vm Mc- Cracken, H Wright and J Currie; 5th line -1.1 Johnston, J Cloakey, Win Watson, A Clark, .1 McArter, 8 Love, J Sommerville, J Kirkonnel, D Pipe and M Cardiff.; 6th line.-- Jno ine-Juo . Nethory, Jno Young, W Michie, Juo Agee, it Douglass, H Hausa. J McOutchen and Jno Walker; 7th line-Jno Greenan, Jas Fetch, W R flushes, C Howlett, Juo McArter, W McArter, J Olennan and A Easorn; 8th line -F Stalker, A Lindsey, T Oode, Wen Marshall, W Phalen, W Skelton, Geo Jacksd'n, S Fear, Geo Kelly and J Garter ; 9t11 line -J Snell, 3 Gibson, J Frarey, C Taylor; D Laid- law, R B Laidlaw, W Taylor, Colin x$eptta,. 8a,G 43.738 (baster. a worthy ease for charity. McArthur, Geo Cxri;g, J McDonald e gad Islwud,113 17101 Moved by Mr Gibson, seconded by Mr and W Srnith ; west gravel road -J +rthbCcturnbia... 2i 2,533 Medd, that the Council grant $20 to Golley, T Seaudrett, T Gosman and nwe:rt Territories,28 3,587 assist Air Shoultz; The usual grant of Geo Krechling ; east gravel toad- pie of the petitions contained over $20 was given to the'Lucknow Agri- E Bryans, Jas Bownnan„ W Burgess enJ siguatttres, and exceeded 75 feet cultural Society. It was decided to and 0 Ritchie. T Hendersou was ap• aIngth. subscribe for six copies of the Mani- pointed fenceviewer in place of D cipal Crorld for use of the in mbeis of Geddes, E Littlefair and F Baines, W Ilahnilton who tootles south of the On Saturday evening last, it young e1 ;3eafoxth• Council. Moved by Mr Medd,seconded were appointed poundkeepers in Divi- town, iutendsgoing to his home,°near stranger appeared at the residelice of an Thursday morning of last week, by Mr Todd, that •a by-law be passed Bion NG 3, and \Van Hopper in division Woodstock, for his +'astbr holidays.- A1r Jas Netterfieid, iu the person of fiaester of the Qtteen's hotel found dispensing with. the payment torshttep No 5, in place of Juo Geddes. On Magee Russel .tColly; foreriorly of this a little baby l,ciy,,e -Mr H herr has uteriugV the barn the body of a man killed by clogs, while the tax on clogs motion of Caldbick and Howe, the place, new of 1Vinelitai 1, spent a few been awarded the -Contract for the GORDON & MGINTYRE, We are expecting real spring weather in a few more days and so have made ample prepare tiou for a large *dugtrade. Our new prints are desoribed by the ladles as "sweet," "lovely," "delightful,' and we are perfectly satisfied with their judgment, knowing that they never apply such epithet to inferior or unworthy articles. as my for Our Dress Goods department is very attractive indeed, both in quality and prices, and for : excellence in texture beauty in design, elegance in pattern,and charming shades, they are much ahead of any former stook. Our spring Boots and Shoes are to hand, burywe do not require to say any- thing about them, for to seo then and hear their prices means sales at first sight. Don't miss seeing them. Our Teas are sounding our praises far and wide, and our high standard of ex- cellence will be scrupulously maintained. Families or sooieties buying by the half chest will get their tea a wholesale prices, We are also selling large quantities of sugar by the barrel -wholesale. GORDON & McINTYRE. The Big Brown Anchor., Wingh am, March 24th, 1892. mea who were spending the eveuing at a neighboring (1) house, and they were rather embarrassed when plated on the stand, and had to give;, an •account of themselves, The firing was a fiendish • attempt and we hope the guilty person may be caught -W Clow • left for the North West on Tuesday morning,• where he intends opening; out a butcher shop.-- Quite a number of the boys from herr went to Wingham on Tuesday evening to the "Dedica-41 tion" concert, They expressed theme selves well pleased with the perform- ance. Medical Association. The Huron Medical Association met _ in Clinton on Tuesday of fact week. There were present •I).rs Elliott, Peers:. Ryerson, Bethune, Scott, Smith, Fer- gusou, Gedfrr-y, Amos, Cooper, Turn, bull, Worthington, `".haw, MoLauhlan, Stanbury, Armstrong, Gibson and Gunn. Owing to the unavoidable absence of snipe of the members, the arranged programme was not fully carried out. A telegram from. Dr Raiford Walker, of Toronto, express. irhg regret at not being able to be present, Was read. .Dr Ryerson, of Toronto, read a paper on "neglected running fron, the ear and what comes Of it ;" Ile' ridiculed the prevalent that to stop the discharge was injur- •ious,pointed out that deafness, bride in. inatien, abscesses were not infrequent consequences of negla•cting. the the - charge. A number of cases were presented by members and discussed. 1)r Ryerson received a voto of thanks for bis paper, and was elected an honorary member of the Association. The next meeting will be held in Sea- forth, in July, Teeswater. i Lower Wingleaxn. Mr Dougal Ferguson has moved lir Flack, sr, received a severe into the house lately occupier! by Mr attack of lumbago, on Saturday morn,. Sellery, who has returned to Kmcar- •ing last. At first it was feared he was dine, -The boys of the village are stricken with paralysis, but it has trying to form an Athletic Association. proven to be not so. We are pleased The old.stone school is to be used as to say he is getting around again and their gytnnasiutn. Come off I-Mr'.0 will soon be able to attend to work.-- ' upoth the floor with . marks of is tnaintai'.md in the township. The council then adjourned to meet again days doe week with ; his former school t d on the face and on the floor, following pathhnesters were appointed: on the 30th May next, for Court of companions. -.1a iee Oolvin, at present neral recognized the body es that 5 Kerr, J W Jackman, S J1cPhair, Revision, end other business, with hi 13 i) Connor, druggist, has i f;titann who had been seen about J Pearce, J Willard,J II Iallough, G Wiu { x.ntSit, Clerk, secured a situatiotr , ill Kern drug pecten by May fat. -Mr Samuel the'previous day. Ile pave his Armsttoug, W. Plunkett, J Nevins, ereettou of the twu water closets at. the school. The contract price is $59.50, and the work is to be corns store, Woodstock, and intends leaving ! Leggett purchased the* frame of the as 1•Iog•.ihy and said he was a Geo Rutledge, Bruce, J O.Iloinuth, J ' Tetlaftd. soon. Success, Jim, - Mr Robert j .clef shed here and has removed It. -- enter. An inquest was Held the ti'eai;;an, J Nicholson, W Stothers, J Mr Wm Lawrence, . of thiel neigh- Copeland has given his shop it general 1 Mr Forster, contractor, assisted by evening;, and from the medieai Curweu, W P Grierson, W Ivers. T. berhood,called a Salo by.publis auctioit overhaulilag and applied the white-, Messrs Moore, put a new peer under nee given as a result of a enrefnl Young, 0 Wilson, W Audrews, J Chf orr Friday last and sold off hie stock wash brush and paint unspairngly, . the race bridge, last week, -Mr T 0 anorteim examination the follow. ton, A Stafford, S Medd, M Cummins, of horses and a few ocher articles. Bob is a pusher and has a keanpeye to i Graham has been ill for some time edict was rendered : That the T Radcliffe, II Glee, T Mcilebi'rts, W Prices ranged high. A good span of business. -4 great deal of interest was with jai atteek of erysipelas in the ed wpm to hie death from con -1 Campbell, J Wilson, R Bowers, J v. orking horses eold for 'thirty dollars• taken in the investigation regarding face, but we are pleased to know he is en of the brew, caused by violent (;lark, It McAllister, A McAllister, J and other prides ranged iteeordtngTy, the lato lire in Carmichael ; McTage ; recovering nicely, e With a hard, smooth, slightly Thompson, E Brophy,J Hiekingbot. -The slight skiff; of snow and tho few gart's store, the hall being packed r rho following is Ow report of" the ed enr'faee, but whether such. toner P 'Connor, W 11 Harrison, 1+ cold rhtys of the past week have driven every night rite investigation coil*!. re ulaar weekly examination held in recess inflicted by n weapon in Wood, S Coni;, J Durgin, I ' Cameron,. the ploughmen again from Ute field eluded. on Friday night. The jury. , Lo,ver \Vinghahn school on Friday ads r:f setup, person or by a fail! T Woods, W Kinalan, jt,..l Craaie, W and work has eessed rel the line of after Wing out for about two hours, , Iast,l1?oarth sr• -•-•Arithmetic••-- 'lorenoe cry wane,r,t decide from the'evi• Armstrong, 8 Thompson, G White, 1) .seeding, -Mr Geo Thomson is grndu- earns to the! deeiallotl t11as the widence' Rachel Dey, Allier King, Lake ding, so far obtained. A post Rutherford. A. Unreel'. J 0 Maher-,•a!iy recoverine from, his late confine- was not sufficiently strong to erimina+g e • .l+ottrth jr--Arithmetic --•- Jessie Mc. exanlir,at.iotl raven led a severe fora. 1>'Cndd,1i Durniur+t 1`Iumphrey, nlent.-Mr 1) ivXcDona:ld,proprietor dimly one aid recommended that a Il' . f the "keell with en indent, 1) Donovan, 0 Taylor, Il Lockhart, 3 the rethtnd Shingle Mill, has cow.. suiteblo !reward he offered for infor• ; TI ain, Frank IIilT, Lo1ie Macdonald. rd`••3r--•-Gergrephy .-:MIlton Cera• if mate. by some email weep. '•u, \'ebster, W W. Scott,'' Stothers, A lneneed operations argent, He has it ntarion tlaat'will lead to the oonvlotion hairs, Mabel IIalistead, Jennie pep, were several fractured ribs ••anal ' I) Cameron, 13 0'7a tivaalxiiu', S Phillips, in good repair and is gradually of the guilty pray p Bator- Tylird jr- A,rithmttio_,Tns raoclteridga, ierr of the spinal column. J Oorduui, J 11, McPherson, 5 Webb, - diminishing his large stock of logs. day 'night otte#1 r he young Clever Watson, Thos Stark. nl{1, eIf