HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Bayfield Bulletin, 1965-01-28, Page 4FINK Plumbing & Heating Ltd Electrical Service .D FINK BILL FINK 'ensall 36 Clinton 482-7682 Your comfort is our concern! NEAR & HOFFMEYER Specialists in Plumbing, Air Conditioning and Gas, Oil, Electric Heating GODERICH s Kingston St.—Dial 524-7861 S [ WORSELL BROTHERS PLUMBING -- HEATING -- HARDWARE 122 The Square — GODERICH — 524-7952 Page 4, THE BULLETIN Thursday Jan. 28. 1965 BUSHY TALES by ART ELLIOTT Tor some reason, a trip along the river bank the other day :.coking for scenic views a la winter,re- minded me of a job I was on for Kerr-Add- ison Gold Mines Ltd. a few years ago in the Massey, Ont.area. It must have been the sight of some dark ice showing in between the drifts of snow that turned the memory back. This was perhaps the lushest job our geophysical crew was ever on, from the standpoint of comfort and transportation. We were sent to Ma- rAsey to do a magnet- cutter and E.M. survey a large block of .ms which Kerr had ..mer option. The job :qtarted in December .ncl finished about the middle of January 40 the weather was really wintry, Massey being located about 40 some odd miles west of Sudbury. The ground was only about five miles out of town, so it was arranged that the gr- oup would stay in the best hotel in town and commute to work by taxi, rather than go to the expense and delay involved in set ting up a new camp. Massey is a popular centre for tourists and fishermen in the summer, and the hotel was nicely furnished in the modern manner, the rooms having the wall-to-wall carpets, new furnishings and drapes and top notch inner spring mattres- ses. What a way to rough it 1 After a couple of years of your own cooking and diihwash- ing in the bush of Northern Quebec and Ontario, it is not exactly a hardship to have good hot nou- rishing meals served on immaculate tables by pretty waitresses. Expense account meals tend to be nothing but the best, and the company never ever scrimped on food for the field men. We de- cided the company mu- DIRECTORY LODGE AMBULANCE SERVICE GODERICH 425-74431 Oxygen, First AId Equipment / B. R. MUNDAY Specializing In Sparton TV Service Also Portable Fool Proof Sound Service 127 Widder St., Goderich PORTRAITS -- WEDDINGS COMMERCIAL 15A Victoria St., Clinton Friday and Saturday 2 to a p.m. Phone 482-9654 after 6 p.m. for appointments. r97 PATTERSON'S USED FURNITURE St. Patrick St. -- Goderich -- Dial 524-7616 W. MacDONALD ELECTRIC CO. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Specializing in Electric Heating Complete Motor Rewinding and Repair Service CLINTON DIAL 482-7702 GODERICH PHONE 524-7851 • Sky Harbor Ak Services — Goderich Chartered and Sightseeing Flights — Student Training SKY HARBOR — HIGHWAY 21 — PHONE 524-7385 ECKERT PLUMBING & ELECTRIC SALES and SERVICE Highway 21 — BAYFIELD — Phone 92 IBUILDING SUPPLIESr and HARDWARE Of All Kinds . . . It's BAYFIELD HARDWARE and LUMBER BAYFIELD Phone 3-R-3 cabin where we were given the beet treat- ment his cellar could provide. Cold or no, his big white geese were walking around non- chalantly in their bare feet. This type of weather was, we decided then and the re, strictly for the birds 1 INSURANCE K. W. COLQUHOUN INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE Phones: Office 482-9747 Residence 482-7804 JOHN WISE, Salesman Phone 482-725 IT HELPS TO SAY YOU SAW IT IN THE BULLETIN miLawnitivoilsi onsmolua rsismisisismisisommotoosimminannizismomnansosimmonsmoosi sisimics CAR and TRUCK '64 GALAXIE sop XL TUDOR HARDTOP V-8, automatic transmission, radio, power steering, bucket seats, vinyl top, white walls, the utmost in luxury! '64 GALAXIE 500 FORDOR SEDAN V-8, automatic transmission, power steering, pow- er brakes, whitewalls, must be seen!!! '64 CUSTOM TUDOR Six cylinder, standard transmission, two-tone. Pric- ed to clear!!! '63 FAIRLANE 500 FORDOR SEDAN V-8, automatic transmission, radio, white walls, log mileage, a beautiful cerill '62 GALAXIE 500 FORDOR SEDAN V4, automatic transmission, radio, white wall, This car was executive-driven!!! '62 FALCON Futura TI'DOR Six cylinder, standard transmission, radio, whit, walls, like new!!! ALSO THESE A-1 COMPACTS — AT PRICES YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO MISS '63 CHEVY H '60 FALCON WAGON Six cylinder, automatic transmission. Look this one &cylinder, automatic transmission '61 FALCON TUDOR owner over!!! '60 VAUXHALL Check the price on this one. 6-condor, standard transmission. '60 VOLKSWAGEN '61 CORVAIR FORDOR The perfect second car. Rebuilt motor, standard transmission. '60 KARMANN GHIA '61 AUSTIN 850 One owner, low mileage. Economy-plus, perfect in town driving. '60 FALCON TUDOR '59 CONSUL The cleanest '59 in Huron County. 6-cylinder, standard transmission. COME ON IN FOR A FREE DEMONSTRATION Your Ford - Mustang - Falcon - Fairlane - Ford Truck Dealer GODERICH MOTORS LTD. PHONE 524-7308 35 SOUTH STREET GODERICH, ONT We are open evenings Monday through Friday until 9 p.m. FILL OUT THESE COUPONS AND RETURN TO GODERICH MOTORS LTD. IF THIS COUPON IS DRAWN, AND THE QUESTION OF THE MONTH IS ANSWERED, YOU WILL RECEIVE $10 IN MERCHANDISE Whit is going to buy • new or used car, truck or tractor NAME ADDRESS NOW DRIVING IF THIS SALE IS MADE BY US WITHIN 60 DAYS, YOI WILL RECEIVE $10 IN MERCHANDISE YOUR NAME ADDRESS et figure that men that can eat that much must be doing a hell of a lot of hard work, and of course this supposition was not far off the mark. We were. After a good hot breakfast, the taxi would pull up on the dot of 7.30 a.m. and the four of us, eng- ineer and instrument operators would pile in and be aped by a back road to the st- art of the trail.On with the inevitable snowshoes, and away we would go, over the rocky ridgy terr- ain of the Sudbury Basin, a fascinating geological puzzle if there ever was one. Nestling in our day packs was a substant- ial lunch packed in the hotel kitchen, complete with fruit or somesuch for dess- ert, along with a th- ermos of strong hot coffee. About five miles, eight hours and a day's work lat- er, it would be back into the waiting cab and roll into town, glad to unzip the pa- rkas and soak in the heat of the car. Next on the program was to soak in some more heat in the bar along with a couple of appetising brews before dinner. Hot roast beef, or fowl or perchance a steak, spuds and apple pie and coffee would fill the gaps, and an hour long nap on those so comfortable beds wou- ld unkink the knotted leg muscles. Lunches for the fol lowing day were ord- ered at suppertime, to include an extra sandwish and thermos of coffee, consumed as a bedtime snack consumed at the end of the crvibbage game or a session of plot- ting the survey data on the charts. It was lovely at night and hell on wheels during the day. Vertical rock out- crops glistening with ice threatened life or limb of the inept or unwary and the te- mperature flirted reg ularly with the sub- thirty mark. Our line usually was at right angles to the strike of rock, so it was straight up and down all day and a tough place to line up pic- kets. Sometimes you had to sight back to the sixth or seventh back, the others bei- ng out of sight in some snowfilled can- yonlike valley. We were proud of our ability to take it weatherwise, but Jack Kirk and I were almost deleriously happy to quit in the middle of a lake one afternoon when the fluid in the non-fre- ezable instruments went solid at -27 in a 25 mile wind. We hit across country to a settler's farm