The Bayfield Bulletin, 1965-01-28, Page 32e4cap RIECK PHARMACY] GODERICH DRUGS 14 The Square Dial 524-7241 FURNITURE -- CANADIAN PINE CHINA -- GLASS Agnes Middleton 104 TRAFALGAR ST., GOOERICH 1 Block North of Gooderham Playground — Phone 524-5 Np GODERICH FRENCH DRY CLEANER' Phone 5248452 PRESSERS -i5I49:1aKrioet Tuirmtal Craft il-Eril5e CANADIAN HANDICRAFTS Goderich North on Mill Rd. off Hwy. 8 524-4290 235 Huron Rd — GODERICH — Phone 524-8424 • 1 1 EMILY CORY antiques CHINA - GUNS - PINE FURNITURE REPAIRING and REFINISHING FURNITURE 45 Waterloo St. — GODERICH — Tel: 1 12441717 nennifs Otto A C000piao Use of Groceries, Meats and Fresh Vegetables KERR'S MARKET LUNCH Melo St. — IAYF1ELD — $1 SHOP 'TIL 10 P.M. IN GODERICH Red and White Foodmaster J. M. CUTT. prop. Victoria St. Goderich • YOUR ESSO FARM AGENT IMPERIAL • GASOLINE • FUEL OIL Ask About Our FREE HOME HEAT SERVICE HAROLD BLACK 296 James St.—Clinton Phone 482-3873 Mrs. John McKenzie was named president of Bayfield Library Board at the annual meeting held here Friday evening. She succeeds Mrs. H.H. Ormond who continues on the board as a di- rector. Other officers are: Mrs. Robert Scotchmer secretary; Mrs. G.N. Rivers, treasurer;Mrs Y.A. Clift, Mrs. Rob- ert Johnston, Mrs. J. B. Higgins, Mrs. H.H. Ormond and Mrs. Geo. Bellehamber, direct- ors. Express Thanks The Board went on record as expressing great appreciation to Mr. and Mrs. Ormond for their unflagging efforts on behalf of the library. Yrs. Scotchmer rep- orted a gain of 115 members over the pre- How save $2 on Canada's finest white paint? Dirp% Buy this! Inside each giant-sized box of OMO detergent (marked "January White Sale") there's a coupon worth $2.00 off a gallon of any C-I-L White Paint. Redeem it here. CILOMO McArthur & Reilly Ltd. 36 WEST ST. GODERICH • AMBULANCE STILES FUNERAL HONK GoderIcI 524-8142 52441504 Aluminum Products For Air-Master Aluminum DOORS and WINDOWS and Rockwell Power Tools JERVIS SALES R.L. Jervis-68 Albert Si. Clinton — 482-9390 e For delicious Meals stop at . . . THE CLUB GRILL Kingston St — Goderioh We Specialize In Steakk Southern Fried Chicken and Take Out Orders Phone 524-81M Keep Your House Clean with FILTER QUEEN For Healthier Living! ROBERT K. PECK VARNA PHONE HENSALL 352-W-1 (By Mrs. Audrey Bellchamber, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fraser Jr. and their children Ricky, Eliz- abeth and Michele, moved to London last weekend where they will reside. Mr. Fra- ser has accepted a position is 71evela- nd, O. Social Editor, Phone Bayfield 38) THE BULLETIN—Thursday Jan. 28, 1965 Pagel Mrs. John McKenzie Heads Bayfield Library Board THE EXCHANGE POST FORMERLY THE BARGAIN BOX NOW LOCATED ON EAST ST. (Formerly Ahl's Shoe Store) China, glassware, jewellery, pictures, lamps, antiques, appliances, nearly-new Scout, Cub, Girl Guide uniforms, children's clothing, adult's clothing, hats, overshoes, skates, hockey equipment. TURN ARTICLES INTO CASH LET US SELL THEM FOR YOU! When you come in you may find just what you've been looking for. OPEN TUES., THURS., FRI., SAT. — 2 to 6 p.m. 3-5 CLEARANCE SALE on top line Furniture 10% to 50% off on all merchandise in the store BLACKSTONE FURNITURE LEGION AUXILIARY Officers of the Ladies' Auxiliary to Branch 109, The Royal Canadian Legion at Goderich were installed in ceremonies they e recently when Auxiliary Zone Commander Evelyn Carroll officiated. She is seen at centre, front row, with the new President Mrs. James Sherratt. Other officers, not listed in order of appearance are; Mrs.E. OFFICERS INSTALLED Harrison, let vice; Mrs. P6y Bowen, 2nd vice; Mrs. Ralph Kingswell, past president and executive committee members Mrs. Vi. Cundari, Mrs. M. Harris, Mrs. M. McAulay, Mrs. Paul Hill, Mrs. Pearl Stokes, Mrs. F. Ashton, Mrs. E. Chambers, Mrs. J. Ell- iott, Mrs. E. Doak and Mrs. M. Young. (Bulletin Photo) Social News JANUARY SPECIALS! Hayhoe's Mountain AYLMER 28 oz tin Blend(fresh ground) TOMATOES COFFEE Lb. 97O now only 310 NATUREIS BEST KOUNTRY KIST Corn 15 os. 2/290 Corn 14 oz. 2/270 HOVEY'S GENERAL STORE BAYFIELD PHONE 10 Mr. Charlie Toms is a -;atient in Cli- nton Public Hospital. Mr. Malcolm King of Sarnia recently vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hewitt, presenting Mr. King with a gift on behalf of the Ro- ver crew of which Mr Hewitt was leader be- fore moving to Bayf- ield. Jim Higgins, Toron- to, was with his par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Higgins from Fri- day 'tit Sunday. Dinner guests of Mrs. G. Hopson on Fr- iday were Mrs. Myrtle Parker, Mrs. Carrie Heard, Mrs. Mabel Ca- meron, Mrs. Ida Men- ery and Mrs. Rita Up- shall. Cpl. and Mrs. W. Killen and twin chil- dren Patrick and Kim- berley have recently moved from Ottawa anJ are staying in the-.Bannister cotta- ges. Birthday Mrs. Tom Penhale gave a surprise party for Mary McFadden on Wednesday January 20 the tenth anniversary of her birthday. Tho- se present were Mary Lou Castle, Debbie MacVicar, Lorelei Mc Clinchey, Karen Bran- don, Lea-Ann McLeod, Sandra Telford, Pat- ricia Payne, Louise MacVean, Shirley and Kathy McFadden.Wendy and Ricky penhale.All present joined in ga- mes and enjoyed a su- mptuous birthday din- ner. Mr. and Mrs. W. El- liott returned from Stratford on Sunday after attending the funeral on Mr. and Mrs. W. El- liott returned Sat- urday after attending the funeral at Strat- ford Friday of Mr. J.. Meek, brother of Mrs Elliott. The canvass for the March of Dimes will be held in Bayfield next weekend. Please give until it feels good 1 Huron... (Continued from Pg.l) fit the functions in that particular build ing or could be taken care of in some other type of building." Reeve Tom Leiper, Mallett:II I think we have invited this sit nation ourselves. It looked fine to Tint up a new building, but it closed a lot of nursing homes; now we miss them.' Deputy reeve Rayter "Me have to make ac- commodation for these people or the hospi- tal will have to. I don't see the nursing homes looking after them." Clerk-treasurer Berry0There are oth- er financial problems coming before council at this session that might have a bearing on when we start buil ding." ceding year. The tot- al is now 319 of wh- ich 158 are adults, 161 juveniles. Well Utilised Book circulation was 4,543, showing an increase of 1,100 on the preceding year. Included in this were 619 non-fiction and 243 biographical.Tees for the forthcoming year were set at $1.00 for adults,250 for grade school pu- pils and 500 for hi- gh school students and juveniles. 11•1114•1141MMINEM It Helps To Say: "I Saw it in the HAYFIELD BULLETIN J"