The Bayfield Bulletin, 1965-04-15, Page 3'PAGZ FOUR - -Bayfield Bulletia -Apr.15,1965 1 BUSHY ' TALES by ART ELLIOTT Recent Communications graduates at RCAF Station, Clinton were(L-R, front) AC1 B. Collins, LAC W. Pricker, GPL L. Avery, SG? O.G. logo, CPL L.G. Cheese and LAC A.W. Hudson. (L-R back) AC1 R.L. Boot, R.T. Hanel, R.H. MacKay, W.J. Urbaneeki LAC R.A. Crawford, AC1 G.W. Cole, LAC P. Lekernee, AC1 P. Sherman, LAC 7. Xamphuie. YOUR ESSO FARM AGENT IMPERIAL • GASOLINE • FUEL OIL Ask About Our FREE HOME HEAT SERVICE HAROLD BLACK 296 James St.—Clinton Phone 482-3873 For BUILDING SUPPLIES and HARDWARE Of All Kinds . . . It's BAYFIELD HARDWARE and LUMBER BAYFIELD Phone 3 R 3 • BA YFIELD PHONE 10 FOR SALE MUST SACRIFICE 1956 PLYMOUTH THIS WEEKLND. GCOD BUY FOR MAN HANDY AT MINOR BODY WORK. GOOD RUNNING ENGINE, AN ECO/TV:IOAL SIX. OIZLY $ 125 TAKES IT. SEE IT AT GODERIOH MOTORS ON SOUTH STREET, G07)72:37. ONE CENT PAINT SALE KEM GLO TOP QUALITY REG. $ 3.45 qt. 2 QTS $3.46 KEM TONE TOP QUALITY RZG. $ 2.75 qt. 2 QTS $2.76 HOVEY'S GENERAL STORE GET EXPERT INSTALLATION FROM SPECIALISTS B. R. ROBINSON FLOORING CONTRACTOR 61 Hamilton St., Goderlch Phone 524-8831 The question: "Whit happened to the beard" has now been supersed- ed by the question: "How come you're grow- ing a beard 7' In order to restore the column heading to its original bushy state, the whiskers will grow until a FOR All NEEDS 1 Yes, We Want A Local Permanent Paper! (Quarterly Subscriptions from June Have Now Expired. Kindly mail your Renewal Today.) We are enclosing $4.00 for One Year - - [— ($5.00 to u.s.A.) $2.00 for Six Months - ▪ - ($2.50 to U.S.A.) $1.00 for Three Months • 3 ( ) ($1.25 to U.S.A.) NAME STREET CITY or TOWN PROVINCE or STATE (Please Include Postal Zone if ony) THANK YOU, ART ELLIOTT, Editor and Publisher THE BAYFIELD BULLETIN. MEMO (Your Comments And Suggestions For Improvement of The Bulletin are always welcome. Jot them down here:) DIRECTORY FINK Plumbing & Heating Ltd Electrical Service ED FINK BILL FINK Hensall 36 Clinton 482-7682 LODG AMBULANCE SERVICE GODERICH 425-7401 Oxygen, First Ald Equipment PATTERSON'S USED FURNITURE 97 St. Patrick St. Goderich Dial 524-7616 • Sky Harbor Ail Services Goderich Chartered and Sightseeing Flights — Student Training SKY HARBOR — HIGHWAY 21 — PHONE 524-7385 ECKERT PLUMBING & ELECTRIC SALES and SERVICE Highway 21 BAYFIELD Phone 92 I • W. MacDONALD ELECTRIC CO. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Specializing in Electric Heating Complete Motor Rewinding and Repair Service CLINTON DIAL 482-7702 GODERICH PHONE 524-7851 A minor catastrophe has struck the Bushy Tales column. The pie-1 tura with the beard has disappeared, to coin a poetic phrase, se now your corresp- ondent is in the pro- cess of sprouting a RSV ern. The stranger spoke: "My name is Tom Hash- imoto," he declared. "I'm incharge of a geological party for the %iebec government in this area." Alex gave a relieved smile. Indians simply do not grow beards, and now he was gladto find he was not gaz- ing at the first one that ever did. Beards cause little if any comment in the North. They fulfil a practical function in winter or simmer. In the cold weather, they make a good face cover against the bitter winds, and also eff- ectively shed the snow while cutting line in the spruce forests. Of course there's a bit of a nuisance as the icicles form from frozen breath, but it is better than having to wear a scarf tied over the face. In the heat of sum- mer, a good thick la- yer of beard discour- ages the black flies and also keeps the moeqitoes and "bull- dogs" away when well saturated with "6-12". Atter .all, beard growing is a natural function: Most men at one time or anoth- er wish they didn't have to shave. A good Here is a second article on the early days of Bayfield as written by Alta-Lind Bodges in 1953. The article appeared at that time in The Lon- don Free Press. The Rebellion of the late 1830's drew ready re- sponse from Bayfield men, the writer says: When a call was made for men for military ser- vice during the reb- ellion, t.11 the able- bodied men of minter; y age in the settle- ment responded, 15 in all. All their names are not known today, but we know that "Boarding House Riley responded as did W. W. Connor, D.H. Bitch ie, John Morgan, Geo. Mathieson, John Carr- uthers, Robert Russel Christopher Johnson, Henry 'Tae-7.e and Poulton. These were joined by John McNaughton look at the kind we grow and they're glad the razor was inven- ted and Thomas Welles who had very recently s- ettled in the bush east of Bayfield. Under the coM7rand of Capt. Lizars ckf God- erich (whose daugh- ters later wrote the almost priceless book "In The Days of The Canada Company") the little company spent the winter of 1837 and 1838 at Van- derburg's Corners now known as Clinton. "Dr. Dunlop,better known as 0 Tiger D- unlop' of Goderich was colonel of the regiment. At that time, the London road from Clinton to Bru- cefield had been ch- opped out, but not cleared, as the logs were lying where they had fallen. "Bayfield's first schoolteacher was Edward Templeton wh- ose father was an ea- rly settler on the Huron Road. now known as Highway No. 8. He also had the distinc- tion of being the first teacher in the whole Township of S- tanley. INSURANCE K. W. COLQUHOUN INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE Phones: Office 482-9747 Residence 482-7804 JOHN WISE, Salesman Phone 4.82-7265 Writer Gives Many Details Earliest Days of Bayfield suitably impressive foliage can be photo- graphed again. While on the subject it is amusing to rem- ember the astonishm- ent with which my In- dian partner, Alex Mathias stared at a stranger we met with one day in the Village Lakes area of the Eastmain River region in Northern Quebec. The man arrived at our camp in a big fr- eighter canoe. He vas not particularly tall, was obviously not a white, having a brown- ish skin, and his eyes were in an Oriental east, as are Eskimos& and some Indians more than others. There was a long pause as they eyed each other. The vis- itor sported a jet black beard, a long and curly one that stood out at least four inches on each side of the roundish face.