HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Bayfield Bulletin, 1965-03-25, Page 3CANADIAN FORCES DECORATIONS AWARDED AWARDED CLASP WO2 L.D. Shilson,(left) is congratu- lated and presented with the Clasp to the CD 1.y the CO RCAF Station, Clinton, Group Capt. K.R. Greenaway,C.D. (RCAF Photo) MIMMMOWOMWOMEMSMOMOMOMMAIMMMOIMMOMMAIMEMOHM •U SCOUTING & GUIDING • Come to The Little Inn The Little Inn Meanwhile, Banquets and Rec- eptions may be arranged by app- ointment any day of the week. Simply Phone Bayfield 8 for your Reservation... TCi..iiiits ;11' nn BAYFIELD, ONTARIO, CANADA Telephone Bayfield 8 !i al a IS II RI SI SI M 11 10 1 1 10 1 1 1. 1 1. 1 1. 1 1 • 1 21 1. 1 1 1 .1 1 . 1 .1 1 1 • 1 •1 2 1 1 •1 1. 1 .0 01 2 i 1 . 1 10 1 •1 1 •1 1 • 1 1 0 1 1 01 •1 1 • 11 S ti ff l i WILL BE OPEN WEEKENDS For Rooms and Meals Commencing GOOD FRIDAY APRIL 16 and will open fully for the sum- aer neason Friday June 4th. GODERICH FRENCH DRY CLEANERS Phone 5244- PRESSERS -55STAIR.Attvet GRAF I FINA' HARRIS FINA SERVICE TUNE-UPS AND GENERAL REPAIRS GOODYEAR AND FIRESTONE TIRES FINA BATTERIES & ACCESSORIES Ask Aboat Our New Premium Tire Available Soon at BIG SAVINGS1 GODERICH, ONT BAYFIELD ROAD, HWY. 21 PHONE 524-1141. Read table members and guests were Mr. and Mrs.J.E. Hovey, BLUEWATER CLEANERS 524-6231 Goderich 38 West FROZEN VEGETABLES GREEN PEAS 240 It FANCY GREEN BEANS 26 per lb. PEAS,CARROTS 210 lb FURNITURE -- CANADIAN PINE CHINA -- GLASS Agnes Middleton 104 TRAFALGAR ST., GODERICH 1 Block North of Gooderham Playground — Phone 5244421 Tatanurl Traftriuse CANADIAN HANDICRAFTS Goderich North on MiII Rd. off Hwy. 8 5244290 EMILY CORY antiques 235 Huron Rd — GODERICH — Phone 524-8424 • Eiennig steep CHINA - GUNS - PINE FURNITURE REPAIRING and REFINISHING FURNITURE 45 Waterloo St. — GODERICH — Tel: 524-8717 A Complete Use of Groceries, Meats and Fresh Vegetables KERR'S MARKET LUNCH Maio St. — PAYFIELD — SI • IRwcaff RIECK PHARMACY] GODERICH DRUGS 14 The Square Dial 524-7241 THE EXCHANGE POST FORMERLY THE BARGAIN BOX NOW LOCATED ON EAST ST. (Formerly Ahl's Shoe Store) China, glassware, lewollory, pictures, lamps, antiques, appliances. noarty-now Scout, Cub, Girl Guide uniforms, children's clothing. adult's clothing, hots, overshoes, skMos, hockey equipment TURN ARTICLES INTO CASH LET US SELL THEM FOR YOU! When you come In you may find lust what you've been looking for. OPEN TUES., TEIURS., FRI., SAT. — 2 to 6 p.m. GODERICH 3-5 Keep Your House Clean with FILTER QUEEN For Healthier Living! ROBERT K. PECK VARNA PHONE HENSALL 352-W-2 THE PULL7.TINMar. Mr. Les. Elliott, Mrs. Jure Humphries, Mr. & Mrs. Reg. Francis and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Westlake. Iffl118.11•111.11111118111111111181i1111111111111111111111•1113111M110111•111111110111•11111111111111111111111111•11111111111111MIIIIIIIMIIIM1111111111111, Miss Josephine Ster- ling returned to her home in the village on Friday after apendlna sersral months in Pt, Elgin as guest of her sister Mrs. Hugh Mc- Laren. U U U U U 0 = U U U U U U a a U U U U U U U U Ii a U IB The Local. Associat- ion to Guides and Br- ownies held the regu- lar bi-monthly meeting at the home of Mrs.W. Clarke on Tuesday Mar. 17th. The President, Mrs. William Mcilwain op- ened the meeting with the Guide prayer and Mrs. Fred Weston save the secretary's report followed by the finan- cial statement given by the treasurer, Mrs Frank McFadden. A business session followed in which Mrs. James Cameron report- ed on a recent Guide banquet held in Hen- eall which she atten- ded. A social hour foll- owed and lunch was served by the hostess. SIGN More signatures are needed immediately on the petition for har- bor work. Yours will help a lot. Hiss Hilda King of London visited friends in the village over t weekend. On Saturday Miss King attended the Stoddart-Dutton wedd- ing in Goderich and the reception which was held at The Albion Hotel, Bayfield. Also attending the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Atwood & Tim of Galion, Ohio; guests of Mrs. H.J. King over the weekend. Mrs. King returned to Galion with them on Sunday for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Chaales Parker of Toronto vin ited with his mother Mrs. Chris Parker over the weekend. G. B. CLANCY, O.D. — OPTOMETRIST — For Appointment Phone 524-7251 GODERICH B-I-N-G-O Every Saturday Night Branch 109 Can. Legion Goderich, Ont. 14 Games for $1 00 SUBSTANTIAL JACKPOT V On behalf of the firemen, Mr. Hovey welcomed their guests and Mrs Arnold Maltins responded on behalf of the laJies. Dinner was followed by a social evening, during which euchre was played. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Fred eston for ladies high;Mrs. Raymond Scot chmer, ladies' low; Les. Elliott, men's high; Arnold Makins, men's low. The lcne hands awards went to Mrs. Lloyd Scotchmer and Jack Sturgeon. Yearly 300 nore sig- natures are needed on the petition to the Department of Public Works for harbor impr- ovement. Have you done your part ? Bluewater Bowling League-- Ladies' High Single- M. McIlwain, 214; Wen's high single, G. Scot- chmer, 276; ladies' high triple, Madeline McIlwain, 534; men's high triple, Robert Turner, 547. FLOWERS and PLANTS for ALL OCCASIONS simply call FLOWER FASHIONS West St. Goderich 524-9674 Sgt. R. Gobeil(right)looks at S/Sgt. A.S. Field's Decor- ation following presentation by the 0/0 RCAF Station Clin ton at a parade held last Wednesday. Also awarded the CD dnantiva 12 years service were CPL. Webber and CPL. G. Oeveriag. (RCAF Photo) Social News (By Mrs. Audrey Bel!chamber, Social Editor, Phone Bayfield 38) were her daaa:,ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Moss, London Councillor Joseph Allaire is a patient in Clinton Public Hos- pital. Everyone in the community wishes him a speedy recovery. Also confined to the hospital are Mrs. L. Makine and Mr. Ed. Hewitt. We understand they are progressing favorably. Sunday ruests of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pen- hale were Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Bennett and daughter; Mr. and Mrs. Harola Penhale; Mr. & Mrs. William Duncalf, Ken, Patty and Marione Mr. Mark Dietrich, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mc- Cullough and boys and Miss Diane Faber. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Larson and Karen vis- ited his parents on Sunday of last week. On returning to Lond- on they were accomp- anied by Mrs. R.J. Larson anal Mrs. L.P. Smith. Mrs. S:iith sta- yed with her son Glen and his family. On Thursday Mr. Glen Sm- ith brought the ladies back to Bayfield. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Leonard and Kal of Willowdale were recent weekend guests of Mrs. Leonard's mother, Mrs. E.A. Featherstone. • Mre. G.L. Reid was the weekend guest of F/S and Mrs. W.A.Reid, Adastral Park, Clinton Firemen Hold Annual Dinner Members of Bayfield Volunteer Fire Prigad eatsrtained their wi- ves at their annual dinner on Wednesday March'17 at The Albio Hotel. For delicious Meals stop at . . . THE CLUB GRILL Kingston St — Goderloh We Specialize in Steaks, Southern Fried Chicken and Take Out Orders Phone 524-8168 25, 1965 PAGE 3 BOWLING SPECIAL YORK MEAT PIS Chicken 24C Turkey BAYFIELD COLD STORAGE PHOvE 77-11-5 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hulls spent Wednesday in Guelph, visiting their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Grime, Derek and Barry. Visiting Mrs. Jack Cluff this we-kerd NOW . . . This Is A Good Time To Have Your Drapes Cleaned, during the Quiet Season, When We Can Give Them the Extra Attentian You will Apprsciate. FRONT T SERVICE --REASONABLE RATE