HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Bayfield Bulletin, 1965-03-25, Page 2PAGE 2--THE BULLETIN-Mar.25, 1965 Shnihid COmfAlt PUBLISHING WEAKLY We have this much in common with the other busineseren in Bayfield, that we have found the "going" very skinny of late, and like some of them, have had to pull in the horns end take up another notch in the belt. "I heard he tram't i(10 happy about a comfortable pest . (CA 4(44 , Ai Crs,LA'4 ,1#4.41. IT'S NOT TOO LATE TO SUBSCRIBE TO TEE 2ATFIELB BULLETIN 1 ELM HAVEN MOTOR MOM Entertainment Nightly In The T1MIERLANE ROOM Dining Room and Banquet Facilities Open to] a.m. Monday thru Friday-11.30 p.m. Sat. MODERN MOTEL UNITS Fully Air-Conditioned Prop., Bill & Doug Fleischouer—Phone 482-3489 • G. B. CLANCY, O.D. — OPTOMETRIST — For Appointment Phone 524-7251 GODERICH AMBULANCE STILES FUNERAL HOME Goderich 524-8142 524-8504 Alexander and Chapman GENERAL INSURANCE REAL ESTATE Property Manageemnt Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Building Goderich Dial 524-9662 NOTICE 1956 Plymouth sedan, two-toned, good running six, ideal for man handy at minor body work. Must sacrifice for cash $ 125 this weekend. See it at Goderich Motors South Street, Goderich, today. R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST Ostler-10h The Square 524-7811 EDWARD FUELS SHELL —FURNACE OIL —STOVE OIL —FARM GASOLINE —DIESEL Fast Delivery Dependable Service Phone 524-8386 ( 202 Anglesea, Goderich EDWARD FUELS Despite a real good try, we just couldn't find enough adver- tising revenue to keep The Bulletin in the black during March and April. Having no financial cushion to fall back on, there was no choice but to cut town to monthly issues during March and Ai.ril this year, comira back as a regular weekly on May 20. Our subscribers, bless le= ell, have been very patient abou the whole thing, and will be duly credited with the extra time to which their paid aubscriptions entitles them. In the mean- tine, we'll have time to scout around and line up enough bus- iness of a continuing and permanent nature to ensure public- ation on a regular weekly basis from May on. At least that is the hone to which we cling, and it does not seem to be a for- lorn one. Starting a weekly newspaper from nothing, with nothing, is considered impossible by almost everyone. The impossible is just taking a little longer than we anticipatei. Advertising Rates on Request Art Elliott Audrey Bellchamber Editor 8. Publisher Socoil Editor Boyfield, Ont. Phone 96 Phan* 311 The '?oets' Corner... BAYPIMM All that silent fishermen know Who rest in the calm And the farmer at the intense Whiteness of dawn; This is the peace of the village • We return to. And the primeval wind slashing the water Into rumbling hunch-backed waves, Gusts through the branches spread out Above the streets, giving both the bending couple Treading the rain-soaked beach, And the round teared face pressed against the glass, The awesome rythma to hear Of nature in dark, and endless motion. Between, life in a generous Simplicity breathes the familiar, The beautiful, places into A childhood remembered, And, later, into a wisdom. Gwilym Archer wait for Spring ?". He signs himself: "Hopefully". (Ed.Note: We too are hopeful, but busin- ess conditions here have forced us to issue once monthly during March and April, resuming the weekly issues at the middle of May, prob- ably the 20th. All subscriptions will be advanced the appropriate number of weeks. We hope to follow right through on a weekly tasis from May right thr- ough to next summer.) Also received with thanks was a cheery note from Mrs.R.G. Hunter, who has been pining for news of dear old Bayfield, wondering nervously if the place has beer rocketed to the moon. We can only reply we are publishing only WEAKLY until May 20. a.E. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR We acknowledge with a reminiscent smile the appearance of an old friend "Yr Chad" in a note from A.E. Lewis of Toronto, who has this enter- taining little char- acter so faaillar to servicemen oaersens saying; "Wot ? No Paper ?" gaeries Mr. Lewis: "Snowf-d in 7 Why THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Offko — Main Street SEAFORTH Insures. . Town Dwellings . All Classes of Farm Property . Summer Cottages . Churches, Schools, Halls Extended coverage (whist smoke, water damn's, falling objects, etc.) Is &Imo avallikin AGfl1TS: James Kays, RR 1, Beatorth; V. J. Lane, RR 5, Sea- forth; Wm. , Jr., Ideedsebero; Selwyn Baker, Brum* Harold Squires, ; George Coyne, Dublin; Donald G. MO" Issferet. ALL-WOOL RUG 9x12 $179.00 ALL SIZES AVAILABLE Choice of Colors $6.75 sq. yd. LODGE FURNITURE West St. 524-7521 Goderich START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT with a subscription to The Bayfield Bulletin $4.00 per annum — $5.00 to U.S.A. NAME Street City or Town Province or State (Please Include Postal Zone If Any) THE SCHOOL QUESTION Village council has noted a seeming lack of concern on the part of local residents over the possible fate of our elem- entary school, and the lac!: of concern which really hurts is that which seems to be exhicited 'by Stanley Township Area School 7oard. Is it possible that some smouldering resentment over the re-incorporation of Bayfield is giving us a taste of what has become known as "backlash?" The often expressed wish of Bayfield to contiaae the school here seems to be getting brushed off, and village council, in the latest session, passed unanimously the following resolut- ion: "1. That this council of the Village of Bayfield, having considered the wishes of an overwhelming majority of the rate- payers and parents of this village, and a large majority of the ratepayers and parents of former school sections 3 and 4, does declare itself strongly opposed to the removal of the elementary school facilities from Bayfield; "2 Further, because of geographic conditions, economic fact- ors and population trends, it would seem in the interests cf the whole Stanley Township School Area that two rooms should be added to the present, comparatively new, hayfield School, to provide a four-roomed school unit for Bayfield and the.wes- tern portion of Stanley Township, and this council recommends that such action be taken. It would be a good idea if local ratepayers and parents not only of Bayfield but of western Stanley Township, would put their opf;nions on paper and mail them to council here. There's lots of fight in conncil, and no doubt ammunition from the ratepayers, especially township ratepayers, woulcl be most welcome. In the long run, we hardly expect our neighbors to cut off their noses to spite their faces, as the old saying ?G CB. EDITORIAL BRIEFS One of the finest trilnitee to the late Sir Winston Church- ill that we have seen (and there have been many), is published in the current issue of The Huron Church Newa, official organ of Thy AnglicLn Church. If you are not en Anclican, it will pay you to buy or 'borrow a copy and read the words of Rt. Rev. GForae A. Luxton, Bishop o: 7uxon. My Eagirth Tgullefin Published Every Thursday of Boyfield, Ontario by ART ELLIOTT PUBLISHING LTD. P.O. Box 94 Subscription Rates: Canada 94.00 per Annum 15.00 per Annum Ali I