Wingham Times, 1892-04-15, Page 2�j .
I141{� •,i. •i :,,e, -,. s. .. I: IIII 1111 Ie
' ` I alwaya had the harness trick to fall '
pNever belittle anyonx ; seep rather with dry corn meal and place near Awa I'Iaturefl.
1 111Etn1C 'back an in raiigh weather, But as to Ito smooth off the angles of human "their haunts, Or sprinkle cayenne lineal New Yorker.
tile boys you sea --what's to >tecome of frailty, ,pepper about.
Within a few miles of'Otis office is a
l "" . ys sews— .- s=---. —es; l them if unythin ; happens to petal
�'amA1,+APRIT115, 11.92. I The maw who, does his best in the To keep pearls brilliant lay them in butter, extt'aotor at work. The milk
1=-7It ltas been toy idea to let the eldest; place be tins new, is ou itis way to a dry powdered iiugnesia instead ,of rotes in at the top. There is a whizz
Tile. i _ 1 elle succeed me — I better place. •ieweler`s cotton, and a whirl, and the shim Milk TUBS
a.ud the Brewer. 0, conte ? °Suppose the firm don't make lue that will resist the out at one paint and the butter drops
want lour ? Of those things only should'one' he To g
itrIIRTIilTABLl+ STORY TAT. IN At: Intl'. thought Of that, but—
afraid which have the power to do action of water, boil cue pound of glue away at another. It is done as you .
TABLE WAY AY %IAltli TWAIN Now look here, you want to get 1
others harm, • with two quarts of skimmed mill(, wait. Within a shah distance of the
p There is itr every moral beiu Tools ex owed to the sun should be extractor a tired man, brings the'millr
•--- right down. to business and stn g a p t from barn in.a ail, A still more
The Binz; of Greece is a loan who dretttning. You are cnpable of ini• iltculty or sense by which he is enabled paiufed with light colored paints, as P
S serouttti quietly enough when t;ff amuse things—man, you van make a to distinguish right from wrong, these reflect and do not absorb the tired womana'trains it into pans and
Sty. One day teat summer he was hent, snip tale pans carefully away. Later
perfect success of your life ; all you If soma people wattld be a little
evening in an ordinary first-class more careful where theystep, those The nest oil for softening leather on the pans are skimmed by Ladd,
want is somebody tq steady you and P° the eream is poured Tutu a cream pot,
mpartma'nt in witzerlaud, just in boost you along on- the right road. who fellow tlleltl wouldn't stumble &0 and plaiting it pliable 1s castor oil• •and from that into a churn., Then the
s other suit, the one which he works • 'noel'. It is alsogood fa greasing vehicles.
e realm in when he is at homy, incl D. yon own uuything in the busine ss . tired woman between times lifts about
he was not looking like ari 'bad in No—not exactly ;: but if I continue In moral action divine law helpeth In my endorsement of Auti-Dandruff I ten tons of weight on the churn dasher
Yto give satisfaction 1 suppose I can exceedingly the law of reason to guide oau say sonietbing that.I never .Gould be- 111 .mallln ,
Grticular, but a boost deal like every- . life, but in su ernatural it alone fore, which ae that this prepwratiou is a �, the butter come—with
keep toy--»- p perfeot remover of Dandruff°, not only fu
dy in general. By and by a heartywork and pais washing to follow,
Keep your place ;-yes. Well, don't guideth, the first stages, but even where the What a contract ! How it illustrates
A healthy GPrn,au•American got in has become chroniciand has merged itself
4d' h u a frank and interested: you depend on anything of that kind. In moral reflection• there must be into a disease. Yeetrs of experience ae a the wonderful forces that are at work
(veiledp They'll bounceyou the* minute yon get beat, as welt as dry reason, to inspire invented with everya dresser gwhich 1 reoommeuded preve pares ehau,;iug every feature Of our 1ndus-
id sy,tnpatlietic convermati.rn with bitaa, a little old and worlted out; they'll do this clod of clay which we carry about atibn, not one bas (nor, I might say, even trial life. The man who, tv►11 tint
id asked hila a couple of thousand it sure. Don't you Manage somehow with us. all put together) given the satisfaction that
iestians about himself, which the ,
Auti-Dandruff has. grow,who refuses to modify his
to get into the firm—that's the great? It is found 1, ex erienee, those loon Ia positively removes Dandruff, It practices is competitors learn and
fig answered good naturedly, lout in y p stops falling of the hair. . It cools the p p
thing, you know, who set u d'or morality without regard head. It mattes an elegant hair -dressing adopt newer and more :Scientific
more of less indefinite way as to p 3 t;
I think it is doubtful, in fact very to religion are general) but virtuous without leaving a trace of its use. 1 arra methods cannot.stand still. He must
ivate particulars. n e Y daily in my hair -dressing place at Bal.
Where do
•ou live when you are at
doubtful, in part, iii moral Hotel, and have yet to find the first get out of the race or stand and be
ams ?, Uut—that's ba l—y@$, and unfair, Moral virtu(s are Sq many sweet customer who was not pleased with it. crushed.
tea. Do you suppose if 1 should, go J. 'T. Forman,
tt Greece. flowers strewed over a dead corpse, Proprietor barber shop, Balmoral Hotel,
Gcecee ! Wel! now, that is gust there and have a talk with your people which hide the loathsomeness of it, • Montreal, P. Q. Afr. J. E. Humphrey, 46 Bond Street,
,J -look.' do yoli tlitnit you could Toronto, says burdock Blood bitters
but inspire net life in it. '"'To Ministers. wrought a complete cure of dyspepsia in
The moral feelings of mankind are Don't drive, but lead. his case after all utas had failed.
so organized, that moo must feel toe Don't be afraid of any man.
d � How Pat. Spelled His Natuo•
ward us acro •ding to the moral quali . Don't be anybody but yourself. The other day in a justice court
tie's which tlrey.possess. Don't follow everybody's advice. in Ireland, the judge was hula quand-
As plauts ;row fastest at night, so are?. A coat was in dispute ; the
men matte their most rapid growth sine
Don't lash the sinner instead of his parties were Irish ; and the evidence
in kuowledge and in faith wlleu times .. Don't tell all you know in one ser- was as direct and positive for both '
are dark and troubled.
Tette dignity does not depend on the
Conishin Born there 2
APs, g run a terewery
Do yon speak Greek ? 1 have never tried, but I think I
could do it after I got a little familiar -
Yes, ity with the business.
Now, ain't that strange t 1 never The German was silent for sometime•
peeled to live to see that, What is Filially he said
ur trade ii I mean, how do you get t My mind's made up, You leave
obsess living What is your lice of i that crowd—you'll never amount to
Well, I hardly know what to nits—anything there. Inthese old countries
they never give a fellow a show. Yes,
I ant ov1•kindofuf^w ^^
you come aver to America --conte t,, place we occupy a 'life,, but on the
a salary;, and the business—well, my place in Rochester ; bring the spirit and manner in which the duties
a very general kind of business. family along. You shall have a show of the place are acquitted.
des,. I understand—general jobbing in the btisiness and a foremanship There is no morality, without reli-
ittle of everything—anything that besides. George—you said your name. gion, and there is no' religion without
re's money in'1 was George ?-1 11 make a man of you, morality. Morality is religion in
Chat s about it, yrs. 1 give you my word. You've never practice ; religion is morality in prin.
ire you travelling for the house •
had a clian,:e herd, but that's all going oiple.
to change—by t'a •ions, I'll ou '
Well, partly, but not entirely. Of b Y b !i giveY Humility ever dwells with men of
noble minds. It i,, 3n fiower that pros -
a lift that'll loak4 your hair curl !—
Mark Twain.
tion,— Hvtloway's Pill's are universal..
was only going to say I am off 1Y acknowledged, to be the safest,
my vacation now. speediest, and best corrective for indi-
l;esti,'n ; loss of appetite, acidity,
?Nell, that's all right, nn harm in .flatulency, and nausea are a few of the
inconveuteuces which are remedied
with ease by these purifying Pills.
They strike at tbe'root of all abdome
inal ailments, they excite in the
stomach a proper secretion of gestic
.as born in Germany, and when I juice, and regulate the action of the
s til couple of weeks old shipped for liver,promoting in that organ a copious
ierica, and that's sixteefour years by supply of pure, 'wholesome bile, so
watch. I'm an ESltietican in necessary for digestion. These Pills
remove all distention and obstruction,
neiple and, German at heart, and ar.d from their harinies composition
the boos cotnbinatinn. Well, how are peculiarly well adapted for delicate
you get along, as. a rule—pretty persons and young children ; whilst
'casting out impurities these excellent
Pills strengthen the system and give aces new and healthy bloodthan Burdock
tutus stye tone. Blood Bitters, which neutralises the
various nObents and restores the vitalizing
power of this all important fluid. As au
Gems of Thought instance of this read what Mr. J.S. Neff.
irse I do a stroke of business if it
s't,l the way—
Stood, I like that in you. That's
every time. Go on.
t ; a man works all the better for a
le let up now and then. Not that
e been used to having it myself, for
aven't. I reckon this is my first.
'vg a rather large family
There, that's it—big ,family attd
ing'to raise them on asalary. Now,
at did you go and do that foi'
kVetl, I thought---.
f course you'did. You were young
l confident and thought you could
inch out Itnd snake things go with a
ir1, and here you are, you see t But
Ter reind about that. Pin not try-
} to discourag?- you. Dear me. I've
n just, where you are myself
u've got good grit ; there's good
fr tit yon, 1 can see that. You got
irone stat't,that'e the. whole trouble.
r 'you hold your grip, and we'll see
set eau be done. Your Case ain't
f as had as it might be. You ttre
Don't scold, or 'wear the cap and
Don't put the bity too high in the
Don't ° feed people '^,with uubaked
dough. ,
Don't offer manna ,you have not
tasted yourself.
Don't ask anyone toi;work harder
than you do yourself.
1 Don't spa? the people's eSockets,for
pars not in lean ail barren soils, but therein lie thj' it hearts.
in ground that is rich it flourishes and '
is beautiful.
I Don't rest lain too much ; al it is well
often that st€lam escapes, 1'
Feel it your duty to teach the world
that you are not tvooa and straw, but Don't offer sentimental confections
of intellectual shavings.
that you have some iron in you. Let
men know that you have a 'naiad of Don't expect the Iiord to be always
your own, and are not to be allured in as big a hurry as you are.
or intimidated into some other course.1 Don't live in the third century, nor
Blood Will Telt. in the twentieth eent"ttry, nor in the
Good blood shows its quality. So will
bad blood, the one in a healthy bedy and Don't despise the rich, dishonor the
ruddy oomplexiou, the other in ill health, poor nor esteem yourself wiser than
blotches, pimples, boils and sores, and
frequently in iuteuser forms as ulcers, your brethren.
abscesses, erysipelas, scrofulous diseases, • •
salt rheum, eto., Every organ of the body Monthly Prizes for Boy's rd. Girls.
depends upon the Wood for force and vital- •The "Sunlight" Soap to., Torontp, offer the fol.
ity, and is but scantily served, when the Iowleg prizes every month till further notice, to
blood is impure. No remedy is 8o potent boys and girls under 16, residing in,the Province of
as a blood purifier or mots rapidly pro. Outnrio, who send the greatest ,umbo,' of 1Sun-
llt ht" �vrappera : tat, 510 ; 2nd, s9 ; id, s3 ; 4th,
d d b Ith th $ d k 51 ; 6th to 14th, a 'Handsome Book ; and a pretty
picture to those who send not loss than 12 wrappers.
Send wrappers to "Sunlight" Snap Office, 48 Scott
Ste, Toronto, not later than 29th of each month, and
marked "Competition" ; also give bull name, ad.
dress, ago, and number of wrappers, winners'
g of Algoma Mills, Unt., says fu a recent
names will be published in the Toronto flail on first
'Thor energy energy, resolution; these car- Saturday in each month.
ry 1 he day, Stas,—e. year ago 1 was troubled with 'f71e Sewing of clever,
The secret of a happylife is loving spots breaking out all over my, body, the ,•
g effect of bad blood. I consulted three If clever seed is to be eotdn ivttlt
Sell...sacrifice. doctors, who gave• me medicine but did spring grain, barley is much preferable
not cure me. I was advised to try B. B. B. to oats•. It does net exhaust the soil
The truly great are those who con- and after osier= two bottles I noticed the
spots getting lies. 1 continued to use's, as oats does,add t?rdlh l fitfitleaf is
quer themselves,s,
B. D., which a tirely cured me, giving me much broader than the deli' 11.!eaf the,.
The God who gave us life gave us also a splendid appetite. Since then 1 "
would use uo other tnedieine. crop is out and out of the else ' it, week
liberty at the mine time, or more before oats ,can be f5' i ested.
The ,greatest gift we can bestow en Things Worth Knowing.
To send light down into a well or if the barley ground is fall-Mowedothers is a good example, and the grain sown or drilled in with -
reflect it by means of a mirror.
The web of our life is a mingled To draw any metal substance from the out plowing in spring, the clover seed
yarn, good and ill together. will catch better and make a better
well, lower a strong magnet.
Do be natural, A poor diamond is To• Gatch wild ducks or ease periority of winter
hotter than a good imitation. >r > etas stand. The su p grainfora marine catolt..of either clover
isg to Colne ntlt all right-�I to bait wheat in strong alcohol anti scatter cm grass • meed is due to the fitct that
' They tire never mono, that are ac• where theyare in the habit of feedtu
that. Boys and gala ? companied with noble thonehts, `fluty g• elle seed falls on a surface mellowed
1 y faintly ? Yee, some of thein are ' . e may then be taken in a, stupefied and prepared by repeated freezing and
No evil ttCtiorl can be well done, condition, thawing through the winter.
is i but a good one rutty be badly done.
nd the Pet girls, It's just as 1 To make boors and shoes durable, English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or
Pestle yourself; love your neighbor; warm and ripply several coats of gum Lumps and Blemishes front horses, Blood
, fed. But that's all right, and
r10 trio dutythat lies nearest toyou. , Spavin, $ntinta, Ring Bono, s,voouey,$tilles,Sprnlns,
ttNr :+o anyway. What are the UI
� � copal tarnish to the soles and rub a Soreoenof d boldThroatt, toughs, n etc, Savo aior 60f y
doing—learning a trade ? the most important part of your dressing made of four parte laril to one nlonilahCuresver knoavr.. Sold by A. L. Ilamnton,
e11', nv, -.-I titans tet education is that which you vivo your of rosin, melted together, well into Whenever a stranger calls at your
"t's a great lnistaki; ii,'s th'e biggest self' the uppers. Keep well warmed while .door offering trinkets for sale, do not
take you tftitr tttade. You've scan Honor and: pleasure cannot be curl. applying. allow him inside. Many of these I
$ tilled' out of the leaser spotsit t
ic, your own case. A utas ought pleasures of To remove from varnished fur 'fellows go about in this way only to
'-ye tc have a trade to fall back on. life, niture, rub with essential oat of pepper- t study your premises, the entrance tri
1 was a harness maker first, 'Virtue and lfziness may live to-. mint then with sweet oil or furniture; houses, and the fastenings on doors
prevent me/ becoming one of getber, but they Itro not usually ern the poliflh. 1 and windows. Raving learned this
t brewers in An:erica 1 O,no,, best terms. To banish rays, mix rounded glass i wham night natal re better prepBewareo 01 rst
clouds • •
After much wrangling, Patrieli
Power, oil' of the parties, proposed
that lie and his opponent should see
whose name was on the coat.
Timothy searched in vain, and the
coat was handed to Pnt who imniedia-
rely took his knife, opened a corner of
the coat, and ont dropped two snlaIl
There, d'yc' see thltt now ? sai.i he,
picking them from the floor.
Nothing but two edeas, said Timo-
• No mistake about them, said Pat.
Not the slightest; But what of that?
said Timothy.. •
A dale has it to do wid it, it is my
name to be sure ; pea for Patrick and
pea for Power, by !
He got the coal,
In the last ten year the average
man's life has inorcased'five years and
wotnan's eight 3 ears. „
Determination is rut excellent char-
acteristic, but ta,neniber that a bull.
dog is not a popular animal.
, e'!
••••6 \
Without Hot Stearn and &mol/
Without Washing Powders
Without Hard Subbing
Without Bore Hands
IIJlIin f
/14 elk Ars Which had boon awarded
7 Gold Medals &I:Purity
and Excellence.
e largest sale in the world,
u can Use " Sunlight" for all pure
po' s, and in either hard or soft water.
Don't use washing powders as with
of er Soaps. "Sunlight" isbetter withont.
if 1488 I.1. wales tr tam mum,
tales( nuernaresdo 1.015I0400