HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-04-15, Page 1VOL. XXI --NO.
Just now everybody is beginning to
think about house cleaning and what
they will want in the way of new Cur-
t eine,
.Cur•teins, Draperies on Carpets. We can
truly say that we .have the largest and
best assorted lot of Curtain Netts, Lace
Curtains, Art Muslims, Cretons Hem,
Union, All -Wool, Tapestry and Brussels
Carpets in Wingbam and at prices with-
in the reach of all, Come and see them.
You want to get some, maybe. We'll be
pleased to show you through. The Car-
pets we'll cut and match, That'll save
world of trouble to you,
Our Parasols are here and a fine lot
they are. The value is what you want
and we eau give it to you,
The Kid Glove stock is complete in all
styles and colors. The old reliable glove
that this store has kept so long—you all
know it,
Our sales of Dross Goods for the past
fortnight has borne out this store's rep u.
tation for stylish, seasonable goods.
The Prints are grand cloth, and the
patterns the most durable.
We can fit any boy or youth in a nobby,
well -fitting suit, and beat of all, oheap.
Best makes of Boots, Shoes and Slip-
pers, and every line complete.
Groceries as usual.
Shop early. This store closes at seven.
--.Baby carriages just to baud, 10 per
cent off for spot cash, at S GISAOEx's,
ing, April 15th, iu th
tien church. The p.
Meetingopensets at
eet on Friday even-
• vestry of Cougrega-
no cordially invited.
—Good brick house to rent in the north
end of the town, Apply to
Pseen Dean.
Messrs Orr & H stooks, after having
"The Bear" repairs and covered with a
coating of coal tar, ave had it elevated
over their shop dor again,
--Found —On Josephiue street, Wing -
ham, on Saturday last, a purse containing
a sum of obey, The owner can have the
sam proving property and paying for
th' :advertisement. GEo IRELAND.
METHoDIsrQuUatu,W1NGuAar,—Rev S Sel
lery,. B 7), Pastor. Services every Sabbath
at 11 a in and 7 p m. Sabbatb School and
Bible Class at 2.80 p m, Geueral Prayer
meeting every Wednesday evening at 7.30
o'clock. Young People's Prayer Meeting
every Thursday' evening at 7.30 o'clock.
Sunday, April 17th, Morning subjeot,
"The Resurrection o Christ" Evening
:subject, "Repentance,'
—I have the largest and best selected
'stock of Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets
ti'tat has ever been shown in town; away
down in price. Call and•see teem.
WTYMw s,
The China House.
—On Friday last, i' rs Stephenson, wife
of,1Fi':r 7 H Stephen n, after an illness ex-
tending over several weeks, passed peaces
fti(lgaiigay. For so a days previnus to her
death ,hopes were a tertained of her re-
eoyec ,i?ut on Thu sday evening she grew
ragidly6worse an died as stated. She
1e0es, besides er husband, only one
child, e; boy abou 'nine years of age) Mueh
sympathy is fel for them in their sore
bereavement. he funeral took place ou
Sunday afteru a last,etvilen a largo num-
ber turned out o testify their esteem for
the deceased.
Direot Iuiporters.
The BEng, April 7, 1892.
—Mr Wm Oleg has been shipping large
quantitiea' of graii this week.
—Cash for good butter and eggs at R A
Graham's, Market, Grocery.
,/Victoria street,ftm Josephiue to the
Diagonal road, has lien given a gond coat
of grovel ,.,,.,;;6 , : #,
— A. District Sabb .th School Convention,
open to schools in Grey and Morrie town"
ships, will be field n ,Brussels, ou Tuesday,
May 17th. -
—One Horse Wagon 'wanted: Apply
to Box 120, Wingham P. 0.
—Froin all sectio s comes favorable re-
ports concerning th fall wheat crop. .It
carne through the ;interuticely and looks
- ver promising.
—Several of the farmers in this vicinity
commenced seedi the early part of last
week, Mr B Wii on, of thio town, sowed
wheat on Tuesda of last week.
Good Pant and Vest maker waisted at
once. Wm Gnus., Ta,
Bluevale, Ont.
—The Maple LeaffMission Bandwill
hold their bazaar on Thursday,,4,pril
21st, in the Cong egational chure%la, at
7.30, when a number of articles will be
sold. Silver collet non at the door.
,/Mr Walter Gree , of the C7uiou farm_
tura factory, got on- of his legs jammed
pretty badly, one d y last week, with the
elevator, He is uo able to be, out again,
we are pleased to. e.
—For first -chess tailoring and cheap,
gents' furnishings„ try Webster & Co,
Remember the place, only tseo doors north
of the old stand and between Ross' book-
sto e and Halsted & Scott's bailk..,
—The weather fo tits past week has
been variable. On aturday and Sunday,aY
there was a light f 11 of scow, but it has
all disappeared un er the sun's genial rayk.
There has been a raw north Wind since'
*friday last, whiol has kept the air very
cool end blithe 4 Orations have been
almost at a stand till Mace Friday last. a
—G T 11 trains for` Toronto and east
leave Wingbam at 6.80 a m and 11.10 e. m
via W G & l;3 Division, and at 6.45 a m
and 8.46 p Ms • via Clinton and Guelph.
Gee poit •, , ,.,:x • by all trains.
passed throtigh'ho
b on his war tb PaiE
timber business fol
Quail; is an old, e.
er, having been in
t'iventy-five years.
Port Elgin and P
or part of bis bus
manufaetured ul
feet of rock elm,
ber, for the Quobj
the whole of it is
for rafting, Mr
sotto and poreev
will realize hand
ualg, of Lucknow,
Chisho 'si's Winter Flui
or greasy; `ares chapped h#a,
lips, render ng the skin sof
Also, an ox :ellent applicatio
ing. Fors, j. e at Chisholm's
Store, Windham.
js not sticky
ds, face and
and white.
after shav-
orneis Drug
The "At Home" en in the basement
of the Presbyterian iuroh, on Thursday
evening last, unde the auspices of the
Society of Christian ''udeavor in connec-
tion with the church was a most enjoy-
able eutertaiument The attendanee was
not as large as it" might have been, but
those present see ed to be perfectly "At'
Home:" (The pr gramme was a good one
consisting of seve al quarteItes by :Misses
Sutherland au McIntyre and Messrs
Scott and Olin ; solo by Miss McKenzie ;
recitations by iss Cargill ; solos by Prof
Scott and read` Ps by S Gracey. Refresh-
ments were se ad in abundance, .Rev H
MoQuatrie occ pied the chai9
—W F Brockeushire has a lot of Oil
Paintings; also,a few Beautiful Artotypes,
which he is selling very oheap. I have a
, large stook of Moulding on hand, and I am
making Picture Frames to order. Pho-
tography in all its branches from minis -
tures to life size. Call and see what I have
when in town. W F BaooxnesutsE.
Beaver Block, Wingham.
-The following esolution was carried
unanimously at t e last meeting of Court
Maitland, Clamed' n Order of Foresters:
Moved by John elands, seconded by
D M Gordon, thlf • we, the officers and
aitland, No 25, 0 0
mord our profound
sense of the great
sustained in the re-
ur highly esteemed
and' universally bol ved brother, Robert
Orr, whom it has p eased our Heavenly
Father to take awn front us at a com-
paratively early ag , and while yet in the
midst of a most a ttve anduseful life.
tft to sorrow as those
"for we know that
that good part which
( Wednesday,shall not log.arca away from hien." Our
Yr i I3igh will sustain and tom or rs rr
the season, Mr Mc- and little tines' in .heir sore bereavement,
—The report of the blip school board
meeting, held on Tu day evening, is h
over till next issue, f want of room,
—R v S
Rev S el er
gingham Methodis
oed to preach a ser
leading doctrines of
evenings. oommenc tag next Sunday evens
ing, with the door le of Repentance.
Prase Omen GATION 'ilILO
.,w Lu iI
WrNGxAsr.--W. H. Watson, Pastor. Ser-
vices each Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m,
Sabbath School and Bible class at 2.30,
Prayer Meeting . every Wednesday
at. 7.30 p, m. Seats free. Strangers wel-
come. Sunday,
subject, "An Las
people, Rose and
"A Praise Service
will be given on
we sing.
—Anchor of Hope
a very enthusiastic
evening last. Twelve
itiated and about tl
propositions submit
numbers 181 member
and it is expected it wi
close of the present
business bad been. con
consisting of song by
by ;Miss Edna Watson
Ireland; song by M
couple of selections
Band, was well rend
—At the 1I :nee
Canadian Order of
day evening last, ti
To the 011ioers au
Maitland, No. 2
Gs :mel e:o —Aeee
for the very prompt
have handed rue th
at the dentt ' of my
for sick be'hefits and
forgetting the kind
turning out in a bod
grave. Wishing yo
D or of
pastor the
D. p
Church, has announ.
s of sermons on the
he Bible, on Sunday
9ypJtii 17th, Morning
r Sermon." To young
ily. Evening subjeot,
when,short addresses
some of the hymns.
gs,'I O G T, had
eetiug on Tuesday
andidates were in -
same number of
d. The lodge now
in god standing,
1 reach 200 by the
onth. After the
luded, a programme
R J' Green ; song
song by Mr Lou
Ogle Jouston, and a
y the Harmouica
ug cif Court Maitlaud,
resters, held on Fri.
fallowiu , fvas read :
ham, MOO 28, 1802.
Members of Court
, C. 0, F.
t my sino`e'te thaiiks
Sauer iu which you
cheque for 31,000 due
tte huabaild. Also,
neral expenses, not
y,,mpathy shown by
and marchiug to the
Ordee continued
members of 'Court
F, desire to place on
sorrow for, and. dee
loss that we have
moval by death of
"But we aro not 1
who have no'hop
he trade C o
e on en sincere wish and B gayer is, that tive Most
o to wind up his f t M O
erieneed timbexjdeal- Sad that their jovus experience through
God is a father to
dow. And thya o
the fatherless a an us an o 1 e
wia h isley, where the great- tion be forward°
nese was Conducted, h Mrs Orr,
wards of .15,000 oubid Oh, wheat a Cough,
sir, birch and pine titreo market, and to -day
in Lake Ontario ready
wlcQuaig is phicky,etter-
ring and we trust he
emery on his wIAter's
the bueinessyfor about life may ever be G h b d t r t
t copy
Last winter;abetween'
oft is rose u -
by the Secretary to
ll for it. We know trate expert;§goo that
1Shiioh's Cure will cure your ,.rough..Xt
trevsr bane,
Will ,you heed the waning'? The signal
perhaps of the sure- approaoh of that more
terrible disease Consumption. Ask your
selves if you can afford for the sake of
savngl Skate run the risk and do riothingg.
I remai
urs truly,
1 TUEL Onn.
—Last Saturday' • Globe contained a
good picture of the 'Varsity Rugby
Football Team of 1891, amongst whom,
we noticed the f e of 111, W H McQuar-
f rio, son of Rev MaQuarrie, of this
town, Will, is n 't behind in the manly
spor , and cant Ice a good position in
both base ball an cricket, as well as in
—The adjourned +nnual 'meeting of.
the Wingham Temp: once Hall Company
was hold on Mondevening last, There
was a good attend ee of shareholders,
and the meeting w. called to order by
the President, Re W Hughes, who.
occupied the chair)" The reports of the
Directors, Secreta 'reasurer and. Audi-
tors were readand a' •pted. They slow-
ed that the Com r : ny had been very -
successful during he short time it bad
been in existent , he receipts from runts
being 5127.10. A• vidend of 10 per cent
was declared. Af :r some discussion the
following director: were elected: D ,12
Gordon, W F Bro: enshire, Alex Ross,
D Sutherland an' Alex Dawson. A H
Musgrove was el: ted auditor on behalf
of the arehold' s, and the meeting ad-
. A meeting' of he directors was held
on Tuesday, w en D M Gordon was
elected Preside • ; W F Brockenshire,
Vice -President; E Q Clarke, Secretary,
and A E Smith, i reasurer. Sixty shares
of the Company : ave bean disposed of,
and no more shit • s will be offered for
sale at present..
—Mr Jas Lo tit has showna us quite a
curiosity, being copy of "The Edinburgh
Alinanack and ' .. periat register for the
year 1814." 1 is`a leather covered. book,
containing, 860 ages, and besides the cal,
ondar, contains , rmy and navy lista, lists
of the Peerage o ' Great 13ritain and Ire-
land, Baronets, &seas of State, Courts of
Law, Revenue • oards, Public officers,
Universites, Este Belied Clergy, Episcopal
Clergy, Burgher, utiburgher mud Relief
Clergy: House of e.mmons, statements of
the A.ssessed taxes Stamp duties, &c. Bit
the date of thin pal ndar, there was not a
doily newspaper p bushed in Edinburgh.
Only eight paper: were printed there,
three of them bei g tri -weeklies, one semis
weekly and four •eeklies. Those were
the days of exeoe:. vely high ; taxes., Two
shiliiug a were ool voted for every twenty
eh, inas of the vai a of real estate. .Por
kettiing elle' male : rvaut, 21. 8ei for one
"ba*bele " male Be vast, 41.88;. and for
ke 11gsgi kour-whealedcarriage,321. Any
person; tieing or we big hair powder was
taxed -ll. Gd. St nelsaAtlli5 were also
very Ingle: i At this Dried itl het history
+`ngiand was engage in war with Prance,
and required' 41.11' t money she could
raise, benoe the este; : Iva taxes levied.
—A couple of)er>4ors orept into our report
of the Methodist 8 tbbath School, in Inst
Issue, The total weerage attendance was
given as 201,while t should have been 234,
and the total moue raisedsbould have been
given as $200, i :stead of the amount
-- "Hazel Kirke"
day evening, by the
Company, assisted
a packed house. A
as presented on Tuos-
Wiugham Drematio
Mr Harry Hart, to
those taking part
acted their parts 'e11, but of Mr Walter
Crawford special mention must be made,
The new scenery loved splendid, showing
that Mr Trato, the artist, thoroughly
understands his bus uess, The perform-
ance was under the uspioesof the local
lodge of the Kuight of Pythias, and no
doubt -their treasury will be considerably
augmented by their .hare of the a proceeds.
What has
For some time t
ing scene ou the co
pold streets. The
great high pole illy
sen Noticed.
re had been a Outten.,
ner of John and Leo-
leotric light from that
nates for some dis-
tante. The beautifu
West corner sinks int
we:vine lamp from abo
light down upon the lo
It's. of this scene that
' 'Ara artists paint wi
Oh l .dear, it is as chart
To sae from Leopol
lawn on the. North
oblivion when the
e throws its silvery
ing young couple
ets could write,
h skill ;
ing sight,
Campbell's White C aft Spring Wheat.
The Steele Bros. C,, of Toronto. teed,
merchants, iu referrht: this wheat, say:
This remarkable new v. iety has now been
grown iu Canada for s -venal years, and
when tested has proved itself admirably
a3apted to our climate. t is a bald wheat,
club shaped, with Is co :pact and rather
heavy head, well filled.t, tho top, and is a
very good thrifty growe , sloolzug profusely'
for whish reasou5 peck of seed is quite
TsuilWl ut for an acre. . t grows a strong
straw from 2a- to 3 feet igh; and of a deep
green color,whieh it ma ntains till ripening;
t f 102 2 k l
Raster.. Miss Mary Ha na in speitdi
Baster in London..M - (Dr) Macden
and daughter Carrie, h . •• a returned fr
an extended trip to Erie • ds in Brucefie
..Miss 1liary Cornyn, o the. Hamjit
Collegiate lustitute, is sending Bas
at home.. Mrs Fleming, o: Teeswater, H
spending Easter with Mr: erclsntai
Miss Lall Scarff, of Palm:rston, was
town last week attending he:funeral
her sister, Mrs 7 H Stephe son.. Mr D
MoNaughton, of Stratfor•, is spendi
his Easter holidays with l is sister, Mi
B MoNaughton, of this t vn..Mr jot
Chisholm, of Harriston igh School,
than any other standar
ar varieties,being.he
matures from nwens earlier
vers pals,
Mies Maggie Ha Jenny visited fr
in Kincardine las week..Mr W Ek
v M
u sto e
n of
alta .and
g , Ur
of Carrick, were the guests of
Coad and Mr d H: envy, last week.
Win .Elliott and son Frank, of Lis
were visiting friends 'n town dnri
week..Luoknow Senti • el: :Mr Jobe
Hardy, of Wingham, was visitin
acquaintances in the v llage last we
Bev J A Trollope, of iughasapton,
tho Titus a friendly all on Friday 1
The rev gentleman as on his way
visit a sick sister w • • resides near I
cardiae.. Mrs H M iller and two el
ren left on Wedge- • ay for their ho
Markham, n
mOt..M andMrs rs T re
,O Ste
Toronto, who have eon for a few we
past visiting at Mrs oreiter's auothe
Mrs McBirney's, left o • Tuesday for r
home in Toronto.. Mr J W Sanders
merchant, Wroxeter, aid Wingh;
business visit on Tu sday... 1Y1iss
Hession left this m . iiing for Torsi
where she intends r:-iding..Mrs .Ge
King is visiting frier s in. Luoknow t
week.,Mrs John No ris re%eriied fr
her visit to relatives Windsor, on
day last..Mr Wes La renca, of Her
ton, will spend his Eas r holidays w
relatives in town..Mrs . • Briefinan
Kincardine, is visiting r:lattves in for
this week. ,Master Wal. er Ard, tivh
attending the Harrist n High Sch
will spend his Easter •lidays in-tom
Mr Clark Elder, who is attending B
`nese College in Stratfo d, will spend
holidays under the pa natal roof.—
Heath (nee Miss Duffield , is at pres
visiting her piirents in to n .. Miss Lot
McKenzie. who is in a endance at t
Ladies' College Toro • to is home
visiting his parents in to n.Miss' Mir,
1v,, essant is spending Bas er.inTeostvatf
earliest spring wheat grswn, The graiu is Mr Win Small,of Luc now,.was iu toy
v'hite,thiu-skinned and very plump.At Ot• this week..Mr Wm Lithgow,;librarian.
tawa Experimental Farm in 1890 the crop the Mechanics' Institute, will. spend 1-
,was86e bushels when th tir beat crop of any I Easter holidays with u r Calder, in Gr.
other vagi" ty was ' 30 mile's and they
towns(ip.. Mr Robert Beattie, of tow
think it is the thet east
t Bug spring wheat paid a visit to Brusse s and Clinton, ti
for Ontario in east they have grown. week, on business .. iss E Murphy l;
Our own reports from all sections show for London on Frid y,' whore she w
good results. reside in the future. Mrs Hampton,
Messrs Hutton &Car have madeve le Listowel, is visiting f iends in town..A
favorable arrangemen s xith the Steele Alex Ross is spendin" Easter in Bra.
Tiros Co,and can super:- this wheat to farm field—Mr T H Mille , formerly of t
ors ata great redu tion on catalogue town, now of Regina N W T, "vas vis
prices. Call and leave your orders at once
as the supply is limite I. ing friends in town is week.
Prof: Scott's Concert. —We have receiv:• frem the publishet
This concert promis to be one of the a cops of The (lanadi n Methodist and /10
events of the season. Theprogramme, nem Era, an eight pa e religious publice:ti,
given below, should dr w a large house. issued every forting.. at Brockville, 0
MSS Knox ti
1 gotten
upand re ec
Miss Strong ins not un nks i gown to as an to `Vino paper 's neatly ham great credit upon t1 e printer and public
Audieuee and always pleases, and the ors It coataius ne-advertisemeuts and
Professor no doubt wil' win the hearty ap- full of the hest of re ligious reading. TI
/Amuse of his hearers. The following is editors seem to aim at crowding; every.;
the programme: of the paper with a holesome Sufi the f;
ratty t. I ful matter so that t to reader Will nut vs
1. Zieading.',"Carly Battlers' Life" ,.Miss to traverse columns and even pages.te
Agnes Knox tain a few thoughts. Tne paper is eh
2. Song.. ,."The Outpost"., ..Prof Soott 50 cents it, year. The publishers desire
3' Soug..''J'essie's Dr tam"..,.Mlss Kate wlio wish to see a 4ttnpie copy to_s
' Strong them a postal lin ti that effect. ;) LL
4, Beading;,.."Saunders 1leip",, n s Court-
ship", Eno* " y
5. Reading.."Sparlaea' to Gladiators",. low trudortaaring i
11liae Masi 1021'
6, .Duet,."Ifuntingtor"..Miss Strongilflt Rsnpn floe `;
and Prof Scott
7. Song,."His Patera 's To -morrow" Furniture and Underfed , este
Prof Scott meat in the old furniture store, -
8. heading.."Ouddle Dion".. Miss lluox opposite the Queen's Hotel, Wi
PM n,
0. heading......"Lases"'
10. Song.," the
11. Beading.. "flow Ruby
and has a full stook -of bhtr!
,... , Miss Kim Mouldings, and Undertaking g
far Blue Hill,
"..Miss Strong band. Call and inspect goods
lsleyod"..111iss prices, Picture Pratning deae p
12. Duet.. 'Gltpsy CountessrRnox sand well. Special attention giv~eti
d Psa f Stroalg; lobbing and repairing, andgunmetal.gunmetal.anroScott
18. heading..".tier Letter" ...Mies Knox work done. Having hail longe ri
14, heading.. "his Canada of'Ours"..iMiss iu the furniture and undertakio@f
liucx moss, I ant euro I can give sstiefrtafid
15. Song, comfo, iu eliaract-r..°1#rr 1"taut
Name is Hann4i"..Pruf twat. A splendid now hearse for hire,
I Miss McIiardy, Pianist. Ih't rrt Honcteeel