HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Bayfield Bulletin, 1965-01-07, Page 3Bayfield Bulletin Thurs. Jan. 7/65-Page 3 CHRISTMAS REUNION AT LITTLE INN This happy family gathering brought warmth and life to The Little Inn this Christmas, when the family of Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Hayman of Iondon. Ont., made it a point to assemble for the Yule holidays. Miss Ruth Hayman, proprietor of The Inn is seen at left front witn ner rattier, while brothers and sisters, neices and nephews smile for cameraman. Dave Archer. "Caesar" the family dog ignores the hubbub entirely. Xbe pint Room santique5 filarp filainger PRIMITIVES -- PINE FURNITURE -- ART GLASS CHINA -- BRASS -- LAMPS -- JEWELLERY lot Meat 4gt.-450beritb--ilhont 324-7775 • Glinual (graft rAtouse CANADIAN HANDICRAFTS Goderich S North on WI Rd. off Hwy. 8 524-8290 NOTICE The Stanley Township Area School Board are inviting applications for the position of SECRETARY- TREASURER. Must be bondable. Please state qualifications and salary expected. Sealed applica- tions are to be in the hands of the undersigned by noon on Jan. 18th, 1965. Lowest or any application not necessarily accepted. John Taylor, Chairman SCHOOL AREA BOARD Township of Stanley Brucefield, Ont. NOTICE Applications for the position of CLERK-TREASURER for the Corporat- ion of The Village of Bayfield are invited for the year 1965. Appli- cants will be residents of the Village of Bayfield and should apply in own handwriting stating education, qualifications and ex- perience and ability to type. Salary will be negotiated with the council.The applicant should be prepared to provide office sp- ace in his own home for the first year at least. The duties of the OLFRK/TRASURER are set out in Sections 215 to 224 of the Munic- ipal Act, a copy of which is held by the Reeve. Applications should be in the hands of the Reeve by Friday, 15 January, 1965. Frederick A. Clift, Reeve The Corporation of the Village of Bayfield JIMWOMMMOMMWOWEMEMOMMIIMMIIIMMOMSAIWMIMMMMOMMIlf 6 111 CIL January White Sale • 6 6 SAVE TWO DOLLARS OFF each gallon 6 of CIL white first line paint, 6 including, Ciltone latex, gloss and 6 flat, Cilux enamel, house paint or 6 Trutone White. 6 Simply use the CIL coupon from 6 your purchase of OMO at your local 6 store for the discount above 6 McArthur & Reilly Ltd. U Floor Covering Installation 6 Our Specialty 6 6 36 WEST ST. GODERICH 1111 0101.110161111111111111•110111011•111111110111111•11•1111111•Ifi YOUR ESSO FARM AGENT IMPERIAL • GASOLINE • FUEL OIL Ask About Our FREE HOME HEAT SERVICE HAROLD BLACK 296 James St.—Clinton Phone 482-3873 GOOD, YEAR NO WESTLAKE'S GARAGE JACK MERNER, Proprietor Highway 21 BAYFIELD 504-2 ONE-STOP SERVICE I SERVICE at it's best is what your car, truck or tractor gets in our spacious, mod- ern service centre. Specialists in automatic transmissions — Drive in today! Ls IL cirool\The Key to Better Service r (§/1 t 19.12 IT CY, o HWY. 8 — GODERICH • EMILY CORY antiques 235 Huron Rd — GODERICH — Phone 524-8424 URNITURE -- CANADIAN PINE CHINA -- GLASS Agnes Middleton 104 TRAFALGAR 8T., GODERICH 1 Bloc kNorth of Gooderham Playground — Phone 524-88) [ THE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR THE FAMOUS LAURA SECORD CANDIES An Outstanding Selection Xmas Gifts! CAMPBELL'S 168 The Square — GODERICH -- 524-7532 Dennis *test) CHINA GUNS - PINE FURNITURE REPAIRING and REFINISHING FURNITURE 45 Waterloo St. — GODERICH — Tel: 524-8717 2e,xatt RIECK PHARMACY] GODERICH A Complete Line of Groceries, Meats and Fresh Vegetables KERR'S MARKET LUNCH Main St. — BAYFIELD — P:done 81 SHOP 'TIL 10 P.M. IN GODERICH Red and White Foodmaster J. M. CUTT, prop. Victoria St. Goderich • • DRUGS 14 The Square Dial 524-7241 Inaugural Meeting of Council was about $875 on hand which, when confronted with a deficit of some $780 from the previous year, left the village "a little bit black". He also reported arrears of taxes for the year 1 62-1 63 as $ 3,212, with those for 1 64 being $4,064, making a total $7,276. In conclusion he ex- pressed his thanks to the voters who had put their confidence in him in electing him to council. COUN. STURGEON Councillor Jack St- urgeon kept his remar- ks short and to the point as he simply th- anked "the people for making it a good elect i COUN.E.ODDL 71ESON Councillor Oddleif- son hoped there would be some study of ass- essment in relation to equalization, con- sideration of a code for building, a good road program and some study of other centres for good ideas that might be applied here. He did not foresee any "drastic changes" being made to the vil- lage, and indicated that the serenity of the place would prob- ably be preserved. COUN. ALLAIRE The audience resp- onded with hearty app- lause when Councillor Allaire, speaking on behalf of himself and family, expressed his sincere thanks"for acc epting us as you did". He was referring to their arrival here one year or so ago to take up permanent residence in the village after a busy career in busin- ess andpolitics in Cod (rich where he had ser ved in town and county councils. SHORT "FOREVER" An interesting and amneing note was hit when Reeve Clift asked Coun.McFadden to read the final excerpt from the old minute book used by the abolished village council of 1 27 The motion was: "That this council does now adjcurn for- ever, or at the call of the reeve". The old minutes,as Coun. McFadden pointed out, were signed by M. Mernerle late father, and most of the men identified in the min- utes were fathers of present citizens. Reeve Clift drew appreciative laughter from the gathering on ceefirming his belief in "frugality" when he remarked that the book was only two thirds full, end would be of use IOr MUMe .0 come. The publics meeting had been opened with the singing of "0 Can- ada"and the reeve in- dicated that following "The Queen"the public would retire, and cou- nell would meet in cos mittee of the whole. On invitation of the reeve, Mr. Merrier aedressed council from the audience with two requests. One was for the use of the village hill one night of the week by the Scouts, end the same afternoon for the Brownies; the ether wao that a post be removed from a por- tion of closed road allowance used by the village children as a sleighing hill. He con sidered the post, put th -2re stop care, n teelous hazard to the youngsters. Cn motion of Ceun.J. Allaire,'the first was granted and the next was taken under advis- ement until snch time as council could see tie location at first hand. NAME COMMITTEES On reporting back from committee,tt was announced that the fol 1ov.ing standing comm- itees had been struck: Froperty & Finance: J. Allaire, chaf.nran, with F. McFadden. Fublic Works: F. McFadden, chair- :.an, with E.Oddllfson Health, Welfare,Fro- tectior, Recreation; J. Sturgeon., chair- man, with J. Allaire. Parke, Harbour, Bea- ches. River, Li:el-Liet,: OddlEifson,chair- man. with J. Sturgecr. TO BOARD POST Mrs.LeRoy Poth was appointed Bayfield re- presentative on The Centre' Huron Second- Please turn to Page Four JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE on top line Furniture 10% to 50% off on all merchandise in the store BLACKSTONE FURNITURE West St. Goderich Phone 524-7741