HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Bayfield Bulletin, 1965-01-07, Page 2Page 2 -Bayfield Bulletin Thurs. Jan.7/65 GOOD START FOR 1965 1 THE CLUB GRILL For delicious Meals stop at . . . Kingston St — Goderloh We Specialize in Steaks. Southern Fried Chicken and Take Out Orders j Phone 524-8168 FRENC H DRY CLEANERS GODERICH CLEANERS -- PRESSERS -- STORAGE Phone 524-8452 35 West Street I GIFTS 20,d'ance4 A COMPLETE LINE. OF GIFTWARE Lamps — Appliances — Fixtures 52 The Square Goderich e., ibPA- is 1°3 Vtif%•4' r -yr. te IC** =4. r Oa, fi (Continued from Page One) lage as "frugally and well as possible". He asked the aud- ience to be willing to come forward with suggestions for the Improvement of the village which would be effective although not costly. He thought there might well be a number of these which council could under- take without causing a burden to the rate- payers. He reported there had been a "slight er- ror in the delineation of the northern bound- ary of the village in the plan considered by the Ontario Municipal Board in the hearing for re-incorporation and annexation here, but that this has now been rectified. In con -section with this item he expressed gratitude to the officials of Goderich Township who had been most helpful in correcting the inad vertent error. Reeve Clift conclu- ded by noting that an adjustment of assets and liabilities as be- tween the village and the townships would be made as soon as the work of the auditors has been completed. Keep Your House Clean with FILTER QUEEN For Healthier Living! ROBERT K. PECK VARNA PHONE HENSALL 352-W-2 R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST Goderich The Square 524-7661 Alexander and Chapman GENERAL INSURANCE REAL ESTATE Property Manageemnt Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Building Goderlch Dial 524-9662 OF JOYOUS K.:TORY ! It takes this kind of weather to set the mind's eye on scenes of this kind where in a few weeks (or is it months) the trout will be attacking viciously and the rapids will sing their merry song. For the lift to the heart that Economy Keynote NOTES GUESTS Just before intro- ducing the members of council, Reeve Clift expressed pleasure at the presence of the reeves of Stanley and Goderich townships, Ernest Talbot and Gra- nt Sterling, as well as C. Murray, manager of the Goderich and local branches of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce. such a memory brings, we are in- debted to the Ontario Department of Lands and Forests. The photo was taken by T. Jenkins in the Bakeigh Falls area of the Lind- say Forest district. L. Wthi Specialise FOODS In rn And TAKE-OUT Orders ESQUIRE CAFE The Squsre 524-9941 GODERICH • ELM HAVEN MOTOR HOTEL Entertainment Nightly hi The T1MBERLANE ROOM Dining Room and Banquet Facilities Open to 1 a.m. Monday thru Friday-11.30 p.m. Sat. MODERN MOTEL UNITS Fully Air-Conditioned Prop., Bill & Doug Fleischauer—Phone 482-3489 AGENTS: James Keys. RR 1, Seedorth: V. J. Lens, RR 5. SOS- torth; Wm. Leipar, Jr.. 1-aseissbare; Selwyn Baker. Bawds; Seatorth. Harold Squires. Clinton; George Coyne, Dublin; Donald G. Ditan, (Mew — Main Street SEAFORTH Insures: . Town Dwellings . All Classes of Farm Property ▪ Summer Cottages . Churches, Schools, Halle Extended coverage (wind, smoke, water damage, falling objects, etc.) Is alio available. INSURANCE K. W. COLQUHOUN INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE Phones: Office 482-9747 Residence 482-7804 JOHN WISE, Salesman Phone 482-7285 Aluminum Products For Air-Master Aluminum DOORS and WINDOWS and Rockwell Power Tools JERVIS SALES R.L. Jervis-68 Albert St. Clinton — 482-9390 COUN. McFADDEN Councillor Frank Mc- Fadden advised the au- dience that the final meeting of the police village trustees had been held and duly re- ported to Mel. Graham, clerk of Stanley Twp. He noted that there Plcasi turn to Page Thret B-I-N-G-O Every Saturday Night Branch 109 Con. Legion Goderich, Ont. 14 Games for $1 00 SUBSTANTIAL JACKPOT G. B. CLANCY, O.D. — OPTOMETRIST — For Appointment Phone 524-7251 GODERICH AMBULANCE STILES FUNERAL HOME Goderich 524-8142 524-8504 START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT with a subscription to The Bayfield Bulletin $4.00 per annum — $5.00 to U.S.A. NAME Street City or Town Province or State (Please Include Postal Zone if Any) THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY The year 1965 started off in jig time in Bayfield in more ways than one. First of all, the villagers and their friends from the neiehboring townships had a real ball, as the saying eoes and the village hall was the scene of rare jollification, according to our reporter,who thinks it an omen of good for the future.That New Year's frolic was a lot of fun from all accounts, and resulted in a substantial bonanza for the youth groups of the village. As reported in the news story they will divide more than a hundred dollars. The year was still in its in fancy when on Monday evening the village came once again under the authority of its own municipal council. it was an occasion both solemn and happy, as the elected council was reminded of its obligat- ions to the village at large. Some of the :sappiness cane when citizens in the large au This issue of The Bayfield Bulletin marks a turning po- int in the onward progress of this in/ant Huron County weekly newspaper. A switch from the letterpr- ess system to the offset pro- cess, together with a larger format and important economy of production, will all tend to promote the production of a bigger, better and earlier paper. Yechanical problems in the sudien shift from one method to the other have left scant time to produce an issue as we would want it. As soon as tg.is issue is mailed, work will be under way on the one for next week, with the aim of finally getting on the original deadline, to ensure mailing by Wednesday. Commencing with the next issue, the policy will be to give strong picture coverage of local news events. Offset Printing gives many advant- ages to the photographer, in that reproduction is very eood and pictures will be crisp end clear. This feature will be o/ in- tertst not only to the news reader, but to the business neonle who want to tell their dience exchanged debate from side to side as the official debaters, members of council listened in with obvious in- terest. It was a real old style "town meeting " such as has not been seen in these parts in many a long year. Intere- st remains high, and it looks from here as though few of the meetings from here in will lack for representatives of the citizenry at large. The theme of frugality as expressed by Reeve Clift and councillors seems to strike a note of cheer in local circles, and members of the audience at the inaugural meeting were asked to bring forward any suggestions for the betterment of the place "which will not cost money". These, it seems, council will regard with enthusiasm. Others, it may be supposed, will be regarded askance. story pictorially, and the low costs involved make it readily available to even the most modest budget. From here in, the bulk of the composition of the pages will be done right in the local office. The Bulletin has thus come closer to the local industry it is setting out to be. We have been blessed by the patient reacts:re and merchants and cursed by the others. It takes no brains, talent or effort to be a critic. It s takes all of these to put out a newspaper, no matter howe crumby it may look. It takes all of these just to pitch in and help. Those who want a topnotch paper in this community had better come down off their high horses and do something constructive about it. We are doing our best under very trying circumstances, and our best will be better from here in. If you don't want to help, stand aside, because we're going ahead, come hell or high water, and as we said at the beginning six months ago, we are going to: "PRESS ON REGARDLESS !" BIGGER, BETTER, EARLIER BULLETIN Vallfirth Published Every Thursday at Bayfield, Ontario by ART ELLIOTT PUBLISHING LTD. Subscription Rates: Canada U.S.A. $4.00 per Annum $5.00 per Annum Advertising Rates on Request Art Elliott Audrey Bellchamber Editor & Publisher Socail Editor Bayfield, Ont. Phone 38