HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Bayfield Bulletin, 1964-12-17, Page 3HOLIDAY GREETINGS!
A warm and friendly
wish of cheer
For Christmas and
The Coming Year
Store Hours:
—Open Evenings Christmas Week
—Closed Boxing Day
Art Elliott
Editor & Publisher
Bayfield, Ont.
Audrey Bellchamber
Social Editor
Phone 38
... from .
MIr %Oral Vultrtitt
Trinity Church Women's Auxiliary
Elects New Slate Of Officers
Trinity Branch Woman's
Auxiliary meeting at "The Hut"
on December 7 adopted a slate
of officers for 1965 as present-
ed by the nominating commit-
tee convener, Mrs. J. B. Higgins.
They are as follows: Honor-
ary president, Mrs. J. M. Stew-
art; president, Mrs. J. B. Hig-
gins; vice-president, Mrs. F. A.
Clift; secretary, Mrs. C. E.
Diehl; treasurer, Mrs. R. H. F.
Gairdner; educational secretary,
Mrs. R. H. Gairdner; Living
Message secretary, Mrs. W. R.
Elliott; prayer partner secre-
tary, Mrs. H. K. King; press
reporter, Mrs. C. E. Diehl; sick
and visiting committee, Mrs. L.
B. Smith and Mrs. H. K. King.
The Rev. E. J. B. Harrison
presided for the election of of-
Mrs. R. J. Larson, retiring
Trinity Branch
Of Bayfield WA
Holds Meeting
Trinity Branch Women's Aux-
iliary met at the home of Mrs.
Carl E. Diehl on Wednesday
afternoon, November 25.
Mrs. J. B. Higgins played for
the singing of "Spirit of the
Living God". The Rev. E. J. B.
Harrison conducted the devo-
tional period. Mrs. R. J. Lar-
son, president, chaired the
Eleven members answered
the roll call and Mrs. F. H.
Paull was a guest. Mrs. J. B.
Higgins read the minutes and
also a letter fitun Mrs. H. Tich-
borne, Deanery Social Secret-
ary, and a thank-you card from
Mrs. E. A. Featherston.
Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner gave
the financial statement and re-
ported that most of the calen-
dars had been sold.
Members were reminded that
donations to the St. Andrew's
Day Self-Denial Fund for cer-
tain missions abroad should be
put in an envelope, plainly
marked for the WA and placed
on the collection plate or given
to the treasurer, Mrs. R. H. F.
The annual meeting was held
Movie Star: "This is my
birthday, you know."
Friend: "How old aren't
president, thanked the officers
and members for their support
during her two years as presi-
dent. She had also served as
secretary and treasurer for a
number of years.
A vote of thanks was tender-
ed Mrs. Larson, and Mrs. Percy
Weston for their many years of
service as Dorcas secretary.
Mrs. Higgins expressed her
appreciation for being elected to
the presidency.
The Rev. E. J. B. Harrison
conducted the devotional period
and Mrs. R. J. Larson presided
for the business session.
Ten members answered the
roll call by the secretary, Mrs.
J. B. Higgins.
Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner, treas-
urer, reported $16.00 received
for the St. Andrew's Self-Denial
Fund. From the balance on
hand donations were made of
$10.00 to Diocesan Dorcas sec-
retary for Mohawk Institute,
$20.00 to the wardens for bud-
get of Trinity Church, $5.00 to
the Student Christian move-
ment in response to an appeal
from Ron Crawford, UWO.
Mrs. King expressed thanks
for a note from the branch af-
ter her accident.
A donation was received from
Mrs. J. H. Parker.
Mrs. King led in the prayer
partners' prayer and the rector
said the closing prayers.
Mrs. H. K. King and Mrs. L.
B. Smith were hostesses for the
Christmas party which follow-
ed. Mrs. F. A. Clift assisted
Mrs. Smith in serving refresh-
on Monday, December 7 at
"The Hut". Mrs. J. B. Higgins
was named convener with Mrs.
G. N. Rivers and Mrs. F. A.
Clift on a committee to bring
in a slate of officers for 1965.
Mrs. Larson passed around the
new devotional booklet for daily
devotions: "Our Response to
Mrs. Gairdner introduced the
new study book "This Is My
Calling" which stresses that
God has called us to be a liv-
ing church. Impressions given
by certain words were written
down and then read out. The
rector closed the meeting with
Mrs. J. M. Stewart, hostess,
was assisted in serving tea by
Mrs. R. B. Johnston and Mrs.
Percy Weston.
This Christmas, give life and
good health to your sick neigh-
bor. Be a Red Cross blood
Race Narrows
In Contest
For Wardenship
(Continued from Page One)
down to defeat.
Seven Changes
Seven changes in the memb-
ership of county council are
assured, several by the ordin-
ary course of events and oth-
ers by defeat at the polls. With
the return in Hullett on Mon-
day of Reeve Tom Leiper, by a
good majority, there remains
only McKiilop in which an elec-
tion has not been held. Nom-
inations in that township will
be held Dec. 28, and voting,
if necessary, aJnuary 4. Ken-
neth Stewart is serving his
first term as reeve, and may
not be opposed.
Deputy-reeve Torn Howard,
of Ashfield, did not qualify and
is succeeded by Gordon Boyd.
At Winghaan, Reeve J. Roy Ad-
air, 11 years in county council,
stepped aside for his deputy,
Joseph Kerr, chairman of the
1964 roads committee, and J.
Alexander is the new deputy
reeve. Clarence E. Boyle suc-
ceeds Glenn Fisher as reeve of
A total of 22 persons from
Clinton, Goderich, Seaforth,
Bayfield and Exeter attended
a meeting of the Huron Unit
of the Canadian Cancer Society
Tuesday night at the Clinton
home of Mrs. Doug Bartliff.
Unit president Fred Sloman
of Clinton chaired the meeting
which heard reports from dist-
rict unit representatives. The
minutes of the last meeting and
those of the annual meeting at
Bayfield on Oct 6 were read
by the secretary, Miss Bernice
McQueen, of Clinton.
Reports were heard from
president Fred Sloman who at-
tended meetings at Brantford,
Election unpposed in Gode-
rich of Reg. R. Jewell as reeve,
and Robert Squire as deputy re-
turns the former to county
council in place of Reeve Frank
Walkom, who successfully con-
tested the mayoralty. Mr.
Squire will enter for a first
term as deputy-reeve.
Toronto and Galt; Mrs. Bartliff
and Mrs. R. U. MacLean who
attended a meeting at Strat-
ford, and Mrs. A. McConnell of
Seaforth who attended a meet-
ing at Galt.
Plan March Meet
It was agreed to hold a Unit
meeting in the second week of
March prior to the annual Can-
adian Cancer Society campaign.
The meeting was attended
by: Mrs. M. Scott, R. E. Pooley,
L. Hearn, L. Mills, R. Luxton,
Mrs. F. Dickens and Mrs. M.
Glen, of Exeter; Miss B. Grieve,
Mrs. A. McConnell and Mrs. M.
McCowan of Seaforth; Brig.
Morgan Smith of Bayfield; L.
Pinkney of Goderich, and Mrs.
D. 1VIeMturay, Mrs. L. Salzman,
Mrs. R. U. MacLean, Mrs. D.
Rartliff, D. Scott, Miss E.
Jamieson, K. Flett, P. Astles,
F. Simian and Miss B. Mc-
Queen, all of Clinton.
Refreshments were served by
the hostess at the conclusion of
the business meeting.
Thurs., December 17, 1964—Bayfield Bulletin—Page 3
Huron Area Cancer Society Meet
Held At Clinton On Tuesday
And Family