HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-04-08, Page 8�rstrw�tnuo 1111.:iS • r+ ar■ � ij M 8.111-11:1111, A L 211( , n Robt. Orr's old staad, lately occupied by E. 0 Clarke, Tailor, with a ull 13took of "4- al INT H -.:Et Cnsisting of )RY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS and SHOES, READY MADE • CLOTHING, CARPETS, cc., Tl &TOO= L Not a dollar:op worth of old goods in the House. �t contai s a number of lines bought at a clearing price, and will be offered at special rices. An inspection of the stock respectfully solicited. Yours truly, L 1`1. cI DOO. vs' Clothing, and such clothing. If take your boys to the best tailor you ld not get better clothes, better,' batter made than the good cloth-' of M. H. Mclndoo. See, then, how y far in advance we are of any other ern of boys' clothing. smething very special in Ladies' an dren's Hose and Gloves. 11.ESS GOODS,—Stich extraordinary e interest has been manifested to - [s our enormous stock of new Goods, we will devote most of our time to gore Alligator Cretons opened up, leading style of the fashionable d. les.- This season's choicest novel - The opportunity in silk possessions tieb we call your attention, embraces ery latest and newest novelties in and light shades. You can't come irly. The best styles and qualities ways picked out first, because in we are at the head. sekeepers, you will find we are 'with our Carpets and Lace Cur - We are showing a much greater than ever at such lots psices that terest economical buyers. oAtc DEPARTMENT.—Full line of novelties in ready made Mantles. tonal value for this week. 's Scarfs in all the latest styles. ldom you can buy a fine black a light Scotch tweed at an away rice: Dere is an opportunity. n't regret the looking at them, e the buying. There are splendid A, at M. H. McIND00'S. 1K:� 1. rYttlg1pa:m (limes DAY, APRIL 8, 1892. bar ver ure decks the fields, rds bel,'n to sing, [cold we caught last autumn yields inflater a of the spring. lei be er to lie 1ompressed in bed id be healthy than to with disease on a broad eats els it is better to contract s>; withi tt small competence ¶' hap y, than to have a great / rid 1 Wretched. i W • eitrtalcing And Furntturo stab- 11s11merst. II HoDGSON has opened his and Undertaking establish- es old furniture store, nearly o Queen's hotel, Winghanl, full stock of Furniture, and Undertaking goods on and inspect goods and get ure Framing doise promptly Special attention given to repairing, and guarantee a11 Having had long e+sperienco ares and undertaking busi. re I can give satisfaction. stestv hearse for hire. Bat:'DH 1Honosolr BO SPINDLER—In A. field, on thb 15th March, Elizabeth, wife of the a Joseph Spindler, aged 75 : rrs. MAR : IPIID. x GEODES--51CKEN 1: —At the residence 'of the bride's mo. er, Londesboro, on 'the 16th March, the Rev A McLean, W J Geddes, Morris, to Isabella, daughter of the lat: Peter McKenzie. Or' GREEN —WiLsoN At Portage la Prai- rie, Man,on Marc st,byRev Mr Daniels, Mr Walter W Gr -en, to Miss Mary Wil- son, daughter of e -late John Wilson,of Morris township, 1 nt. WINGHA2i'MARKETS. W.ING:IAii, April. 7, 1892 Corrected 1.y P. Deans, Produce Dealer. 2 40 to 2 40 80 to 80 80 to 80 27 to ' 28 30 to 40 56 t0 57 15 to 16 • 15 to 16 9to 10' 1 50 to 1 75,, 9 00 .to 10 00, 20 to 25 5 25 t0 5 50 Flour per 100tIbs,- Fall Wheat per bushel, • Spring Oats, Barley Peas, Butter, tub do Molls, Eggs per dozen Wood per cord, flay per ton, Potatoes, - Dossed Hogs, per cwt NOTICE TO DEBTORS. AsMiss Murphy will shortly leave town, sh wishes all who owe her to I:ind!S call and settle thcii accounts before th 2001. April, in cash or gond en- dorsed notes, a- er that date all accounts will be' placed in oth hands for collection. E. MURPHY. Wingh , April 5th, 1892. •PROF. SCOTT r MUSICAL LEADER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH gives Private Lessons in Vocal Training, both in Staff and Tonie-Sol-Fa Notation. Open for engagements for Concerts or Church meetings. Terris moderate. Apply at MRS. II. MORROW'S, 24 Shuter St, Wing-hani., TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE. The undersigned wishes to dispose of his property, consisting of half an acre of ground, being lots 4, and 40, Catherine Street East, on which is erected good frame house and stable. There are also a fin lot of bearing fruit trees and the land is excellen for gardening purposes. For particulars as to p apply to the owner on the premises. JAMES DEY •'f,L, Wingham, March 30, 1802. , HOLSTEIN BULLS FORALE The undersigned has for sale 4ot 10, Con, 4. Turnberrys four thoroughbred stein bulls, rang- ing from9 to 18 months old. (ic above inrntioned animals areall well Marked a d registered in the Canadian herd Bonk They, 11 be sold cheap and OH easy terms to suit pur (niers. JAS ELL T, • eder of Holstein Cattle, uluernle, Ont. PRQCEHTY FOR SALE For;. "' e le the Town Plot, el Whig -ham, two Park Lots..os 40 and 41, on Alice Street, north of the ,way ; geou land and good water close by, and a •' all stream runs all the year across a small corner of the property; with apples cherries and small fruits. house fairly good. TI Iply ttheOFFICE Winghain, Ont. FUR NNINC nd DRESSING. i, -S1i'nURN , Victoria street .'tat, near c . T. It. Depot. LIST WEL, 0''P., VI prepared to Tan, Trim anbroil; all kinds of Pura, in fir: .class at: e. Sheep Skins, Dog, I!'ox and a fine Fur carefully attended to. He also makes Drum I3 solicited. vita. Listowel, March 28, 1892. Ona ge it GUARDIANSHIP NOTICE. BARK Application will be made to the Surrogate Court of the County of Huron, after the e3plration of twenty days from the first publication hereof, to ap- point Benjamin Willson, of the Town of Wingham. in the County of Huron, Banlc Manager, guardian of William Crowell Bray and Ethel Kathleen Bray, of said town, infant children of William Thoihas Bray, 1 ate of said town 02 Wingham, Druggist, deceased. BENIA11N WILLSON, I By J, A. MORTON, Wanted at the Wingllar Tannery. His Attorney.,, . Dated Ingham, 31st March, 1802. ORD ANTED. JAS. WING 1D1 HURRAY FOUNDRY, Manufacturers CO., Iilanufacturers of and defilers in GRAIN DRILLS and SEEDERS, PLOWS, GANG PLOWS,. W1ND MILLS, ROLLERS, MOWERS, &c., CUTAWAY and DRADER SPADE HARROWS. 1500. Cords Hemlock Bark E. H. DETER, Undertaker and Embalmer, Has opened Out a first class WNAKNG Pt�00 opposite Cbishohn's Drug Store, And is prepared to take oharge of anything iu that line that may be entrusted to him, having put in a stock equal to anything outside of the city, both in taste and quality, PRICES VERY V1.0DERA.TE. FIRST CLASS HEARSE in attendance. E. It DEVBR. *Witt aril, April 8tb,1 Will be paid on delivery. Parties peeling 15 cords or over, can deliver halt in summer and balance in winter, if desired, and same price will be paid. 1i General Foundry Work, Repairs, &c. Tire Platforms and Tire Upsetters for Blacksmiths. JAS MTU BRAY & CO. CHAM TANNING CO. BUSINESS CHANGE am, April 5th, 18192. NEW JEWELRY STOREI J. F.R. MUNSHAW Begs to intimate to the people of Wingham and general public that he has opened out a large stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, &o. in the store lately occupied by lir. Ed, Diusley, and invites all to call and see goods and get prises. Repairing promptly attended to and satisfaction guaranteed. J. R. MUNSHAW. Wingham, March 23, 1892. SHILOH'S CONSU PTIO CURE. The success of this Great Cough' Cure is without a parallel in the history of medicine. All druggists are authorized to sell it on a pos. itive guarantee, a test that no other cure can sue. cessfully stand. 'That it may become known, the Proprietors, at an enormous expense, are placing a Sample Bottle Free into every home in the'United States and Canada.: If you have a Cough, Sbre Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for it will cure you. If your child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread that insidious .iiiscase Consurapfionl use it. Ask your Druggist for SHILOH% Qin, Price to etc, 5o cts, and r Lungs are sore er Beck la)iu, sous Plaster. Price 2 Sts. MISSES M. & M. KELLY, (OF GUELPIT,) Beg to inform the ladies of Wingham and vicinity that they have purchased the business lately carried on by Miss E' Murphy, and have opened out with a large stock of MILLINERY GOODS, consisting of Feathers, Flowers, Ribbons, Laces, (Maiffrons, Colored Crapes, Irish Guipure Laces, Black and Colored Laces., Jet Trimmings, Jet Flowers and Hat Or. nameuts, Plain, Spot and Fish Net Veil- ings, Pongee H•u1 Bengaline Silks. The latent styles in Hats and Bonnets. DRESSES AND MANTLES Cut and male to order iu the latest styles. The patronage of the ladies of Wingham and vicinity is respectfully solicited, and we will do our best to please. Stand—Opposite the Queen's Hotel, M. & M. KELLY, Wingham, March 15th, 1832. M1)11A., L, C. P.SO.,DIC,P.$ At, SZ�1!fOI . fIS'Z,"y TORONTO. Jonathan I3ushart, Listowel, wigs "After spending all my money and prop- erty to no purpose on medical men, for what they termed a hopeless case of con- sumption, Dr, Sinclair cured mo," "'henM 11l otry Furlong, ers failleeci,�Dr.0 Sinclair cured me of fits." V, McDonald, Laketiold, says ;--"Dr. Sinclair cured Ire of Catarrh," Geo. Cowcd,Blyth, says "Dr. 'Sin- clair cured me of heart disease and drop- sy when all others failed." Diseases of private nature brought on by folly Dr. Sinclair certainly cures. CONSULTATION FRE d. DR, SIN'CL 1IR will be at the QUEEN'S HOTEL, Wing/mint 0l;t