The Bayfield Bulletin, 1965-08-26, Page 3• 3etinifi Steep CHINA - GUNS - PINE FURNITURE REPAIRING and REFINISHING FURNITURE 45 Waterloo St- GODERICH — Tel: 5244717 • EMILY CORY antigun( 235 Huron Rd — GODERICH — Phone 524-8424 • FURNITURE -- CANADIAN PINE CHINA -- GLASS Agnes Middleton 104 TRAFALGAR ST., GODERICH 1 Block North of Gooderham Playground — Phone 514-11112a 111111111 solowNINNEN.WISPr Boyfield, Ontario Next Door To The Library • China • Hand Weavings • Linens • Estate Jewellery • Silver • Gifts Guith THE COUNTRY CUPBOARD • HOME BAKING • HOMEMADE PRESERVES • HOMEMADE JAMS JELLIES. PICKLES • GOURMET FOODS • UNUSUAL GIFTS ART ELLIOTT PROPRIETOR LOUISA ST. - PHONE 96 BAYFIELD. ONT. EVELYN HARDY PAGE THREE—The Bayfield Bulletin-Aug.26/65 Social News By Mrs. Audrey Belichamber, Social Editor, Phone Bayfield 38 •11141M41411=1.11•••••••=•111041•116 WEDDING OF INTEREST HERE Children in the Sun Need Eye Protection When on vacation this sum- mer, or even if you're only out in the country for the day, look around and note the number of young children, even those in toddling or infant stages, who are exposed to the sun without any protection. It's an unfair contest, with the child getting the beating. Direct exposure to bright light of any kind is bad for the eyes of a very young child and direct sunlight is especially harmful in big doses. When light is poor, we strain to see. But too much light can be equal- ly productive of eye fatigue and nervous tension. The explanation lies in the sensitivity of the retina to light. If the air were perfectly clear, we could see the light of a can- dle at a distance of a mile. Therefore, when we look dir- ectly at a very bright light, it is blinding. Instinctively we try to protect the eyes from glare by closing them or by raising a hand as a shield. That's why it's important to make sure that children in the sun are given proper eye pro- tection. Unless you do so, you may find that sun, wind, dust, swimming pool chlorine, water or highway glare will turn your vacation into a headache in- stead of pleasant and deserved relaxation. Teach your children never to look directly into the sun and to keep their backs to it as much as possible. A head covering is a "must" and junior size sunglasses are recommended. A good sun tan lotion and available shade, such as a beach umbrella,should also be provided. Don't let children take books or funny papers on a holiday and try to read them in the sun. Eye specialists warn that read- ing in the sun, or even in the shade of a beach umbrella, can be very hard on a child's eyes. A major problem on a sum- mer vacation can be caused by dust or blowing sand. The best way to remove a speck of dust from the eye is to bring the up- per lid down over the lower, and let tear secretion wash it away. An application of eye drops may give a helpful assist and relieve the irritation that usually follows. Don't let a child rub his or her eye and never attempt to remove a speck that seems to be imbedded in the cornea. If there is any problem like that it's best to consult an eye doc- tor immediately. Lack of ear- ly medical help with foreign bodies in the eye can cause complications. EVELYN HARDY HANDICRAFT HANDWOVEN PLACE MATS AND GIFTS A SPECIALTY GODERICH R. R. 5 - PHONE 524-9893 ONE CONCESSION EAST AND SOUTH OF CARLOW Dear MKT: It would be prop- er, but I don't think you should do it. A flag which is flown from a pole will in time become faded and weather-beaten. That particular flag is irreplaceable. It should be preserved for your son to hand down to his son. o--o--o Dear 'Ann Landers: What is your opinion of people who sub- ject guests to the boredom of watching their dogs do tricks? I don't mean anything spectac- ular. I mean everyday, run-of- the-mill stuff that almost every dog owner teaches his pet. It's bad enough to have to sit and listen to a child recite, "The Man Stood On The Burn- ing Deck," or play the "Minuet in G" on the piano, but when guests are herded into the liv- ing room to watch a mutt roll over and play dead or beg for a bone it's just too much. These same friends have taught their dog to "pray" which I find not only boring but a sacrilege. Please don't get me wrong, Ann, I am not a sourpuss who hates pets. I love animals, but I feel it's an imposition to ask adults to watch a dog go through a corny routine. How about it?—DOG TIRED. Dear Tired: An ordinary mutt doing everyday, run-of- the-mill tricks shouldn't take more than five minutes. If you can't spare five minutes to watch a proud master put his dog through a few paces, then you are a sourpuss who hates pets. 0--0--0 Dear Ann Landers: My hus- band and I married very young. I was 20. Vast was 22. We fought over everything under the sun — his folks, my folks, money, religion, politics, sex— just name it and we had a CANADIAN HANDICRAFTS Goderich North on PAM Rd. off Hwy. S Ann Landers Dear Ann Landers: Several weeks ago my husband was killed in Viet Nam. I was pre- sented with the flag which was draped over his casket. My teenage son wants to fly the flag from a flagpole in our front yard. Would this be prop- er? Thank you for your advice. —MKT. Home and The Housewife Shirley Marie McCovran of St. Thomas became the bride of William Donald Elliott of R.R. 2, God- erich in a pretty wedding at Grace United church, Porter's Hill on August 14 at 3.00 p.m. The bride 3ED the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John McCoran of R.R. 2, Goderich, while the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Elliott of Zurich,R.R.l. (Photo by R.J. Ne•hew SAYFIELD S. B. R. ROBINSON 61 Hamilton St., Goderlch Phone 524-8831 Phone 3-R-3 IGET c.XPERT INSTALLATION 1 FROM SPECIALISTS battle over it. The second year of our mar- riage our daughter Sally was born. Things went from bad to worse, He showned no interest in the baby or in me. I finally told Van to move out. He sug- gested that we both get coun- selling through our minister but I didn't see any hope for salvaging the situation. I in- sisted on a divorce. Van has paid support for our child but he never comes to see her. It has been six months since Sally has seen her daddy although he lives less than fif- teen minutes away. I heard yesterday that Van married a sorority sister of mine. I never cared for the girl and the feeling was mu- tual. Now I'm afraid she will fix things so Van will never see Sally. Please tell me what to do. I feel helpless.—MIDNITE BLUE. Dear Blue: You concede your ex-husband ignored Sally be- fore he married so why blame his continuing lack of interest on his new wife? I can offer you only sym- pathy. I know el no way to get spilled milk back in the bottle. Yours is a classic example of woman who busted up her mar- riage in haste and is repenting at leisure. 0--0--0 CONFIDENTIAL TO LOOK- ED DOWN UPON: Eleanor Roosevelt said, "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." Remember this the next time your friend be- littles you, What is 'French kissing? Is it wrong? Who should set the necking limits—the boy or the girl? Can a shotgun wedding succeed? Read Ann Landers' booklet, "Teen-Age Sex — Ten Ways to Cool it." Send 50 cents in coin and a long, self-address- ed, stamped envelope, Ann Landers will be glad to help you with your problems. Send them to her in care of this newspaper enclosing a stamped, self-addressed envel- ope. ort. MacRae INSURANCE K. W. COLQUHOUN INSURANCE • REAL ESTATE Phones: Onkel 411-1741 Residence 4142-7104 JOHN wise, Salesman Phone 4112-7SIE When you begin to plan your wedding . . come in and see us about a beautifully catered reception. We ;II nit SAYFIELD, OtiT. 44-G-0 Every Saturday Night Branch 109 Can. Legion Goderich, Ont. 14 Games for $1.00 FLOORING CONTRACTOR 9 SUBSTANTIAL JACKPOT WATCHMAKER and JEWELLER 166 The Square Goderich FINE CHINA — GIFTS REPAIRS WE LIKE YOU TO LOOK NICE That is why we special- ize in the cleanest, whitest shirts possible. All dry cleaning is done to perfection, too. BLUEWATER C LIAM RS On a Shopping Spree or Family Outing . . . Stop In KERR'S MARKET LUNCH BUILDING SUM.. IFErS.a.nd HARDWARE Of All Kinds . . . It's BAYFIELD HARDWARE and LUMBER HANDICRAFTS Handwoven place mats & gifts a specialty. Goderich R.R. 5 1 Con. east & south Carlow 524-9893