Wingham Times, 1892-04-08, Page 7Has the Problem. or Aeriai Nftvi• I Didn't work : A—Excuse me, dear gation been. Solved P friend,1 atn momentarily a little em.. A St Petersburg despatch of the 30th harrassed awl ---. A,'.-Feu'rs lucky March says :' The presence of balloons man I T'lave been greatly embarrass. ed for a long time, over the forts and eueampnleats in d _ Poland, is becoming more (regnant than Tu my euclorsementof Anti -Dandruff I ever, end 'Is ceasing much indignation call say Something tlrat I never could be. fore, which is that •this preparation is a ain.ong army officers, who are helpless perfect remover of,Dandruff, not only in to prevent military secrets from be.. the first stares, but even where the plague leas. become chronic and liar merged itself coining known to the German officers, Iwo a disease, Years of eperieuce as i4 who are known to he taking observe, ill aiutr•dresser, edwith clurine which b have experi.• niemmenprep+ tions from a height that place's them ation, not one leasevery (norreco, I mfglit sadedy, :veer; beyond the reach of any bullets aimed I all ti- puDandruff leat together) gsiven, the satisfaction that. An at them, 1t positively removes Dandruff. Et One of these balloons from the Gera stops failing of the hair, It cools the Log It makes an elegant hair -dressing man frontier recently appeared at without leaving a trace of its use, I use Kovno. It hovered above the fortress it .dally to my hair -dressing plane at Bal. moral Rotel, and have yet to find the first there until the officer in command be- I customer who was not pleased with it.. name so exasperated that he ordered isome of the soldiers to fire at the balloon and if possible to bring it to the ground, but the range was too great. The Germans continued their obser- vations and when they had concluded they returned whence they came,. It is believed' the Germans have at last solved the Rrobletn of aerial navi- gation. These balloons that have appeared ever various places in Poland are ung der perfect control. •,They move in any desired direction, and the wind currents have no perceptible effect upon -them. a A. few nights ago inhabitants' of Warsaw were startled by an intensely bright light that fell from the sky upon the city. Nothing could be seen save a path of light that ended in a small focus. Suddenly the ray of light swept in another direction, and when their eyes became accustomed to the darkness that followed they could see far up iu the sky a balloon. Ther' it was weld that it was electric seareh-light that had caused the brilliant illumination and that the Germans were continuing their obser- vations of Russian defences with its aid.. an The light w•is extinguished and the balloon, heading westward toward the frontier of Prussia, disappeared. Later another balloon was seen over the Proushkorf Railway Station. It remained stationary for a time and J. T. ,J: ONTAINE, Proprietor barber shop, Balmoral Hotel, Montreal, P, Q. That odious Marie Harley has land- ed Jack Smithers at last, Yea. Jack told me of Iris engagement last night. When are titey to he married ? Ob, never' It's only a .Lenten engagement. Jack thought he ought to do penance in some way, CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physician, retired from praotioo, haying had placed in his hands by an East India missionary tine fornnila of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent eure. of Consumption,. Bron. chit's, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nan ous Complaints, after having tested Its wonderful curative powers in thousands 0f eases, he has felt it his duty to make is known to his snffering follows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, in Gorman, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mall by addressing with stamp, naming tbis paper. W. n. Noris 820 Pc•vers Block Rochester, N. Y. We are going to have a late spring this year, said Aar. Hick, anxious to stave off the spring clothes question. Then 1 shall have to have another win. ter bonnet. said Mrs Hicks. And then Mr. 'licks wished he lied stayed in the frying pan. The Bead Surgeon. Of the Lubou Medical Company is now at Toronto, Canada, and may be consulted either in person or by letter on all chronic diseases peculiar :to man. Men, young,old, or middle-aged; heilliud themselve nerv- ous, weak and ex)iadated, who are broken down from excess or ii ierwork, resulting in many of the following symptoms : Mental deprossiou, premature old age,losa of vital. ity, lass of memory, bad dreams, dimness of sight; palpitatiou•of the heart, emissions lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, head' ache, pitnplea on the face orbody, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the orgaus, dizziness, speaks be-, fore the eyes, twitchiug of the muscles,eye lids, and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits of the urine, loss of will power, tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep,failure to be rested` by sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing, then startei in the direction of the fart .loss of voice, desire for solitude,eiottabil1ty works nearK.nlets, where it hovered of temper, sunken eyes surrounded with LEADEN Incur,, oily looking skin, etc, are awhile, when it returned across tho all symptoms of•nervous debility that lead frontier. Reports of similar occurrences have been received from Sosnovitsy arid. other, places along the frontier. Russian officials say that with inan. ageah.le halloons the whole system of warfare will he changed, Itis self-evi- dent that none of the present fortifies, tions would be able to withstand an attack from above them. Shells could be dropped with an almost unerring certainty and no city could defend it- self from an enemy fitr up in the air beyond the reach of any missile. Even modern cannon with their great range could not at present be used against balloons, for Iho reason that gun car- riages have not been `made that will allow of a perpendicular elevation and the falling shot might prove disas- trous. Medical firms. CORE roil I)YsvePSIA. As is well known, this troublesome coin - plaint arises from overaeatibg, the use of too inuoli rich food, neglected consttpation, lack of exercise, bad stir,. etc, The food should be thoroughly chewed and never belted or swallowed in haste, stimulants Must be avoided and exercise taken if Possible, A remedy which has rarely failed to give prompt relief and effect per• manent cures, even hi the most obstinate' oases, is Burdock Blood 'Bitters. It acts "by Johtnlie,—Say, frit', does the by regulating end toning the digestive organs, removing costiveuesH and increase minister really need all the slippers lag the appetite and restoring health and that are given hitii'1 M rs $rovo-n- vigor to the system, As a case to point the (mote from a letter written by Mies L. A. Yes, indeed. . His son is generally 'ruin. of Hamilton, Ont.; ''Two years ago very had. life seemed a burden, 1 could not eat the simplest food without being in dreadful, to Pleasing finnan fnisery"ib toy stomaeh,uuder my shoulders and across the back of lay neck. Medical Of health and strength renewed and of to ineanity and death unless cured. The spring or vital force having lost its tension every function wanes in consequence. Those who through abuse committed in ignorance may be permanently .cured. Sendyour address for book on all diseases peculiar to man. Books seat free sealed. Heart disease, the symptoms of which are faint spells, purple lips, numbuess,palpitaw tion, skin beats, hot flushes, rush of blood to the bead, dull pain in the heart with beats strong. rapid and irregular, the second heart neat quicker than the iirst,pain about the breast bone, etc, eau positively be cured. No cure, no pay. Send for book, Address M. V LIMON, 24 Macdon- ell Ave. Toronto, Canada: Teacher (of class in • physiology)— What do we know of the discovery of triehiva: ? Pupil (who hadn't studied the lesson)—They existed before the flood. Before the flood 'f How do you know .that ' They were saved in the ark with 1-Iam. English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses Blood Spavin, Splints, Ring Bone, Swe tiey,Stiaes Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, nue*, oto Saro 850 by nee of one bottle. Warraiilttedd the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever know,. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. QUEnrc, Nov,tbtli. 1891,. Du.. L. A. Sadler & (lo.; GENTLrnIES,—Your Anti•Dantiruff should be need by all who are troubled with Dan- druff and falling of the hair. I have used it only a. few times and it has wrought a wonderful change. I also am fully conviuo. ed that Anti -Dandruff promotes growth of the hair. MIouAPL gimes IP:v, i1enchey's 'Hotel, Quebec. advice failed to procure relief and seeing base and comfort follows the use of Syrup B. P. B. advereiiled, t took two bottles of yf Vitis, as it Hots iu harmony with nature ft, and have been entirely fres from any to effectually cleanse the system when symptoms et my complaint singe, This gives vier, oenolosive proof of this 1 costive or bilious. For sale in 7.6o bottles wonderful tame v by , alt loading druggists. a'iso'e Itomedy for Catarrh, is the Best,'Easiest to Dee, and Cheapest. Sold by itrnggtate or sent by mall, FOR THE BEST VALUE 1N' to 4ik. I T. Ilazeltine, warren, Pa. -. TIE ; TO NirALTN. ORDERED CLOTHING,. , Unlocks all the clogged avenues of the Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, Dairying off gradually without 'wakening the sys- tem, all the impurities and foul humors of the secretions; at the same time Cor: resting Acidity of the Stomach, curing Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Headaches, Dizziness, Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy, Dimness .of Vision, Jaun- dice, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas,Scro- fula, Fluttering of the Heart, NNer- vousness, and General Debility all. these and many other similar Complaints yield to the happy influence of BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS Tar ,Sala by'aZ1 Daalarc. T, MILB1JRIT & CO., Pr°einietol's, Toronto. lD F MEN • Easily, Quickly, Permanently !teetered. Weakness, Ncrvouanes,, Debiiity. and all the train of evils from early errors or later excesses, the results of overwork, sielmess worry, ate. Full strength, development anct touo given to every organ and portion of the body. Simple. natural methods. Immediate improvement seen. Failure impossible. 2.000 references. • Book, explanations and proofs mailed (pealed) free, Address .. ERIE A1[L1iCAL (30., Bu A'A.I.O, N.Y. Money Saved Money Made See our stock of ne,v sod desirable BOOTS snd,SHOES, Overshoes, Rubbers, &c., For old and young, at prices which defy competitio • Great Variety, (treat Bargains, Great Opportunity. Having purchased the business lately owned by Mr D McCormick, next to the Bank of Hamilton, and added to the already large stock, I wish to inform the people of Wingham and surrounding country that I aur m a position to furnish thein with anything in the Beet and Shoe line at astonishingly low prices ORDMED WORK A SPECIALTY. HATS, —00 TO ElISTER'S CAIS, COLLARS, SHIRTS,. CUFF, Cheap for KA.S F, AT--• Wr-+BSTEEI,'S HOOSIER STEEL FRAME GRAIN DRILL Over 25,000 Foosier Drills and Seeders with our Positive Force Feed in Use in Canada. GUARANTEED THE BEST IN THE WORLD, and the only drill that can be instantly regulated run the desired depth in hard arta soft ground while moving. THE HOOSIER IS THE ONLY DRILL that sows all kinds of grain and seeds cvenly,and at depth desired hi all kinds of soil. THE HOOSIER IS ME ONLY DRILL that con menses to sow the instantthe horse moves. THE HOOSIER IS THE ONLY POSITIVE FORCE FEED, and is the only drill that deposits the grain eve just the depth you want it in hard or soft soil. REMEMBER T1115. THE HOOSIER COMBINED DRILL with cultivator teeth is the best cultivator made,and is the only im. moat made with teeth on independent draw bars that can be set for hard and soft land while the team i motion. Tux HOOSIER is lighter on the horses than any other drill inade. The points of excellence in I HOOSIER that other drills do not hate are worth more to the farmer than any drill In the world. THE COMBINED HOOSIER can be Changed from drill to seeder or seeder to drill in less time than any r made. Send for our new illustrated catalogue and testimonial sheet. Beware of purchasingchills2 infringe our patents. NOX')N BROS. MFG. CO. (LTD.), INGE/Isom', Oz The financial standing or this Company is Orst.class, they being rated at '?245,000. No combine bon JOHN CAMPBELL, Agent, WH1TECHUaOH, O' Also, dealer in all kinds of Agricultnral Implements, Organs, Sewing Machir ., all from the best makers in Canada. . toves, «4;toves, ° love FOR BILIOUSNESS, CONSTIPATION, INDIGESTION, DIZZINESS, SICK HEADACHE, AND DISEASES OF THE STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS. THEY ARE MILD,THOROUGH AND PROMPT 1N ACTION, AND FORM A VALUABLE AID. TO BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS IN THE TREATMENT AND CURE or CHRONIC AND OBSTINATE DISEASES. WINGHAM TOURING MILLS. The undersigned wish to tender their best thanks for the liberal patronage given to our firm during soveralyetwe prior to the burning et our mill by in. eendiarism. During tine past seasOO wo have re. moddelied the town mill to the latest approved soya' e. le ticmtiyaia %Vocan of nowgive better Process conodaontin ever before, We offer Prompt Disilateli, Fair RettarnS, QUALITY SECONDN;TIOiN.ONL IN'rItIs1to give complete sati