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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Bayfield Bulletin, 1965-09-02, Page 4Miss Kathleen Re id returned to Wine sor with Mr. & Mrs. G. H. Sheppard last Wednesday. Miss Reid has spent the last six weeks as guest of :Ir. & Mrs. Carl Diehl. Miss Sally Cairn cross, is with her mother Mrs. James Cairncross, at th eir cottage, after having spent the summer as a junior counselor at a Girls Camp near Midland. Mr. & Mrs. J.B. Grime, Derek, & Ba rry were overnight guests of Mrs. Gri mels parents, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Hull, last week. Neil Bellchamber accom- panied them on th eir return to Guel ph. 11111111 11111.11.111111111121 11W811111611 ..... OW1111 . The Pine Room . An-ri gues. UNE -FURNITURE `G1.455 Clary rilsittger. tot, West srgeer .er/ clerich, Ott-rani-O. frf it P4,524-7775. fif tet S S If BAYFIELD, ONTARIO, CANADA • Telephone Bayfield Drop in and see our large stock of Fall hats..We trim or make hats to compliment your costume.. Wedding Gowns a Specialty. Open Evenings THE WEST END HAT SHOP 524-9134 53 Essex Street Goderich On a Shopping Spree or Family Outing . . . Stop In KERR'S MARKET LUNCH Mrs. Arnold Cro well, Detroit, we re guests over the weekend of his brother-in-law John and Mrs. Mac Kenzie. HOTEL Featuring The Duke of Bedford Lounge —50 ROOMS PRIVATE BATHS —EXCELLENT FOOD In our DINING ROOM —PRIVATE BATHS 92 SQUARE—Dial 524-7337 GODERICH CLASSIFIED ACM Social News By Mrs. Audrey Bellchamber, Social Editor, Phone Bayfield 38 Every Saturday Night Branch 109 Con. Legion Goderich, Ont. 14 Games for $1 00 SUBSTANTIAL JACKPOT Mr. & Mrs. Rober Parker , Pam, Jackie and David of Dor- chester, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Par- ker. Mr. & Mrs. John R. Cook, Janice & Philip spent Sund- ay in Alvinston with Mr. & Mrs. G1 en Kenna & family, Ir. & Mrs. Thomas Leeson & family,& Mr. & Mrs. Allan MacDonald & family. The four laides were members of the same graduating cl ass of the London Teachers College and each year get together for a re- union. Miss Carrie Dix- on and Miss Mary Secord were the week-end guests of C anon & Mrs. F. H Paull at flCambonne House”. Mrs. J. E. Howar d and Mrs. A dam Boyd visited their sister, Mrs. H. G. E. Crosley in Moor town for a few day s last week. Canon & Mrs. F.H. Paull, are spending a few days in Toron to. PAGE FOUR-Bayfield Bulletin-Sept.2/65 WEDDING OF INTEREST HERE A AO A wedding of local interest took place August 21 when Corrie J.Brand of London, daughter of Peter Brand and the late Mrs. Brand of Bayfield R.R. 2 became the bride of Patrick D. Kehoe, son of Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Kehoe of Actinolite, Ont. (R.J. Nephew Photo Glum! Gall Aunt CANADIAN HANDICRAFTS Geodetic+ North on Mill Rd. off Hwy.. S24-1210 EMILY 235 Huron Rd — GODERICH antiques CORY — Phone 5244424 FURNITURE -- CANADIAN PINE CHINA -- GLASS Agnes Middletoe 104 TRAFALGAR ST., GODERICH 1 Block North of Gooderham Playground — Rhona 5l14-11112i Allinani0 ibottep CHINA - GUNS - PINE FURNITURE REPAIRING and REFINISHING FURNITURE 45 Waterloo St. — GODERICH — Tel: 524-1717 FOR THAT Crofhvork - Pottery Olin Brown's Bayfield Rd. Goderich SQUIRE SPECIAL Visit Homemade GIFTS - Glass GIFT - China Candies 524-7920 SCHOOL SUPPLY HEADQUARTERS Lucky Draw on Transistor Tape Every Dollar Purchase in School Entitles You to Ticket on Draw. FREE DRAW On Scheaffer's GUESS THE CARTRIDGE Win a Scooter--Portable Name or Initials Gold Stamped Zipper Binders or School Bags Visit Our New Book ANDERSON'S BOOK Recorder. -- Supplies CONTEST TV FREE on Briefcases, purchased Here. Section CENTRE Mrs. Ed. Hewitt rho together with her husband and dau ghter resided in Bayfield until re cently is a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. Mr. & Mrs. J.R.R Willock & family returned to their summer home on Bay field Terrace on Sunday. Ian Hamilton of Toronto, -As the weekend guest of Douglas =leek at his parents summer home. Mr. & Mrs. F.P.Ar kell were guest of honour at a sur- prise dinner party given by their fam ily, at the Albion oel on Saturday August 28th, their 0th wedding anni- ersary. Dinner uests were the following members f heir family; their son Ken & Mrs. Ar- 'ell, Dawson Creek .C; daughter Vera nd husband, Mr. Mrs. R. Turner, daughter Rosemarie and husband, Mr. & Mrs. D. Sager, Goderick, and thei grandchildren, Ph- ilip and Gayle Tur ner, After dinne Mr. & Mrs. Arkell cut the beautifull decorated three tiered wedding cake and their family presented Mrs. Ar kell with a cultur ed pearl necklace & a ruby ring to Mr. Arkell. Mr. Arkell's gift to his bride of 40 ye ars ago was ruby and pearl ring. A reception was late in the evening het at the home of Mr. & Mrs. D. Sager in Goderick, with the following guests Present: Mr. & Mrs.K. Arkell, Mrs J. Cluff, Mr. & Mrs. Fletcher Mc Laughlin, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Moss, Mr & Mrs. Robert Cluff Mr. & Mrs. Robert Turner, Mr. & Mrs. alliam Barber, Gayle & Philip Turner, Mr. & Mrs. G. Scotchmer, RECEPTION AT BAYFIELD el Bill Scotchmer; Mr & Mrs. Alf Scotch mer, Michael Scot chmer, Miss Sharon Barber, and Mr. & Mrs. S. Scotchmer. During the evening a presentation of an eight piece din ner service was made to Mr. & Mrs. F.P. Arkell. riammusioneozoismenailsimilicisommitemiseioneemonaill111•11111111111111111•1111111•111111111& U I 11 i I 6 i I 6 • -, 6 it 6 V 6 • 6 6 I U a U U • Dine graciously in the cool, spacious dining room. Sunday Hunt Breakfasts are a gourmet's delight; Sunday night dinners are so popular advance reservations are advisable. We do all our own baking. Make reservations now for your E.conference, business meeting or 'social gathering for a quiet weekend Fin the Autumn. i The parlor is an excellent place !for a bridge party--the small dining room readily converts into an intimate !dance floor for you and your friends. OPEN THE YEA I - ▪ Final Sunday Brunch 10.30 to 1 p.n... Dinner 5.3C-7.00 Modern Equipment-Qualified Teachers-Monthly Tuition $32 Dial 524-8521, 7284 or 6307 for an appointment 19-26-2b GODERICH BUSINESS COLLEGE 24th FALL TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 7th Practical Instruction in all Commercial Subjects SENIOR AND JUNIOR COURSES Examinations set, marked, and Diplomas issued by ,THE BUSINESS EDUCATORS' ASSOCIATION OF CANADA The Little inn Offers You R 'ROUND — CENTRAL NEAL HOURS: Lunch-12.30 to 1.30 Diener-5.30 to 7.00 a delightful holiday at moderate prices 90fl 011aCR_CLe WATCHMAKER and JEWELLER 166 The Square Goderich FINE CHINA — GIFTS REPAIRS HEATING East St. Next to Postoffice