HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-04-08, Page 6'I t "• winds, with their great evaporating; 'mother, and should they think proper tUn11111C5 power. Tilt evaporating p$wer of the FRI w ]ods is ge rel'ally ill dire et proportion to its velocity. The greater the velem,. AY. APRIL 8, 1892. ity rhe stronger its evaporating power. 'l.'hus. We Call ste the value of shelter Teem/Mel% belts. The more protection we have, A meeting of the teachers of the ill tits' way Of shelter belts, the less vtllttge and neighboring country was sweeping winces we have, and the hod ill eeeeswater paella School lately moisture is taken less rapidly from far the purpose of organizing a Local the soil, There is no doubt that as Association, .After discussing some Kon aa We get in the Northwest e• the good results likely to be derived sufficient amount of forest area to trent such an organization, tbe follow- mitigate to' some extant the force of Lig officers, were appointed: Pres,W ter Morrison ; Vice•Pree, !less Mary Sharpe ; Sec, John L Stewart ; Assist. See, :llfiiss Ida Skelton ; Tteas, J A AleDairmid ; Committee ot Manage - meat t W T Hamilton, Alex McDoii• Never at fault.—In all irritations of lald, Miss L Sharpe, Miss "Strachan the Orin, sores, ulcers, barns, and and Miss Hainbly. The Seciety'is to scrofulous enlargements of the glands, iee known as the Culross Teachers' In. Holloway's Ointment presents a; ready ttitute and the members purpose meet stud easy means of acre which never u on the last Saturday in each disappoints the most favourable ex- ,ngpectations. It manifests a peculiar anter,, when topic:: of interest to the rofession will be discussed. All eaebersare welcome and are'cordially vited to attend. the winds, we shall have a much less rapid evaporation and much more favorable condition for franc culture and agriculture operations generally. tEOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT AND PIImLSa— Monthly Prizes for Boys and Girls. power in restraining inflammation, removing stagnation, cooling the heated blood and checking all acrimon- ious or unhealthy discharges. Whilst thus acting locally, the Pills are no less remarkable for their power in im, The, "Sunlight" Soap Co., Toronto, offer the tor. proving the general condition and wing prizes every month till farther notice, to habi• t of body,which renders the cures ys and girls under 15, residing in the Province of •ntarmo, who send the greatest number of -sun- complete and permanent. Under the ht grippers : est, 910; 2nd, a'0 ; 3rd, •;.05 , 4th,. ; nthtol4th, a handsome Book; and a pretty general influence of these potent rem - Awe cture t0 those who send not Less than 12 wraplmers.dies the puny infant becomes the 'nd wrappers to "Sunlight" Soap OUBce, 43 Scott ' , Toronto, not later than 2Dth of each month, and robust child ; the pale and emaciated arittd "Competition" ; also give full name, ad- •• Wit ears' regain colour and rotundity ; and the ,ess age and number of wrappers. u matrill'be published in rho Toronto Mail on first dyspeptic eats freely without fear. turdn- in each month. P. lt. TI11111 TAI3I.+ia, toriaside with us thou sllait not say irahmsarrive. end depart suf ronou'sr ARRIVINQ Ciitiuthoe init 'na ♦ MRA\Me y 0:55 a, m ....For Termite 5 35 a, tn. 0:001 lu 2;00 p.m 2;00 p.lu FQT ToesWator 2:00 ' 10:05 p. m '� 10:00 0,—T'hotl shalt not look .cross at me, for that would incur my displeasure. 7.—Thou shalt dispense With cigars and tobacco, and shalt read the paper every morning to thy darling little wife. 8.—Thou shalt not steal a glance 'from. any woman. 0.—Thou shalt not be false to thy wife, bilk shalt confide to , her every secret, 10.—Thou shalt not covet the public house, Igor winos, nor the spirits, nor the ales, old, mild or bitter, or anyin- toxicatiug liquors contained therein. What, the Montrla Bring. In January we have the lengthenin,g- days. 111 February, the first butterfly. In March, the opening buds. In April, the.youngleaves and spring flowers. In•May, the song of birds. In June, the sweet, new -mown hay. In July, the golden grain. I n August, the ripening harvest. In September, the fruit. In October, the autumn tints. In November,tho hoar frost on trees and pure snow. In December, the last, not least,the holidays of Christmas and the bright fireside. The l�usbtlud's Commandments. Acquaintances are best formed in Cillross• prosperity ; friendship in adversity. Men do not commit new- sins; they commit the old one a thousand times. Nobility of character manifests itself at loop hole's, when it is not provided with large doors. • 6 ST H M t1 DR AFT S AS I VALENE never 8`i Ifr 6"A fel ; sead your address . and we will mail F EDf a trial bottle DR. TAFTBROS. 1 CHEER, N ,FREE Canadian De . ISO Adel de .FREE 8.—'Thou shalt not backbite thy st. W. oaoNTo, 0:ADA. There died on March 22nd, 1892, ermelia, wife of Mr Thomas Lelway, Culross. She wart a native of Can- t, born in the township of Matilda d was a daughter of Mrs Jelin '1ar- Iris. She was usirried at North illiainsburg by Rev Mr. Davidson 1$6G and came 'o Bruce county in following year, where she resided it the time of her death. She was mother of twelve children,six boys six girls, of whom five boys and ee girls survive, She was a kind affectionate mother and was high- espected •by all who knew her. Her band, who hes been absent from ie a good deal and only returned a mentees ago, will feel her loss ly. Rev Jas Malcolm, of 'Pees r, . gave a short discourse at the e itnd pronounced the benediction le grave; where a large number of le had gathered to pay a laet te of respect to the memory of the aced. Cold Weather Trials• it Sins, -This fall and winter I suf. from neuralgia in my face and bad ;eat medical advice without avail. 1 It thought of trying B. B. 13., and using one bottle have not felt any oms of neuralgia since. I regard dna fiarnily medicine. .7. T Dnosr, Seal:lip, Man. Effects o€PoTests. Ila Oraig, 'he're,iculturist to experi hl farms before Agricultural ittee.ot House of Commons ffeets of forestry on the climate entry are nearly all beneficial 3 more egad distribution of 1,- I am- the husband whore thou didst vow to love, honor and obey; for I saved thee from old maidenistn and the terror of single blessedness. 2.—Thou shalt not look upon any other :man to love and admire him; for I, thy husband am a jealous husband, who mm ill visit the sins of a wife npon her followers; therefore keep thou faithfully to thy marriage vow. husband nor speak lightly of him neither shalt thou expose his faults to thy neighbor lest he should bear of it, and punish thy perfidy by deprivation Ho is a wise man who does not 'grieve for the things which lie has ' not, but rejoices for those which he has. of sundry items eueh as bonnets, i 'Itch, Mango and Scratches of every kind, on dresses, etc. finnan or animals, cured in 30 minutes by Wool - ford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sofdby 4.—Thou shalt purchase cigars for, A. L. Hamilton. thy husband rather than ribbons for I A wise man cannot be a lazy man; thyself. . 1. he may indeed be idle, at times, but it 5.—Thou shalt not go to the opera is not through distaste of labor, but or evening parties without thy hus- !for lack of employment. band; neither shalt thott dance too fre• I - At Homo and Abroad. queetly with thy cousin or' thy bus. I Physicians, travellers, pioneers, settlers, !invalids and all classes of people of every band's friend - degree, testily to the medicinal and tonic 6.—Thou shalt not listen to flattery virtues of Burdock Blood Bitters, the nor accept gifts or txinke tft from any I most popular and effective medicine extant. Y i It cures all diseases of the stomach, liver, otllor ratan save thy husbandi 'bowels and blood. '7.—Thou shalt not rifle thy hus-1 Principles are needed for a public hand's pockets for money when lie is lifesreni'trked tine diplomat to another. asleep, neither shalt thou read the let• I -yes, was the reply, and seconds, too, ters that thou mayest find therein, for if you happen to be in France. it is his bnsineas to look after his own affiiirs and thine to let alone. You will do the greatest service to $.—'Thou shall conceal nothing from the state if you raise not the roofs of thy liusbaud, the house,but the souls of the citizens; 9. Thou shalt rooks no false repro_ for it is better that great souls should seutatior. as to the state of thy pantry, dwell in small houses, than for mean purse or wardrobe., slaves to lurk iu great houses. . •10.—Remember to rise early in the. II. Thio is one 'of the most icn- morning and be prepared with becom. points to he cousidered : fog good humor to. welcome thy buse is. the regulation of the temp band at the breakfast table. iy re,.:this !queen prevention in 11.—Look for no jewelry from thy tyre of extremes, the impossib. hnsbaud on the anniversary of thy :a sudden rise or fall in the wedding, for it is written, blessed. are a urc•--•ehanges so frequent.in they which accept nothing, for they districts -41111y be lessened. ' ! rocs! LOGS! shall not he disappointed, ain evaporation from the soil A Wife's' Commandments. Midi reduced, There' is a erence between the condition 3tirtaCe of the bare and un. soil, and the soil on the forest A forest floor serves the pure spOnlge in collecting and moisture which eomes 'f form of rain. The fine em of the trent assists in up moisture from below, Ae Nile it collects around within st centers which hold and gradually, thus t bviating nts auei summer freshets. (Written by a strong-minded Woman.) 1.-1 am thy wife ; remember, trioti shalt have no other wife hut we. 2. --Thou shalt not bring to thy house any brazen female beauty ; thou shalt lint bow to her or worship her,for I, thy wife am a jealous wife and will visit thy first transgression with a roll• ing pin, thy second with a poker and thy thy third with a divorce court. We aro prepared to pay the 01:1 HI' HEST PRICES IN CASH g for a:1 kinds of good, sound Fi,A C7 T2 'z"R CT N' •.L3' r A. C. STRATHDEE, AonNT, WiseriA14. Through tickets to all points in. America -North- West, Pacific Coast, etc., via the shortest and all popular routes. Baggage cheeked through to destination. Lowest freight fates to all points ----TIME TABLE, LIS4yN \YINQIIAtI. Ali SIVR. AT W1NQ11A14. 11 30 a. ..Toronto, Guelph, Palmerston, &c. 3131 min. 040 pan, 00 " Clinton, " 7:35 ' ,,.,.. Palmerston, MIxcd 10;35 a,m, 0:45 a.m........... London, &o 11:00 " 3.20 pan. 11:10 a.m Kincardine, 5:o „ 3:40 min 10•I0 7:55 p,111 0 yo a,nm. 11:70 " e 7,10 pan ALLAN LINE ROYAL ,MAIL STRAaI111Lre. REDUCTION IN RATES. Steamers sail regularly from PORTLAND AND HALIFAx TO LiVER- POOL via Londonderry. nnaniQ T1IV wovIes 5103108. Cabhl, b40 and upwards. Second Cabin, 525. Steerage at low rates. No cattle Carried. STATE SERVICE OF LINE. ALLAN LINE LI E. gTEAMSHIPS. NEW YORK & GLASGOW yia°Londonderry, every Fortnight. Cabin, $40 and upwards. Second Cabin, 525. Steerage at low rates. Apply to II. 3, A. ALLAN, Montreal, or HENRY DAVtS, WINGH.Alu. Scientific American Agency for, CAVEATS, TRAINS MARKS, ''; BEu1CN PATENTS 6,70,0 COPVRIOHTS, etc. For information and freo Handbook write to MUIIN ,tr CO.,5 BROAD\PAY, NM), YORK. Oldest bureauicor seeming patents in America. I. \ vr+• patent taken out by us is brought before . thy public by a notieo given free of charge in the 53'rvivatifig Antevi an 7.:„.„ .`Irrn1ntinr of any scientific paper in the work!, .'i,lcnrlidlYP Illustrated. No intelligent :mai should bo without it. Weekly, $3.00 a \mar: •-:$1.31)•-:$1.31) el months. Address M 'NN &'CO., },- u1lrterull$, 501 J3roadway. NeW Yank. TRADE SALE ! To General .l'Ierchants and Boot and Shoe Stores. In connection with my Leather Business I keep a full stock of SHOE DRESSING, Hathaway, Whitmorv-s, Wont, French 'Dressing, Eclipse, Bixby's, Perfect Kid, etc, in 10, 15 .and 25c sizes, by the gross or dozen. Jacquot's French Blacking and Gray's climax watet•proof. �rAC S' in Leather, Horsehide. English Kip, Porpoise, &c. Cotton and Rifle. in all lengths. Button fasteners and setts, cork soles, &e. SHOE LEATHER, Simon Alnia, bal and ill and Mezzonia Rip and Caif ; alsosole.native kip and upper. Spanish and slaughter ' HARNESS LEATHER, Best brands on hand in oak and hemlock. Special stock for traces in oak. Patronage solicited. Pricesguaranteed. A postai card will secure quotations ora call from my travel- ler. W. J. CHAPMAN,. Tanner and Leather Merchant, W INO RAtr. SAW LOGS 8.—Thou shalt be home every night 1 done cheaper than ever and satisfae.. by tofu o'clock. • tion guaranteed. 4. --Remember thy wife and dress her prolperly; six dresses at least shall Call and go't prices, portant point which has She possess, and should the fashion -' 'e. McLean & Son.. 1►"?jlI kinds of Lumber, Shingles, Litters, o.,kept c7nstantly on hand. delivered at our Mill. ALSO FOR Basswood .Heading Bolts, • by the cord, CUSTOM SAWING 4.4 f+liaiently emphasized' inl:Icbat.ge she must be the first to adopt with forest influence is the' it, of the strong force of the, 5.Thou shalt honor my father and lengths to cut, In m Ci rn 0 JOSEPH COWAN, (lit itxi OTU Xirv. 001311T. Co. R3unoff, AECTON',E1',R, I$SU' R dP littAititta,GB LIOEIXSES Cosinrtseto:P,ni TY It 0. ,7„ Est. Wxossztia, Orr. • -IS PUBLISHED - EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, --AT AIIki-- TIMES OFFIOE, JOSEPHiNE STREET W NGallAAl, ONTAItIO. Sallsoriptto 1prico,$l,poryear',inativetice • ADVERTISING RATES: Space 1 1 yr. 1 Oma 1 B rho 1 n10. Ono GQIUUUr ,500 QQ 1335 00 k20 00 :0 00 half ,+ 05 00 20 00 12 00 5 00 ' Quarter " 20 00 12 00 .7 00 4 00 One tn_oit_ __ 5 40 5 00 2 00 1 00 ' Legal and other casual advertisement8, Sc. per line for first insertion, and Se. per lino tor mil subsequent Insertion. Lees' notices 10e. per lino for first Insertion, and 5o. per line ter each eubsequont 'mortice. No local notice will bo charged less than 250, Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed Situations, xc and Business Chances 'Wanted, notoewtng 13 lines nonpareil, 31 per month Houses and Farms for Sale, not exceeding 8 linos, e1 for first month, 50e. por subsequent month These terms will by striotly adhered to • Special rates for longer advertisements, or fee longer periods. Advertisements without specific directions, will he ,inserted till forbid and charged accordingly, Trate. sitory advertisements must be paid in advance Changes for contract advertisements must be in the office by Wednesday noon, in, orderte appeal that week R. ELLIOTT PROPRIRTOR AND', ML1S1I8R DR. AIACDONALD, JOSEPHINE STREET, WINenAn, • • ONTARIO 'C7CT B, TOWLER. 51,A.C.SI., Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario Coroner for County of Huron - Office Upstairs, next to Dir Morton's office, Wing - ham, Ont. Orme horns. -D to 12 a. m„ 1 to O p. m., or at Residence, Diagonal Street. DIt. J. A. MELDRTIAI, Honor Graduate of Toronto University, and Stlember of the Collego of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Office and Residence -Corner of Centro and Patrick streets, formerly occupied by Dr. Bethune. WisonAmt • -• , OST R. VANSTONE. BARRISTERI, SOLICITOR, Etc.. Etc Private r nd Company funds to loan at lowest rates Interest. No commission charged. 31ortgages, town and farm property bouelit and sold. OFFICE -Beaver Block WINanA1,1,0 r .7. A. 3IORT.ON BARRISTER &c., Wingham - Ontario iV EYER & DICKINSON, ' H. W. C. METER Q. C. 1 E. L. DICKINSON. B. A. BARRISTERS AND SOLICITOUS, Eto., Etc., So linitors for Bank of Hamilton, Commissioners for taking- affidavits for Manitoba. Farm, Town and Village property bought and sold. Money (private funds) loaned oil :mortgage security at 57 per cent. Money invested for private persons, upon the best mortgage securities without any expense to the lender. Lands for sale in Manitoba and the North. wrest. ' Oflico-Kent's Block, ly Ingham. DENTISTRY. --J. S. JEROME,'Wlxonen, 1J-- re manufacturing Celluloid Plates, Vulcanite plates of the bestmaterial as cheap as they can be got in the Dominion. All work warranted.. Painless extraction of teeth by the use of Electrie- ity or Vegetable Vapor. TARR Ngorics.-I will extract teeth for 25 cents each.. • OFFICE : In the Beaver Block, opposite the Brunswick house. Wm. E. Macdonald, L. D. S., DENTIST. OFFICE, - MASON'S BLOCK Opposite the Queen's Iiotol, wingham. Will visit Gorrie 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month. JOHN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT ' W1$OIIAft, ONTAntn DEANS,.J,t., Winou ill, LICENSED AUCTIONEER 10R THE COuaTY OF HURON. Sales attended in any part of the Co, Charges Moderate. JOHN CUR' RIX', WTNaxu s, ().;T., LTCIn4S3D AUOTTONnica Pelt IIIc: COTJNTT Or TrU110N, All orders left at the TINES oifice promptly attend. ted to. Terms reasonable. JAMES HEN1DE1RSON, LttESt i A0C2texitsn FOR CouNTiz8 FItltON Awn Bevel All sales atten,ted to promptly and on the Shortotc Notice. Charges Dtodernte and Satisfaction Guaranteed. All nec0tsary arrangements con be inade at the Toms' office • . WINOIIAAI • 024 BOLTON & tIAWI(TNS P. L. & D. t 1 Senvi.rose ANT) own, bemoans LISTOWEL A33 1YtNGrlAlrf. Ali orders left at the office of the Timis will to. CeiVe prompt attention T;t PATERSON, BAILIFF OR Merrill DlVt8toN COiy*t, beteg. es'IUAt. *UA411 11015 8311(, WINOITAM 0.. • THE MTS WATSON, TNSThTJCTION given on Pia110, Organ an4'V'iolln. Also in Harr ser. Rcwidenee on corner rm Josephine and T'a11I'L3k omit 'W Ingham. f i A