HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Bayfield Bulletin, 1965-09-23, Page 6By George Sixta Louisa St. Closed Mondays and Wednesdays P.O. Box 94 Bayfield Phone 96 k 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Imported Christmas Cards--Eskimo Crafts G lass-A nfiques-- Buchan's "Thistle" Stoneware from Portobello Your Headquarters for Fine Gifts Open Daily Until Sept. 30th HIDDEN LANE NEXT TO POST OFFICE GRAND BEND ++++++,-+++++++++++++++++++++++++-+ HAND CRAFTED JEWELLERY Beautiful sterling in exotic wood - brooches and pendants by M. Kortt. Lovely enamel on copper in brooches and pendants by Mrs. M. Kortt. From $3.75 to $7.50 By the same artists--wood sculpture, hand carved candles make most unusual and desirable gifts. Shown in Western Ontario only at: The Country Cupboard K.444":":"••• %40,4". ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••++++++++++++++ rain struck the village Wednesday evening, causing inor damage in the area. A tree was uprooted in front of Fred Ar- ken's. Sportsmen: Don't kill game illegally by starting a forest fire. WEEK-END SHOWS ONLY FRIDAY and SATURDAY September 24-25 — DOUBLE FEATURE — "THE PATSY" JERRY LEWIS KEENAN WYNN Color "ENSIGN PULVER" ROBERT WALKER BURL IVES Color Cartoon ONE-STOP SERVICE WESTLAKE'S GARAGE JACK MERNER, Proprietor Ifigintrey Y1 BAYFIELD 504 2 SERENDIPITY antiquez Bayfield Fall Fair September 28 and 29 PARADE starts at 1.00 o'clock, led by Bannockburn Pipe Band. GENERAL AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITS 4-H SHOW Albion Amusements will have 3 rides on the grounds.Local lunch booths on grounds. Junior Fair Tug of War In Pony Competitions ARENA WILL BE OPEN TUESDAY EVENING Share the Wealth Bingo Wed Night at 9. BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN LIMITED CLINTON - ONTARIO NOTE: Box office opens at 7:30 p.m. First Show at 8 p.m. . . For . . BUILDING SUPPLIES and HARDWARE Of All Kinds . . . It's BAYFIELD HARDWARE and LUMBER BAYFIELD Phone 3-R-3 LEASING CAN BE MORE ECONOMICAL THAN BORROWING THE MONEY FROM A BANK, CREDIT UNION, ETC., TO BUY THE EQUIPMENT For more details about Leasing or Dairy Credit, write or phone CHARLES R. HARRIS HURON COUNTY AGENT ALLIED FARM SERVICES PHONE BAYFIELD 95 I BUSHY by ART ELLIOTT You tai Send Your /Co's To ,i'ehoo/ Neat and Clean frely Ray. IF YOU LET US DO YOUR LAUNDRY It's so Smart and Economical BLUEWATER CLEANERS GODERICI4 BAYFIELD FURNITURE REFINISHING ART ELLIOTT PROPRIETOR • CUSTOM REFINISHING • INSURED STORAGE • SELECTED ANTIQUES FOR SALE LOUISA ST. - PHONE 96 BAYFIELD. ONT. PAGE 6-Bayfield Bulletin-Sept.23/65 Your agent may have been born too soon to get much joy out of the Pen- sion Plan, but he's glad to have beer on the spot in the days of a genuine gold rush in the early 30s in the Little Long Lac and Jellicoe area. In the midst of a worldwide depre- ssion jobs were rare, and even when found, were short.In the space of a few weeks,your operative got a tra- ining in versatility, if you could call it that. In Timmins, meals & lodgings were earned by selling tin house numbers to residents. About one home in three seemed to be sup- ported on the proceeds of the sale of quarts of,beer from a tub under the kitchen sink. A job with pick and shovel on gold claims lasted four days and then was called off. A job guarding mine supplies with a rifle(loaded) lasted a week. The job was flown, piece-by-piece, into some bush camp. On a Shopping Spree or Family Outing . . . Stop In KERR'S MARKET LUNCH Architects Continued from Page One. more want to go down there now then we have room for." Deputy Reeve Robert Squire, Goderich, asked if it would be feasible to have a full base- ment in the new part. "The first floor of our new part," Mr. Johnston explained, "is on the same level as our ground floor now, so any base- ment in the new part would be practically all below ground level." He added that he thought sufficient help would be obtainable for the addition. "A great many Huronview employees have been given sal- ary increases, as a result of changes in the Minimum Wage Act. Some increases are retro- active to January, others on the anniversary date of employ- ment, and further increases will be forthcoming," Reeve Thomp- son said, "as further changes in the Act become effective in December." Mrs. Dunn Hostess To Willing Workers Of United Church The Willing Wor- kers of St. Andre- ws United Church met on Wednesday evening September ltth at the home of Mrs. Bert Dunn. The meeting open ed with the Will- ing Workers Prayer led by president, Mrs. Ruth Makins. Mrs. Don Campbell read a short medi tation on "Taking time to be grate- ful" - ending with the thought, God has two dwellings -one in Heaven - one in a meek and thnkful heart. The minutes were read by Mrs. J. Linsday in the absence of secretary Mrs. P. Renner. The roll call showed only seven present & two guestp. After disscuss- ion the unit de- cided to cater to the Bayfield Fair Board again on September 26. After the meet- ing closed with benediction, a delicious lunch was served by hos tess Eilleen Dunn assisted by Mrs. G. Stirling & Mrs J. Lindsay. Around the VILLAGE The Village of Bayfield will soon sign a joint agre- ement rith Stanley and Goderich Twos. regarding payment for six tele phone lines to local volunteer firemen so that one of them may be reach- ed in the event of an emergency in the country or vii lage. Cost will be about $40 per mon- th including in- stallation of the equipment. A heavy thunder- storm with much