HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Bayfield Bulletin, 1965-09-23, Page 4M=MEN111111111 1 WATCHMAKER and JEWELLER 166 The Square Goderich FINE CHINA — GIFTS REPAIRS FRANCES HYLAND as Doll Tearsheet in scene from "Fal- staff"—Photo by Peter Smith. PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE NOMINATING CONVENTION For Federal Constituency of Huron County Tuesday, Sept. 28, 1965 CHSS Auditorium, Clinton Guest Speaker: MICHAEL STARR Former Minister of Labour in Federal House JOHN DURNIN, MRS. F. G. THOMPSON, President. Secretary. gnansinnamaisio1 Ismemmaisiso011IammallE11111111111111M11111111111111111111111111111111111101111111* U a U U U U U U a a The Little Inn Offers You U a delightful holiday at moderate prices U -0- • Dine graciously in the cool, spacious dining room. Sunday Hunt Breakfasts are a gourmet's delight; Sunday night dinners are so popular advance reservations are advisable. We do all our own baking. Make reservations now for your conference, business meeting or social gathering for a quiet weekend in the Autumn. The parlor is an excellent place for a bridge party--the small dining room readily converts into an intimate dance floor for you and your friends. NEAL HOURS: Lonch-12.30 to 1.30 Diaixer-5.30 t• 7.00 Sunday Dinners 1-1.30 _1.m. and 5.30 to 7.00 (Trittle c:ibut C"*. BAYFIELD, ONTARIO, CANADA Telephone Bayfield U I I p p I I I S U a a U • U U U a U a U U U U U a U U a U a V S I Movies, she says, are a dir- ector's medium. It is his feel- ings, his ideas that appear on the screen ; the actor is really only a 'tool' and there to do exactly as the director orders. An actor is lucky if he can find a director who can utilize to the best advantage, his star's ability. Basically, though, the actor is the 'puppet' and the director is pulling the strings! Because of this, she thinks'that the theatre is the best place for an actor to display his talent and she spends most of her time there. She has made a number of short films for the National Film Board in Canada, and one full- length movie, "The Dryland- ers", the story of pioneering days in Western Canada. It was very successful out West and en- joyed comparatively good rat- ings here in the East. 11444-G-0 Eery Saturday Night Branch 109 Con. Legion Goderich, Ont. 14 Games for $1.00 SUBSTANTIAL JACKPOT aiggED Reaiey tovezti Central Huron Secondary School Auditorium CLINTON HON. LARRY PENNEL Solicitor General in the Pearson Government will address the meeting HURON LIBERAL ASSOCIATION WM. ELSTON EARL CAMPBELL HAROLD SHORE President Treasurer Secretary 16-23b THE COUNTRY CUPBOARD A rece ption was held lat er, at the home of his mater— nal gran dparents, Mr. & Mr S. H. F. Baker. The top layer of his par— eats wed ding cake served a s his chri— stening cake. Telling children that medi- cine is candy may persuade them to take pills without fuss- ing but they might take a dan- gerous overdose later in the be- lief that it will not harm them. The National Safety League of Canada recommends some oth- er, safer means of persuasion. The tractor is involved in most fatal farm accidents, ac- cording to the National Safety League of Canada. Operators of this versatile farm machine must know and use safe-operat- ing procedures. Should you use plastic howls to mix egg recipes? Never! According to home economists at Macdonald Institute, Guelph, plastic absorbs oil from eggs and reduces their foatning pow- er. Top Canadian Actress in New Role Bellchamber, Social Editor, Phone hayfield 38 She was a little wisp of a girl, dressed in red stretch slims with a bulky red woollen sweat- at tumbling almost to her Many Guests knees. She looked almost like By Mrs. Audrey Miss Elizabeth McDermid of Strat— ford was the guest of Mr. & Mrs. G.N. Rivers fro- several days last week. Mrs. B. Pike, Mn & Mrs. Fred Reavle of Strathroy, seen Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. G. N. Rivers. Mr. & Mrs. Flet— cher McLaughlin, Toronto, & Mr. & Mrs. Paul Moss, Loh don, were guests af Mrs. J. Cluff for the weekend. Mrs. G. Hopson & Mrs. F. Mote spent last Wednesday in London. EMILY CORY antiquess 236 Huron Rd — GODERICH — Pitons 124-1424 EVELYN HARDY HANDICRAFT HANDWOVEN PLACE MATS AND GIFTS A SPECIALTY GODERICH R. R. 5 - PHONE 524-9893 ONE CONCESSION EAST AND SOUTH OF CARLOW • HOME BAKING • HOMEMADE PRESERVES • HOMEMADE JAMS JELLIES. PICKLES • GOU RMET FOODS • UNUSUAL GIFTS ART ELLIOTT LOUISA ST. - PHONE 96 PROPRIETOR BAYFIELD, ONT. FEDERAL RIDING OF HURON LIBERAL Nominating Convention to select a Candidate to contest the riding in the forthcoming Federal Election Thursday, Sept. 13, at 8:30 p.m. a teenager, certainly not like a Entertained Here woman who would later admit that she would get nowhere in Mr. & Mrs. K. Hollywood, because she is 'too Ferguson were hos— old'. Her short hair, a COM - t S on Sunday to Mr Ebination of golden blonde and Ruby Molitor, Cred pl atinum, was helter-skelter, iton, Mr. & Mrs. A Icooking as though she had been aught in a sudden wind storm. G. Molitor, Cathy • She had just come o ff stage at Jane & Patty, Stra the Stratford Shakespearean throy, Miss D.M. Festival. Her red wig that she Raytond, Toronto, wears as Doll Tearsheet in Mr. & Mrs. J. W. "Falstaff", had just walked out Rayman, Doree & the door in the hands of the Billy, Birmingham, wardrobe mistress, and she was av;L ric, taos 'T,Tosze,r Mich., Mr. & Mrs. makeugp, K. R. Ferguson, 'put my teeth back in". My David, Carolyn, interview, which later seemed Judy & John, Londonmore like a visit with Frances Mrs. Hilda Kleshen Hyland, had begun. Miss Hyland has long been London and Mr. & considered one of Canada's Mrs. P. Martens, finest actresses. is a London. play seen on television or in the theatre, that she had not Weekend guests had some connection with, at of Mr. & MTS. K. one time or another. She has Ferguson were, MisE been playing three roles at Stratford this year; in addition to Doll, she plays Caesar's wife Calpurnia, in "Julius Caesar", and Varya in "The Cherry Orchard". All three roles are different, the stoic Russia of the early 1900s show- ing through in her Varya role, with the aristocratic Calpurnia being a distinct contrast to the tart Tearsheet. Her favorite is Doll, not only because she en- joys it, as is evident in her frollicking scenes with Tony Van Bridge, but also because she is raising eyebrows of peo- ple who have never before imagined her in a role like this. After playing ladies for so long, she is obviously find- ing it a real blast being a wench for three performances weekly! This year's three roles at Stratford bring the total of Stratford roles to fifteen. She made her debut in 1954 with two roles, played two the fol- lowing year, two in 1957, one in '58, and in '59. She then took a five years' absence to return last year to play three roles. Her favorites, she said after some thought, are Ophel- ia, King Lear's eldest daughter names and the first =eat Z141:itstnyirgr'rfl=r1r; ono to be born in plays in the theatre, though Canada. His ta— they are not as challenging and ther & forebears therefore, not as satisfying as were born in Den— the elasies. In fact, all of the God—parents were his grandmother, Mrs. H. F. Baker, Bayfield, and gra nd father, C. A. Klaudi, St. Marys. She likes doing television drama but does riot feel at home in TV classics, referring to Shakespeare, Ibsen, or a pro- duction of "The Duchess of Malfi" in which she starred a few years ago. A great deal of time, preferably three hours or more, is required for a play like this, she claims, and when it is rushed through in a 90- minute or even two-hour pro- duction, there are too many in- terruptions in the ori g inal work. She much prefers modern tele- vision drama, with plays writ- ten especially for that medium, and a small company of fellow actors in close contact with the camera. PAGE 4—Bayfield Bulletin—Sept.23/65 Social News Mr. & Mrs. R. Cluff, London were at their cottage for the weekend. Irvine Pease, & his mother, Mrs. Pease, London, were at their village home for the week— end. Mr. & Mrs. R.J. Herold, London spe— nt serveral days at their cottage last week. Mr. & Mrs. Wm. He Ines, & their four daughters were gu— sts of the lays sister & family, 4r. & Mrs. Bert ckert last Sunday. FOR THAT SPECIAL GIFT Visit SQUIRE GIFTS Crattwork - Pottery - Glass - China Olin Brown's Homemade Candies Bayfield Rd. Goderich 524-7920 Beth Henshaw, Lon— don, Mr. & Mrs. D. E. Ferguson, Dirk, Debbie & Paul of Strathroy, Mr. Fer gusonts Uncle, Mr. Robert Ferguson, London, has spent the past ten days with them. Baptism Held At Trinity Church Rev. E.J.B. Har— rison officiated at The Trinty Ang lican Church on Sunday Sept. 19th at the baptism of the son of Mr. & Mrs. C.A. Klaudi of Woodstock. The baby named Christian Albert, is the sixth of his line to bear these christian Stratford cast who by now are very much at home in Shakes- peare, are finding Chekhov's 'Cherry Orchard' a bit strenuou s, and though they kid around backstage on every other eve- ning, times before 'Orchard' performances are tense and quiet. THREE DIFFERENT ROLES NO PROBLEM Miss Hyland is an avid fol- lower of the Method form of acting -- where every effort is made by the actor to 'find him- self' in any variety of roles. Al- though she is playing three dif- ferent roles this summer, she has no problems making the transformation. On 'Falstaff e enings she enters the dressing- room, sits at her dressing-table, starts dabbing bright pink make- up on her freckled face, and slowly, in a matter of minutes, Hyland becomes Tearsheet, and is until the moment the grease- paint is removed.