HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Bayfield Bulletin, 1965-09-23, Page 3Bayfield Bulletin-Sept.23/65-PAGE 3 Your Headquarters For Paint, Wallpaper and Drapes D. A. KAY and SON Store Open Friday Evenings 33 Huron St. — CLINTON — 482-9542 THE COUNTRY CUPBOARD ART ELLIOTT PROPRIETOR • HOME BAKING • HOMEMADE PRESERVES • HOMEMADE JAMS JELLIES. PICKLES • GOURMET FOODS • UNUSUAL GIFTS LOUISA ST. - PHONE 96 BAYFIELD. ONT. Mr. & Mrs. Peter Ikt urray, Toronto, spent the weekend at their cottage. Mr. & Gregory London, weekend cottage. L Send us the names of your isitors. Mrs. Hugh & family, spent the at their Sky Harbor Ak Services — Goderich Chartered and Sightseeing Flights — Student Training SKY HARBOR — HIGHWAY 21 — PHONE 524-7385 Complete Motor Rewinding and Repair Service CLINTON DIAL 482-7702 GODERICH Specializing In Electric Heating PHONE 524-7851 • W. MacDONAU) ELECTRIC Co.• ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Social News By Mrs. Audrey Attention Mothers Attention Mothers If you are a mo- ther of a Guide or a Brownie in the village of Bayfield there will be a sp- ecial meeting in the Town Hall, Mon day, Sept. 27-at 8.00 p.m. concern- ing the future of Guiding for this term. Any other persons interested in the movement are most welcome to at tend. Mrs. F. Weston secretary to Ladies Auxiliary for Guid- es & Brownies. Miss Rhea Kruke, ii.ho owns and opera- tes 11 The Village luild”, during the ',Season", has re- turned to her home in Dearborn, Mich. Miss Kathyrn Spa rks returned to As- bury College in Wil more, Kentucky on Tuesday to resume her studies. S/M Percy Renner held the first meet ing of the 1965-66 Scouting year on Tuesday Sept. 14 wi th nine boys in at tendance. Mr. & Mrs. J. B. Higgins have ret- urned from a motor ing trip, during which they visited Port Dover & Hamil- ton where they were the overnight guest s of Mr. & Mrs.Wal- ter Mills, & also spent sometime in Brantford visiting old friends. In Sud bury they stayed overnight with cou sins of Mr. Higgin s - later going on to Manitoulin Isl- and as far as South Baymouth, spending the night at Huron i odge. The following day ar. & Mrs. Higgins took the ferry to Tobermory and ret- urned home on Wed- aesday. Mr. & Mrs. Ar- mand Manners, Mr. & Mrs. David Mann- ers and Deborah, were at the fPnily cottage over the past weekend. Mr. & Mrs. Jack Pearson & Douglas, London, spent the weekend at their cottage. Mr. Pear- son, a keen angler was rewarded on Sunday with a 23,, Pike caught while fishing in the Bay filed river. Mr. Fred Fraser returned home on Tuesday from West minster Hospital, London, where he had been a patient, Miss Della Lou Ferguson left on We for Millar Memorial Bible Institute, Pembrun, Sask. Mrs. Wm. F. Bu- chan, Dunnville,is the guest of her niece, Mrs. Diehl and Carl E. Diehl, from Monday to Fri- day. Mrs. Leon Duggan Stratford accomp- anied by Mrs. A. Gingras, spent Sat urday at her lake- shore cottage. Miss Dorothy H- art, London, spent the weekend at her cottage. Rev. A.G. Pease & Mrs. Pease & the- ir four sons spent Friday & Saturday in the village. ThE Rev. Pease offici- at4d at the Porter Wright wedding on Saturday in St.And- rews United Church. Dennis Logan & Nigel Bellchamber who attended U.W.O. London, last year have been joined by Jim Robinson, chile George Lindsay is attending the Univ- ersity of Waterloo. Mr. & Mrs. T.O. Logan, London spen the weekend at the- ircottage on Howar• Street. Mr. & Mrs. James Irwin, Kitchener, were in the village this weekend. Mrs. George Hop= spent Saturday & Sunday in Burling- ton. On Sunday she attended a family dinner held in hon- our of her sister, Mrs. Pearl Sharpe, who was celebrating her 81st birthday. Mr. & Mrs. R. E. Ashton, of London, were at their cot- tage this weekend. Mr. & Mrs. E.J. Reid, who have bee in Detroit for the past two weeks re- turned to the vill- age on Monday, ac- companied by Mr. & I I rs. L. B. Smith, ho had been their uests. Mr. & Mrs. Har- old Kilty, 'sling ton called on Mrs. Carl E. Diehl one day last week. Mr. & Mrs. Char- les Scotchmer, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Scotchmer, and Les Elliott, left for Malton on Saturday where they joined a party of Lions Club members on a charted flight to Europe. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Anderson & family of Science Hill, spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. & Mrs. Ed. Sturge- on. Mr. & Mrs. G. Whelan of London spent the week-end with Mr. & Mrs. J. O. Hughes. Bel!chamber, Social Editor, Phone Bayfield 38 The Canada Pension Plan and its benefits P- Here is what the Canada Pension Plan will do for people like Huguette Samson, a 22-year-old married woman who earns $56.50 a week. FINK Plumbing • Heating Ltd Electrical Service ED FINK BILL FINK HensalI 94 Clinton 442.71152 LODGE AMBULANCE SERVICE Goditrich 524-7345 Oxygen, First Aid Equloment PATTERSON'S USED FURNITURE 97 St. Patrick St. — Goderich — Dial 524-7616 • Huguette and her husband, who is earning $4200 a year, hope that Htiguetfe will work for a few years before family needs require herottention full time. Assuming that Huguette does just this, her contributions to the Plan will benefit her in several ways. For example, if she works only for another five years, at age 65 he will receive a small retirement pension of $8.38 a month in addition to her $75 a month Old Age Security. Through her husband's contributions to the Plan, should he die when they have three CP.55c young children, Huguette would _receive a widow's pension of $57.81 a month plus $25 a month for each child—a total of $132.81 a month. She would also receive a lump sum payment of $500. At age 65, based upon both her own and her husband's contributions she would receive a pension of $57.53 a month plus $75 a month Old Age Security— a total of $132.53. If she decided to supplement her income at any time by returning to work, she could still receive the widow's and orphan's benefits, could substantially increase her retirement pension, and could also ensure her entitlement to a disability pension if she became disabled. All benefits under the Plan will maintain their value. The actual benefits payable will probably be higher than those given here since benefits will be adjusted to meet changes in living costs and in wage levels before they are paid and changes in living costs after they become payable. What will the Plan cost you? If you are employed and, like Huguette, have earnings of $2,938 spread evenly over the year, you will pay at the rate of 810 a week. Your employer will pay the same amount. This advertisement is one of a series which relates some of the important benefits of the Canada Pension Plan to individual circumstances. ssued by authority of the Minister of National Health and Welfare, Canada, The Honourable Judy LaMarsh.