HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Bayfield Bulletin, 1965-09-23, Page 2PAGE 2--Bayfield Bulletin-Sept.23/65 GRAF HARRIS FINA'-SERVICE TUNE-UPS AND GENERAL REPAIRS GOODYEAR AND FIRESTONE TIRES FINA BATTERIES & ACCESSORIES GOD,ERICH, ONT BAYFIELD ROAD, HWY. 21 PHONE 524-8411 We Specialize In Famous CHINESE FOODS And TAKE-OUT Orders ESQUIRE CAFE The Square 524-9941 GODERICH EDWAILT u —FURNACE OIL —STOVE OIL —FARM GASOLINE —DIESEL Fast Delivery Dependable Service Phowe 524-8384 EDWARD FUELS 202 Aeglesee, &mastic, G. B. CLANCY, O.D. — OPTOMETRIST — For Appointment Phone S24-751 GODERICH Alexander and Chapman GENERAL INSURANCE REAL ESTATE Property Manageemnt Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Building Goderich Dial 524-9662 • P.O. Box 94 SW* Boyfield, Ontario igagfirlb We are enclosing $4.00 for One Year ($5.00 to U.S.A.) $2.00 for Six Months - - ($2.50 to U.S.A.) $1.00 for Three Months - ($1.25 to U.S.A.) NAME STREET CITY et TOWN PROVINCE or STATE . (Pesos* Include Postai Zone if any) School Continued from Page One verbal proposals as presented by Mr. Burrows. This meeting in- cluded representatives from the West Stanley SOS Committee, the Bayfield Village Council and parents and ratepayers from former School Sections 3, 4 and 9 and the Village of Bayfield. The signers of this letter feel that they are expressing ac- curately the opinions and feel- ings of the parents and ratepay- ers whom we represent when we ask that the tentative proposals made at the Board meeting last Tuesday evening by Inspector Burrows should be reconsidered. It is not overstating the situation to say that the 14 ratepayers from West Stanley and Bayfield came away from the Board meeting on Tuesday very angry and with a feeling that they were being badly let down or "seen off' . Our meeting on Thursday evening has confirm- ed this and there has been time in the intervening two days to discuss the matter fairly widely in the Township and the Village. To put it frankly, Sir, we are authorized to say that our Vil- lage and the majority of the ratepayers of the Western part of Stanley Township will not will- ingly accept what has been pro- posed. We wish to emphasize cer- tain facts again so that you may appreciate why our community feels so strongly: (a) The elections for the School Board of the Stanley Township Area last December appeared to us to be so contriv- ed as to ensure a majority of the Board from the less populous Eastern half of the Township. (b) Inspector J. G. Burrows took the initiative by suggesting that the school problems facing the Tuckersmith and Stanley Township School Areas could be resolved by the erection of a County School Area. He said that this would provide the pos- sibility of a four-room school in Bayfield, "not graded, but ac- ceptable'', to quote his words. Believing Inspector Burrows to be a man of his word and a res- ponsible representative of your Department the Bayfield Vil- lage Council agreed to enter the new County Area. It is pertin- ent to ask why such a suggestion was made, or were we being led deliberately "down the gar- den path?" (c) The suggestion that a two-room school only should be retained in Bayfield is suspect Please Turn to Page Five Mother: "Where is the loaf of bread I sent you to get for me?" Johnny: "No, mother, the store was closed." Mother: "Store closed? It couldn't be this time of the day. Did you try the door?" Johnny: "No, I didn't try the door 'cause I saw a sign on the window that said, 'Home cooking'." JOHN A. CARDNO Insurance Agent PHONE 527-0490 - SEAFORTH INSURING BAYFIELD RESIDENTS FOR OVER 50 YEARS EU4 WIN lam 110111 Entertainment Nightly 10 The 11MBERLANE ROOM Dining Room and Banquet Facilities Open to / a.m. Monday Oro Friday-11.30 pin. Bat. MODERN MOTEL UNITS Pally Air4esilltiened Prop., Bill & Doug Fleischauer—Phone 482-3489 CATERING FOR EVERY OCCASION When you begin to plan your wedding . . . come in and see us about a beautifully catered reception. We The little nn BAYFIELD, ONT. J. E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST Mondays and Wednesdays 20 Isaac Street 482-7010 Seaforth Office 527-1240 Income Tax Specialists C. E. M. M. CONSULTANTS Box 64 — Ilderton, Ont. Phone 666-1844 AMBULANCE STILES FUNERAL HOME Goderich 524-8142 524-8504 R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST Goderich The Square 524-7661 BLITZ BROTHERS By SAKREN Volunteers Needed Brig. G.L.M. Smith, chairman oE Bayfield's Cen- tennial Committee, sat in with members of the vill- age council at the regular meeting Monday evening and reported that a good number of ideas have been brought up for Centennial year. A number of these will call for some planning and work well in advan- ce and some will require financial assistance.He thought the central committee might be given a gra- nt and pass it on to groups or organizations coming up with worthwhile projects. Brig. Smith had praise for the local branch of the Huron Historical Society for its plan to have an an- tique show, in which historical items from Bayfield would be on display. Dealers would also be invited to display historic items. This would probably be self-sustaining, as admission will probably be set. Pioneer Park Association has some plans for its property at the lakefront, while the Cemetery Ass- ociation is at work on a chapel; the Lions have a major project in their addition to the community arena. The chairman also mentioned tentative plans for a regatta, street dance and fireworks, which he thogght should be supervised by the local firemen. The possibility of staging an „Old Boys' Reunion', in '67 was also mooted. Reeve Fred Clift was strong in his praise of the work undertaken by the committe, and it was resolved that the co-operation of all groups in the village should be forthcoming, and representatives should be named to the committee from all willing to help. A letter will be addressed by council to all local groups, urging that at least one representative frm each be named to the committee. Meanwhile,Councillor Joe Allaire spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Toronto at meetings set up for re- presentatives of the Ontario Centennial organizat- ion of which he is a regional field man. He said at council meeting he could report excellent progress in Bayfield area, and hoped to return with addit- ional good ideas from other centres. Looks like a couple of busy years ahead I An Excellent Project The first in a series of booklets entitled ',EARLY HURON HOUSES" by W.E. Elliott of Goderich has come to hand. Mr. Elliott, whose historical articles appear frequently in The London Free Press, has sub- titled the first book "Three on the Huron Road!' and has dealt with the Laithwaite House, the Rundle Hou- se and the Curzon House in a fascinating way which has brought their erstwhile builders and inhabitants back to the public ken. -4- As His Honor Magistrate Glenn Hays remarks in a foreword to the book:...flThe presence in our midst of many well preserved homes built from the early 1830's to the Confederation era by such men provi- des an attractive field for literary endeavor...In each booklet of the series planned by Mr. Elliott the conception is to present the homes, not so much for their architectural quality or impressiveness, but for the eloquent record they furnish of the work aspirations and every day life of their builders and other occupants in the early years of this century. In this way the history of each past decade is fai- thfully portrayed, a need met and the purposes of our Historical Society furthered." Long may the series continue. TO /Ea Bulletin Published Every Thermley at Bayfield, Otetorio by ART ELLIOTT PUBLISHING LTD. Authorised by the Post Office Department as Second Clams Mail and for payment of postage in mob Subscription Rate: One Year, $41.00; Six Months, P.25. 1. advance U.S.A.. &SAO per year; Foreign rata, WO per year Advertising Rates en entleatilon Art Elliott Audrey Bellchamber Editor & Publisher Socoil Editor Louisa St. P.O. Box 94 Bayfield Phan* 96