Wingham Times, 1892-04-08, Page 5ST
If in the English language there is a diamond in the rough is must certainly be the homely word "ST [UV E," Uncouth and unmusical, yet Lich in" rneanin . Our
Wert has been• to strive to du that which is right to our patrons, firmly believing, he who sells that which is best• of its kind finds his best advertisement in what he sells,
every -
Our Merchant Tailoring Department is now provided with the most popular i'abrics produced by the leading and most celebrated trolls in the country. Our assertrnenj
in both 'vathty and value excels that, of any other sitop to be found elsewhere and which we are prepared to make up with first-class trimmings in the latest style of the art ani
at; prices. that (cannot fail to satisfy all parties.
71" , .L`V T L E M .J ' 1\ 4 S SPRING HATS.x-
Our slating stook of gentlemen"s headwear is now complete. You will find our hat department filled with be latest products of the factories in England and America,
want to keep in fashion call and get one. of our nubby hats and at prices that will astonish you.
tf yo!
nthis 'department we outstrip all competitors. We are r. ow showing the: largest stock iri this line to be found in this part of the country, in all styles and widths,ancl in ord
to asiavlk'e Toon' for another large consignment soon to arrive we have marked down our stock to prices that are bound to cause a ready sale, as our motto is : "'Tie nimble sixpen
is better titian the slow shilling:" Come early and often and get first choice, and bear in mind we are manufacturing to order, and for neat repairing we"can't be heat.
Oiir^G'en't'$ Furnishings vviiibl be found complete in everything that pertains to correct dressing. We think we can suit the most fastidious.
'Our 'Trunk and Valise Department epartment will be found adequate to accommodate those who are contemplating travelling. Remember we will not be undersold.
The Kistin O' the 'sweep.
For tbe'Trnes,
Jock Miller was a chimney sweep in
Tyne Castle,•a western suburb of Edin-
burgh. Like many of his occupation he
was very fond of whiskey, which so over-
came him on the occasion of the tragedy
of pair Tam, his droutly eronia, that he
was a fine subject for the practical joke
played on him by the wags of the.suburb.
Jock may still be seen and heard in that
neighborhood, for it is not many years
since the Kistin happened.
Jist no sae vary lang ago
Jock Miller dwelt in Castle Tyne,
A droothie sweep's e'er soopt a lion,,
Who had a cronie since lang syne.
Tam Johnston•—souter to his trade —
Whase thrapple likewise needed wettiu',
They ne'or uprose as lang's the cash held
But sat the happier gettin'.
Jist like auither Tam. and Jock,
By Robbie Burns made immortal,
But sad day Tam drank's last glass
Then staggered ower death's awfu'
Door yin o' tha confoonded stairs
That swirl aboot a perpendeolar,
The cronies reelin'—puirTam slipt
An' broke his neck—no bein' parteek-
.Aboot his fittin' on the stops,
Sae steep and wedgy, curst invention,
To trap pair sichts a wee bit fou,
Jist like auld Clootie's fell intention.
There lay Tani at the very fit
As deid as on•y kippered herrin';
While Jock that fou but little kent,
Has comrade had sae ill a' fairin'.
Could .yesno send a precious drop
0' water for to cool my coppers;;
I'm choking wi' an awful thirst
That's only kent by auld dry eopdrs?
Fu' sprue was granted his request,
For three young dells wi' pails At'
Him reused as he lay granin theze,
He ,water had enough to swim in.
Was never thirst mair sudden cured,
Half drooned he oot the cotlba loupit, •
That 'whammled on him warstlin oot,
Again contents on him were cou,pit. •
Like towsie tyke he shook his duds,
Then cot the hoose he dreepin'.boltit,
An' hinneward ran wi' reckless speed,
Well pleased he'd no been heliward
Next a 1a' tha buried luckless Tam,
Whose cronie Jock was his chief
He Salvation Army joined,
Became •a saint instead of scorner.
If e'er ye gang to Embro town,
West to Tyne Castle ye maun far hie,
To see the resurrected Jock
Gain' thro' the streets an' roaring "War
Cry?" •
stances." a paper whicia will command the
-attention of all thoughtful readers.
The pictorial supplement this mouth is
^a reproduction of Duifeeback's famous -
Tainting, "The Unwelcome Kiss," beauti-
fully worked in colors. At the low price
,of the magazine, $1.,50 x, year, we consider
it the best value in a literary and artistic
way offered iu America, and heartily
-recommend it to our readers., Certainly
no -other magazine that hag' ever been ,
published iu Canada can compare with it
for .beauty and general excellence. i'ub-
lis'hed by the Sabi -sten Litho, & Publishing
Co., Montreal and Toronto.
Toronto, Apri1,1802.
The Dominion Illustrated Monthly for
April, 1892.
The excellent work which characterized
- the contents of tbe first two numbers of
the Dominion Illustrated monthly is not
only maintained but considerably improv-
mproved iu the April number just received. An
Near by thore stood an empty house appropriate Laster frontispiece, beauti•
Where both the deid and drunk were fully drawn, commences the issue, and is
carried; followed by the third installment of Puo-
Puir'Tatn the straichtened oot ou fiure, fessor Roberts' fascinating story of early
While Jack as senseless wi' hint tarried. Acadian life "The Raid from Beausejour,"
The neebors some willin' loons
To tell the poleoce at the station,
The sad catastrope of Tam
Awaitin' cor'ner's inquestation.
Yee coffin free the parish came,
The ceety folks sent oot anither.,'
In that they pit the corps o"Tarn,
And kistedjock into the ither.
The wags were bound to has some fun
As soon as the drunk Jock could
A horn to rout and sulphur's fumes
Tha thocht nicht be o' mirth the
A blast blawn sae loud and clear,
Micht weal been. Gabriel's trumpet older and larger magazines; the views of
soonded, ` prominent German churches will be en'.
It roused up Jock wi" horrid din, tirely new to most readers. A bio graph•
Wha startled gl7 wrin sair confooncie3 teal sketch (with portrait) of the late Good -
Ho thocht it was the crack o' doom ridge Bliss itobortstis given, aid is follow-.
When there he saw his•comrade kisted, ed by an muttony powerful. short story,
Lord help us, Tam, ma freend, ye're deid, „G „
In Satan's corps I'm feared ye'ro listed. Garry of (armitch I3rid;,+e, tvrittou by
that brilliant young lilieratem' shortly before
Then seeing eel' in coffin tae, his death, The concluding installment is
Ile backward fa's in consternation,
"I sae's a' neo, 1 tae am deid, given of "Curling in Canada," by James
An come at last to black damnation. Healey, and is, if possible, even more iu-
Lord gie's a chance altho' I'm deid, terestiug and bright than the first part;
I ne'er afore asked o' ye favor; portraits are given of the most prominent
I'll gie ye help to noose up Tam Canadian curlers. "1lecolleotions of
Wha doesna' seem to intake endeavor. Charles 13addan spuraoou" is a , timely
Miss E Pauline Johnson --the great author-
i'ty on Indiau lore—gives a very interesting
story of •'Indian Medicine Men"—a class
of practitioners whose methods are little
known to the general public. "Canadian
nurses in New York" is a well illustrated
sketch from the pea of Mrs S M Almon
Hensley, giving details of a profession
which is being resorted to by our young
Gana 1i. n fes to a very considerable extent. •
An article by Miss A M Mcleod on "The
Church of the Kaisers" is a very interest,
ing One, dealing with a subject which has °
hitherto received no attention from the
Louis Cyr started in Monday night
in Montreal to show Canadians liow
strong he is, but he made the mistake
of not having scales on the stage. and
there was nothing to verify the alleged
weights. He put up a 220,pounc
barbell on his knees and pushed itat
straight up over his head. Then he -
juggled a barrel of cement weighing
280 pounds, and held out a dumbbell
with his left hand horizontally. t-iis
big platform lift heli thirteen people,
and the weight aggregated 2,512
Ladles, we -offer you this week a fine
Worth $2.50, at
Illustrated Catalogue of Ladies' 1'5 dozen Black Stiff Hats
Specialties.. $1.50.
10 dozen
That bruinstane's like to smother me,.
Tho' nooht I see o' imp or doevil,
I wadna' wonder if in stalked
Wi' hellish train the Prince o' :Evil,
Rae Mercy on my sinful sow',
I've been I ken a wicked eratur,
A drunken, menseless ue'er doweol
Wha never tried to mond his natur'.
series of romiuiseences of the great Eng•
iieh divine, whose recent death has been so
widely innurned; the article is front tbe
pen of Ilevjitmes Grant, of Toronto, form-
erly a student in Mr Spurgeon's training
college. Professor itoberts contributes the
• usual monthly installment of "Modern Inw
'Mention this paper.
Thank You!
Tins 12 TIiis t;,eIYRRS.4.0 271STI-
,1rONrof those who have suffered from
CoL7)s, `oR .4 1' FORAY or WAST-
12 D1SiLlsr,s, offer they have tried
at 75 cents, wo
Black Stiff Hats at $1.00,
Too busy to write out an adverti
rent this week.
Call and see us.
Of Pure Ood Liver .i ally
51 o ce of
—OLE' Mime and Sodutr— -
i.2' JS ALMOST An 1nAL.fz.tn1:,r
21IIL74 12' YS ri I O:1DL1tl•'r°.,
rzrsrt ri onrrcrh, re ds users nisi
t''itdoraecZ ay Physt«idt'm ictal nit
dmitations or substitutions. Bond pry
alt Druggists at LO,. and $1.00.
scute. 0Tr 7leirstriir«. ,
issolution. FOR SALE,
;;otleoishek by given that c partnorsbip Dither•
totore, sulisistin between the n lerslgned as gener.l
merchants, lit th town et win, ata, In the Comity
of Baron, under tl stf'le t,nd d of Geo L Bing,
has been this clay 11 olved by mutt 1 eonsent, Alt
debtsdiie tholatniirtn ill bepai l to, o undersigned
Thos A Mills, by whore lla ilitles a bo late firm,
trill be pale,
li:lteci at {1'inghatn th 16th day e ' 'ebrnary
Witness, J laden,
tip' '
o, 0. 0100.
Lot No. 3, and the 1',. 12 of Lo;
11th Con. Turnberry^ ---15O acres;
cleared; well fenced; frame h
other buildings; good orchard; c
time. Apply to
1VM. Mt.P11E