HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Bayfield Bulletin, 1965-10-07, Page 1CLINTON TAXI 481-3436 When It's Your Move Call HINTON the MOVER Agents United Van Lines Clinton 482-9779 VOL. 2 NO. 15 10. COPY QUEEN OF THE COWGIRLS CURRY'S TAXI grirth Butirtitt -1305 B. CLANCY, O.D. 1 Oe — OPTOMETRIST — For Appointment Phone 524-725f COPY GODERICH BAYFIELD, ONTARIO Thursday, October 7, 1965 Last Wednesday saw another "first" at the Bayfield- Clinton Golf Club. The lady golfers trumped the men's tourney of Sunday with a Ladies Day of their own. After a round of golf they enjoyed a social hour and a delicious dinner. The group was add ressed by Mrs.Fran- cis Overhold of God erich who advised them how to set up a branch of the Canadian Ladies Go- lf Union. The lad- ies decided to take this step and elect ed the following slate of officers: President:Kay Sharp Clinton Sec-Treasurer:Jean Bartliff Clinton Sports Social Area School Board Asks Approval $650,000 Construction Debentures Dale Scotchmer, daughter of Mr.& Mrs. Gordon Scotchmer of Bayfield, was a standout in the pony competi- tions at the annual fair here last week, placing first in three events. (Bulletin Photo) Remainder Fair Judging Listed For Pet Show, Children's Events Bayfield 4-H Dairy Calf Club- unior-Holstein--Gary Potter,R.R.#3 linton; Marie Trewartha, R.R.#41 Clin- on. Senior-Holstein--Robt. Vodden, .R.#1, Clinton; Brian Potter, R.R.3, Clinton; Walter Mcllwain,R.R.2, Goder- ich. Jersey--Diane Pickard, R.R.#4, Clinton; Doug. McCullough, R.R.1,God- erich. SPECIAL EVENTS--PUBLIC SCHOOL ug-of-war--Stanley Township defeated Goderich township to win the $10.00 Prize. Pony Saddling contest--Dale Scotchmer, Brian Makins, Wayne Strong,Jim Strong. Best Pony Outfit--Dale Scotchmer, Louise McVean, Patricia Payne, Danny Ti se. New Officers For Guides And Brownies At a recent meet- ing in the Town Ha 11 it was decided that the GuideS & B rownies will be held Tuesday Octo- ber 12 at 7 pm. BroWnie Leaders Brown,Owl-Dorothy McLeod Tawny .Owls- Ann ChaPman,Louise Tal bot, Jackie Weston Guide Leaders Captain- Marilyn Warner Lieutenant-Kay Scotchmer There are now 15 Brownies in the first Bayfield -pale & 14 Guides. There are two policy changes. One the age group has changed for Brownies from 7 Pier Work years of age to 10, and Guides 10 to 14 or 15 years old. The guiding Program has been changed to fit the girl rather than the group. Brown ies & Guides can now work on badges as soon as enrolled It was reported that Capt. Marilyn Warner attended Guider Training at Hanover, Oct. 2nd. Lynne Brandon & Monica Gemienhardt attended a Patrol Leaders week-end camp from Oct. 1- Oct. 3rd. Proclamation Fire Prevention Week For Bayfield October 3 - October 9 This council, having noted that this week has been desig- nated as Fire Prevention Week throughout Canada,does call on the citizens of Bayfield to take all possible individual measures to assist in the prev- ention of fires. It also takes this oppor- tunity to recognize the impor- tace to the Village of the vol- unteer Bayfield Fire Associat- ion. REEVE F.A. Clift Councillors F. McFadden,E.W. Oddleifson, J. Sturgeon,J.A. Allaire. Please Turn to Page Four The area public school board, has, without departmental approval of any specific school structure or struct- ures, asked Stanley Township to give preliminary approval to a debenture issue of $ 650,000.00, Trustee Merton Merner of Bayfield reported to the village council in session here Mon- day evening. Mr. Merner reported the amount to be broken down as follows: Building oontract,(to include sewage system) $ 546,000; architect's fees,$ 32,760; furnishings, $ 25,000; contingencies, extras and cost of debenture, $ 13,000;cost of school site (32 acres) $ 16,000; drilling of well, $ 1,800. Total: $ 636,760.Est- imated total cost, not including buses, $ 650,000.00. This amount is calculated to cover the cost of erecting a 16-room unit near Brucefield. In the event of an addition being made to Bayfield's two room school, two rooms might be subtracted fray the Brucefield unit. In any event, the board felt some move should be made toward financing for construction, regardless of where it is to be done. Reeve Fred Clift commented that the "Save Our School)► committee, rep- resenting West Stanley and Bayfield, would take legal restraining action should the board persist in proceedi ing with the 16-room school, if no addition is allowed to the Bayfield school. "We are going to demand that part of this be built here," he declared, referring to the committee's propos- al that two classrooms and a gener- al purpose room be added to the ex- isting two. Mr. Merner also reported that the makeup of the area board would prob- ably alter to acco=odate three men from Tuckersmith township, three from Stanley and one from Bayfield. This has given rise to hopes local ly that an unbiased attitude on the part of the Tuckersmith trustees might mean granting of the Bayfield proposal. In regular session Monday night, Bayfield Council autiorized: Grants to Bayfield Fire Assoc- iation $ 250;Agricultural Soc- iety,$ 50; Bayfield Public Lib- rary1 $ 40. Purchase of up to $ 200 worth of steel culvert for installat- ion on local streets. Further study of a plan to purchase an acre of gravel land for village use. Court of Revision to hear ass- essment appeals Frflay Oct.29 at 7.00 p.m. E.S.T. A public request that local taxes be paid to the clerk NOW, because "we need the money" as Reeve Clift put it,quite frankly. Around the VILLAGE Bare Back Wrestling--Bud Robinson de- feated Greg Potter; Dayy are Back Wrestling--Bud Robinson de- Captain:Maryfeated Greg Potter; Danny Wise defeat- Rowcliffeed Brian Makins. Seaforth Committee: Ann Kling Seaforth Bernice Longstaff Seaforth, Pat Bate- Man, Clin ton, and Ruth Clan cy,Goder- idh. Muical Chairs--Wayne Strong, Greg Potter, Danny Wise, Eric Schelbe. Potato Race-(pony under44fl) Dale Scotc mer,Linda Wise, Steven Rathwell, Laur- ie Potter. Pony Race--(Pony not over 14 hands) rider under 18--Wayne Strong, Bud Rob- inson, Cal Scotchmcr. Please Turn to Page Six Word that a con- tract has ben let by the Department of Public Works to repair the south pier at Bayfield harbor reached the village council in• directly this week and council has directed a letter to the regional engineer, request- ing that some off- icial notification be given It is understood work is to commen- ce on removal of broken concrete.