HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-04-08, Page 4Wirrqf
14 RJDIrx*AU,. 4PforWest'On-
+ 5 'tar,o, inILL1A11n the House of Oommons, on
Wedieesday, charged. Sir AdoIplte
Came with corruptly receivi ig large
,sums of money for election purposes
— AND -- front the Lake St John R,ttilway Com,
patsy and trio Temiseouatu
DRUGGIST. I.1,ailway,
which companies received large sub.
sidles from the Dominion treasury.
Mr Edgar asked•that the {natter be
UT. G. N. W. TELEGRAPH 00, refereed to the Privileges and Election
Committee for investigation, Sir
Spring has opened up early this On Monday night, the 4th inst., the
year. Verniers ere plowing and CowtUeroiel hotel was the scene qt a
{"irking rraiy the ground for the most euthusiastio meeting, of nate
seed,—Mr S Franck, who ilea been boys",for the putpese,Qf organizing
absent from this neighborhood for the .4 baseball club for the season. Mr
past ton years, has again secured the Chas Hodgins was appointed 044.
farms owned by hie father, who lives pian, Will Sloan acting its scribe for.
in Brussels, and intends taking pen. the occasion. The following are the
seesion of the same in October, We (Acerb elected for the coming season :
are glad to welcome Welt aur .former Hon Presidout, J B felly;. President,
neighbor and wish him success. --We J S McKinnon; Vice President,
are sorry to report .that the accident S H Gridley; Captain, Jas Emigh;
which happened; to Mr Geo Thomson, Secy-Treas, Wm Taman , Manager,
app. Brunswick House, Adolphe Caron flatly denied the -last Jun?, has proved serious and has Chris Redwine; Committee, Gr Brown -
confined him to his lied for the past lee, 11 Symonds, J Sims, J Ballantyne
itngb.axln, - - - Ont
Ezt n
I+RIDAX. APRIL 8, 1892.
TIIo cost to the Dominion of its
at the Jamaica exposition was
'Pini, Supreme Court voided the
eaten of Mr James Grieve, 14I P of
orth Perth, on Monday last.
Peewees have been filed against
e return o£ Hon J C Patterson
West Huron, ann. W Smith for
uth Ontario.
'rite Dominion Government has
mouneed that there will be no revise
of the Dominion voters lists this.
i1n Bert's Sewea iisoN, ex -M P for
nt, one time editor of the Chatham
anet,has been appointed collector of
torus at Chatham in plane of J G
nnefather, who was superannuated
make room for bins.
Tim Appeal of . Mr German, late
tuber of the House of Commons for
band, against the finding of the
etion trial judges, who disqualified
for personal bribery, has been
missed by the Supreme Court.
T Is said that Hon Edward Blake
ends entering public. life again, and
in the event of the seat now held
Uriah Wilson (Conservative) M P
Lennox, being opened up, Hon
ward Blake tt ill be asked to contest
riding in the Liberal interest.
V ft Inneeeet, of St Thomas, the
her of "the influeuce" letter pub -
ed in the Times last week, has
end his reward from the Domin<
JGovernment for his labors in the
ntbye-eleotions,by being appoint-
oliector of Customs at St Thomas.
sin first division of the session in
Dominion Perliement took place
Wednesday, on the question of the
rnent of tet+ salaries of officials of
Interior Deuattment .for the time
were suspended. Tho Liberals
sed the payment, but it was car-
, the vote standing 86 to 61, a
eminent majority of 25. Many
eters of the Government refused
aeetion ter' payment, and went
f the Ilouse to avoid voting
iv[) C1SL TIM/MIMS TIM/MaHaltooURr
t)trodinco d a bill in the Legislature
Mend the Liquor License Act in
-oltowing perticulara : Members of
Vipal councils and constables are
;Ted ineligible as bondsmen for
a of tavern and shop licenses ;
eer transfer are increased drug..
must record alt sales, whether
ar under six ounces, with or with.
ertifioates; more severe penalties
tain cases ; appeal allowed utiaer
conditions in oases where infer•
i or complaints laid by inspectors•
teen dismiseecl. •
e Tonna Telegram (Independent
charges, and the Government, through
Sir John •?,i'hor>apson, intimated that
they would not allow the {natter to be
investigated, and no doubt the Post.
master General will bo "whitewashed."
Tern Tory opposition in the Now
Brunswiek legislature made vague
charges against the Government of
"boodling," and asked for the appoint-
ment of a special committee to ipquire
inti; the matter, The Government re-
fused to appoint such committee until
specific tillages were made. The Ops•
position then drew up a petition to
the l.,ieut-Governor,Sit Leonard Tilley,
asking him to appoint a commission to
look into their charges. The Lieut.
Governor refused to appoint a royal
commission, pointing out that such
steps under all circumstances would
be without a precedent, and advising
the Opposition to make their charges
in the usual way, a and ask for special
committee of enquiry.
Morris. •
Salmon Rcronr.--The following is
the standing of the pupils in S S No
10, Morris, for the mouth of March.
Names in order of merit : Fifth
class --J Breckenridge and R Wood.
row. Senior fourth class—J Snell, A
*Smillie, A Ramsay, i1! McEwen, W
Caldbick, S Oaldbiek, .3 Peacock, J
McEwen and N Johnston. Junior
fourth class --M McVetie,R Whiteford,
and'S Wilson and M Peacock (equal).
Senior third class• --W Woodrow, A
Forrest, A Wilson and A Messer;
Junior third olass—R Forrest,R Snell,
S Thornton B MoEwen, E Bryans, J
Whiteford and 0 Robb. Senior second
class --W Breekenridge, G Combs,
G Johnston, W Smiilie, 111 Simpeor,
and M Johnston. Junior second clans
—W i•]cEweu, 0 Forrest, R Simpson
and Mary, Woodrow.
JAMES L. Wixson, Teacher.
• The auction sale of MMIr Henry Bone's
farm, farm stook and implements, on
Tuesday of last week, was very poorly
attended owing, no doubt, to .the al-
most impassable state of the roads.
The farm was not sold, as the bighest
bidder did not reach the reserved bid
by nearly one thousand dollars. As a
consequence of the farm not being
sold, only a part of the stock was of.
fered for sale, which brought very fair
priced.—On Friday afternoon of last
week, 1i,ichard Armatrong, jr, had the
tnisfortnne to give the instep of his
left foot a very severe cut with an axe,.
while cutting wood in the bush.—Miss
Mary Ireland' is now sojourning under
the parental roof, on the 8rd line, hav-
ing returned from her visit to friends
in Tara. ---:Hiss Jennet Fairservice, of
Hullett, is spending a few day with
her aunt, We John Mason, on the 3rd
line,—Mr George Hood is recovering
few days. Notwithstanding his being and L Hodgins. A committee, con'.
Iaid up, he is putting iu another boiler sisting of H Sytnonds and 0 Hodgins;
and intends running his mill with was appoiuted to canvass tine town.
more force than ever —Wu wish our Motionse were passed relative to fee
much esteetne4 friend and neighbor, and name of the club and it was de.
Highland Willie, grand success with (need that the fee should be 25 cents,
his sheep, He intends making his the name of the chub. -"The 'Huron
fortune.—Mr S Burchill has rented Stars."
the farm belonging to Mrs R Walters, tierexs.---Hors Gracey and children,
of Wiughatu, spent a few days this
week at Mr 13uie's,—Mr Will Powell,
of Clinton, paid his friends here a visit
on Friday of last week,—Miss Nimens
has again returned to town and is now
ready to receive land till orders. ---Mise•
M Gregory is this wee visiting Mrs
W Richmond.—Miss A Moffat, who
has been in Olinton for the past week,
returned home Tuesday night.—Mies
MeDonogh is visiting friends in Wing -
ham this week. — Mrs Wise, of
Goderich township, is visiting her
daughter, Mrs A 11 I'tutnmer.--Dr
and tylia Ferguson were in Clinton on
Tuesday. Mr R Fox, of Wroxeter, is
in town this week.—Miss McGregor
' is visiting Mrs W Richmond —Messrs
J Welford and A Wettlaufer exchang-
ed residences this week. --The "Rain-
bow Mirage," which took place on
Wednesday evening, 30th ult, was a
;rand success in every way. The
lecture -room of the church was taste'
fully decorated to carry out the idea
of a Rainbow and the geed things
provided tor the inner wan could not
Linitlater 865, May Linitlater 287, be surpassed. The programme ren -
Lonnie aiacdonald 283, Wm Campbell gored by the Young People of the
205, Bella Morrison83 181 Senior Quterio St Methodist uhnrch, Clinton,
was received with very hearty ap-
third—Marks obtainable 415—Jessie
Mcliwain 402, Jno Currie 395, Jnu plause by all present. Mies M Wat-
850, sous reading was also well received.
Murdock 877, Nellie Beckett
We have not heard what 'the proceeds
Norval Morrison 233. Junior third— were, but judging from the -number
Barks obtaivabe 504.- Eobt • Currie present, the social w as a grand success
888, ltlajapl Halstead 356. Jennie Dey financially es well as in every other
337, Mi on Graham 935e Phoebe nay. --Mrs Moore, of Stratford," is
England,219. • Senior second --Marks
obtainable 510`e - Tbos Stark 476,
Oliver Watson 453,Nellie Martin 4132,
Jas Lockeridge 885, Annie Patterson
819, Nellie Graham 293. Junior
second—Marks obtainable 498—Jno
King 475,Jnlia Linitlater 428,Rossana.
Johnston 426, Minnie Campbell 418,
Geo Elford 398, Ida Murdock 892,
Jennie Campbell 886, .Mary Macdonaid
276. The following is the result
of the regular weekly exami-
nation held iu Lower Wing
ham patine school on Friday,
April 1st : Fourth plass, History—
Florence Green, Minnie Linitlater,
Hop Nettertield. Senior third, Arkin
metio --- Jessie Mollwain 100, Jno
Murdock 67, Jno Curry 56 Junior
third—Robbie Ourrie 80, Milton Gra-
ham 67, Phoebe England A7. The
average attendance of the school for
the month of March was 54.
for the purpose of pasturing cattle.
He intends dealing more extensively
in then" this year than in the past,—
We are glad to report that ttie Young
People's Society of Christian Endeavor,
of this place, is improving in atone
dance since its removal to the Zetland
hall. Man it continue to do so, This
Society meets at eight o'clock every
Thursday evening. Subject for dis-
cussion will be : "Buster Thoughts",
found itt Matt 28 : 1, 18 ; also, in
Heb 6 : 19, 20. We will be glad to
welcome you and your friends, We
are pleased to report that the, attone
dance, of the Sabbath. School is in.
I ower Wingharn•
The following is the report of Lower
Winghaw school for the {month of
March : Senior fourth class—Marks
obtainable 403—Florence Green 888,
Rachel Dee, 387-, Luke King 368,
Alice Bing 362. Junior fourth—
Marks obtainable 426—Hop Netter -
field 335, Frank Hill 877, Minnie
We are expecting real spring weather
in a few more days and so have made
ample preparation for a large spring
Our uew prints aro described by the.
ladies es "sweet," "lovely," "delightful,'
and.we are perfeotly satisfied with their
judgment, !mowing that they never apply
such epithete to inferior or unworthy
The directors of the Culross Mutual
Fire Insurance Company met the
iron his late illness. --Quite a numbe • town hall, . Teeswater, 26th Mamie
of the farmers in this vicinity have
commenced spring piowiug.--It is ree
ported that a young lady of the 4th
line hasraceived word that she has
keen the successful competitor for
the prize offered by the Ladies' Pictor.
inl, Journal, of Toronto.—On the 30th
ult, a very ,pleasant occurrence took
place et the residence of Mr George
Proctor, when his wife presented him
with a young daughter.—Mr James
Tyner is renovt'ring from his severe
attack of Ls Grippe. --•Mr J Timmins,
of I3luevale, bas decided to give up his
branch store ip Belgrave. The post of
bee will be kept on by Miss Carson ---
The Bodtnin lithe works hnve been re••
opened, under the management of
Messrs Reed k McKay,
1892, Members all present. Mr
Clark, President in the chair. The
minutes of previous meeting were
read, approved of and signed by
President and Secretary. Moved by
Messrs Little and Reid—That all ap
plications for insurance be now laid
before the board for examination•
(tarried. Armstrong — MoKague--
Thst having examined 13 applieations,
they are found satisfactory and the
President and Secretary are iostraeted
to prepare and issue policies for same
--Oarr:ed. RirI.lattd--Arinstrong—
That the Treasurer pay to Messrs
Watson and McRae the ,suni of $i,
being the amount of their account tor
auditing the books and accounts of
Who Qompnny for 1891 —• Oarried.
Reid—Little—That this Beard do
now adiourn to Wet again in Tees-
tvative),.sserts that the Opposi. Mr J M Whites!), the manager of 'cut" thaw Id April, hall l en th mlast Stttnrday
the O'ntatie Legislature beef McIntosh it, lIcTaggaras private bank
maces.' and concludes that at ,
which suspended payment last wet.k, l AL.Ex ADAiaiso:V', Secretary.
wrote his assistant to the batik from
it general electi'tn "it was rutin- Windsor, to the effect that he did tot, Teeswater.
etarupaign taf false pretenses. intend returning, and instrttetinx t.;.n incendiaries fired the stare of Our.
eat Caton, wito refused to turn
moat because lin believed W 1i,
visiting ber:father, Mr Jas Collotou,
—The millinery openings will take en j john Hanna and his cousiu Heigh
Saturday night, this week. Judging way Have playe•l miarblas, heedless
from past years, we are safe in saying eel Their
tea logomachy raging around them.
that any who attend them trill ee , Their favorite f•,rm of the game might
greatly pleased with the skill and taste 1 have been the very one that John was
displayed by the various milliners.—showing u group of bays on Saturday
,corning. Luckily for the passersby,
u strong breeze struck up what would,.
have swept marbles into the limbo of
forgetfulness and folly. Oti returning
of the brain, from which she suffered l to the Beaver, .1 observed some other
Our Dress Goods department is very
attractive indeed, both in quality and
prices, and for excellence in texture,
beauty in design, elegance in pattern,ancl
charming oblides, they aro much ahead
of may former stook,
Our spring Boots and Shoes are to
hand, but we do not require to say any-
thing about them, for to see then{ add
hear their prices means sales at first
sight. Don't miss seeing theta.
Our Teas are sounding our praises far
and wide, and our high standard of ex-
cellence will be scrupulously maintained.
families or societies buying by the half
chest will get their tea a wholesale prices.
yre are also Ceiling large quantities of
sugar by the barrel --wholesale.
The Big Brown Anchor.
Winghatu. March 24th, 11392.
. illy Dena Times, -1 was enrolled a
British citizen in the good.town of
Belfast, when the census was taken in
1851. thi St Patrick's day in -the
morning, a chance acquaintance fixed
a piece of Shamrock iu my button hole,
wiaich I was proud to wear, believing
then as 1 do still, that he was a Scotch.
Luau like tnnysetf During the seven
weeks I was in Belfast, 1 never nitseed •
a chance of hearing Henry Cooke on
Sunday forenoons. He it was, who
routed Dr"Ritelue, a t'alaid Edinburgh
voluntary, challenged the great Dan
to discuss the Irish question, and
never rested till the Arian Wing left
the Irish Presbyterian Church. form-
ing what is still known as the Re-
monstrant Synod of Ulster. 1 had
the pleasure of meeting Dr Montgom-
ery, its master spirit, in whom Cooke
found a foeman worthy of Itis uteeI.
On the very spot where I nfot hitn,our
It is our painful ducy to retied, this
week, the • death of Alice flelrron,
youngest daughter of Mrs Heffron.
The cause of her death was congestion
For nearly two weeks, dying on Mon- younesters,but mores;ftintile,apingthe •
day evening. She , was 12 years of
age and greatly beloved by all who
kuew her. The funeral took place ou
Ltlednwsday at 10 a rn,and the scholars
marche•1 to the limits' of the town,
thereby paying their last•respects to
their little schoolmate, The bereaved
family have the sincere sympathy of
There happened, the ottu.r day, an
incident which we consider Worth me
rating. Four aged men happened to
meet at a certain house and their
united ages amounted to 324 years.—
Mr Joseph McPherson has got the
Btussels cheese factory for the corning
year.—Mr Thomas Cbnnel has moved
into the house of Mr Wm Stewart.—
We have a new waggon maker in the
person of Mr Craig, of Walkerton,
North Howiok.
The following is the report of S S
No 1 for the month of March : Sen IV
—.W Ferguson, H Burns. Jun 1V-
8 13e11, W Finlay. Sen III --F Doug- AsRead to ..
las, J Douglas, Jun III—S Finlay, Gusirn, aan.1n,.tass.
R 1+'inla . II—SV J Sangster, , lltlXo.N l3fOR. 0.
y # , t#ra•rtxeisc, he Combhta• tcoi Y retro 1loosier,
+ , Orals Dan and ,oa
Dennis. Part n -Thos Forgusou,• l; dcaetscad porch anal of your
n tlnts,.iFlossrs. To ou ernes., ha. cyan ns satlstac•
Burns. Part 1 —0 Finlay, A, Farley. tion In avarysenso • rho word. homaeltine» so•
down Heenan, 'l'eacllele simple and Conran' tly arranger, tent the driver
has complete control, end can ad n tit without loss
of thne, no eau drag , from drif to roadcast seed.
Clinton. Ing. Ile ran'rcgulato th hoes to run t the desired:
iiii41:,2Y,Iiriitreez}ligitctiliotiot veru !n . errant teat o whoa sow•
.John Irwin, Customs House oylieer otunlon, Ileons of thehoesg, ovoreonng the diff'ce Ey ofcladsof {girl place, died verysuddenlyortrin(+'n Lha nes, {leen+ throwtha
Monday morning et the Grant'! Union grass heed attachment in or . ,t of {tear wh re only a
rortion of rho 1[otd is to ba so deet tioa n. he,drtli
Hotel, where he boarded, The hoes can 1411 removed and rho nitivntor t• •th at•
frogs in the fable of King Log One
young fellow more venturesome than
the rest, was on the busk of the bear
and another lead the audacity to put
his naked hand into the ,yaw of the
wooden monster. 'Each of the inci-.
dents was suggestive. When boys be-
gin to play tnarblee, sprites is net far
off and Mr Hanna. as Master of
Works, will have his hands full and
need all his wits in the matter of
roads. sidewalks and the abatement of.
nuisances. The ehiidren and the bear•
euggested a passage of prophetic scrip-
ture, where boys and girls aredescrib•
ed as playing in the streets of a.
peaceful Jerusalem which may be the.
capital of a united Christendom, when
the autocrat of all the Rust=ias,the Bear
of the. North, will be no more a terror
than the Bear of Josephine street, and
the bloody, butchering villains of war
will only serve
"To point a moral or,adorn a tale.''
W, L[1iuow.
The loeih r Seed. Drill.
tt Johnston E. Stray, foreman 0ntarle.
{'atm. has to 8 ' of the a`
-deceased and to companion were ttav v del lo! ny a slovres, ardn.. the cheape t and
Ca eU t•a or OVer neo .
ng' a drink to gether, when he ;hentch(Le is of Beret draft. ours hetie the
twelve•hoo drilla find that an ceding ow
stttldenly iiacttmp tthconaeious and died frnin 22 to la acres per day. 1 tike
Ms accurate, and does 501 emit
grain, 1 have no hesitation in recon
Hoosier to intending pur0ltasera,and wis
to wind tip the usiueas es cheaply as tniehget 4; 14Ic'1"agtrart, in I "owler'a tn. that atat.e'
possible, find stating thea there would block, last tiunday evening, and tho owtex raeturnrsaneeesa
ab to be en insincere politician, be enough left to pay everybody nue family of Janies '4'V1irerlttr, who resided Yours very truly,
ten 'tui4icated.' The Sttnte tereeted 100 Ceuta oil Inc dollar, and; above the 'store, were almost sn%cated' Eighty two npplieations for insure enol -ampbeltJ0I 4T {hunch, is Pawn
e nknt these-
folds : ceeto long as the Censer- : stoney to spare. A meeting of,<the I to their beds When the dinette had ance, amounting to $107,870 were urinte
to the 1 egisl atete use principle creditors showed Mr !McIntosh's shite. been extinguished two piles of packing received by the Howiok Fire Insurance:
team can
ur toren to (1.
r bruise t
ending th
the menu
*Men cry and spend their meat to be cornet and the aesets i boxes end barrels completely saturated I Company during the month of March, i fl! gist—Why did you strike niy dog 1
!bang f,tr am a ler ahttaes, so to i,e abnut $95,000, while the 1%bi7ili• with coal oil, which were discovered,1 being an inareaso of 12 aapplicatibns j IHe only {milled at you. Visitor
will fail because they do not ties do not exceed $78,000, of tvlu$h shorted haat the attempt of the firebug i and $,18,7011 over tltr same anninnta Well, you. don't expect inc to watt 1111..
about. $38,000 ere due depositors. , had been a most determined retie. written in the scale {month last year, he has had a taste of ma, do you f