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Wingham Times, 1892-04-08, Page 3
Prof. Doan;~ on Dairying. ' ensilage were equal to one ton of Lay, so that at the rate of only 12 tons of i -SOME ITJ ZS TARSI./ FROM ITIS IireENT ensilage to the acre they would have'UP 1 AnpR?Jss AT DBSERONr1,'o, twice tilt much feed as if they raised' bay. Prof Dean, having been introduced The Professor went on to say that by Mayor Bethhun, expressed the i unless there was a good cheesemalcer pleasure it gave him to bn present it was impossible to make good cheese. though be would have been pleased to All milk should after milking be strain - see a larger assembly of fanners, ect, aerated star' kept in a place where There were some farinere, he went on the air is ptere, as milk quicicly•a'baorb-. to remark, who thought they knew all! ed impuritioa, Qheese factories should about farming, but when men arrived be kept Olean. .'fibre was eco article at that stage they were in lapitiable of manufacture so necessary be he kept condition. There was always some clean as olaeese. If the wIrey tanka thing wore co be learned and be hips- were rept clean and sweet and the self learned solnethi•ng at every meet- cans were emptied at the (louse the ing as he came iia'oomtA6't 'ith practi-, practice of returning the whey was cal men. Referring to the growth of possibly :allowable. Goe+1 buildings the dairying interests., be stata that were absolutely necessary ifor proper twentyaave years age the i&'rst 'factory' chrese,vnalcing. in the Province was started at Nor- Another point to be studied by viola in his native •ceun'ty of Oxford. tarmecs was the necessity • of keepilltsi Now there were in Ontario 750 far* up the'fertility of farms. There are tories whose output •reaolted $101000a two sources of plant food,'the soil and 000 in value. Time +counties 'which the sir. There were tree elements in ff "•C E :rse u�, • 1 % g c#)', 9. omac = ,%tit'° N 4 j t+ •r -I t L t Q W H e'y,Q. as A„Cy. rMWt. u: •1 cn2 9 . -17.1 g. a = es �v: d De V ? i +f it' O�Nyn !,'d aq q t pq t", tlw U}yam. lA G $ cmfo' :aa mew; o og fG� m„ -r, 2 'ao,alb.Egis CO 0:6"1 c2tOti al.so "To cs CJ �NayS 'a w E so V oLa ..1.6 set i a ^ ^ ti °^J a w RM5 a p•.• ,ow o 0 o e e�• n'v m a M CI i 0 g.CL 1ti metNyeaagaeimU<C✓z4 oW r r O] °!"ad•`�•p�O moi.tom➢ Both the method and results when. . Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste,=dads gently yet:promptly on the ICidne ys, Livery Bowels, cleanses the 'iays- tem efl<'ec tually, dispels colds, Ir ad- rches aid. fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind everpro- daeed 'pleasing to the taste snct ac- ecptable to the stomach, prompt in its salon. and truly beneficial in its effects,' prepared only from the most en gaged in dairying, 'lucre the beet o healthyandagreeablesubsinnces,its ° the sail more easily cl,austed than ITanata,lexcellentqualitieseara.mendit Oxford .Lad no superior as a 'farming others, nitrogen, phosphoric � ;' 11 os. horic acid and' ;;c, mil and have made a't`tic most ' county, its soil, owing to the'faot that potash. In the New England states 'I popular remedy known. dairying was so generally engaged in, $4,5'00,000 were.anntaali expanded on I "yup of Figs for ,:,ale in 7fic being less exhaiiwtetl thou in other artificial fertilizers. EU England they hales by all leading +druggists. ' counties, When on 'd,s ending a .Any reliable druggist mew may not, p p paid `25 cents per bestial for ashes ; 141 r'av'e it on hand will 'procure it grains, farmers fetanH'tbat it took all was foolish for the (aciadian farnaeas; aroMptly'for any one '.who wishes their money at this Ked of the season to send ashes awn.. Old bones; ttl;try it. Manufactured'.only b��ya1 the to pay store and blao'ksrnith bills, and should be preserved and grouud up for; CALIFORNIA FIG: p��tb ,under such cir'esiinstances farming did fertilizin; .purposes. !Liquid mace: SAS Pbte'. T J i'•CO, RUL, not pet's but by putting cows on their should be saved as it is worth three ori •"i1`A:6ISVIL ,= - ' "r-ORE..N.Y. tfarms and raisiaag lbutt'er ,and ...cheese foe times as tench scam solid tnan,ltrb. r+i BIE1®TDt P & CO 'haying leased the shop, owned by Me II Lemtnox, -- tfer.a•term of years, be;; to malty the public that they tardus a position to turn out'krst class Blessing times had improved as they were paid Ryinteresting tables:Prof Dean aims-, ,once a month .anci,did mot rttn ouch - tnated the exhaustitctn.of the soil 1,a'' large bills. ' : rain raising and d'a!,iryiug and dairy_! „ In order that tdainying •should be,, i g.and proved that mottling keeps op Carriages, Waggons, s11+ceesoful the rightlkind df 'men and.' the fertility of the farm like the nattu.; cutters,, .Sleighs, et., t+womeu, in the filet+place,%were•needed. ufa tura of butter. la grain gl'Owna3i�t' �Gl�edintheirmanufal, srhec'hestqualityof mater - 'for the business. Some people +were' .all mad given away Elton the farin eN. — , • not blessed with !business 'ahi'iitdairying1 'The BLACKSMITI1 '1\C carried on y ,es the straw; wtaitia,tin ert rt' -1 atei usual. Everthing depean:dempou the 'farther,, 'thing is given back to the farm. J • and it was ratif •nib Ito know that , Horse -Shoeing ua, Speciality: g �' „ Me also exemplified by tables the', yve preped to farmers ere at ;karst waking :up. 'lin. ,percentage of water,, lot, albltmetlaetc, i e? o cheapereest inartewh.aetuRo..ar cont. cheaper than •the+second place, floater :eows .were .intrnilk, butter and obeese. The mete' • FRUMErSHIP R CO. needed. Without.good,•cows, dairying /fat. in the ruilk the *eater was the could not be a.e'uoeess. 'IThn.cow wee :value of the cheese. ilHe thought it a;, -- the machine which turned rfood into', .groat mistake to pay 'for milk witiaoaa,,t F2®® co'Q., OD !silk, ' Ff she was'aaotgc�.od the farmer,iefst.ence to its quality, i should•not keep bor, Hilo illustrated ANSWERS TO (r, ESTIGNs. Call and BNe afNGitl` BtUCIi: 0 -this by facts giveta.tuiln thy Mr Ballan•.; d11ie thought it impossible to produce ! - WHIPS, 'tyne, the cheese king of alio west, wieo ,mitklprofitably in witater on dry food.' BRUSHES,'told hint of the antennas rrealized Iny� .ltie•woalu not reoa trJeud putting: OURRY (1©iBMS, ,cows of•different fanwrel'slifringing lent;! ,,,ilsit,age in silo without, cutting. SL EIC„ afi BELLS, • ;to one factory, some:earwstbringing ilei ..•iiierfavored bringita ,Inanure to the, Norse clothier of all 'kinds. 50.94 to their ow were in nal .tleason. ,ground as soon as poseible from tics! '.while otters ranged gall ;thew -ay down .dtabied tHARNEaS, double and atingle, light or heavy, Ito $19.11. It took lost .as ,mu cit feed' matin to order in the latest thy les tend of the best i :A !pound or two of pea meal might � gnat hal, ; Ito keep the poor owe as. It he good. ,w,ith.atevautaoe be added, the ration a 'T o `trunks, Valises, hand Bags, Heroics stook and !til Lit took a slertain alnofrwi .Otf rfood to 'tyor a scow.abe�sok as cheap as the cheapest. llifttp theIddlitual alive, biose• tra goes I traconsidered the "alliazeci" the best • Repelling neatly and prom' ty clone, on Short notice i . IitltO"llillk. the Only comet may to priedrffpe.,3nrtiug corn fee the .ado. lrhe,patronage'of the public sainted, and satis ' tell what CORY'S were doiaai; Walstto•.weinh It •vtlaardifficult to state the exact faction Iin work and matatal guaranteed. SI OP—One door north of Cmaatlan Express Office • gabber a mattter of breeds. Att(;i,uelpli should be,p'aced as near'tii,< top of the 11 M. Aft IiLEIi. they weigh aIle milk of. e.4eb1 Cow ground :aslpossihie. moaning and .even•ing. One scrub Venal:acme was vett' aseoessary for covet at the coilleae farm had yrifflded cows;; he theut lit a teulpe leture fret() .40 APPLICATIONS THOROUGHLY REMOVES DAiVDRUFF D. nVEN. • Toronto, Passenger Agent, 0 P lt,. Bays: Anil•Dnnd:uftlaaperfect rcmorer,prDan. drnff—ir.o action is marvellous—in my own case a tow applications not only thoroughly removed excessho dandruff accumulation but stopped GUARANTEED EED fntungof510lalr,mado15soft and pliable and �►a a`1e II promoted a vlsiblogrowth. Restores Fading hair to its original color. Stops falling pf hair. Keeps the Scalp clean. Makes hair soft and Pliable Prometos Growth. to Every Household. HOLLOWAY'SPILLS AND O NT EN 'rit+ese remedies ,have stood the test ve fifty years experience, and are pronounced the best Medicines Family use. TiCE 1�IJtDS erndfy the @Hood•, •oorreet all disorders of the TATER, STOMACH, 11ILNETS AND row rIs ai imvoluable in ail couplaints incidental to females of all ages. &c. :awl test the,millx. Jt LPale, iu&L :alto- tirane,eut .tsttich to draw tbele'nantire; it NERVENERVE BRAM:aro a new also covery that euro tato worst ruses of •����*T�v Nervous Debility Lost Vigor and BEANSFailing Mauhotd restores the I:LA. o7 weakness of body ,or mind caused [t ry by over -work. or +rho errors or e-- p,(tlt)'!7lbs 111 a season, Farmers sidatlld 55 to �� woo L'0 et. cessesof youth. Tdtte Romedyatr 1p p solutely Dares the most obstinate cases when all other endeavor to lesclau .the cost of pt'fydtLlc• 4nuATat�a the most obstn ate c !eve. • :Jeld ll other dial mat th in k it. necese,bny t o turn rials at $lytcr packs ',e4e x fol' 55, or emit b moil on tion aril study to teed mows cheatghly, cows get of their comfortable stables o P,lac IUQ.Ont..crdwritaf pampldet..8 ldiis- It' They:nhould pro+viide green feed all in winter; it dud not hurt thaw to be Winghamby'A.I,.NAMit,TON. kept in if stables were properly venti- summer in order to dceep up the flaw ,ef miilr. Al Guelph their practice was to fated. sow successive crops + of peas, vetches) He had trot enacle experiments in and oats ten or twelve days after each; giving cries warm water to 'drink in other. About May 20th they sowed corn in drills so that; it aright be cut'• tivated and kept clear d weeds . He thought that in eastern Ontario the weeds Ware getting the start of farm., ers as last summer he had noticed whole districts covered with yellow mustard, etc. Farms could be kept clean of weeds if they sowed the right way. As to keeping cows in winter,he thought it foolish for then' to be' kept Weave or six weeks. Milk was worth more in winter and by ensilage and other means it could be ptoduged as , cheaply in winter as in anteater. At !Guelphthey could feed cows at 12;ic per day and sell butter for 25c. A great many farmers' work in summer i'11d do nothing, in Winter, 'These bottle. Be sure and ask for "vtnx. Wixs,.0 soorfnive Srsyv• ,.net !aka no ether hind might be styled woodchuck farmers. Ensilage could be grown itnrl placed :in Rey, Dr, Prtairose (stumbling in tbu silo for $1.25 per ton and from 15 the hall) Your father seems to be spar - to 20 tons oould be raised on en acre t ing of big light. Little Johnnie.—Yes, of land. About two tons of hay could, sir. He's always that way the day be raised on an a ore, Three tons of after t.las gas bill cornea in --Epoch., winter, Chains were the best way to tie bows. He did not approve of tight , stauu.chious. Manure was better when kept un- der cover. Large silos might with advantage be divided° into two elections, using one first and feeding from the top. • Anv1C0 TO aloTIIIMS,--Aro you distatrned at night and broken of your rest by a sink child Suffering ant crying with pain of Cutting Teeth? It so send at 'once and got a bottle of• Mrs.WVinslow's Soothing SVrtep" for Children Teething. Its vahto is inealeul- able. It will voil000 the poor little sufferer hnmcdiately. Depend upon It, mothers; there Is no miscalto about it. Moores Dysentery and Diarrheas', regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, ' softens the Gusts, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. "Mrs. Win. s'ow's Soothing Syrup " for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of ono of the oldest end best ramie physicians and nurses in the United States, and Is for sale by MI druggists throughout the world: trice twenty-five 'cents a Ye w II n+vitt THAT AN A VEAT.S1ENT IN IR LONDON COLFREES'PRES cy` r U LYI T2 -IE OINTM EJ JN T le. the only .reliable remedy 'for bed legs, sores, ulcers, and old wounds. FOR BRONCHITIS. s' TtiaOA'rs /DOUCHE COLDS .0 RHEUMATISM, GLADULAR SWELLINGS AND ALL 't; t .... t ... yl.A.. Inmtacur ona i ,. and sold by all Medicine Vendors+throuxltout the world. F_'• 'Purllasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots. if the addre,t not SU Oxford 'Street, Lost:do0, they are spurious. C PC 35 C U T 31 S.7'ntHal Waoan @1iIB We have in sto THE LEADER, THE SILVER S THE LANCIt' THE NIC '1' H E. F AR, TOOTH, EL STEEL, Ole wish to inform the public that we have t Woolen Mills in A 1 running order, and, will season give special attention to CUSTOM WOR: in alt its branches, and will keep in stock a ' class of first•class goods, such as Tweeds, li EST 88A' (FTY Flannels, THE LA=ROSE PRIDE, THE IMP ' ')VED CHAMPION. I ALSO A v"ry fine assortment of AXES. CLINE & 00, STONE BL OCK Etoffs, Blankets, Sheetings, Stocking Parr c., &c., (made from pure wool only) cheap for cash o change for wool, Customers from a distance can huve their home with then, the same day. 1 1y�Llighest market price in cash for Merchant. HALSTED&SCOTT! 13. .NI -QRS_ Josephine Street Winghaln, Ont. J. A. IIALATna,I J. W. Score, Mount forest. Listowel, Deposits Received and interest allowed. Money Adva,noed to Farmers and Business Men, On long or short time, on endorsed notes or collateral security. Sale notes bought !tit a fair valuation. ;Honey remitted to all parts of Canada at reasonable charges. Spooial Attention Given to Cot=: looting Accounts and Notes. Notes Discounted Agents in Cnnade—tine Merchants' Dani A'1' It1;ASONARY, ref Canada • tuner preens-•4'roln5S a, ln, 10 5 p. m. IN(�L1'S'IL CO'Y., Wingi. BANK OF HAMXX,iT0 W'INGHA:M. Capital, $1,200,000. Beat, $600,0 President --Jody $Tatar. Vico-President—A. G. ILAnsA't. DIRECTORS Tons I'aodtoa, Crud, OVUM', GM 'roars, A. Woob, A. IT. Lss (Toronto). Cashier—J. T01101B1ML. Savings Saab!—Hours,10 to 3 ; Satttrdaye, 1. Deposits of t1 ami upwards recti., cd and fate allowed. Speotal bripesitis al+o received at rut rates of interest. Drafts on Great Britain and the United Ste; bought and sold 13. WIL• LSON', to MAIM 'M & IMOKINi;ON, Solicitors. Money to Loan on N A. E. Agent. Steamy advanced en Mortgages at 0 pet rent. 111privile a of paying at the 4051 of any year. NW iand accounts collected. I X0/11'. Xia Urines, --Beaver Sleek, Winitham, Ont.