HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Bayfield Bulletin, 1966-07-28, Page 1Big Pipe Band Holds Final Practice In Bayfield Prior To New York Engagement 4ir Vagfirlb 'Martin FINK Plumbing 4 Heating Ltd Electrical Service. ED FINK BILL FINK Hensall iffe'i Clinton 482-71112 CLINTON CAB 482-1011 BAYFIELD, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JULY 28,1966 10e COPY cos COPY VOLUME THREE NUMBER FOUR Re-opening on Sunday At Bayfield Trinity Bayrield Honours Village Officials BAYFIELD — The reopen- ing of Trinity Anglican Church in Bayfield, following extensive renovating and re-decorating will be held on Sunday next, July 31, after being closed since Paster Sunday, since which time the services have been held in. the Parish Hall. These have been conducted steadily with a minimum of inconveni- ence and the fullest atmosphere of church dignity. It was necessary to put in a new ceiling in the church and it was therefore lowered about two feet and insulated between the old and the new and the building tie rods were enclosed (boxed in) and the ceiling in the Chancel was raised about two feet which has greatly im- proved the appearance and the coved ceiling effect maintained in the nave and made effective likewise now in the Chancel. The decor is much lighter with pastel shade of blue on the ceiling and light grey on the walls and the border is done most effectively above the wainscoting in pastel shades of green, mauve and golden brown and at the ends 'rich hues of red and gold stand out most effect- ively. The raised ceiling in the Chancel has made it possible to use symbolic wall designs which richly enhance the entire struc- ture in Striking beauty. Summing it all up, "It is all very lovely" and it is made pos- sible by the accumulated Cent- A-Meal Fund and a donation of $800 by the Parish Guild which will practically cover the entire cost of this extensive work. A Hammond Electric Organ has been temporarily installed, and an organ recital is planned for that evening at 8 o'clock. After the recital the organ com- mittee of the parish consisting of Harry F. Baker, chahman; Robert Turner, and the Church Wardens, Fred Arkell, Rector's Warden and Lloyd Scotchmer, People's Warden, will meet with the Rector and other members of the Rierd of Management to decide whether or not a new organ will be purchased at this time. An organ fund was inaugur- ated a few years ago by a gen- erous donation of Mrs. Percy Danforth, of Ann Arbor, Mich., as a memorial to her father, the late James Adams, a generous benefactor of Trinity Church. Other donations as memorials have been made since then to augment the fund as well as that of Trinity Club, and mem- orial donations will be solicited in the event a decision is made to purchase a new organ at this time, for which approval of the Synod Executive Committee has been received. On Sunday, July 17 Rev. Can- on F. H. Paull preached a very stirring and effective sermon on the statement of Jesus, "I am the Vine and Ye are the branches" which was most ap- propriate to the occasion and could be regarded as being the prelude to inaugurate the re- opening. The soloist at the 11 o'clock service will be Mrs. J. B. Hig- gins and the organist will be the church organist, Mrs. Don- ald Johnston. HAYFIELD ' — The largest pipe band seen in Bayfield for many a year assembled in Clan Gregor Square on Sunday. Headed by a Legion colour party and led by Drum Major Jim Kennedy of Cntralia, the 45 pipers and 15 drummers, re- splendent in full colour, enter- tained an enthusiastic audience • of several hundreds, before par- ading around the village. Pipe Major Hector Kingswell, Clinton, tells us that the band New Stamp Issue For Conference Of Commonwealth A five cent commemorative stamp will be issued on Septem- ber 8, 1966, by the Canada Post Office to mark convening in Dttawa on the 12th General Conference of the Common- wealth Parliamentary Associa- tion, Postmaster General Jean- Pierre Cote announced. Mr. Cote 'indicated the new stamp will be purple in colour, of small Klee and horizontal in format. It features in the over- all design an unusual view of the historic parliamentary lib- rary in Ottawa to symbolize the working of Parliamentary Gov- ernment. The Association was founded in London in 1911 during the Coronation of George V. leaves an 'Friday for Sherrill, New York, to fulfill a three-day engagement. Members of the band come from Clinton, Strathroy, Forest, Brussels, Lucknow, Goderich and Exeter. Councillor Merton Merrier states that he has received many favourable comments from residents and others who enjoyed the concert and council have authorized him to extend their 'thanks to Pipe Major H. Klingswell and the band. BAYFIELD — Members of Bayfield Village Council, village officers and their wives, attend- ed an tinfornial dinner party at The Little Inn on Saturday, July 23. Guests of honour were, Brig. F: A. Clift, past reeve, arid Mrs. Olift; H. H. Ormond and Mrs. Ormond; Leroy Poth and Mrs. Poth. Other guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Frank McFadden, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Making, Mr. and Mrs. John Lindsay, Brig. and Mrs. G. L. Morgan Smith, Mr. and Mrs, R. L. Maloney and Mr. and Mrs. Merton Merrier. Mr. and Mrs. Odclleifson we're pre-dinner host and hostess for the occasion at their residence, "The Stonehouse" on Catherine and Main Streets. After the dinner, Reeve Mc- Fadden extended thanks on be- half of the village to Brig. Clift and Mr. Ormond for their Garbage Truck Takes Fire In Bayfield BAYFIELD — Mel Martin. who operates a garbage disposal service in the Bayfield ran into difficulties on Monday when pursued by a pile of flam- ing garbage! It appears that garbage col- lected from Deer I xelge includ- ed some seemingly dead embers Which, when fanned by the Wind, started a minor confla- gration. Mr. Martin halted an intend) ed dash for 'the dump, at Casine Drive-In, where help from the Bayffeld Fire Brigade was sum- moned. Prompt action by the volunteer 'brigade prevented serious damage to the truck. splendid efforts on the re-in- corporation of Bayfield during 1965. He also extended thanks from the Council to Mr. Path for ac- cepting the appointment to council at the time of Joseph Allaire's resignation. The twen- ing ended with an ovation for the three guests of honour. CARDS OF THANKS Words cannot express my grateful thanks to my friends everywhere for their many thoughtful acts of kindness dur- ing the months I was a patient in Clinton Hospital. I am also very grateful indeed, to the ef- ficient staff of Clinton Hospital and to Dr. W. A. Oakes and Dr. R. Flowers. — GERTRUDE G. GAIRDNER (Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner). Huron County Crap Report By D. H. Miles, P. Ag., Ag- riculture 'representative for Huron County. "Tuesday morning's rain in some areas of the county, temporarily relieved, but did not correct moisture condit- ions. "Late sown beans and corn and turnips were showing the effects of high temperature and no moisture. Fall wheat is being harvested in excellent condition with fairly good yield and quality — some barley is being harvested but quality only fair. Oats and barley are ripening too quick- ly. "Pastures are drying up and there is additional feed- ing of hay to cattle on pas- ture to try and keep milk production up. "Canning pea yields are re- ?cited to be decreasing from lay to day." 60-Member Pipe Band In Clan Gregor Square