HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-04-08, Page 1I) VOL, XXI --NO. 15• APRIL 8, 18 IM Just now everybody is beginning to think about house cleaning and what they will want in the way of new Cur- tains, Draperies on Carpets. We can truly say that we have the largest and best assorted lot of Curtain Netts, Lace Curtains, Art Muslins, Crotons, Hennp, Union, A11 -Wool, Tapestry and Brussels Carpets in Wingham and at prices with- in the reaoh of all, Come and see them. You want to get some, maybe. We'll be Teased to show you through. The Car- pets we'll ea and match. That'll save a , world of trouble to you. Our Parasols are here and a rine lot they are. Tho value is what you want and we can give it to you. The Kid Glove stook is complete to all styles and colors. The old reliable glove that this store has kept so long—you a know it. Our sales of Dress Goods for the past . out for stylish, seasonable goods. The Prints are grand cloth, and the patterns the most durable. We can lit any boy or youth in a nobby, well -fitting suit, and best of all, cheap., Best makes of Boots, Shoos and Slip- pers, and every line complete. Groceries as usual. Shop early. This store closes at seven. fortnight has borne thit s store's repu- eseoesesesesse —see ORR & HISCOCKS, Direct Importer The Baa, April 7, 1892. LOCAL NEWS —Cash for good butter and eggs at E A ,Graham's, Market Grocery. —The regular 1 eeting of the Public ,5.ehool poard wig be held on .Tuesday e•Vpning. next. —Word was re ived from Mr H W 0 Meyer, en Tuesd last. He and family bad arrived safely it Caigarry when he wrote. —One Horse Wagon wanted. Apply to Box 120, Wingham P. O. —Chief of Polio Bullard would be pleased if those pa ties who carried away the ladders from t hose tower _ would ' return them at one —Mr John Forst° has been appoi, .ed inspector of the aterworks contract in behalf of the tow He is well quaff - Med for the position. —Fruit anti Cot fectioueryj. all kinds, et D Rush's reetaur ut. —Miss Kate Strong, celebrated sole and d tario, has 'been secured ,concert, to be held on We have been favor spring weather for so Tuesday evening a ver took place, a cold way from the wost. On Thi esoay, tine, warm weather set in again, • —Good brick house to rent in the north •end of the town. Apply to t Prxsa DxA:vs. •-- Mr S Paling will o er for sale by pub lie auction, on the ala ket siluare, Wing- ham, on Saturday, AP it 'filth, et•2 o'clock p m, a quantity of furl. Lure ah'd bouseholr° . effects, Terms dish; Peter Deans, auc,. tioneer. •-The freshet this sp ing did not amount to much, the sucw die ppoaring so grad- ually. On. Sunday last the water was at its Surliest, and the pre rie to the booth of the town was pretty t 11 covered.. Since then the water bee beer receding, and it has now pretty Well cli ppeared. --Baby cerrfagoe just to binnd, 10 .per cent off for spot cash, at S G1tACIr s. .-Tile annual Meet ug of the sharehold. ars of the Wiugliatrt Temperance Hall , Company wits lield c;i Weduesday last, There wits a good a •tendallee, and the affairs of the eompau were discussed at considerable length, inter the reports of the officers had been enbr,itted, The reverts showed: that the meet any had met with phenomenal auceass far the short titre they had had the hall in eIse. The meeting was, on itlotion, adj ;urged till Monday evening next, at 8 teci ok, The furnitut , picture ir`ming and undertakieg ;clad 'ss is what I i 111 bare to attend henna 1 u de ermined t at I will not be uuderawld b "isgitime a dealer in the came line, if ' it. 1.4 r proof efthe above, 441 8 0l Frrr Care lend s, ' 1iqlaam. • f Mt Forest, the et rigger of Op - for Prof Scott's he 18th instant. ct 'with beautiful. e days, but en decide obange having arrived —Miss Murphy, b Ing about to leave town, desires those wing her to call and settle, on or before ti 20th Justin* See advertisement in anot ler column. —The Wingham . enuiag Company is advertising; for 1500 co ds of hemlock bark. They are offering $5 per cord for same delivered at their to nary, Read their advertisement in this i sue. —I have the largest and best selected stook o Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets that a ever been shown in town; away (low in price. Call and'see them,. W T XATt;S, The China House. r Thos Bell le es to -day on a siness trip to ill' knit a and the North West. Mr 'Sell does a tree trade in Maui toba, and usually call ou his enst„mere once a year. —At Osgoode Hall au order wah made t v Conover, beiug an H W C Meyer, Q C, ---Mr Thos Leslie say he can stn the inestfastidious. Read tis advertisement in another column. --Dr Sinclair, 08(.4ist, of Toronto, will visit Wfngbam refessioually on Monday next, staying t Queen's hotel — G T R triune for 'orouto and et leave Wingltam at 6.30 a ni and 11.10 a m via N G & 13 Division, and at 6.45 a m and 3,45 p 1n, via Clinton laid Guelph Good connections by all traius. — Horsemen, who require route bills or cards, will find ou cuts of the most mod- ern designs, and a work entrusted to us will be done prom tly and in the best style of the art. The schools wil close for the Easter holidays on April 14. In the rural see - tions the schools ill reopen on the 10th Toronto, last week and in towns and incorporated villages have the case Meyer the reopening w% 1 not take place until ction brought by•Mr he ,i,14'; , to rover the amount,, ib —The annual to recover of a bill of costs hie erred in the defem o# branch of the Bi Harry Garbutt, tali . is now in jail in` Toy in the Presbyterian church on Friday routopending the eecision of the Court of eveninve a 8th Amil. Rev Mr Hughes will give an addles on "The Bible," sting of the Wingham e Society will be held Appeal in proceedi igs for his extradition to 'Texas on a charge of forgery, tried at Toronto if reached : before the Autumn Assizes at Goderich. • . — Chisholm's Winter Fluid is not sticky or greasy, aures chapped hands, face and lips, rendering the skin soft and white. Also, an excellent application after shav- ing. For sale at Chisholm's Corner Drug St rye, Wingham. — Messrs J A Cine & . Co have been awarded the cont act of putting in the waterworks pipes at the north end of Josephine street. The pipes are to be eight inchos in diameter, and are to be laid along the, W et side of Josephine street, oomineneie4 at: the hydrant near the Dinsley house and north to Albert street, then west along that street to the wheelhouse.. Thi contract will amount to about $1100, a d is to be completed before the ].nth to Kay nest.. , — IV F Brocaenshlre has a lot: of Oil Paintings; alao,a few Beautiful Artotyped, which he is selling very cheap. I have a large stock of Moulding on hand, and I am making Picture Frames to order. Pho,- tograpby in all its branches from minis. tures to life size, Call and see what I have when in town. W F Bnocxexsxtini . •. Beaver Block, Wingham. 4/00—lir W K Louit, son of Mr James Loutit, of• this tows ,•. who has been em- ployed in Mr Thos ell's factory for some years, left for Batts 3 Creek, Michigan, on Thurpday, where 11: has secured a aitua- tiou "Billy" will be greatly missed by the lembere of Bell's band, of which organization he wa:< a valued member. He wasRecorcltuit, See'etary of Court Mait• land, Canadian 0 -der of Foresters, and was au effieieut cheer. He carries with him the best wishe; of his Forester breths i u for his future success. —For first-class tailoring and ()heap gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co, Remember the place, only two doors north of the old stand and between Ross' book- store and Halsted & Scott's bank. li'rRST UONG1enGATXONAL Orn non WI1 GXArt.—W. H. Watson, Pastor. Ser- vices each Sunday at 11 a. tr,. and 7. p. in, Sabbath Sohool and Bible class at 2.30. Prayer Meeting every Wednesday at 7.S0 p. m. Seats free. Strangers wel- come. Sunday, pril 10th. Morning subject, "Hid tree are and pearls." To. young people, " be children of 2,500 years ego and now contrasted." Evening subject, "God's d since Christ's tin half of Home alis Slings with the Jews o." Collections on lie- gionary Society. —Oyste s serve in any yle, at D Rush's .re aurant,' pposite D 5 therland's, ,rosep hit) street, Arrangements arL being completed for Pref Scott's eoucert, , vbich takes place on Monday evening, ,Apt it 18111. The London ;Ped Alta speaks tel s of Miss Agnes Knox, wile is to take part Agnes Knox, for the past twin or three sea lone,bas been a prime 'favorite with the ci deans of London, and her appearance on t re platform Stere never fails to draw a large ]torso. Victoria. Hall was. crowded to the loons last night, when this; talented young lady gave 'tor final re- cital prior to an extended tour through tiuelrt, tend her efforts ase were warmly reel. repeatedly encored owledged the appreci• d. As an "eloeittionlst t few meals, and being voice, she gives acne.. t.word, n quality leaking r t. .at. Blighted and the`c to entertain and pl procatod. She and pleasingly an taxon thus exhibi Agnes Knox has b poeneeaed of a fine ' tinot accent to es lige many *sparse reports, discussion a,,Music, etc. A pleas- ant and profitable evening may be looked for. Chair takeIL,j t 8 o'oleck. --A gentleman rf an Ontario town in an address before the business men . of the place pointed out bow they might build up their t twn, and concluded as follows: You ow• a duty to your town, and should give to the interest It is easy to fi any number of hr ers. But all tki: build up a tot n—it needs pluck and and time will do it. work fdr you to do to our municipality we will give the t me, and see that noth- ing is neglooted prosperity atnd,Fr — Rech Mon 1 Epistles o' Airlie 4 leevin' gin ye hats Airlie ? Ma cousin buik—no that lai but 25 cents, bu an' pawky scree anither in gui when I got then I thooht a' wad a'. It tolls a' a ebiel new tae th many a ane wh same predeecat portion of your time of your citizens. d fault; there are nablers and fault find - fault -finding will not push. Enterpris There is plenty o and if we are loy that will further the ae ye no read the Whaur bee ye been a heard tell o' Hugh oe, but its a gran' e ye ken, for it's no fu' o' hamely cracks s aboot, ane thing an' braid Scotch. Mon, uik I jist lauohed till ee. It fairly dings them ot the adventures o' a ways o' the kintra an' has been in the varra ent will ken hoo tae sympatheeze writhe puir birkie. Dinna fail tae speer at yer • bulk seller for the "Epistles 0' Air e," an' gin he has nagot it sen' 25 cents ae the Grip Printing & Publishing Co, uronto* —A most enj fya ble evening was spent at the Conyers, zione and At Home,given by Anchor of . ope Lodge, I 0 G T, on Tuesday eveni g last. The Temperance Hall was comb tably filled, and the pro- gramme, thongrather lengthy,was well carried out. W h one or two exceptions, all those takin part were members of the lodge. .Mr'W F Brockenshire filled the chair ver acceptably. The pro- gramme consis ed of selection by the I 0 G T Orchestr , consisting of ten per- sons;' trio, by essrs Ireland, Sperling and Johnston; olo, by L Ireland; duet, by Misses Joh '.ton; tableau, "Quick March," by Miss A Linklater, and Messrs Ogle Johnston and John Vannorman; dialogue, "Trait to Morrow," by Miss Amy Watson an Messrs R Galbraith and Stiles; tt os• `on byJohn S 1 , ret -tail J Stiles; instrumental tr o, by Misses Watson; dialogue, "A Rewaimed Father," by Mise Lottie Watoher,tnd Messrs W Bisbee, J l3lack„T C Spar ing, RJ McOlyniont and W J Elliott; sol .,by OgleJohnston; trio, by Messrs Irelat d, Johnston end Spar - ling; solo, by L Ireland; duet, by, Jas letoAlpine and Miss Amy Watson; solea- tion by 1 0 G T Orchestra; tableau, "Tenting on the old camp ground,” by Messrs Shortnat? Irwin, Johnston, Bis- bee, Keo, Femur,' Sperling and McOly- mont. Refresknents were served in abundance duri ig the evening. Ho mos Wanted. S Cotton, of T',ronto, will be at (Sollison's hotel, llarristoi , April 19th, Tiormau's hotel. Wingham; Wednesday, April 20, to buy carriage ao i saddle horses, l5.8 to 16 hands, withgoal style and action ; feat trotting horses also heavy dritugbte. 1450 the and upwaw A11 hones mush be sound and night, deg horses early. —Read E H DeveiJs announcement iii another column. ( —Hazel KIrke.at wn Hall, on Tues- day vening next. Mr Geo Fretwel has moved into one of his new housoi; i town, having rented. his farm in Lower Ingham, -The anniversary ervices in counsctiou with the Method's Sabbath School in town we0 held last S uday, Mr A Day, Secretary of the rovinoiat 'Sabbath Sohool Association, poached two excellent discourses, the moru ug sermon beiug ad- dressed to the schol re of the school, who were out it) full fore Dr Towler, super- intendent of the seh,o.l, gave a synopsis of .the annual report' of the school, which showed that there wr a 14 male and 11 female teaeilete; 24 lasses, containing, in the infant classes, 74 scholars, in the ire. termediate classes, 163, and in the adult' classes, 113, makin a, total of 340. The average atteud nee .1 scholars dining the year was 204. The u tuber of verses reel - ,ted by the bo s was 8, 06, and by the girls 7169, beiug a total . 15,875. • The total amount of money aised by the school during the year, i chiding collections at the anniversary, amounted to :$106.50. Sabbath School h. pa were suppliediliiring the year as follow : Banners 17, Times 0, Bereau Leaves 3 Q Pleasant Hours, 50, Sunbeams 50, Th Superinte :dent also intimated that a ne library had been purchased and that the books would be ready for doliverin next Sabbath. Mr Day addressed the Sheol in the afternoon and preached agai at night, his discourse beiug specially fo the teachers and older members of the s hoof and parents. All the services wer largely attended, the church beiug taxed ita utmost capacity to accommodate thea dieuoeinthe evening On Monday evening . a meeting, in the form 1 0# a canveuti n, washeld in . tbe church. The atter ce was not as large as it should have beet). ..'kir Day: deliuer.ed" an address, and the q estion drawer was opened and the questio is were answered by Mr Day. There as great interest taken in this departrne, t, The answers given were pointed a d practical. Ur Days addressee were '•. orably received and he is always sure of hearty welcogney in Wingham. Prof soott's The acoustics of t been tested since the has been put in, and 1 improved. The plau concert is now open a bookstore, where rese can be procured. (macre e town hall have ew stage scenery ad to be greatly A hall for this Mr Alex Ross' ved seat tickets Is Not Z ue. I understand t report is seiner circulated that I am oho -reit g from $ 0 to '520 more' for funeral ferule Inge than 'e charged for the same articles i neighbor ig towns. I wish it distinctly u derstooa hat funeral furuishings have bee in the rA r aucl will be in the relents supp ed (qualit consider- ed) as cheaply as by au other u dertaker in or within 25 miles o •Wiugha ,. And also, that when required, 11 such ipplies are delivered free auywh re with ten miles!, and funerals are a ended t. per-. sonally by S Gpaaar, Practicall7n ertaker, Wi 'ham, 0 t, arson, is. Mayor Clegg was i 'Toronto on busi- ness this week, .Mr Beattie,ropresent-: ing the Scotliai'i Qarta<lia , gave the TIMES a call this week.:..Mr; L 13 Calbick, of Goderich, was in tow renewing acquain- tances on Tuesday la Messrs A Stuart , and Jas Bonner, lately::mployed at the Union factory, left on Tuesday for Guelph, where they ave secured ems ployment.,Mr John " olloway, of Ethel, was in town a coupl of days this week. ..Mr Wm Crowston left town ou Tues• day for Manitoba, on prospecting tour .. Mr R 'Wilson, of Se forth, was in town a couple of days this week.. Mr Robert Marlow left town on uesday for Mani- toba—Mr J A Haleto , of Mt Forost, was in town on Monday on business—Mr Wm Cline, of Soaforth spent a couple of days in town this t ook visiting his brother—Miss Maggie 'Mott, of L' isto- will, is spending a few sinks in town,the guest of Mrs R Ellie t and Mrs it J Swim.. Miss Lena Bas •man, of Wards.,: ville, is the guest of Mr W13 Huttota. Oh, 'What rt Cough.'' Will you freed the warning 7 The signal perhaps of the sure approach of that more terrible diseane Colrsumption. Ask your selves if you eau afford for The sake of eating 50e.,to run the tisk and do bething for it. We know from experience that. , Shilob's Ciure will cure• your cough It uevorfails, 1.1 M i; WHOLE NO. c:a 'own Coupon, The regular nlontlil meeting of 1 if Town Council, wash d an•11Ionilay exa lug last. Present flyer Clegg;- Iter, Haulm; D e t, n r a , Deputy -1 y 1 leve Spading, al Councillors alesaro Ho1liuth, Brockenshi Anderson, Golley, He! es, Bider, (Marl Herdsman, MoLeau, he minutes of l meeting were read au .approved. A Col munioation was reg from John Dicks' town treasurer—Pi d, The Mayor stat that he lzad recei ed a communieati from ,7 T Garrow, 2 Tato the effect ti the bill which had peen before the Ont Legislature asltiug o have Mr Crost Willson's farm dei lied from the tot from A H Car had been withdraw . A petition was ri r an 44 others,. asking Make a temporary enclosure connection with ire town weinli scares. bolding -cattle wit le being weighed. Moe by W F Broekeushire, seconded by Anderson, that the ` etition of A, H Cl and others in refer ace to enolcsure weigh scales, be refs Ted to the, Prope Committee—Carrie , Mr A Forgie as the Council to buil a sidewalk iii frost his place on Joseo due sheet—Reterred, Street Committee, A petition was re from 14 Anderson and others, asking•t Lemueii to assiat in bu'Idiug 0 plank si walk on the nerth aid of Victoria str West, commencing t Josephine str and exteurliug as far west tie the Maitln River, the petition. rs promising to co tribute $103 toward, the same. Mored" B 0 Clarke, seconder?' ley R 0 Sparliug,th the petition presented bei Mr Anderson referred to the Street ommittee to port at next meeting a to the probab cost of building said sidewalk—Carrie M .r W Green addresse the Couucil as the bad state of Victoria street from t Union factory to Josepliile strut; iifov. by Wm Holmes, seconder by J Golley,th the request of Mr Gree , as to Victor street, referred her erre d to the ! treat Gomm't, t': oouuoil to rna witbi power to act—Ccirrijd. A dernth, ti from the School Board,cobsistiagof lies 11 M Gordon and Thos B' 11, addressed t Council, asking to have plank siclewal priced on Patrick and ohu streets fro Josephine street east o Francis etre and along Francis stree from Patrick John Street. Moved by 0 Clarke,seco ded by 11 C Spading, tl : t the request the,Schonl Board be re erred to the titre Uorimittee, to repor, on the matter cost and if" there are f ucls enough,to hid a plank sidewalk on o e or more of t streets named— Carr; ed. The Filttlu. Committee reported, recent meuding pa meat of the followir g accounts ; Jose Coad, salary, $15; 13 Ferpusen, sale; and postage; $77.50; Jlin Dickson, solar $18.75 ; Thos Irwin, salary, $52.20; J' Bullard,salary, $100.2`, Wiugbam Llectr Light Co, $80 : TheeThere, sawing woo ill ; Jolla Galbraith, harity orders, $3; N Griffin, charley or er, $1.; J Bullar battery supplies, $1,a0, The report Tr adopted and the &cements ordered to paid. The Fire and Water Commit- reported, stating that they had accept the tender of Meese• J A Cline & Co, 61.22 per lineal fo t for furnishing a putting iu water ipes. The tenders r ceived were : J A ine & Co, $1,22 p foot; John Forster, $1.2.1 per foot, at Moore Bros, $1.26 pe foot. The repor nil motion of J lfc . an, seconded by J Homuth, was adop ed and the ,1Tay instructed to elite into an agreeme with the oontrac r on behalf of tl Council for co pletion of contra The Property G matinee reported reference to the pu •chase of a safe. Nov by Wm Holmes, co0ded by J' Golte. that tete re tort of 11i:'!'roperty f;ommltt' be laid tr-- 'Stir ' . Moved L A e by W Broekeushire, second .d by J J Rearm, that Mr John Fors r be appointed Ii specter for the e tension of the we works, on behalf tb town, and that he Paid at the rate of t", per day. under t instruetiona of the Ch tirman of the WVate works i;ounnitteo .. `arried. Aceeu were read from G rdon & Mefnty charity orders, 'i2; W T 'Settee, chit relieve, $3; Jets Fla ty, printing, $13. Mr Broc.kenshiro obje, tell to the Coat'' paying accounts befcr : being referred the Finance l'•cniniitt e—ll:eferrcd to Finance Committee, on motion. Council thea udjourite, Mature' . awing. 1 hare Jus raeeiv4Sd o o of the la stocks of mon ltugs'for pi ; trim ane terms framing ever b ruglit into 'Ingham, have bought it ietielly to sell, anal sell tie cheaply as Can be go *ler So if yeti neve 1'etniet, v paintiul;e, any sire etvir, bring then! Meng alit VO rvlllirto for you '011 abort notiet, JGat 1's 1fur 'tu r