HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-04-01, Page 10)0 , TY "rlitif rr d 8.1.731q, A .., r c In Robt. Orr's old stand, lately occupied by E. 0 Clarke, Tailor, with a full stock of • q we{ ° ` S Z1 .7a S Cnsisting of ,DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS and SHOES, READY MADE CLOTHING, CARPETS, &o., II S 1 S.,. L ' TVr ; Not a dollar's worth of old goods in the House. a It con.tai - s a number of lines bought at a clearing price, and will be offered at special. ",prices. e An inspection• of the stock respectfully solicited. H. ;ReINDOO. The size of an advertisement cuts no gore, It's not what we are going to do the future, but what we are doing Ikow. 8' The ladies of Winghatn are invited to itring in their husbands and look at our a,ew Spring Outtits now in stock. Or if ipur husband is too big to bring, you ,an suggest it will be to bis advantage bat you should pass judgment on the ''ftiyle, fit and tailoring in the Spring Suit end Spring Overcoat he selects before it ie purchased. It is decidedly to our inter-' t to get the best of critics to examine e311. • Spring opening of German made Jack- , Newmarkets, Wraps and Capes. Our +esortment this season is unusually large Anel we are showing some excellent Ices in swell garments that will as- ish you sdme and delight you more. mistake to stay away. DRESS. GOODS =This wonderful stock now in its fullest feathers. You won't ret the looking at them, let alone the ying, j E.zn GLOVES —Everything that's new, rel,. desirable brought out for this ason liberally represented here, at un- ually good values, the choice and cor- ct oharaeter of our gloves being an cepted fact. A1tPE1•s—A11 new designs in Tapes- , Brussels, Extra Super All Wool. o, Floor Oil Cloth. Best value ever i8 pitted to a buying public. hods value in Ladies' Hosiery, Ladies' inderwear, Handerchiefs, Laces, Em- boiderios, Linens, Trimmings, Corsets, gbbons, novelty Veilings, at M. H. MCINDOO'S. 1;e iY ani Cali CS CCDA'. APRIL 1, LM)2. on, What a Cough. i11 you heed the warning? The sigual har,s of the .lure approach of that more ibte disease Coneumptiou. Ask your vitieeNteytetecitti afford for the sake of ng 80e.,to ruts the risk and do nothing u t Ne know from experience that elr's Cure will cure your cough. It r tIa. the IieeSder Seed Drill. at Johnston 1:. Story, foreman Ontario Rai Farm, has to say of them : annum, Jan. 10, 1802. fo s. ,A`l'FACrnaixn Co. 113,—rhe e;omuh,ed Steel France lfoesie, til and BrualatvtSeeder purchas.4(1 Of your - MMUS. Tolt•m tiros„ tins :riven OR salt sfmC• mor) sense of the word, Tho machine iv so . see conveniently arranged that the driver control, and can adjust it withont lots - s ran change from drill to broadcast seed- niguiate the hoes to run at the desired ititth is a very important feature when sow. Ghat is not uniform. Ile can set the hoes risza:r, overcoming the difficulty of clods gathering in the hoes. He can throw the attzehntent in or out of gear where only a SS the ffelrl is to be seeded down. The drift be removed and the enitivator teeth at- five atitnntes, making the cheapest and ator `I ever used. htf light draft. Ours being the ntthat an ordinary team can sow per day. I like sour force feed. floes not creek Or bruits the hesitating itt reeonmtei-dirrt the tig purehascri,and wish the +Stage. very truly, Jtfln scar k. Nroav, Farm B'bseman. whitoahurch, is agent forthess 0.. • In Mexaforiam. WRITTEN ON TME ATE ROBERT ORR. On the emerald fields of Heaven, Glorious home of gl pious rest, Home of seraphim a cherubim, Saints, and angels' rightest, beer. Homes of veterans in life's couflict, Those who braved pollyou's rage, Souls who -rolled the t'de of battle, Names that light up lories' page. Thou who through dar.• tribulation, Pain and auguish, sti made good,. Entrance through the , early portals, By their conquering eader's blood. And another name is • dded To the fair eternal oil, And the heavenly ho • made ltnswer, "W.elcome," to a vo eran soul, He has crossed the aha• owed valley, He has passed throw h Jordan's wave, Faith victorious, hope riumphi'ug, Passed the confines 4, the grave. Though we hail Trim .t among us, Though he walks u . rnoreearth's sphere, He has left a fame u . tarnished, Left a uame to ho. or dear. And the golden bel' • rf Heaven, Timbre! strain , d joyful song, Distant bills in „1• d vibtatiou, Swept resoundiu • cords along. Swift the white rob d army sweeping Through the star- • row ued fields of air, Brother spirit, love ,ncircling, To that home all ,right and fair. F. H. Too Many 5o says the ''re clerks and men iu t settle on the land to does not say how til will take $500 to • 1, a farm. according until he would be the land. There that it would pa,, thanany invest en in Business, de Ideview, It advises Batrloye y Bn e t,+wus and citiee to Peas,• the North West but Butter, tub , do stalls, y eau get a start. It Eggs per dozen Wood per cord, 00 to start a man ou Ray per ton, . o size of his family, •D sped Hogs, per cwt ble to make a living off Chickens, per pair Turkes, not the least doubt but Ducksy, peper r pair llt our Goverurneut better 'yours truly, troduction Mr Doles w' 1 mail them to any address ou receipt of en ceuts per copy, when accompanied by this notice. Address Isaac Doles, Indianappolis, Ind, U S A. Thomas Williamson forger, was retlteno at Kingston on Mo nal Assizes at Toronto on, the Markham d to sevrt1 years iday at' the Crimi- - nto. 801 N. FLANAGAN—In W ngham,` on March 28th, the wife of Mr rank Flanagan; a son. . WArdeert—In East awanosh,on March, 8th, the wife of .Mr Elisha Walker; a daughter. ' MAR IED. CASEMOR.E—JOINT ON—On 23rd ult, at St Paul's church, ngham, by the Rev E W Hughes, Jame Casemoro, of Turn - berry, to Esther Eli the late John Johns + DI PROPERTY FOR SALE. mar For sale, in the Town Plot of Wingham, two Park Lots, Nos 40 and 41, on Alice Street, north of the Railway ; goon land and good water close by, and a small stream runs all the year across a small coiner of the -property; with apples, cherries and small fruits. House fairly good. Apply at the . / "TIMES" OFFICE wingham, Ont. JAS. MURRAY & CO • WIN GH ABI FOUNDRY, • Manufacturers of and dealers in GRAIN DRILLS and43,FIEDERS, PLOWS, GANG PLOWS, WIND MILLS, ROLLERS, MOWERS. &c., • CUTAWAY and Di4ADE SPADE HAR. R abeth, daughter of OWS. - on, of Turnberry. --- 1D. • General Foundry Work, Repairs, &c. Fg CornerN—In Win ham, on March 29th, Tire Platforms and Tire I7 setters fo Cornyn, moth ar of Wm and Thos B ackstu•Tire hs. Up setters aged 84 yeees. - BELwAY—At lot S, con 6, Culross; on the 22nd inst, Pera.elia, beloved wife of ,< aged v tle,on .12 I. Tilos Belway, ears, 13 days. LEwis—In Blue n the 19th March, Ntiti ingtu, Sarah Lewis, wife r D Lewis, aged C 45 years. JAS M WINGEIAM MAIIKETS. WINonam, March 81, 1892 Corrected by P. Deans, Produce Dealer. Flour per 100 lbs, • g 2 40 to 2 40 Fall Wheat per bushel, • 82 to 88 aprin ent they llaye ever made to advance the a Love amounts to each man Who is willing tc settle in our North West. The money cool I be made payable yearly, after a certain u umber of years. It would be much cheape • for our Goverument to lend the money .him to spend thousands every year adver,ising for emigrants and when they come j[ ere' very few ever settle ou laud, for the r anon butt they have not - money to begin w th. 1 have not the least doubt but that I e;u get 500 men in the city of Landon wh t would be glad to avail themselves of the <hence to settle on our vacant lands, if .Ile Government would only give theni.a'st rt. Will not mottle of our members bring ho matter before the House at an early date? I am sure it is the moat importau question which could be brought before t e House of Parliameut at the present tim . Hoping some good man, such as yonr ember,Dr Macdonald,. will bring this mat r up, I remaiu, Yours truly, C. M. Nytwwss. London, March 1rltb, 1802. —The "Odd ''elle s'Grand March"and the "Air Ship Walt/' are two 'of the latest . compositions of Isar Doles, Indianapolis, Ind. 33oth are mus Hal gems, They earn. prise live pages eats, sheet musi o She, besides% illustrated ti le pager, not difttenit in exeoutide, !; bae,atiful In composition, rima sen tot 43 tubsll la. By way of in.. Geese, per Ib - 82 to , 83 28 to 30 30 to 60 60 to 61 16 to 16 • 15 to 16 0 to 10 1 60 to 1 75 0 00 to 10 00 20 to 26 • 6 26 to 6 60 80 to 80 40 to 60 9 to 10 • 6 to 6 TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE. Tho undersigned wishes to dispose of his property, consisting of half an acro of -ground, being lots 45 ' and ad, Catherine Street East, on which is eroded a good frame house and stable. There are also a Ono lot of hearing Unit trees and the land is excellent for garden t;; purposes. For particulars as to prise apply to a owner on the premises. JAMES DEYELL. Ni ;hatn, March 30, 1802. FUR TANNING and DRESSING. H, WASIIBURN, Victoria street East, near G. T. R. Depot, LISTOWEL, ONT., Is prepared to Tan, Trim and Dress all kinds of Furs, in firat•class style. Sheep Skins, Dog, Fox and all fine Furs carefully attended to. . He al makes Drum Beads. Patronage solici H. V.TASHBURN. istowel, Mn,reh 28, 18c02. Notice of Dissolution. • Notice is hereby ggl that the partnership hither• tofore SObsistinst bet the Undersigned ae genets] merchants, in the to f,, Wlnrrharrt, in tine t_dttnty of Huron, been this day the by mutuaitconsent All debts dile the late firm will be ppaid to,tho umlorsignod Thos A Mills, by whom al**, bIlltiss of the late firm, will be paid; Dated fat Wingham th{ pith day of IfebrtUtty 1. A, 111149, @tans., J. A. Merton ttlit3. N. RING, 0 MUSICAL' ADER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH gives Private' 580118 in Vocal Training, both and Tonic•Snl• Notation. Open f • agement. - for Concerts or !lurch meetin Apply at •e,:, rills moderate. QUEEN'S HOTEL. Winghant. ENDErbi ,% `ED. Sealed Ten I's will l.Circi.,. ;•t by the Trustees of School Section 'o 11, , erry,k, ' (Lower Wing -ham), Hp till lobi Apri , 18• or thea Erection of Two Frn,n,e Water Close : contract 'tor to furnish all material. Plans iflcatlons teen be seen at • the residence o it _ Netterfleld, t41. nt any time,. Tenders can addles any of the rtisteos. THOS. 1 `11FIELD, \ 1 A.aMNA Jtti I ltIt, J L ver W111 hanr, 11 12th, 16 .0 oI SALE,. Lot No. 3, and E. e of Lot No. 7, 11th. Con.'Turnb —150 acres; 90 acres cleared• well fe d• frame house and ustees. other buildings; ; d'orchard; cheap, on or - time. Apply to C. CAMERON, 01 Godorich, rt. MoPHERSON, Glenfarrow P. 0. RRAY & CO. LSTORE J. R. MUNSHAW Begs to intimate to the people of Wiugham and general public that he has opened out a large stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, , TRAD1 SALE ! To General Merehn,and Boot and Shoe Stores. In connection with n i,eathct• Business I' keep a • full stock of SHOE ).RESS1NG, • 'Hathaway, Whitmoi Zenon!, French Dressing,. Eclipse, Bixby's, Peri Kid, etc, In 10, 15 and 25c sizes, by tate gross dozen. Jacquot's French Blacking and Gray's tax waterproof. • in Leather, Horsehid English Rip, Porpoise, &c. Cotton and Rifle. 1.11 lengths. . Button fasteners m; rens, cork soles, &c. SHOE aE A.THEit, - Simon Alma, bal and and 8Iezzonia Kip and Calf ; also native lcip and uer, Spanish and slaughter m, • SILVERWARE, Ste, sole. r in the store lately occupied by Mr. Ed, - HARNES LEATHER, Diusley, and invitee all to call and see ' Best tbrr on hand oak and hemlock. Special traces goods and get pries. ' Patronage solielted Prices guaranteed. A postal card will secure gnot ons ora call from my travel- ler. W. J CHAPMAN • Repairing promptly attended to and satisfaction guarenteed. J. R. MUNS-A fir, - Wingham, March 23, 1892. SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE. The success of this Great Cough Cure is without a parallel in the history of medicine. All druggists are authorized to sell it on a pos- itive guarantee, a test that no other cure can sure cessfully stand. That it %lay become known, the Proprietors, at an enormous expense, are placing a Sample Bottle Free into every home in the United States end Canada. • If yea have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for it will cure you. if your chilli has the Croup, o3 Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and relief it sure, If you dread that insidious .Utast, Consult tion it. Mk your Druggist for S Prig to eta 5'0 Tanner ad Leather Merchant, Wixenees. firths ilf 13 M A„ L I. P, S O.,'M C, P. S. Iii., SPE CCS =7ISZ' TO tONZTO. Jonathan 13uhart, Listowel, says :« "After spe]ltlinesll my money and prop- erty to llo ,purrxe on medical men, for what they toren j,1 a hopeless case of con- suitiption, Dr, Saclair cured ale." • Mrs. Mary Pt !long, Woodhouse, says: "When all oth rs failed, Dr. Sinclair cured me of fits' W. McDonald Lakefielil, says :—•-"Dr, Sinclair cured tie of Catarrh." Goo. fi,owod,3lyth, says :••--•"Dr. Sin- clair cured 1110 c?heart disease and drop - syr when all otl yrs failed." Diseases of p*:vato nature brought on by folly Dr. Sin ]air certainly cures. OONSYU 4TATION FREE. i3ly. SINOA,IR will be at the QUERN'S I OTEL, Winig m, ti ON