HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-04-01, Page 9_:.cwt.,..�.�,....,.�......,�.......... �. CauntY Caimans. Vegetable i'oetry. A bill is now before the Legislature Potatoes canis from far Virginia; which has tor, its object a reduction in French beans low owingonithe'eart11, the number of county eotuieillors, The To (110(114101a trace- their birth, county clerk shall, at the (text inunici- But scarlet rttnhers, gay and tall, That oliib upon your f;arclen wall_ pal election, January, 1803, irrespeo* A obeerful sight to all around— live of the vote or opinion of the Colin. In South America were found. eil, submit to the f:leutors of the mu., The onion eat Switzerland keel, nd w Spain; ,Che leek Prom Switzerltlnd we fain, nicipality by ballotkthe question ''Ara Carlie from Sioily ohtaln, Spinaob iq far Syria grows, you in favor of adopting ,the County Two hundred years ago or more, Councils Act of 1892 r if the ma- Brazil the artichoke sent o'er, Aust southern Europe's sea coast shore jority of the 'people vote for it it will Tieet root on us bestows. tomo lake. force. If the people When'Lizbeth was reigning Here, do not desire to reduce the Peas came from Holland and were dear, ' The south of Europe lays its claim number of councillors th9y may Toe eadio ebe butboth thin and pyut,me, reject the question. 'The question Natives of Chine are, no doubt; is to be submitted in those ccunties But turnips, carrots andsea-kale tivhicli have more than fifteen council. With celery so crisp and pale, Are products of our own fair land. lora. In counties which have less than And cabbage—a goodly tribe fifteen councillors it is not to be sub- Which .abler pens alight well describe— Are also our I undrstend. milted unless by direction of the —Goldwaite's Geograpbical,Magazine. county council. The rest of the first Hoeeower's Pries There is eoth- part of the bill is connected with the ing in the whole'tlleteria Medica,' like adoption of the act. The second part these Medicaments for the certainty of prescribes the number of county their action in lumbago, sciatica, tie councillors and the mode of their elec. l doloreux, and all flying or settled pains in the nerves and muscles Diseases tion. In counties haying a population of this Nature originate in bad blood and depraved bunters', and until these aro corrected there can the no perman- ent cure. The ordinary • remedies afford hut temporary relief, and in the end always disappoint the sufferer. Holloway's Ointment penetrates the population over 00,000 there are to he human system as stilt penetrates heat, •eleven councillors. Cities and towns and the Pills greatly assist and aeelov, ate its operation by clearing away all obstruction§ and givieg tone to the system generally. Thb prophylactic virtues of .i-lolloway's 1.6111 .hes stand of 40,000 or less •there are to be seven councillors ; in counties with a population between 40,000 and' 60,000 there are to be nine conn, cillurs,' and in counties with a separated from the counties ere not to be included. Fifty Or more electors may signed nomination papers no.ni- iiating one or More for-counciliors and uuHeal led. if the number nominated does'.'not ex - heed the number to be oleo ed they shall be declared ele2ted. tach voter may give, all his votes to on 5 candidate or umy distribute them as le sees fit. Bo a Missionary. How often in church, le dture*ruoln or theatre cue will notice the shoulders of •u, good-looking and. , lyfrllfe tting garment plentifully besprin led with Dandruff. Be a missiuuary and :11 people that Auti- Dawdruff is go • teed to remove Dan- druff with threplications. Q>•avings. ' • It is a act It almost every man and w au is .'ir.g of something to . the v ery verge _arsitnony. Economy takt s queer fi. . Your generous, f e -handed, likeable mother' may be positively w. in Ler saving of pine. Or your _ler may be ready at any time toy his fingers in an effectual latent -o use a matFch a second time, iu:,d of taking a whole one, - i We once ltuetleran of wealth and position, who thsed well, kept a carriege, and seehis sons to an exp pensive eellege, _t who invariably opened his letter -with. great care in order that he ini,ke turn the envelopes inside out and itt.-,hem again. Since this trait- almost universal, although its 1nnUi Cation is iso various, :every one should. leaver to give it the right direction: both in himself and in any young people under his charge. For se:mimes the form j which one's eeono y takes causes not Only amusement t4thers,' but a dis- tinct loss to himse? For example,ceri.n writers,in coin- ' peting for largo pri -3 for stories, pre- pare their manus, Dts in such a way that they save a c=t or two in the aggregate, but makheir story so un- attractive in appear co that all editor reading it can hard' do it justice. There is Sue form .'economy which, in spite of all that he.3 bean written. 'about misers, is sel em carried to ex cess--eoononi o m key, Every y , boy y Y and girl, no matte how rich the parents may be, 110 Iter how hard the family must pine in order to live, • should learn or shou be taught to .savtt a part of his r her ni011eY in conte. If it is only ten cera in a year,then sive that ten Cents. et it away and accumulate a fund. 1 you are within reach of a savings bat ,helve u deposit there, and addto it, rift hi moneys matters is a Iowa, tvv tfeli every one iimust 'earn who Hopes (;by-and-by to .have a tortuue'of his ovla, ' A brave man thinks no one his super- ior who does hint au injury; for be has it then in his power to make himself superior to the other by forgetting it. English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses. Blood Spavin, Splints, Rine. Done, Sweeuoy, Stifles,Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Conghs, etc. Save 650 by use of Ode bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure Peer know,.. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. We sleep, but the loom of life • never stops, and the pattern which was'weav- ing when the sun went clown is weaving when it comes up to morrow. t Cold Weather Trials. Dnut Sols,—•This fall and winter I suf- fered from neuralgia in my face gaud hrid the beat medical advice without avail. .1 at last thought of trying B. B. B1, ancf after using one bottle have not—felt any symptoms of neuralgia since. 1 regard it as a dice Gamily medicine. :J. T. Dnoss, .kleablip, Man. A life of leisure and a life of laziness are two things. Many, without labor, would live by their wits only,, but they break for want of stock. Write your name in kindness, love and mercy on the hearts of 'thousands you come in contact with year by year, and, you'll never lie forgotten. Et CONSV14YPTI CUE An old phyaioia$, retire r practice, hating had placed in his h'rends by an East India missionary the formula of a supple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Bron- chitis, Catarrh,. Asthma and all throat and Long Affections, also. n positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Net ons Complaints, alter having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of oases, ho has felt it his duty to make it known to firs snffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to 'relieve human suffcrinv, I dill send free of charge, to all .who desire it, this recipe, in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing anis using. Sent by nlail•by addeessing•with stamp, naming this paper. W. A, NOYES 520 PQ•vors Block itochetor, N, Y. human or ani mals denred in Of 1iy N11eo1 to s Boadiery Lotion, 'Sells nevar (Mis, Seldby t e mist rn. ,' r4 PISO , URE FOR 1- i ,. r,,, sr' I. Ik, v, u scot tgit¢It •yrup. 'asses rood, line r•, un 111 taste. bold by dru ata. N ..I y Beguiatea the Stolmach,. Liver et ncl 'Bowels, unlocks theSecretiona,2u rifiesthe 'Blood and rernoves ali irT1- purities from a 'Pimple to the Worst Scrofu to u s Sore, CURES DYSPEPSIA. BILIOUSNESS; CONSTIPATION. HEADACHE SALT RHEUM. SCROFULA. HEART BURN, SOUR STOMACH DIZZINESS. DROPSY. RHEUMATISM. SKIN DISEASES FOB, THE BEST VALUE '� i IN .�",.��, CL"1 ORDUR D O .I,. HING -GO TO- V1EBSTER's HATS, CAPS, COLLARS, SHIRTS, CUFF, Cheap for KASH , AT-- W E S T S I ' S A MURRAY &. 0 How easy is the thought iu certain moods of the !evilest, most unselfish devotion I How hard is the thought in the face of a thousand unlovely ditcultles ? The Head surgeon. Of the Lubon Medical Company is now at TorMito, Canada, and .may be consulted either in person or by letter on all chronic diseases peculiar to man. Men, youug,old, or middle-aged, who dud themselve nerv- ous, weak and exhausted, Who are broken down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the following symptoms: Mental deprossion, .premature old age,loss of vital. ity, lose of memory, bad dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation of the heart, emissions lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, head- ache, pimples on the face or body, itehing or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizziness, specks be. fora the eyes, twitching of the musoles,eye lids, and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits of the urine, loss of will power, tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep,faihtre to be rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing, lose of voice, desire for soli tude,exeitability of temper, sunken eyee surrounded with te,teeta ff,cLll, oily looking skin, eta, are all nytuptotns of nervous debility that lead to insanity and death unless 'cured. 'rhe spring or vital force having lost its tension every function wanes in consequence. Those who through abuse committed in ignorance may be permanently cured. Saud your address for hook on all diseases peculiar to man. Books sent free tattled. Heart disease, the symptoms of which are faint spells, purple lipil, numbuess,palpitne time tido beats, hot •flushes, rush of blood pain in the heart with bean, dullI tete u to the , ular, Mate strong. rapid and irra ry , the second heart neat quicker that the irst,pain about the breast bone, etc, Banositively ' be cured. o etre, no pay. Seed for book, Addrtsi M. V L'C113OI1, 24 Meriden. ell Ave. Toronto, Canada. .71 • mete asp 'Pe B (}+"x Imoeoon is t.'m c dls of the fatal serpents was not more holuleea t an is tern :nal, wim pines undce the eliects of dye. ease. e80o,50.^, overwork. warn• ole. •Rouse yorr, s lf. ToksLunn: toi hope again c:r;. p • ill', A D7 AA t 1rd 3. eealotind,,'ho l t0 1010H to them, 11 nn CAN onn'w U, "'Ci,.,..,.y`t.. •1: by 1103 Or env al: elusive methm:^ , �p�ss"6 ri 111115 i u: +. and at•plinuees. >a'.•PA„Lfr'I1 !�NUUN '� Siurpla, itrrruilipnlf ire. tour ut at hours for A ®�¢ ou' Er ditlr:4 \iiti 1!'isosuS odyaa.. Nervous iPrErr rr J .fobts of Noble or l xuL.Yaee in Old or scene Robust. Noble iaANrr,Un gully heeLored. I pr'ovementcan too first day. flow to enlarge mid strengthen 11xAs UNDEVELOPED Oir(ANS AND PARTS Or Bonn Dion testify'fronr BO States andJfore?.gn Countries. write there. Book, ex lanatione andproofsnlailed (seated) free, Address, - EltIi,; MI.DICAi. (JE3.,'LIUFPAILO, 0l,V, Sg,vut(Ei,)Mem Mth Seo our stock of new and desirable BOOTS ond,S-0E, Overshoes, Rubbers, &c., For old and young, at prices which defy competitio Great...Variety, Great Bargains,. Great Opportunity. Haring purchased the business lately owned by Dir D McCormick, next to the Bank of Hamilton, and added to the°already largo stock, I wish to Worm the people of Winghanl and surrounding country that I am in a position to furnish then with anything in the Boot and Shoe line at astonishingly low prices ORDERED 1VORK A SP.ECIALt'Y. Your patronage kindly solicited. Don't forget the stand—Two doors north of the Postoflide JOHN MARTIN. ZETLA1 D . SAW MILL GEORGE THOMSON, Proprietor. Lumber of all kinds, • First-class Shingles, and Cedar Posts, Oar Load Orders a Specialty. WOOD delivered to any part \ i ngli aril. 112'r Orders by"mail.prornptly attended to. GL711GE THOMSON, wirrrbatn P. 0. Also, dealer in all kinds of. Agrioultnral Implements, broils, Sewing Machi lee., all from the best makers in Canada. Acjuicot MANUFACTURERS ,�r+' f.•'' Plows, Ira :' Gang lows, Lan Rolle 'owe-rs. :3 LSO, v`JAL EYS PATENT LL11-411Miti std LflE: t'1T!N INO Ml� OOMPLEIE WITH '" MPS, U. WARRAN 'D THE BEST IN ti • ..AA STI an�3� GS in BRASS TO ORDER. REPA1P�l ' G AS USUAL. , MURRAY & CO .—All those indebted kindly call arid settle at once. OSIER STEEL FRAIL AM DRQ Over 25,000 Hoosier Drills and Seeders with our Positive Forec Feed in Use in Canada. ' GUARANTEED THE,I3EST IN TILE WORLD, and tloo only drill that can be instantly regulated rut the desired depth in hard: and soft ground while moving. THE HOOSIER, IS THE ONLY DRILL that sorts all kinds of grain and seeds oenly, and at. depth desired in all kinds of soil. er.e HOOSIEI.R IS TEIE'ONLY DRRILL that eon memos to sow the instant the hoi'so moves. THE HOOSIER IS Tut' ONLY POSITIVE FORCE FEED, and is the only drill that deposits the grain ov just the depth you want it in hard or soft sell. ISalnsMuaa Tats. THE HOOSIER COMBiNEO DRiLL with cultivator teeth lythe best cultivator mado,andisthe only fm meet made with teeth on independent draw bars that eon be set for hard rung soft land while, the team I motion. TOE I00051,05 is lighter on the horses than any other drill made. The paints of excellence in linesmen. that other drills do not have aro worth inure to the farmer than any drill in the world, . THE COMBINED It0OSIER can be changed from drill to seeder or seeder to drill In less time than any nrado. Send for our new illustrated catalogue and testimonial sheet. 13ewaro of purchasing drills, infringe our patents. of NOXON 13R.OS. MFG. CO, (LTD.), INGEItSOLL, 0 The financial standing of this Company is first.elass, they being rated at 5245,000. No combine. her ' o JOHN CAMPBELL, Agent, - WHITECHU1101 , 0 BANK OF HAMITON, W'INGHAM. Capital, 11,300,000. Best, $600,000. President--aolty £rtusar. Viee•Preslrlont—A. G. 12AMsAr. ; UZZOTORS iovso Paoe'roa, CHAS. GuaxsIY, 050 ItoAon, A. 7' Woo», A. 0, Lttr, (Toronto). Cashier—J, TURNBULL. Sat/lugs Bank—Hours,10 to 3 ; Saturdays, to 1. Deposits 0141 and upwards received and interest allowed. Special boposlte else received at current rates of interest. Drafts a. Great Britain and the United States bought and sold IB.'WILLSON, Ateaam illl:Ylll# at DICKINSON, INSON, Solicitors. _ ,ORM POWDERS Alt, is !omit! to Wm. L'anlaite !Ur ()ion Putgaiirt. 1rs aseffe,, owe ae1d eJettsutl a'rsltr:gyse°Av'rwso Chile iPas ot•Adults. APPLICATIONS THOROUGHLY REMOVES DANDRUFF } - " I1. Er. CAVEN. 'romntn, Towelling Pnstencnr Aaenr, O P 5.. •��""�'~'� Rays: AntedrnndrutritaperreItremoverornan. drnf-lis nrtlen Is marvellous—in my own ease n raw,pparAtions hot only thoroughlyrameved GUARAN�i � D f lllilg a Delbr 111ert. ad° It int ar but stopped fallen. of Delbert. made It sort andpllablo and promoted a vialbre growth. OF Restores trading hair to ire Original color. Stops failing ofh' Keeps the Scalp clean. MakOS hair soft and Pli Promotos Growth. A Blessing 6 t Every Household. HOLLOWAY'S PALLS AND OINTMEN These remedies have stood the test of fifty years experience, and are pronounced the bust Volitive Family use. TIO PILI.ilS l'urtfs rho blood, correct all disorders of the L1VE0, STOMACH, 10 IINEVS AND P0i'11':5S a invaluable In all'complaints incidental to females of all snot. oI. Is the only reliable rtmedv '(OS bad legs, cores, ulcers, and old wounds. ron Tltfoxenitls THROATS, (`OUOIIS fi0Lils, omit, Itr'EVMATlSD1, eLAll'ULA11 SWELLINGS AND AIX DISEASES 1T 11AR NO 1rgUAL, ldanufsetured only at 78, New Oxford. into SITS, OSfotti Stmt., WA ►nd told by 511 ltodletna Vendors throu*hoot 'the world. IMertnintinlit should look to the Label on ibe 1$oicei and bots. 'Et the addreti hart See Oxford Street, Loudon, they rte epulises, .k t 5.- _