HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-04-01, Page 81 Butt when my big brother Tont lighted . > (biles! hui pipe, she sald,Get out of the house, you horrid creature 1 9'11e smell of your tobeeco makes me sick!' tanuff is Injun mea made out of tobacco. 1 took it little ruin (Meet and than T CIDAY, APRIL 1, 4802. 1 DITOBI414 NOT4S, sneezed. Lilt Toronto Tele;/rant, an indepen-Aevtc: To Aiornans.-Are you doeturbotl at hldht ik COn servetive paper, writes. as. aid broken of your rest by a sick child euUering an11 cryln„ with pain of (MOM i; Teeth? It so send at Quo end Cera bottle of ' Alre,Winelaw'e Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. Its vehicle incallul• able. It 'oil relies o• the poor little enf O ,r immediately. Depend upon it, mothers; there ie no miecatco about it, It aures Dysentery and Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach and Dowel,, cures WindCoiio, softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system, "Mrs. Win- dow's Soothhig syrup" for children teething fa pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of ono of • in reference to the London e ow that they have wi rav it deposit trod abandoned filo thin tense of eppealiug to the Supreme rt, the tualiagers of the Conserve- til LOt1:1oti reveal themselves rho oldest and bast 'male physicians and nurses in party ' the United Stator, and• is far sola by all druggists Ithe country m their true colors. throughout iho world. Price tweutyfve Tani tit they wonted was not a fair bottle, Be sure and ask for "Alan, WINtinoire '$ODTStin Enloe, And take no other kind tganentupon the merits of the ease, If a man empties his purse into his head no one takes it from a hire. An in- vestment in knowledge always pays the best interest. For the past year I have been troubled to a very great extent with Dandruff, also a dullness of color in my hair, and through the advice of a friend (who spoke from ex- perience) 1 tried your Anti Dandruff, which, upon the application of less than a bottle of your liquid I fiud my head not only thoroughly cleansed but a vast im- provement in the Dolor and growth, 1 have and do recommend it its highly beuefi.oial to the profession and public gen- erally as au agreeable and welcome inure, avtiou in the remedies put forth. for public favor. Yours, etc, Wilt P WoI,>,s, Advertising Agt, "Frank Daniels Co." Season 1890-91. Step by step will cross the moun- tain.. Laziness is a much greater thief than a pickpocket. To hide a sin with a lie, is like a crust; of leprosy over an ulcer. 4 0, chance to stuff the voters' list ah names which their own revising icer dare not, violate his conscience keeping oil the nal. ' udge Elliot played their game. gl,t judges hi LWO courts unanimous. ;held that the notices of objection re good. One county judge holds that +y were bad, and the scandal of it that under the •Franchise Act his ll is superior to the law. Q blacker crime, no touter outrage .ins the Parliamentary annals of the ,e then (het which installs Hou John fiat Guilin; in a seat that belongs to other elan. Iiad ling Charles been otected d,y au outfit of Judge Elliots ti Revising Officer Frasers be would ,ve.'kept Pym, Hampden, Hollis and !outwit out of the Long Parliament, !Taney Dever dared attempt the ince which a representative t:'rovern- aut ilea perpetrated in London, " in e darkest hours, and it is sad to see e right to a fair election frittered ray in a miserable partisan squabble. Canadians in their capacity as par. e ars 'wink at too much. Some liege they cannot afford to wines , at. lien n judge invades the sacred right - free electors, every Canadian loses Ore as a citizen than lie can gain ea partisan. Medical Hints. •'COAL: FOR wysesPtlLt. As is well known, this troublesome 00113 - plaint arises from over-'eiiting, the use of too much rich food, negi44tea constipation, lack of exercise, bad air; • etc. The food; Wore the Mart on tlhe other foot Grit should be thoroughly chewed and never ,,tperS would excuse the crime which 1 belted or swallowed is • :kste, :stimulauts ey now denounce. If the dominant, must be avoided and "ferolse: taken if trty.,�bre sufferin;.iiestNad of sinning possible, A remedy which 'leas rarely s organs would rend the heavens failed to give prompt relief' and' effect per-, moment cures, even iu the most obstinate itb their complaints. The gains or cases, is liurdack Blood Bitters. It acts saes incidental to the perpetration of by regulating and touiug the digestive ignifi- organs, removing costiveness and iucreas•. i s high trine are the mostii~ : ing the appetite and restoring health and int result of its snceess. The ,nun- *Igor to the system. As a casein point we is really the sufferer by an telt ` quote from a letter written by bliss L. A. tat degrades an honored judge, e that tiuhu, of Hamilton, Out.: ' 2wo years ago R g + ;life seemed a burden.. I could not eat the never disgraces the minister whom simplest food without being. in dreadful seats, and that stains a free Gov= misery iu my stomacb,under mysboulders rnnlent with the guilt of doing that and &cross the hack of my neck. Medical rltiGll no ancient tyrant dare attempt, tised, I took two bottles of t'advice.taiadver led'to procure 'relief and seeing Z. Independent journals cannot shirk ft, and have been entirely free from auy 1@ duty of. denouncing wrong. They symptolns of my complaint since." eivf 110 Sympathies to betray then) iu This gives very conclusive proof of this i) error. Their o'ient is the country ; wonderful reined V. leir Gauss is the right, And it is their The web of our life is of mingled qty to denounce every' sin against teetotal liberty. It is a duty not to yarn, good and ill together. Our )e shirked because it is painful. It is virtues would be proud if our faults isgraceful that an offense like that of whipped therm not, and our Grimes'. ;one0u should be attempted, It is would despair if they were not cher- nfamous that it sbouid succeed, and isbed by our virtues. lie Government that puts .its str o suck poor use might be warno. f4i= A Pleasing Sense he history that proves that no An Of health an•'atrenkth renewed rand of Taxon Govt'rnhpnt has ever yet been ease and c...fort follows the use of Syrup trong wnou;;hto disgrace itself by- ' of Figs, - it Gots in harmony Witt: nature efiant wrong doing. to elle• wally cleanse the system when coati e or bilious. For sale in 76c bottles II leading druggists. Monthly' Prizes for Boys and Girls. The "Sunlight" Soap Co., Toronto. offer the fol. cm rig prizes ovary month till further notice, to Grandfather's First Bader. .oys and girls under 10, residin, In the Province of lntarto, who send the ereattst number of "Sun- Is the sea up ? ht' wrappers : 1st, SW; 2nd, So ; dril, $3 ; 4111. ; dth to 14th, a handsome Hoek;. and a pretty Yes, the son is up. ifqtoro to those \rite Send not less than 12 }vrappers. Idnd wrapper, to "Sunlight' Soap Office, 43 Scott Why is the the sun up 7 / at., Toronto, not tater than 20th of each month, and hetked "Competition"; also give full name, ad- The chief object in the sun's rising i s1s, Nee, and number: of wrappers. Winners" lends will be published In rhe Toronto Mali on first is to shine on Square Taylor's cornfield laturday Watch month. and give him the biggest crop in the IL goys DM:tourso on Tobaeoo, county to brag about. In an incident - Here Ise boy's essay on tobacco i al way the sun also kisses the dew off 'ibacco grows solllethin' like cabbage, the grass. lit 1! neve)' saw none cooked. I have Does the dew tike to bo kissed ? beard men say that cigars given 'Em Of course she hoes. 'lection day for nothin' was nicely Where does the bun rise 1 bbage leaves, Tobacco stores are In the east, iep" y wooded lnjUns that stand at But tvhy in the east 1 hhe door and fool boys by offr'rin' 'em Denittisse there is more room in that kbuiich of cigars what's glued into direction for her to spread herself with kre Injures hands, and is made of out tipping over.sotnebody'q horse barn vrood, too, ' I tried to smoke At cigar or cider milt. §rade, end felt like Epsom salts. Tot Is the sun fair from us 1 tic» was invented by a mail named It is far, far away. If your were a alter Raleigh, whose head was cul canhon and your brother a cannon bah, When than people first paw him and yoti abould fire him at rhe sun, he rake they thought he was It stesnt» would be real tired before, he got t, end Was frightened, trey 'sister there. . ray is a girl. There is a fellow Could we live if there was no soul t comes to see her named Leroy. WO probably could, but there would is standing on the 'stripe one be no freckled faced girls, rats -beaded and had a cigar in hitt hand, woolen or harvest apples with ft wbt'm. t d, ,I don't know whether you hole running at right angles to the akkeg or not. And elle sfiiid, f goitre, , ,bill erre is afire lible,' 1 You Mattie been a .goad boy and • truti►fully answered all my questions, and you may now go out and play that you area two -horned Afrin to rhino- ceros and that ?lube Oaioodhue is a hunter Come to slay you for the sake of your plumage. x,1;;SSON II • • What do we see as we stand here by the smoke Irons, and look soros% Eider Ponaeroy's turnip field 1 It is the frill noon rising to glorify the night. That is right, nay son. You are learning so rapidly that you •will soon be advanced to the same glass as Mary Jane Sinith, who graciously. permits you to carry home her dinner basket five afternoons in the week, Row does the sun differ from the moon 1 One shines by day and tIW: tia4) by tight. " Right again. If you had beim' the president of the Dakota wheat eleva- tor monopoly you could not have an- swered More truthfully. In what •other iespects do they differ 1 The sun is always the same, while the IIIOOU le quarter full, hulf full and dead done. The moon also hoodos a Georgia darky if it shines 'full in his face while he is asleep on A, bale of raw cotton, if the had no moou to shine by night spring calves would he six weeks behind in their growth, and 88 per cent of the farmers liired nien wbo now go sparking would stay et borne. Is the moon as far from the earth as the sun 1 Not quite; but if a feller living in the moon owed jou e2 borrowed money it would take over fourteen years for yon to get •it,'' Does the moon exercise any par- ticniar it'fnelace on the earth she does. After a rising young law er iin Cincintutti'has delivered a Fourth" of Juty oration at Chillicoche, tile-..}yorld would tip up on. one side and upset all the saw mills in the country if the moon.did not hold her down with both •feet. It alio keeps the sidewalks from lifting up and strik- ing Judge Hens:<w under the chin as he gees home from a bar supper 'et 1 o'clock in the morning. You have bit it again, illy son, and truest tell your parents. how fast you are learning. It is now time for recess and you may go and throw stones at Pete Henderson, wbo is .raking: hay for farmer Johnston, but be sure to come in when the bell rings. Hit Pete about two feet below the chin if you want to see hint double up quick, HALSTED & SCOTT 13.ANKjRw_ Josephine Street • - Winghatn, Ont: r. A. RAMoLsTSD, I J, W. Scow, unt] creat, Listowel. Deposits Received and Interest allowed, Motley Actvaneed to Farmers and Business Men, On long or short tifne, on endorsed notes or collateral security. Sale notes bought. at a fair valuation. bfouey remitted to all parts of Caeada at reasonable charges. Spaniel Attention Given to Cot- - looting Accounts and Notes. Agents In Canada -The Merchants' Bank of Canada Wee hours --From 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. A. E. SMITH, Agent. WINGHAM FLOURING MILLS. The undersigned with to tender their beet thanks teethe liberal patronage given to out firm during ticveralyeere prior to the burning et our mill by lip cdndtariem, During the past season we have re. mold/Med the town milt to the latest approved eye. tint of liungetian Roller thtecess boitltnn. Web,. Stve wean naw hive better accommodation than tverbefore, lveolfer Iyrompt DInDatali, Par lieturll's, QUALITY f l:COND' 13 TTOir11• 1K THIS SI:C/IQN+t. And by cloei personal sttentisn to the bvatmes hope is be resin tartred with dal by alt 014 Meads and many new ones. Yonne most retipectf Ht k OAAB, Wielttakpl U51 Dot 10„ F, 1L. T1M1-'AB1,11 amine arrive and depart as unwise ea, tto...... ....ForTorouto ........,.5:85 a. m, 32, P. „ 2'00 p ni 5100 p.1» For Tcesweter....,...2:00 ' 10;55p. m ,c 10'5e ' follows:follows:AnItIYINR the . xng oat tj x Tis --IS rustasIII D- E 411X FBW Y Di01tNZNG, •--AT 0.1R9-44. MT) '2'1=Z'CT,N'S‹ A. 0. STRATHDEE, A0227. wtlteu.au. Through tickets to all points In Amurlea-.North- 1Vest Pacific Coast, etc., via the shortest end alt popular router?, Baggage checked through to ddeytinai1On, Lowest freight rates to ll points TIME TABLE. -- Lunn wrsooAM, Alfalfa AT wlxonAlt, 0:30a.ut,Torteto,ouolph,Pulmotston,&a 8:81,•p.uu. 11.10 10:20 3:45 p.m. " " Clinton, " 7:86 ' Pabnorstou, Alixed 10:86 a.m. 6:45 A.M.". London, &c 110:0018250 i 00 „m4 11220 pan. " 7:6fi p.m 11:10 win.. 00 Kincardine, &n .. 0:30 a.m. i0;40ip m 4.11:10 „ .4 7:10 van .ALLAN LINE .ltocan Man.'Sreatieines. REDUCTION IN RATES. Steamers sail rei•illarit from PORTLAND AND HALIFAX To LIVER- POO1_ via Londunderey. 510554. Cabin, S40t and rink upwards.ka Second Cabin, 525. Steerage at low rates. No Cattle Carried, STAT I �• rr•{�•�•G�t1 ALLAN LINE RTEAAISi1IPS, NEW YORK & GLASGOW via Londonderry, every Fortnight. Cabin, 540 and upwards. Second Cabin, 525. Steerage at low rates. Apply to 11. dt A. ALLAN, Montreal, or HENRY DAVIS, WINGRAM. Scientific American Agency for , SERVICE oe CAVEATS. TRADE MARRCS, DF_SICW PATENTS COPYRIOWTS, eta. FbtUNN information01 11t free handbook NEW TORIC. Otdost bureau CO.,for scouring patents In America. Tory patent taken out by as is brought before thci public by a notice given free of ohurge 1n the Largest eh•ruletinr of any scientific paper inthe we'd. sewn/1101y illustrated. No i telligent roan should be without it. Weekly A3.04() a year: $1.511 nix menthe. Address MUNN & CO., lrrtnr,rmanns.361Broadway. New Pork. THE PR (NEW YO ar FOR 18 2.. Rae a Larger Daily Circulation an any other Re- publican Newspaper 1' America, DAILY.-SUNDA'' . WEEKLY. The Aggressive Republican Journal of the Metrop- olis • etrop- alis, A NEWSPAPER FOR T MAESSS. Founded Decauthor,• St, 1381. Circulation Over I I.O,OOO Copies 15A.IaY. TEE Paras is the organ of no . Ohm ; pulls no \vires; has no anintoeities to even The most remarkable Ne apaper Success in New Y rh. THE Ness is A NA r ONAL NEWSPAPER. Cheap news, vuluar sons Ions and tra)ib find no place in the columns of Tux ak8s THE Panes Lao the brig, test Editotial page in New York. It speaks with obits, Tan Pntcss Suenav F.nrox is a splendid twenty page paper, coverinz eve , currant topic of interest. Trig eases W5etu.r E • Iwo( contains all the good things of the Daily and S, Way editions. For those who cannot a ° ord the DAM or ere prevented by distance from early receiving it, Tux WVNEELv is a eplendidsu tuto. AS AN ADV TISiNG MEDIUM Tn1 Paws has r. • superior in New Yoe. TUE ESS , Within the reach' o ail. The _Jest and Cheapest News rper in America. Daily and Sund fit it 0 i{ if Dais 1y bn1y, one Year four lino-� Sunday, one Year, Weekly Press, on Year, _ - 1 00 Send tor Tan Pans • ircular. 'Samples tree. Agents 'anted everywhere. Liberal comnussiona, Address, One Year, - $5 00 6 months, - .. 2 50 menthe; - - 45 $00 1 00 _ hs,. - - 100 THE NESS, 38 PARK ROW, NE YORK. .honey ' to Loa17 (x Notes. Notes Discounted AT RE4.SO11AELE IGA'TES Money advanced on Mortgages at 0 per gent, * nth privilege'of paying at the old of any year. Notes and accounts collected. ttl8ti'. McINDOO. 00t1as,--Iltareir Mock, W Ingham. Opt, • JOSEPH COWAN, CLERK 9'rtr Tht'. Coca!, Co. linos, Ai1CTIO Xd11l, 8t3UEEt 01' MAItiL1A0g LIOEN$XS Collxisarorzsx nt 11. C. ,f,, Alto. '4Klfatntia-iTii14, (Y:t'r. TIMES OFFICE, JOSEPHINE STREer V4INGHAAI, ONTARIO. Subscriptionprlce, $I per wear,* advance AA/YR/AMMO MATES: _ Space 1 1 yr. 1 0mo. 3 m0. ! 3 mc. QnoCoiti,nn '>I00 09 $84 00 $20 QO $0 00 Balt .4 85 05 20 00 12 00 5 00 Quarter " . 20 00 12 00 7 00 4 00 On Well 00 oh8 00001 5� 2 00 1 Legal and ether ensue advertisements, IN. per line for first insertion, and 80, 90411 a toreach subsequent insertion, Local notices IOC, per lino, for first insertion, and 50.per linofor each subsequent tnerticc. No local notice will be charged loan than 25e. Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, Situations, and Business Chancos wanted, not exceeding 8 lines nonpareil, S1 pot' nontli ileuses and Farina for Salo, not exceeding 8 linen, 51 for 11482 month, SOD. ;ter subsequent month These terms u'Ul be strictly adhered to Special rates for longer advertisements, or tet longer periods. Advertisements without specific directions, will M inserted 2111 forbid and charged according6ly, Trate sitory advertisontente must be paid in advance Changes for contract advertisements must be in the otl1e by Wednesday, noon, in order to appear that week f It. ELLIOTT PRorauoroa AND PWaLteItSR DR, MACDONALD, 4l JOSEPHINE STREET, WmenAM, ,EAT B. TOILER, AI,D.C.AL, QNTAnlo Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Qutario -Coroner for County of Huron - TM -stairs, next t0 Mr Morton's o111,re, Wing. ham. Ont. thews lIonns.-0 to 12 a. in., 1 to 0 p. m., or at Residence, Diagonal Street. DIt. J. A. MELDRUM, Rolm Graduate of Toronto Univeesity, and Member of the College of Physioiane mid Surgeons of Ontario. OfIleeand Bold/men-Corner of Centro and Patrick streets, formerly occupied b1• Dr. Bethune. SVINellAal • • ONT Cl VAINSTON]:.µ lir BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Eto., Etc Private rndd Company funds to loop at lowest rates • Interest. N Connuission charged, Mortgages, town. and farm property bought and sold. CFFICE-B aver Block WINOIIAM, ONT BARRiS wingham ORTON &c•, Ontario MEYER DION Nso y. H. W. C. N1EYER Q. C. iE. L. Dia BARRISTERS AND SO 10110118, Etc., Helton/ for Bank of Ha Ston, Coinmissio taking affidavits for 31t3toba. Farm, To Village property bought 'Ind sold, .Honey ( funds) loaned on wedge 0 Security at St per Money invested for prig h persons, upon the mortgage securities tivi Lout any expense to t . . leader.Lands for sale sAianitoba and the North- west. 01fico-Kent's Bloch. afagham. ON, B. A , So s for and 'ate DENTISTRY. -,7 S. !MORE, wiSanaM, �• J • Vulcn i e9 205 of the estmatorini As chew as they call be got, hl the Domini a, All work warranted. Painless extraction offiteeth by the use of Electric- ity or Vegetable Vapor TAKENorio,.—I Willi extract teeth for 25 colts each, OFFICE : In the B aver Bloelc, opposite the Brunswick House. 1 • Wm. K Maddonald, L. D. S., DEATIST. OFFICE, - — MASON'S BLOCK Opposite,the Queen's hotel, wingham. , Will visit Gorrie let anti 3rd Mondays of each month. 1 • sills JOHN RITCHIE, GENERAL IATSll$ANON AGENT ONTARIO le DEANS, Ja., WtsonAM, LICIENSED AUCTIONEER .FOR TTIE COUNT!' OI'' HURON. Sales attended in any part of the CO. Charges Moderate. UIiN OUltntt, WlNoneat, ticZNeku 4001301si1L^A F011 THE COONEY oil' aunt,. All orders left at the Tlslks otMce promptly attend. ed to. Terms reasonable. JAMES IIENDER5ON, Lt0E5540 Allesm:omit pen 003E51E8 MAO/ Ann Skoog. All sales attended to promptly and on the Sherteee Notice. All neeeessaryearrangemeentstacan be nmade at the Tiles' office Meatiest tom. hvi ro.t & I1 AWKINis P. L, 'k b. id Sembilan Asn Clvib E4onalele LISTOWLL Asn WINO1TAM. All orders tettatthe oliice of the Tutus will re. calve prompt attention C PATERSON, 1855Llrp OF Monro IMvat1oN boost, unveil or Ms- RIAS 1111555)42, W1NoiU M ONT. THE IMIS8P.S. VitATSON. 'minty, cavil' iven on Plano, Organ and 'lath, Mao in Harmony, lt'eeidanoe on corner o Jolla pane nnrt PAtrlek iitto\52a avi'gg1 i. 4 1 cow A. bill is non which has tor is the number of county clerk eh pal election, Jas tive of the vote oil, submit to tt zliolpality by hal you itt favor of ; Councils Act of jority ofthe'peo Qom, into fol do not desil number of e reject the quer is to be su4tnittt which have mor( lora, In. Ccuntie fifteen counoillol milted unless 1 county council. part of the bili is adoption or the a prescribes the councillors and t tion. In countii of 40,000 or lei seven councillor, a 'population 1 60,000 there a1 Cillors,' and population over eleven Gotlheillor separated from t be included. Fi may signed nom -eating one or al, if the number no teed the number shalt be declared _ may give ?til his or may distribut Boa How often iu cl theatre one will ni good.looking and plealcifully bespriu a missionary and Daa,druif is go drill with thre It is a act and w an i .the v ery verg tale s queer f e -banded, be positively Pius. Or yot at any time t effectual attp second time, 0130. We truce It position, who Carrtuge, and pensive ,elle opened his le• order that he inside out an Since this although its every one alio t110 right dire and in any y, charge. Po wine!) 013e's e only SIMUseui tinct loss to 11 For examprt peting for lar pare their 11) that they save aggregate, bu attractive in e reading it ean There is gr1E in spite: of all 'about misers, cess- econom and girl, no parents may the family Inn atheuld learn o .save a part come, If it is only save thnt ten accumulate reach of a SS* there, and add • Matters is a 1 must learn to have a fortuh. m�rAnii;pHunoma . L, Banff err Ix A• to Ha dilicn .