HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-04-01, Page 7fir' RIVE: ST TN% STRIVE If in the Englishlanguage there is a diamond in the rough, it must certainly be the homely* word t"STll,lV. ', Uncouth and unmusical, yet rich in meaning.. Oer every= effev't bas been to strive to do that which is right to our patrons, lrtnly believing, he who sells that which is best of its kind finds his best i .lver'.tisement in what he sells, MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT. Our blorchanb Tailoring' Department is now provided with the most popular fabrics produced by the leadingand most celebrated mills in the country, Oar assortment in `both variety and value excels that of any oder shop to be found elsewhere and which we are prepared to snake up with first-class trimmings. in the latest style of the ant and. tt't prices that cannot fail to satisfy all parties. G E .6\ 1 ,9..1 E n .>t tlI E .fL''1 9 S SPRING HATS Our spring stock of gentlemen's headwear is now rbrnplete, You will find our hat department filled with the latest products of the factories in England and America, 'want to keep in fashion call and ?et our. of our nobby hats and at prices that will astonish you. If you SOOTS AND SHOES. BOOTS AND SHOES In this department we outstrip adl•competiturs. We are raw showing the largest stock in this line to be found in this part of the country, in all styles and widtlls,and in order to make room fur another large consignment soon to arrive we have marked down our stock to prices that are bound to -cause a ready sale, as our motto is: "Tire nimble sixpence is better than the slow shilling." Come early and often and get first choice, and beat• in mind we are manufacturing to order; and for neat repairing we can't be heat. GENT'S FURNISHINGS, GENT'S FUR NISHINOS. Our Gent's Furnishings wilt be fouaict complete in everything that pertains to correct dre,ssing. We think we can suit the most fastidious. • TRUNK AND 'VALISE DEPARTMENT. . Our Trunk and Valise Department will be found adequate to .accommodate those who are contemplating :travelling. Remember we will not be undersold. ,Zetland- r 1 . East Huron Farmers' Institute. 11r E.Orvis, formerly of this pi ice, fi but•latterly living near 13lusvale, has purchased. Mr James Oarr's iia i acre farm near here, and has taken passes• attendance ,was small' at the afternoon sion of the same. session, caused no doubt by the rather bad state of the roads and wet, dis-' Glenannan• /Sa ' agreeable weather. The various ad - Miss Nettie Muir left' le t..week for dresses given were, however, very in - Dakota, where she in ° lade rewaininA terescing and instructive, and much for A tine with he information and benefit was to be. de - e John Piper,.on Tiin rived both from the. papers and the presented her• amibl discussions thereon. In the .evening a with a bouncing fair sized audience was present and a pleasing programme of music, reeita-. tions and speeches was carried out. ,On Wednesday incintingaa were held in. the township hall at (Jerrie, The morning scission did not materialize onaccount of the slim attendance, but at the afternoon session there was a good turnout. An untertaainment was;also held in the evening. 1 Meetings of the East Huron Yam-. ers' Institute were held in the village hall, Wroxeter, on Tuesday last. The �b •rottlet ,—Mrs pyy of last week, 1p�rtuer in life ab! l! girl. th Hr'wick. of the :ecptit promotion es lit'Id in the. County of 'following lramotio1as were 8 No 1 : Ligan II1. to IIVT-- equirecl to pa1390-Wan Jno `'464, Fred 'Bah 468, &len. sh 431, Susan Jell 424, ;Line nlay 407, Minnie llalliday 39% artily Lathers 398, ' Wm R Dane Seeding will comineuce in 11'Ianitoba 374. From If to. III—Marks requir- this week ' ' eel to pass 315—Stewart Finlay 430, • Hamilton's rate of , taxation wifl 1''tache& Finlay .895, henry Dennis flans year be 20 mills on the dollar. 389, John Bell, 369, N;esley lreriatile y 342. JNo, HARTISY, Teacher. :Mr H P Dwiglit has been appointed. president of the Great Northwestern' Huron Ite lis.. Telegrah Company in the room of fir. B Fralick,'a well -kr ew and highly Erastus 1Viinan, resigned. respected citizen of 13r issels, recently 'celebrated his 85th birthday and is enjoying fairly good Iliealth for his. years. • On information laid ,.by Inspector Paisley, the proprietor o I;he Batten - bury house, Clinton, was fined $20 and costs for the first Offence under the Crook's Act. Mr John Gitetiemeyer, Of Seafort), Nor As a result exaiuinatia Huron, • tb • made. in Marks Fin L Two thousand mors - immigrants have gone into Manitoba the first three .months of this year than in the same period last year. The annual meeting in. the Pell Telephone Company was held in Boil, ton this week: The report shows net earnings of 83,126,81.9, • against 82, 869, 418 for the previous year. and Mrs Murdo McLeod,pf 11cl�illop, two of the pioneers of' 'ikon,. dtPtilast A Canadian Orickst Association was week, the'for'mer at the age of 80, the forrned'on Monday night at the Walk ' latter 88 years. . ,er Nouse, Toronto, at a representative Rev A D McDonald of the Presby- sleeting of .thy leading cricketers. The terian church, Seaforth, had last week Governor General was elected honorary the degree' of D D conferred upon him president, by the Senate of the Montreal Ifreahy- Commencing Ori April 1, the charge terian College, on parcels for the United Iii,rgdgm The Dungannon Driving Park As - win be reduced to 20 cents per pound, sociation bas decided to hold a monster and a corresponding reduction of 5 . celebration on Her Majesty's birth- i:enta per pound will he made in the day. Preparations are being made rates on parcels for foreign countries for.the building,of a spacious gralnd- forwarded via England. stand on the grounds. A very pleasant and joyous affair Prince Michael, the founder 9f the 'tooklace at the residence of Mr Itobt I''lying Roll colony, and Elizabeth Holland, near Walton, on Wednesday Courts, his "spiritual" wife, were ar. of last week. It was the marriage of ,rested in Detroit op Monday on a Mr Holland s eldest daughter, illiss charge of adultery preferred by Mrs ltosella A,to air Edgerton Roe, eon of Mille, the Prince's real wife. Several Thomas Roe, li;sq, of the same neigh.mernhers•of the colony were also taken boyhood, into custody and will be held as wit. George Drown, formerly' of Grey nesses,.• township, near Molesworth, was well A political union tneot;ng Was held known in title comity. Ills su•lden at Woodstock, on Tuesday last, at death at his home near Lexington, which there was a large audience. Oregon, took place on March Brd. He Sol White, M 1? D, Dr Brien, ex.M had been tothe village on horseback 1?, and E A McDonald, of Toronto,. and upon his return complained of pain were the speakers annonneed, but at near his heart, wr-ut over to lie down the last moment Mr MoDonald was en th9 bed,when he drew a few long the only one to reit in au appearance. breaths and expired. He was 6g He did not receive. a very attentive yearss of age and had it grawn.up hearing from the audience, and the faintly, lie has a brother and is sister "'lug .closed with cheers for the still living in thit county, ` ,1' i ii�,1, No vote +r as taken. r LADIES, SEND FOR Illustrated Catalogue of Ladies' Specialties. ADDRESS - THE PARISIAN MEDICAL APPLIANCE CO„ ' 19 QUEEN ST. EAST, TORONTO, ONT. Nentioal iliac pitpat: "How are your • Nicely, Thank You, "Thank Who?" "Why the inventor of sco Which cured me of COMMPTION," Give thanks for its. discovery. That it does ncit'make.yousick when you take it - Give thanks ;That itis three times as efficacious is the old-fashioned cod liver oil. Give thanks. That it is such a wonder- ful flesh producer. Give thanks. 1'hatit is the hest remedy for Conseconpte:An,3croficia, .?'ronchiiis,'Wasting .01s- eases, 0 s - eases, Coughs and Colds. Besure' you get.tne genuinein Salmon color wrapper; sold by all Druggists, at Soc. and $r.00, SCOTT & BOWNE, Il`ellevilia. C/ W LU co LSI' W co I. J. H -OM UT H & SON. HOLSTEIN BULLS FOR SALE. The undersigned has for sale an Lot 10, Con. 4. Turnboray, four thoroughbred Holstein bulls. rang - 1 inn. from 9 to 15 mouths old. The above mentioned 1 animals areal' well marked and registered in the Canadian Herd Bonk. They will be sold cheap and an easy terms to suit purchasers. .JAS ELLIOT, 13reeda'r of holstein Cattle, Bluevale, Ont. DUSRESS CHANGE AN ._' L MEET The annual general moth the shareholders of the IVINGHA0I !IBM 'd CE HALL CONWAY)." (Limited) will be held ho Temperance hall,. on Wednesday, . e S. •' . ' Day of April. next, at the ho of ton o'elobk i the forenoon. ' W. F. BROC> NSHIItE. See. -Trees. yin^ • rn, March Iith, 1802. LOGS! LOGS! loss! M SSES IL M. KELLY, We are prepared to pay. tilt' (or GrimpHo Beg to inform the ladies of %Viulaham and vicinity that they, have purchased the business lately carried on by 'Miss E Murphy, and have opened out with a large stock of „MILLINERY' GOODS, consisting of Feathers, Flowers, Ribbons, Laces, Cliiffrous, Colored Crapes, Irish Guipure Laces, Black and Colored Laces, Jet Trimmings, Jet Flowers and Hatt Or. temente, Plain, Spot and Fish Net inga, Pongee end Bengaline Silks. The *latest styles in Hats and Bonnets. DRESSES AND MANTLES Cut and male to order in the latest styles. The patronage of the ladies ofWiugham and vicinity is respectfully solicited, and we will do our best to please, Stand—Opposite the Queen's Hotel, M. & 51. KELLY,Wingliam, March 15t11, 1891 HIMEST PRICES IN CASH for al kinds ',f good, sound SAW LOGS delivered at. env Mill. ALSO FOR Basswood Heading Bolts, lay the none!, CED & E POSTS, &C.. CUSTOM SWING done chelper than ever arid sat'isfale. tion guaranteed. Gall and get prices. lengths to ctrl, Sm. McLean & Son. prall kinds of Lemba••i, Shingles, Laths, &o,, kept °instantly on hand. WE LEAD, WE DO NOT FOLLOW. • NOTHING SUCCEEDS LIKE SUCCESS. The Immerse Trade done by ns in the past two weeks has been a proof positive that the Intelligent, Thrifty, 13a1•raiu Seeker is alive to the fact that we D(.) sell just whit we advertise and at pricey quoted from week to week. This Discount Sale will last until every dollar's worth of our Immense Stork is.cleared nut. We buy in large quantities and for Spot Cash, taking advantages of tlisLounta and opportunities which .a smaller firm would be forced tLL��l lose. Mr. M ELLS has just completed a purchase of over $3,000 worth of Staple Goods at 10 t i 15 per cent. Jess than manufacturers' cost priees. W e give yon the benefit of the price and ,we increase our trade. No ''"Job .fob Lots of unsaleable trash, which the wholesale trade could not sell. We will not allow our eustomet;s to be made a dumping ground for such rubbish. We are determined to elear out this stock regardless of the past short lived, repacious prices. Our Motto is c-- Sinall Margins, Ready Sales, Fresh, Tasty Goods, ''rhe result: Happy Customers, earrying home lei;, Fat Bundles of ,Bargains. REM EMBER : T. A MILLS is here to stay. This Discount sale of 25 to 50 per cent, is your opportunity. Keep your eye on this spree. Yon will be dollars :ahead. Inspection invited. We want your trade. A ,pleasure to show goods, :One price for all, at 'MX MMOTI•I i)ltx` GOODS STORE. T'.' A. MILLS.