The Bayfield Bulletin, 1965-05-20, Page 3At the World Day of Prayer tea held recently at Adastral Park, Clinton RCAF base, Mrs. K.R. Greenaway(left) meets Mrs. C.N. McPherson, Mrs. R. Hollebeck and Miss K. McGregor from Clinton. (RCAF Photo) THE BAYFIELD BULLETIN-MAY 20, 1965.+AGE THREE these five advantages make • electric heating the superior heating system completely clean Flameless electric heating can't create dust, dirt, film or soot. gentle, even heat Room-by-room or zone temperature control. No draughts, no chills, no sudden blasts of hot air. low cost Throughout Ontario users prove that in homes insulated to Hydro standards, electric heating costs JP- no more to operate than other heating systems. extra space Requires no bulky fuel burning equipment. quiet And electric heating is so quiet. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL YOUR QUALIFIED ELECTRIC HEATING CONTRACTOR OR— ask your hydro Glom! Traft Clouse CANADIAN HANDICRAFTS Goderich North on Mill Rd. off Hwy. 8 524-6290 • EMILY CORY antiqueo 235 Huron Rd — GODERICH — Phone 524-8424 HOBBYISTS! The Kinsmen Club of Gode• rich are planning on holding a Hobby Show July 2nd and 3rd. If you are interested in obtaining free display space please notify P. J. McCauley 38 WEST STREET Phone 524-6231 MMIUMMAIMEMEMMMIIMIIMEMMINITOMMMEMMAIMEMEMMINOMMMEMEMMMIRIMMAIMMAI • Come • • • • • m • • d • U !•1 11 •1 •1 1 •1 • 1 1 •1 1 •1 1 1 M1 1 1 •1 1 •1 1 1 •1 1 •1 1• 1 1• 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 01 1• 1 1 1 M1 1• 1 1 • 1 1 1 M I II M I II M I IM I I MI I I M 1 11 11 1• 1 1 • 1 1• 1 1 1 M II I II I I MI I M I I MI U M1 1 • 1 11 to The Little Inn The Little Inn IS OPEN WEEKENDS For Rooms and Meals and will open fully for the sum- mer eeason Friday June 4th. Meanwhile, Banquets and Rec- eptions may be arranged by app- ointment any day of the week. Simply Phone Bayfield 8 for your Reservation... MEAL HOURS: Lunch-12.30 to 1.30 Manor-5.30 to 7.00 Sunday Dinners-1.00 p.a. & 5.30 to 7.00 TAIr. fit#1e ;Ann BAYFIELD, ONTARIO, CANADA Telephone Bayfield 8 :57 GODERICH FRENCH DRY CLEANERS CLEANERS — PRESSERS — STORAGE Phone 524-8452 35 West Street F • FURNITURE -- CANADIAN PINE CHINA -- GLASS Agnes Middleton 104 TRAFALGAR ST., GODERICH 1 Block North of Gooderham Playground — Phone 524-8824 Eiennics &up CHINA - GUNS - PINE FURNITURE REPAIRING and REFINISHING FURNITURE 45 Waterloo St. — GODERICH — Tel: 524-8717 eAttuRIECK PHARMACY] GODERICH DRUGS A Complete Line of Groceries, Meats and Fresh Vegetables KERR'S MARKET LUNCH Main St. — BAYFIELD — Prone 81 14 The Square Dial 524-7241 (By Mrs. Dr. and Mrs. W. Till -man and family of London spent the weekend at their cot- tage on Bayfield ter- race. Mr. and Mrs. Greg- ory and family from London were at their summer home for the weekend. Miss Jessie L.Met- calf of Detroit was at her home in the village over the weekend. Mr. and. Mrs. J. C. Monteith of Lambeth spent Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs. (3.N. Rivers. Mrs. Leon Duggan of Stratford was at her cottage this weekend and was joini by her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and G. B. CLANCY, O.D. — OPTOMETRIST — For Appointment Phone 524-7251 GODERICH Keep Your House Clean with FILTER QUEEN For Healthier Living! ROBERT K. PECK VARNA PHONE HENSALL 352-W-2 News Social Editor, Phone Bentley, Jeffery and Scott, and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Martelli, all of London, were guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mackie and family. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Small and baby Darl- ene of Hensall vis- ited with the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs R.N. Fitzsimmons on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Den Campbell and family, Dos Mills, spent the weekend at the Fish- er cottage. Mrs. M. Fisher and Susan are touring in Amapa. Mr. and Mrs. W. Barber and family of St. Thomas, were at their cottage for the weekend. Trinity Guild Meets at Gairdner Home The May meeting of the Trinity Ladies' Guild was held at the home of Mrs. R.H.F. Gairdner Tuesday eve- ning, May 11 with 10 members and one guest present. The meeting was opened by the President. Mrs. F.P. Arkell. The Secretary, Mrs. L. Scetchmer read the minutes of the April meeting Which were approved. The Treas- urer, Mrs. Len Smith being absent, her re- port was presented by Mrs. R. Larson.This report also was app- roved. The President gave a report of the Cub and Scout father-wid- ow'. banquet which was held in the parish hall Wednesday even- ing May 5, for whisk the Guild had catered It was moved. that a note of thanks be sent to the Auxiliary of the Scouts and Cubs for their help in furnishing wait- resses and also help- ing in the kitchen. Their kindness in helping was very mush Social Audrey Bel!chamber, Mrs. Victor H. Mar - ator of London. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Weston and family of London were at their cottage for the week- end and had as guests Mr. Weston Sr. and Miss Weston of Toro- nto. Mr. and Mrs. Will- iam Carson and Billy of Forest and Mrs. John Carson and Brad- ley, London, spent the weekend at their respective lakes:here cottages. Also at their lake- shore cottages for the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. J. Fisher and Frank, St. Agatha Mr. and Mrs. Heintz, Waterloo; Mr. sad Mrs C. McAuley,Rexdale; Mr. and Mrs. T. Hut- chinson and family, Woodstock; Mr. and Mrs. P. Murray of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. C. Guest and son from Whitby. Professor and Mrs. Kalbfleisch of Lon- don spent the week- end at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bayfield 38) appreciated oy the Guild members. Mrs. Bryant and Mrs Fraser invited the ladies to the Parish Hall for the June meeting when they are to be co-hostesses for the evening. The Rector, Rev. E.J.B. Harrison, closed the meeting with prayer. A happy little sur- prise party followed the meeting when Mrs. Larsoneexpressed sin- cere thanks to the former President Mrs Percy Weston for the ten years of leader- ship in the Guild & presented her with a gift of a sugar and cream and salt and pepper set with mat- ching tray. zManzirmoksmaymailkun Mrs. Weston, alth- ough taken by sur- prise, very graciou- sly thanked her co- workers for their gift and assured them that she will still continue to be an net ive member and work- er for the Guild. Mrs. Gairdner, ass- isted by Mrs. Arkell, served a very lovely lunch, including a delicious and very beautifully decor- ated anniversary cake for Mrs. Weston. Canon Paull and Mrs Paull dropped in for a few minutes and en- joyed cake and tea with the ladies of the Guild. FLOWERS and PLANTS for ALL OCCASIONS simply call FLOWER FASHIONS West St. Goderich 524-9674